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Fresh Allegations of Voter Fraud

Posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

allegationsOkay, these are fresh – have not been reported, except here.  On the evening of November 6th, word started coming in that official observers in key states had witnessed highly suspect practices, including in Michigan.  Charges continue to widen.  The concern is whether these charges will be taken seriously and lead anywhere.

Examples are instructive, probably representative of countless others. This is not about watermarks, sharpie pens, or ghostly figures – but credible, material, signed statements affirming election irregularities.

From official observers in Detroit: “The central counting board in Detroit did not allow sufficient Republican challengers in the room to oversee ballot counting,” “Democrats placed rather unusual looking ‘police officers’ to bar the door,” “repeated requests … were ignored,” “they placed cardboard on windows so we could not see into the room,” “room had plenty of space … huge.”

Then, at “Westland City Hall” observers were removed when ballot drop-boxes unloaded, with counting “done by college kids,” no Republicans.  People were voting in cars without confirmation of identity, “Democrat challengers … talking with voters and assisting them to vote … not permitted under Michigan law,” and “Black Lives Matter … in front of” polling place, with ‘F – the Police’ badge.”

Others observed a “woman deposit 8 mail-in ballots in a ballot drop box … photo of her car and plates,” “cars with magnetic signs bearing … City of Detroit with … Florida license plates … delivering voting materials,” and partisans “helping voters complete their ballots …”

Wrote another:  “Day after Election, I saw hundreds of poll workers enter” the “counting site … at 4:30 a.m. without any check for identification or inspection of huge pieces of luggage and wagons they brought with them” and “mail-in ballots … on tables without anyone monitoring.”

Elsewhere, “Democrat challengers started a shoving match” with Republicans, and when “everyone went home … magic ballots appeared,” with “virtually no Republican challengers there until 10:00 a.m. and it was too late by then.”

Confirmations by phone – with official observers in Michigan – produced like stories.  Said one, “we were often surrounded, prevented from seeing … conversations overheard, efforts made to intimidate.”  Some reported late deliveries of pro-Biden ballots, pressure to process them fast.

What do these new allegations mean?  Answer:  Elections are subject to potential fraud, and this one has the hallmarks of impropriety.  These and other incidents are, no doubt, being assessed by lawyers in Michigan and other states, hoping for legal redress.

The likeliest outcome, for better or worse, is review before the US Supreme Court.  The good news is, that High Court could make things right.  If the hour is late, the election is not done.  Charges continue to widen.  The concern is whether these charges will be taken seriously and will lead anywhere.

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John S.
John S.
3 years ago

Amazing. Im assuming these quotes were all sworn statements made under oath under penalty of perjury?

3 years ago

Everyone — the recount issue is very important to keep up. You may see that Trump is fundraising for recount funds. PLEASE TAKE NOTE, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT… the first $5,000 of each donation will go toward paying down his campaign debts, so please make sure you give MORE than that to ensure that some of the money goes toward the recount! Not his fault that the dumb-o-rats drained his $$$, I personally will be giving at least $10,000 so that a good chunk gets put into the recount fund! You know what they say, give ’til it hurts!

(I thought this was a liberal hoax like everything else but it does say this in the fine print of the emails the Trump folks are sending out, and like I said I don’t blame them one bit, he is a man of Christ and does not deserve the shame of debt!)

3 years ago

Polling stations in 3 different states all halting vote counting at the same time. which is suspicious; even more so at around 4:30 in the morning thousands of votes came in..guess who they were for? You got it Biden! ALL votes were for Biden. Whaaat!? You would think the Fraudsters would have enough sense to add a vote or two for Trump as not to look like a deliberate fraud committed against our president and WE the PEOPLE

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

If these allegations are of substance then they must be presented in court, otherwise America takes on the odor of a banana republic, a very rotten banana republic.
Our adversaries would like nothing more than to see Mr Trump fall.
Why? Our enemies know not to attempt a risky adventurism while Mr T. is in the White House . He has shown no hesitancy in taking out high ranking adversaries. Witness Iran’s top general.
Joe Biden? He’s been around the track too many times. Joe is too old to be bold.
I dreamt that Joe was talking to his people. Said Joe, “Folks, it’s time to get down to work, but let me take a short nap first.”

3 years ago

Why is it that ONLY states or major cities that are run by Progressively Communist Democrats CAN’T SEEM TO FINISH COUNTING THEIR VOTES ON ELECTION DAY? … And these same cities/states discriminate against Republicans being able to legally observe the voting tallies? … There can be only one solution: these states MUST VOTE ALL OVER AGAIN IN PERSON ONLY OR WE THE PEOPLE SHOULD NEVER ACCEPT JACKASS JOE BIDEN AS PRESIDENT ELECT PERIOD!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Election Fraud:
o stop count midway during count for No reason
o ballot drop off 4A after count ended
o block GOP from MI & PA count centers.
o video feed of abuse: trash ballots
o ballot dumping pre Nov 3
o ballots mixed with garbage
o poll workers tossing Trump ballots
o use CIA software for count
o software effected other machines.

& Dems say time for Unity Lets be buddies NO.
Make them suck it up again
& why did 5 states end count midway??

Result: Systemwide Fraud.

Remedy or rerun for 2022 races unless Dems ‘neutered’ by then.

3 years ago

The Democrat involvement in voter fraud is much larger than you can imagine. IF they did not have ‘mail in voting’ they still would not have had enough illegal votes to win the election. But they DID get ‘mail in voting’. In all of the world what two groups NEEDED to force ‘mail in voting’? 1) China – the origin of the virus and 2) the Democratic Party who did everything they could to assure spread of the virus. THESE are the two culprits. The information on the contacts between the two are in 2019 NSA records. They have EVERYTHING.

Jean Longmire
Jean Longmire
3 years ago

All I know is if the courts are going to throw this stuff out from the president then it might have been going on with other elections also and our president is wading in the swamp again so they are covering up their past tracks. I hold my breath on what is going to become of our America. No one has put America back where it should be more than President Trump but now that will all be destroyed cause of all the haters in the can of worms President Trump just opened.

angela grivas
angela grivas
3 years ago

Army Corp of Engineers should read ballots. They are meticulous.

3 years ago

Until the news media and that includes FOX news starts to really question whats going on and why actions were taken, I am afraid this to will be it will go no where !!!!!!

Edward Roger Nussbeutel
Edward Roger Nussbeutel
3 years ago

I just want to understand this issue of voter fraud. I assume mistakes that can be described as voter fraud occur in every election but don’t affect a large number of votes? If there is significant voter fraud than it should be looked at but instead of claiming significant fraud is present provide proof of it to the courts for a decision. How come Republicans won additional seats in congress if there was significant voter fraud? I also assume significant voter fraud would involve many poll workers/ poll watchers/ or rigging programs that count votes and we should be able to discover this if it occurred?

3 years ago

The Democrats are like Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell, they are the party from hell. My wife is what the Bible considers her a Prophetess said God told her that He had turn the Democrat Party and MSM over to a strong delusion, that they would believe a lie and be damned, when they voted to remove God out of their platform in 2012. When God turns you over, there is no one that can restore you. Jesus said, “That Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy.” Jesus said, “That Satan is a liar from the beginning and the father of all lies.” So it doesn’t take a genius to know who a person belongs to, just listen to what they say and watch what they do, they expose their selves.

3 years ago

2020 election must go to theSCOTUS, must be ruled an invalid election due to country wide election criminal syndicated fraud. SCOTUS rules recounts must be made in swing states without any ballot that “appeared” by mail or suitcase after poll closing time set by each state’s legislature. OrSCOTUS will rule the election is invalid due to election place fraud nationwide, and the president will then be chosen by the House Congressional state delegations: 31 Rep vs. 19 dem delegations – HA HA! and the VP chosden by the US Senate. HA HA. So grateful we have a real fighter in the White House. He will win either way AS LONG as he does not concede! Stand strong patriots! All the cockroaches in blue pricincts who dragged suitcases full of fake ballots into their polling places at 3 am and then set about counting their fake ballots behind blocked windows and locked doors will – I pray-be crushed… legally, rightfully so.

Carolyn Irene Longphre
Carolyn Irene Longphre
3 years ago

It seems now that it is impossible to bring to justice the democrat fraud, deceit, cheating. We not of the left ilk are doomed for the near future. God only knows the destruction they will wreak.

3 years ago

Time to start inking the fingers of voters and only giving absentee ballots to those who request them.

3 years ago

If we do NOT pursue it to its proper end, then all future elections will be worse than suspect. They will be a sham. AMERICA already is the LAUGHING STOCK of the world. HOW DARE WE call ourselves the land of the free and the home of the brave? If we do not stand and oppose this usurping of our system? HOW DARE WE tell other countries that are struggling for Democracy to clean up their acts? MISS LIBERTY should drop her torch and cower in SHAME. None of us will ever bother to vote again if this isn’t cleaned up. RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE?? NFW!!! DEMOCRAT SHENANIGANS yes!

3 years ago


David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

These are serious allegations. Hope there is some video somewhere to provide additional evidence of these charges. The longer this goes, the more damaging evidence comes to light. The DOJ must get on this immediately and bring information to the American people. There was a concerted effort to bring fraud upon the election, and this should bring a complete halt to the process of counting until Justice Department officials are involved.

3 years ago

The whole world is going to know that this and other observations sure looks like cheating. Now it is not so much a question ‘will anyone pay attention” as it is now that the envelopes are gone or separated from the ballots is there any proof. That is what the people who did this found a way to guarantee. I feel sorry for the people who had such pathetic candidates and sacrificed their own integrity and that of their state by cheating to make sure these pathetic people president and vice president. If the Supreme Court doesn’t want to dirty their hands by doing anything to stop it, there are patriots who will not stand aside. This isn’t over.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

What an embarrassing situation. Our country cannot even hold an election without the socialists cheating and lying. How can we ever again trust our election system?

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

There is a level of fraud in every election and I have no doubt at all it was worse in this election than ever before. The left created new voting procedures such as mail-in voting and ballot harvesting that are ripe for manipulation and that is just two of perhaps many. To the left, the ends always justify the means. The problem is that it may not be proven to be enough to turn the election and once Biden is officially declared the winner all of the investigations will be squashed, because the Democrats and their allies in the media got what they wanted. They favor the ability to invoke fraud because it benefits them. First, there is an election flaw in our Constitution that needs fixed by amendment. In essence today, a federal election is really just 50 state elections, with each state permitted to set their own rules. I have no issue with that for state and local elections, but federal elections needs governed by solid federal law based on consistent standards that must be applied and met by each state. That new federal law needs to outlaw practices ripe for fraud and be designed to insure fair, honest, and accurate results,. We do not have that today, and no democracy can survive if the people cannot trust election results. It should have been fixed decades ago, but the problem grows worse until it is fixed.

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
3 years ago

Dream on, people. This will get swept under the rug faster than Hunter Biden can snort a gram of coke.

3 years ago

Since it is evident that there were various ways fraud committed in the 2020 election by the Dems, their Presidential candidate should be barred from serving as President. Surely the Court cannot reward them for stealing their way into the White House. There is enough proof that they committed fraud and, who knows how much other fraud they committed and covered up that we don’t even know about. They should be punished for such blatant disregard for our constitution and our election laws. All illegal votes should be thrown out and all votes received after the deadline should be thrown out. The amount of fraud committed by the Dems should disqualify their candidate from winning and President Trump should be declared the winner. Election laws allow for checks and balances and those checks and balances were ignored by the Democratic party in the Democratic run cities. Both parties should be present to check the voting machines to ensure they are not pre-programmed to switch votes from one candidate to another. Registered voter lists should be updated before the election to remove dead people and people who no longer qualify to vote. Mail ballots should not be sent to anyone not on the updated list of registered voters. Both parties should have equal representation to observe and oversee the ballot counting process. It is obvious the Democratic run cities did nothing to ensure a fair election. Therefore, their candidate should not be declared the winner. We cannot allow them to win through fraud. They cannot be rewarded for stealing votes in this election. President Trump should be declared the winner by default since the Dems went to great lengths to cheat and steal votes.

3 years ago

Democrat workers and those that support these actions are the ones that should be described as “deplorable” people.

Steven Trubey
Steven Trubey
3 years ago

We hear about all the fraudulent allogations but what can we DO about it? Do we really have a prayer to get the “fake” nomination overturned?

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

Our prayers are continuing that all deceit will be exposed and the truth will win!

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

Did fraud occur…We can be certain it did..What we don’t know is the full depth of it.
The only way to correct the situation is to request the Supreme Court order the states with
fraudulent counts to hold all special election with full over site to provide a true and accurate
vote count. If this doesn’t happen we will have to face the choice of all out civil war or allowing
the left to snuff out free and fair elections and the America we know and love will be lost.

3 years ago

None of this matters now. It is the media, the liberal academia and the internet that in charge…We The People have lost control! Many Americans, especially the younger generation, are simply sheep.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

Justice ceased to exist 50+ years ago when jimmie carter welcomed home the cowardly draft dodgers and deserters( not our military troops) they all then went to college and became LAWYERS, they then started the ACLU(ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL LAW UNION) and began corrupting every aspect of AMERICAN society, the biggest mistake this country ever made was allowing lawyers to become LAWMAKERS(CLINTONS, OBAMA, COMEY, ETC.) They have BURIED AMERICA in unjust practices, how many innocent people have been put in prison? How many real criminals keep getting released back into society? This has been going on long enough,” WE THE PEOPLE” need to stand up for AMERICA now!! There is still time to save our NATION!!! WE CAN START BY REMOVING LAWYERS FROM POLITICAL OFFICE. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!! think about how much PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS ACCOMPLISHED (not a lawyer or politician) do we really want to go back to the same old way?

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This Latest Outrage is just another step towards necessitating Extreme Measures against the evil, traitorous Demonrats. They keep arrogantly taunting the rest of us with their In-Your-Face antics, and will eventually get the “blow-back” they deserve. Hopefully sooner, rather than later.

3 years ago

Am I the only one feeling that all is lost and nothing will come of any of these reports of suspicious activity and fraud? Can nothing stop the train of corruption heading down the tracks?

3 years ago

My first thought after reading about the Democrats starting a shoving match was, “WHY DIDN’T THOSE REPUBLICANS JUST KNOCK THEM ON THEIR ASS THEN??” Am I overreacting? I don’t know, just seems like every report I’ve seen Republican’s are allowing themselves to be pushed around. If there are rules put in place which state that ‘both parties are allowed when the counting of the ballots begins’ that means all involved are to abide by those rules. The Republicans in one state reported Democrats breaking the rules and the court mandated they allow the Republicans to also be in the room to witness the counting. How is it that a state employee can ignore a judges mandate? The Sherriff in that state wouldn’t honor the judges request. If a Supreme Court Justice doesn’t smell something rotten going on, that’s when we’re in trouble. Indeed this should be settled in the Supreme Court. With all the evidence produced I don’t see how they wouldn’t come together to decide that a total do over of this election should take place. I was reading through the comments and someone suggested the ‘Army Corps Of Engineers’ to do the counting if in fact we have a do over, just might have something there. As for my opinion about how spineless some of our Republicans are, it just annoys the heck out of me that they allowed those Democrats to push them around. Sometimes you have to push back. I don’t mean to the point of actually knocking someone on their ass, (that rant earlier was just that, a rant out of frustration), I just think if we are going to be some kind of example we need to be more creative in our approach. Maybe wear a ‘BLM’ T-shirt, doesn’t have to mean what they think it does. Could mean, ‘Borrow Less Money’ for all I know. Anyhow, if not that, something more clever so as not to inflame a situation.
My husband and I are fasting and praying for our country, I would like to invite other Patriotic Americans to join us in this. After the first couple of days the hunger pangs go away. But more importantly we want the Lord to know He is important to us in our lives and we need His guidance and Wisdom to get us through this. God help us all!

3 years ago

Our entire government has become so corrupt it’s sickens me and I bet our forefathers are flipping over in their graves! We have not done right by them and we have not done right by the law-abiding people of our country and this needs to be corrected as soon as possible and the nonsense needs to stop! The DEEP STATE, as far as I am concerned, is a terrorist organization and needs to be broken up and dealt with, and we certainly know who is involved in it so why isn’t something being done about it?!!! It is amazing what big big money can do, isn’t that right Mr. Soros! Mr. Soros, I’d love to meet you in a dark alley and I’d even give you a running head start and I am female and walk with a cane, but I’d love to take you on and I know I could take you on!! People like you Mr. Soros don’t deserve the prosperity that you have and I pray to God it all blows up in your face and you lose it all one day and that God deals with you in the best way he knows how! People like you don’t deserve to exist! Mr. Soros…you are a disgusting excuse for a human being! Thank you AMAC for all that you do for the American people.

John c
John c
3 years ago

I can’t help but think of the search for WMD in Iraq. You knew Hussein had them but the media said the “small” number of weapons actually documented weren’t enough to make a difference and they made it a talking point against Bush. It still smells bad.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Will this never end! All of tricks that the left is doing!! They need to stop bullying people and let each individual decide their own minds!! Lord, help!!

3 years ago

I read article that the “voting in cars” in Texas was a scam as they were using fraud licenses for the drivers to make their vote. Illegal all the way. They’re on it.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
3 years ago


Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

I was born and raised in Detroit MI). At the moment I’m ashamed to admit this! I no longer live in Detroit, but I now live in Northern Michigan. This article just underlines the mess of the November 3 election. I can well remember the presidential election of November, 2000, between George W. Bush and Al Gore. I remember the inaccuracies of that election; hanging chads, etc. Last week (November 3) reminded me of that. The only good thing about this debacle of an election is–record numbers of voters turned out. I hope for an eventual President Trump victory. Right now it’s all in limbo! Not a good place to be.

3 years ago

Republicans–do something about this consistent cheating by the Dems. If you let this stand, there will be no more Republicans elected.

Dolores Schnaidt
Dolores Schnaidt
3 years ago

My mother lives at Henry Ford Village Assisted Living in Dearborn Michigan. She is 104. A week or so before election day, I was told, by phone, that the help at HFV will be helping those living there with their ballots. I said “absolutely not” and that I already requested an absentee ballot for my mom and I will be assisting her because we spoke about the election and I know her preferences. Again, I said, “do not put a ballot in for her! I will be submitting it, so ABSOLUTELY do not process one for her.” Well a few days later I called my sister in Michigan saying I never got Mom’s election ballot. So my sister investigated it and was told by a HFV worker that my mom already voted at HFV.

We were so mad, we ended up getting that ballot negated and my sister was able to get a true ballot for my mom to the Dearborn City Hall. What happened there was that someone got my mom to sign a ballot without her knowing what she was signing. Also the person who did this did not sign the ballot where she was supposed to, indicated that she helped my mom in this election.

This absolutely is fraud. Think about how many assisted living places are in Michigan, and how many ballots were done this way, getting an elderly to sign something that they don’t know what they are signing because they trust these “care takers.”

I called the phone number for the Republican National Committee in Washington DC, but was only able to leave a message. I never heard back from anyone.

We absolutely have to do a lot of checking for fraud.

Thank you.

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


Melissa Casler
Melissa Casler
3 years ago


3 years ago

I used to be a big believer in absentee ballots as I traveled a lot and wasn’t always in my home state at voting time. But seeing how the Dems have misused the voting system this election is horrifying and makes me sad. Show up, vote in person, have ID and force states to come up with counting systems that can’t be tampered with. Otherwise, the Republic is no longer.

3 years ago

I know we’ve all heard in past elections how voters have voted more than once. This election goes far beyond that. This election involves the democrat party cheating – knowingly cheating! Cheating in a multitude of ways! Cheating in front of God and man! The SCOTUS has to do the right thing now! This fraud election needs to be corrected!

3 years ago


3 years ago

Well…if this isn’t setting up the stage for the anti-Christ I don’t know what is? Believe me when I say there “is” someone watching while they do their dirty deeds. And “He” and only “He” will punish them far more than any of us can. His punishment is far more severe whether ppl believe God exist or not. For this illegal hate filled activity has been taking place for quite some time now from Democrats.

3 years ago

Boycott all of these cities that are cheating, especially Las Vegas, we the people can use our money to change the way things are done, or not done. Call state representatives in districts of which you travel regularly/yearly and inform them that you will NEVER vacation there again if specific legislator does not vote against approval of current vote counts. I did it for Penn. successfully, you can too! Democracy at work, so Republicans get to work and call state reps. We can all do a little to make a huge difference since we will never riot nor loot nor burn down our lovely America since we love all Americans equally!

3 years ago


3 years ago

The crooks run the liberal party and as usual will fail and Dementia Joe Biden is a lost soul who has been paid off for USA assets for his own pocket// Has anyone seen Dementia Joe/s cabinet picks or did he forget as usual the mockery these same losers gave him on TV when running//Its a sham and 70 plus million will not forget and debts must be paid//

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

So may idiots saying, “No evidence of fraud.” Why do they think the GOP observers were thrown out? What did the DIMMs have to hide? What honest person operates in secret? In MI, many people 100+ years old voted. REALLY?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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