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Freeing People From the Left Starts With the US Census

Posted on Wednesday, December 18, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Any day now, President-elect Donald Trump will nominate a new director of the U.S. Census Bureau, replacing President Joe Biden’s man, Robert L. Santos. Whoever Trump’s nominee will be needs to grasp how vital the job is for the long-term unity of the United States and for the need to free people from the Left’s balkanizing mission.

Conservatives’ eyes often glaze over when one brings up the periodic enumeration of people mandated by the Constitution. But here’s a reason for conservatives to sit up and start taking notice: The Left really cares about the census.

The Left sees us not as a unified nation with common purposes and aspirations but as a federation of different groups. Some of these groups are dominant, and others are subordinate. This fits neatly into the Marxian “oppressor v. oppressed” template that today’s Left promotes so heavily.

This is why generations of leftists have focused on the census, from race-based activists to downright communists, from W.E.B. Du Bois to Raul Yzaguirre and Linda Sarsour. The census creates groups and identities, and activists instill grievances in members of some groups, hoping to achieve societal change.

How does it work? The “Hawthorne Effect” postulates that men and women change their behavior when they know they’re being observed. When the census creates a racial or ethnic category, say “Asian Americans,” or the “Middle-East North Africa,” or MENA, that Santos now wants to introduce, some of its members will alter their behavior to respond to group dynamics.

The census also gives the categories the government’s imprimatur and thus valorizes them. “One encourages what one recognizes and dissuades what one does not,” was how the great, late social scientist Nathan Glazer put it.

The census is thus not just a boring, routine counting of the nation’s inhabitants. It has almost magical, conjuring powers. The Indo-European root of the word “census” itself means “to evoke in speech, almost to call a thing into existence by naming it,” wrote Claude Nicolet in 1980. This is why it has long-lasting, widespread effects.

The activists who fought in the 1960s and ‘70s to create such categories as “Hispanics” or “Asian Americans” knew all of this. They wanted people to change their behavior, to think of themselves as part of a group and not as Americans, and they wanted the government to ensure that they did.

The Left was clever—in the way the devil is clever, to be sure, but let’s give them their due. 

Conservatives, as usual, didn’t know what hit them, and just rolled over.

In 1977, after nearly a decade of resisting the activists, the bureaucracy threw in the towel. The Office of Management and Budget issued Policy Directive No. 15, which created what we know now as the “Ethno-Racial Pentagon” of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian Americans.

The new MENA category will now make that a hexagon, roughly racializing the religion of Islam into a category. Religion is mutable; race, even a government-created one, is not. 

But, you might say, some Muslims are white, others black, and others different races still. It doesn’t matter. Once the government creates a racial category, the activists know that it will become one in the popular imagination. Look at Hispanics.

Trump’s Census Bureau chief must understand all this and help tear down this entire balkanizing edifice.

Working with the Office of Management and Budget, he or she must stop the push to create MENA. This is a category pushed by the racial grievance activists on an at-best ambivalent Arab American population—as the activists themselves admitted when they met at the bureau’s headquarters in Suitland, Maryland, in 2015 to plan MENA’s creation.

Ditto with the plan to shift Hispanics from ethnic category to race—Santos’s other big project at the moment. Ditch that, too, immediately.

But we need to go much further. Trump should rescind Policy Directive No. 15 and its subsequent revisions, and with the stroke of that pen eliminate the census’s racial pentagon (and obviate the hexagon). There is no need to divide people into these made-up races. 

Some laws that require the collection of racial data might need to be amended. Congress can ask the Congressional Research Service to do an inventory of such laws and regulations (the latter can be changed by the executive).

Should the government collect any data on race? Glazer, a Democrat, came to believe, as many of us have, that it’s time to stop altogether. Glazer made an exception for black Americans. As he put it in a 2002 essay, “This is the group that has suffered from prejudice, discrimination, and a lower caste status since the origins of the Republic.”

Since then, we have elected a black president, a black vice president, and nearly made the latter president as well. It’s time to move on.

The racial data the census gathers is a faulty ground for policymaking. Successful Nigerian Americans over-identify as of Nigerian origin, for example, while successful Mexican Americans under-identify as of Mexican origin, skewing both populations in different directions.

Progressives will say that racial data collection helps to measure outcomes. The Left insists that racial disparities are prima facie evidence of what it calls “systemic racism.” But these categories are monolithic and arbitrary. 

As Cato’s John Early emailed me, “Racial-ethnic distinctions are merely individual constructs of classification. They do not cause anything. The nature of averages in such variables as income, poverty, wealth, or health outcomes, is that if you divide up the population into several categories, invariably some of the categories will be above average, and some will be below average.”

Background variables such as family formation, educational access, values, and personal choices—all these have a lot more to do with outcomes. 

Eliminating all the artificially created racial and ethnic categories makes sense, and people would support the government doing so. Questions on citizenship make much more sense. 

The people voted for decisive action, and the president was not elected to implement half-measures. It’s time to make changes at the Census Bureau that count.

Originally published in the Washington Examiner

Mike is the Angeles T. Arredondo E Pluribus Unum Senior Fellow in the Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy at The Heritage Foundation. 

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal – By Mike Gonzalez

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Rich LeVangie
Rich LeVangie
2 months ago

I have been saying for at least 2 decades that we will not end discrimination and prejudice in this country until we get rid of those race check boxes on government forms. There should be only one category to choose from and that is ‘American’! Any subdivision check box is just that: Divisive.

2 months ago

Why is it that I have to check a box labelled “White, Non-Hispanic?” A lady in a medical office last month asked someone at the desk to please refer to her as African American, not black and I commented that she could refer to me as European American then. The look on her face was priceless. Either we are all Americans or we are doomed to fail.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Racial preferences are well and alive in the “minority” communities That is accepted as normal, only when white person shows the preference he/she becomes assaulted in the worst way for being racist.If there is to be any normalcy we’ll leave personal choices alone and professional choices to the qualifications. of the person regardless of sex or color.That I am sure would not go well with the race industry, they all would have to look for a real job No other sector would pay people for doing a deliberate damage and harm, only government

Richard hollingshead
Richard hollingshead
2 months ago

I think biden left all these illegalles in because if they get counted in the census then the democrat states will get more reps in congess.

John Lemley
John Lemley
2 months ago

Researchers have identified the concept of human races as pseudo-scientific for decades. It is time for the census bureau to catch up with science. Racism can only exist in the mind of a person who believes we humans comprise different races. We are all one and same race – dna and other genetic research proves it over and over again. I refuse to fill out those questions on forms.

2 months ago

My concern with the census is a different issue.
The census should count US Citizens ONLY for tje purpose of Congressional Representation Allocations.
Blue sanctuary areas should Not recieve greater representation.
US Citizens ONLY should be represented by our congress.

2 months ago

Hopefully all the illegals will be gone by the time they do the census, but if not, don’t count them!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 months ago

It could be interesting to have census questions that are in the spirit of what Martin Luther King said about judging people not by the color of their skin ,but by the content of their character. That idea could help to determine the strength of this Nation ,in that people would know what is being thought about and how decisions are being made about all manner of situations – such as respect for law, responsibility , how they define qualities such as courage , integrity , and Faith in God , the value of family, and what freedom means to them. Anything that .is contrary to the Commandment about Not Bearing False Witness Against Their Neighbor should be discarded from a census form . Good article Mike ,you used the word arbitrary at one point toward the end. ( In connection with racial matters ) and that idea ,that thought of being arbitrary gets to the root of some serious trouble . So, it is not a perfect world and all indications are it is never going to be. Assuming things about people based on this or that opinion or circumstance — that brings up the value. of the he Commandment about Not Bearing False Witness Against Thy Neighbor. I do believe that you did something that helps get to the soul and spirit of these census matters with what you wrote here Mike so Praise for your good work on this topic ! Well Done ! My ancestors came from Ireland and England and that is only a matter about geography — I am not a type – nobody is a type What people think and believe in and how they value the principles that are an extension of good character is what matters.

2 months ago

The Lefts aim for everything is DIVIDE and CONQUOR!

2 months ago

The SCOTUS wrongly blocked the ‘Citizenship’ question on the 2020 census. While every person in the US should be counted, it is important that being a citizen determines who gets representation at the Fedeal level.
States can choose whether legal residents are represented at the state level, even if states want illegal immigrants to have some representation locally; but at the federal level only US citizens should be the determining factor in House apportionment.

2 months ago

Realistically, for those of us over 60 who have paid our dues, know wtf life is all about, and enjoy friends from all backgrounds and parts of the world. All that matters is that Senior Discount Damn It!!

2 months ago

Perhaps finally, the racial division in this country will come to an end.

Larry Werner
Larry Werner
2 months ago

Also on the Census, please let the “Outside Contributor” of this article know that the “Left” also likes their Blue Cities, Precincts, etc. populated with as many illegal immigrants as possible to be counted in the census to increase their Electoral representation.

2 months ago

I worked awhile with blacks in New Orleans. Some of their favorite stories were about running ahead of the census takers to the next house while switching shirts so they could be counted several times in the census!

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