Fresh Allegations of Voter Fraud

Posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Okay, these are fresh – have not been reported, except here.  On the evening of November 6th, word started coming in that official observers in key states had witnessed highly suspect practices, including in Michigan.  Charges continue to widen.  The concern is whether these charges will be taken seriously and lead anywhere.

Examples are instructive, probably representative of countless others. This is not about watermarks, sharpie pens, or ghostly figures – but credible, material, signed statements affirming election irregularities.

From official observers in Detroit: “The central counting board in Detroit did not allow sufficient Republican challengers in the room to oversee ballot counting,” “Democrats placed rather unusual looking ‘police officers’ to bar the door,” “repeated requests … were ignored,” “they placed cardboard on windows so we could not see into the room,” “room had plenty of space … huge.”

Then, at “Westland City Hall” observers were removed when ballot drop-boxes unloaded, with counting “done by college kids,” no Republicans.  People were voting in cars without confirmation of identity, “Democrat challengers … talking with voters and assisting them to vote … not permitted under Michigan law,” and “Black Lives Matter … in front of” polling place, with ‘F – the Police’ badge.”

Others observed a “woman deposit 8 mail-in ballots in a ballot drop box … photo of her car and plates,” “cars with magnetic signs bearing … City of Detroit with … Florida license plates … delivering voting materials,” and partisans “helping voters complete their ballots …”

Wrote another:  “Day after Election, I saw hundreds of poll workers enter” the “counting site … at 4:30 a.m. without any check for identification or inspection of huge pieces of luggage and wagons they brought with them” and “mail-in ballots … on tables without anyone monitoring.”

Elsewhere, “Democrat challengers started a shoving match” with Republicans, and when “everyone went home … magic ballots appeared,” with “virtually no Republican challengers there until 10:00 a.m. and it was too late by then.”

Confirmations by phone – with official observers in Michigan – produced like stories.  Said one, “we were often surrounded, prevented from seeing … conversations overheard, efforts made to intimidate.”  Some reported late deliveries of pro-Biden ballots, pressure to process them fast.

What do these new allegations mean?  Answer:  Elections are subject to potential fraud, and this one has the hallmarks of impropriety.  These and other incidents are, no doubt, being assessed by lawyers in Michigan and other states, hoping for legal redress.

The likeliest outcome, for better or worse, is review before the US Supreme Court.  The good news is, that High Court could make things right.  If the hour is late, the election is not done.  Charges continue to widen.  The concern is whether these charges will be taken seriously and will lead anywhere.