
Newsline , Society

Four Tipping Points – Is the Left and Its Power Collapsing?

Posted on Friday, May 12, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By B.C. Brutus


Just when the left seemed poised to complete its political-cultural dominance, developments in recent weeks provide subtle indications of a tipping point in exactly the opposite direction and the frustration of all the left’s efforts to rule American society.

Trump fail – indictments, lawsuits, and trial by media just won’t work

With the news of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of former President Donald Trump last month, many in the media and Democrat establishment wanted to believe that even after the collapse of their bogus “Russian collusion” investigation, two failed impeachments, the politicization of the federal bureaucracy, the weaponization of COVID and the electoral process in 2020, a raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and so many other schemes, Bragg’s “novel legal theory” would at last begin the process of making Trump politically toxic – and perhaps even send him to prison.

The Bragg move instead has had the opposite effect. Far from falling in the polls, Trump experienced a historic surge. He now holds a commanding lead in 2024 Republican primary polling and is also leading President Joe Biden by as much as seven points in last week’s ABC/Washington Post survey.

A further indicator of the left’s failure to use politicized prosecutions to “get Trump” was the collective shoulder shrug of most Americans to the news earlier this week that a jury in Manhattan – which Biden won with 80 percent of the vote in 2020 – held Trump liable for sexual assault charges stemming from an alleged incident 30 years ago. Even with the mainstream media breathlessly insisting that Trump was now a certified sexual abuser, it appears most Americans were smart enough to see the contradiction between the jury finding Trump not guilty of rape charges – in effect asserting that Trump’s accuser was lying about the alleged encounter – and simultaneously awarding her monetary damages for sexual assault.

The final humiliation for the left in their endless attempts to destroy Trump was CNN’s now controversial town hall. The howls from the left that CNN not only failed to embarrass Trump but also permitted him to talk about political realities in America shows the level of fear the left has that their power may well be slipping away.

The tipping point is of course this: If Americans have truly become wise to the politicization of the justice system and numb to trials by media, as these events indicate, then the left may indeed be in deep trouble.

Tucker fail – broadcast and cable networks are no longer “where it’s at”

The failed attempt to destroy Tucker Carlson now promises to expand his reach. After averaging between three and five million viewers per night in his last few months on Fox News, Carlson’s only two Twitter posts since his firing – both videos that comment on the sorry state of cable news – garnered a jaw-dropping 83.3 million and 122.9 million views, respectively.

Although the left was beside themselves with glee following news of Tucker’s ouster, they are now likely panicking at the thought of Tucker broadcasting on Twitter to what will potentially be an exponentially larger audience, unrestrained by the corporate interests of Fox News.

Once again, like the failure of the weaponization of the justice system and trial by media, the woke left is staring at the possibility that American society has moved on from relying on broadcast and cable news and a few papers to be the gatekeepers of information. The names “Tucker” and “Elon Musk” and “Megyn Kelly” may now be tipping point pioneers in what could become a new age of democratized communication.

Bud Light fail – a game-changing warning to corporations and universities

Beyond even the hugely damaging backlash against Anheuser-Busch, seen in that startling video of its boycotted beer stand at Fenway Park, this Bud Light controversy provides growing evidence that the pressure campaigns on businesses and educational institutions on everything from gender craziness to climate madness to essentially anti-religious and anti-patriotic “diversity” campaigns may be permanently enfeebled.

The left’s Bud Light fail has seen what was at first a boycott of the beer for its transgender sponsorship transform into a total rebranding. Bud Light now is a punchline to endless online jokes and memes. The fact that its woke executives are on involuntary leave – a fate once reserved only for employees who expressed conservative views – means countless other institutions are now rethinking their willingness to follow into reputational ruin a woke agenda urged on them by lavishly funded pressure groups.

Hunter cover-up fail – two whistleblowers doing permanent, possibly terminal damage to the media, Garland’s DOJ, and Wray’s FBI

From the media’s and the Deep State’s campaign to portray the Hunter laptop as a Russian disinformation plot to the refusal of the DOJ and FBI to investigate compelling evidence of the Biden family’s involvement in illicit influence peddling schemes, the left had a huge investment in burying the corruption and crimes pointed to by the Hunter laptop.

An IRS whistleblower described as a veteran criminal investigator last month claimed that the Biden administration mishandled and covered up the criminal investigation into the president’s son, Hunter. House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) has also said that a whistleblower tells them the FBI is sitting on evidence – which it has thus far refused to turn over to Congress – which suggests a complete failure to investigate claims that then-vice president Joe Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.

If either of these whistleblower reports are confirmed, it would be a catastrophic blow to the media and Democrat establishment. For Biden’s entire presidency, they have insisted that accusations of wrongdoing by the president or his family are nothing more than “conspiracy theories,” going all the way back to the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 – a story has now repeatedly been proven correct.

In the four cases above, the shift had been sudden. Just as the left seemed poised to continue their dominance of every major American institution, conditions may now be developing that lead to vast swaths of the public, seemingly in unison, rejecting the left’s efforts to dictate what is real and what is not and determine what people should care about.

Such tipping points – those moments that bring colossal but unexpected change – are regularly left unseen until they are too obvious to ignore. Although the term and the phenomenon itself was popularized by author Malcolm Gladwell, no less an historical presence than Winston Churchill used the term to reflect on the remarkable impact such events can have in historical struggles. In his history of World War I, he discussed the unexpected fall of Kaiser Wilhelm II’s militarism at the very moment when it seemed most powerful on the Western Front. Similarly, in his World War II memoir, Churchill notes that at just the moment in March of 1943 that the Nazi u-boat campaign seemed to be strangling Britain’s hope of survival, new tactics and equipment changes by the allies won the Battle of the Atlantic in two months.

As had often been observed, political history has its parallels with the history of other conflicts such as war. It is possible that the country is only now experiencing the shift in public opinion that many conservatives hoped would manifest in a “red wave” of Republican electoral victories last November. Although all of the issues that could be leading to such a moment were undoubtedly simmering beneath the surface last year, a backlash to liberal extremism may only now be beginning thanks to a few events that have exposed the corrupt game the left is playing and could lead to a downstream effect throughout American society.

If this is indeed the case, it will lead to the collapse of the left’s entire political-cultural superstructure.

B.C. Brutus is the pen name of a writer with experience in the legislative and executive branches.

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1 year ago

I am a retied teacher. I was blessed with middle school and jr high students. I followed the following—if it is good for one—it is good for all. When decisions are made precedents are formed. I see our government following Marxism—only has to be good for them

1 year ago

I certainly hope they are losing their power. The bullies need to go.

1 year ago

Time to show the wannabe communist dictators the door from the freedom of the United States of America to the oppression of the People’s Republic of North Korea, where they can be all the communists they want to be, just probably not at the top since that position has already been filled, and probably not in pomp and luxury, but more likely they will get to share the “equality” in misery, poverty, and government persecution. They will finally be part of their nirvana they so longed for, only they will not have succeeded to have forced it upon their neighbors, a solution that should make everyone happy, alas something is there that tells me our left won’t be happy because that means they will have to work, starve, suffer, and shut up, and they won’t get to be lazy, luxuriate, stuff themselves, while they extol the “blessings” of communism, and bore the rest of the people with hour long patronizing speeches full of taunts, and lies so blatant that the truth is staring in their faces while their lips are still moving, and the parades are still rolling and marching in front of the stands on which they blast and lambast the unbelieving “masses”. Hey, ideologically they should still be happy, after all they actually do know that the speeches are a hoax and communism is about the “goods of the masses”, not the “good of the masses” because the masses are made up of individuals, and if you disrespect the indivividual and the individual’s freedom, you disrespect the masses made up of all these individuals; facts are pesky things, aren’t they?

1 year ago

Not as long as they control the White House!

1 year ago

I consider myself an optimistic realist, so I hope Brutus is right. PaulE is correct in his analysis; however, there are shifts in societies that are not foreseen, and take years to come to fruition. Technology has changed the way the world works, it speeds up changes. At my age, 82, I can hardly keep up and not sure I want to.

1 year ago

pray to God that this be so, it’s america’s only chance.

1 year ago

Most of the dems allegiance are on the dole.
Do you seriously think the will vote otherwise?

1 year ago

More verbal porn aimed at people who desperately wish it true so their gkids have a chance in life. Uh, how many house seats did the Rs take in 22? They took over seventy in 10 and a lesser number in 14 but still a lot. Optimism needs to be balanced by realism. For there to be a tipping point near, millions of voters , ie millennials and blacks would need to be fed up with the left. Theres zero evidence of that.

1 year ago

My opinion!!!! If the left voters lived,paid 52% income tax, $8.00 for gas, 3 generations to pay for house, income controlled, and even travel limited,they might have a different idea of government once enjoying freedom. Educate the left voters rather than criticize what their leaders come up with .Knowledge what it costs each individual person for some of these programs opens lots of eyes. Seniors are offered various free programs to them. When the bills come do and the young folks realize their pay check is less , it hits home. The left appears to act like their people are stupid and ignorant with only the top few know anything.I see Chicago and New York both in a mess. Hurry 2024!!!!!.

1 year ago

“Oh! What a web the Left did weave”.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

A very excellent article.

1 year ago

Very well said.

john dough
john dough
1 year ago

I love when conservatives wishcast.

Living in fantasy world for decades has brought us to this point. I suppose many will use it as an anesthetic as our country is finished off by the left.

1 year ago

I have deep suspicion on voting machines. In AI world fraud voting machines are not discoverable and correctable, I am afraid!!
Honest vote counting is a huge problem. How to ensure voting integrity?

Cynical American
Cynical American
1 year ago

I wish I could be optimistic but with the borders wide open and more than 5 or 6 million illegal aliens pouring over it since Jan. 20, 2021 and the corrupt alliance between the Dems, the MSM, academia, and business is hiding the truth and denouncing anyone who opposes them. Will it take a complete meltdown of our nation before those on the Left and their allies see how their policies have destroyed our nation and turn the USA into a crime-ridden 3rd world dystopia?

1 year ago

The fundamental error here is to view the United States as united. It isn’t and won’t be ever again. The Right can’t control it because the Left controls all the cities and uses that power to control the states. Not all the states, yet but it is coming. The Left can’t control it because, as others have noted, socialism is a deeply dysfunctional system and eventually collapses.

So our choices are Stalinist oppression that will last as long as any of us live, collapse, civil war or separation. Collapse and civil war lead to oppression but of uncertain type. Separation seems to be the clear choice for anyone who values republican forms of government and conservative values.

Pam Floyd
Pam Floyd
1 year ago

A very uplifting article. Thanks for the encouragement to keep belief!

Adler Pfingsten
Adler Pfingsten
1 year ago

With the existence of the God of Abraham/Sinai, Yeshua and 1776, yes 1776, empirically evidence by the Convergence Matrix not only the United States but the world will soon experience a paradigm change on a biblical scale.

The final confrontation between good and evil has begun…pitting those who adhere to the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God” and those who do not; the false religion of human intellectual arrogance, Marxianity, posing as a political ideology in and utterly incongruous alliance with a political ideology, Islam posing as a religion…with both seeking to destroy the United States so as to destroy Israel. It really is that simple.

Douglas Proudfoot
Douglas Proudfoot
1 year ago

Joe Biden’s health is another possible turning point. Joe’s behavior is increasingly erratic. He can’t do anything off script. I know Democrats are the Zombie, Weekend at Bernie’s, party. But at some point, with Feinstein, Fetterman and Biden, people are bound to notice there’s no there there. Particularly with a president, voters expect the occupant of the White House to be able to do more than occupy the White House.

Andrew P
Andrew P
1 year ago

I disagree that the Left is imploding. Some of their craziness might be, but so what? The Left will still win the 2024 election because suburban women want their abortions. The Dobbs decision changed everything, and the political realignment is permanent.

As far as Joe Biden’s corruption and coverup is concerned, all the controversy goes away the moment Kamala Harris assumes the Presidency. If the heat gets a little too uncomfortable for the Deep State, they will just arrange for ole Joe to take his dirt nap and/or Hunter to OD. The Democrats don’t really need Joe anymore since the Dobbs decision changed national politics enough that Kamala Harris can easily win the Presidency in 2024 by talking about nothing but Abortion.

And the Bud Light matter is not a boycott, as a boycott is implicitly reversible by the company giving in. It is a permanent brand switch to other equivalent products caused by InBev doing stupid marketing tricks. It is only reversible if InBev decides to compete on price and undercut all competitors until they are driven out of business. While it is a lesson to big corps that playing in politics has major risks, and stupid marketing tricks can backfire, it changes nothing on the political landscape.

1 year ago

The fascist democrat party is pure evil.

1 year ago

There are many reasons for votes to support Republicans. Every time they fuel up and pay $5/gal plus for gas might be one.  Empty store shelves along with no baby formula and doubling of prices at the checkout a year ago are going over real well with them. The daily fear of being murdered, shot, raped or robbed on the street in democrat run cities are making residences fear they might be the next crime statistic. Grooming/indoctrinating their 6 year old kids to be victims of pedophiles or teaching them to be racist bigots with CRT is making many mothers very angry.  Also democrats putting parents on FBI terrorist watch lists for protesting at school board meeting is not helping with moms and dads. 

1 year ago

Looking at this list, it is very disturbing to me that these are the biggest issues for AMAC today. We need to focus on getting USA back to decreasing our National Debt & stopping the War on Fossil fuels or the majority of American citizens will wake up in a country that the majority of us are not able to make a living wage to provide for our families. We must unite & come together to keep America the greatest country in the world that the WWII generation fought so hard for us to keep our freedoms.

Bert Peterson
Bert Peterson
1 year ago

Tipping points require accurate and honest scales.

1 year ago

I am waiting for AMAC to help its subscribers with benefits such as supplement plans for Medicare recipients like AARP does. I would love to subscribe to AMAC but I am STUCK with the opposing because my healthcare plan is sponsored by them. I have no choice and must subscribe in order to get the healthplan I chose. You would get many more paying subscribers if you got in on the game!

Eric LeFevre
Eric LeFevre
1 year ago

When I punch “cope” into google, this article appears at the top of the search results /sarcasm.

1 year ago

To have a wave election, you need someone at the top of the ticket who is acceptable to the majority of Americans. Trump is reviled by too many to win a wave election for the Republicans. He is mainly an albatross, loved by his people :”And I I love those poorly educated rally attendees like they love me!”
And those people do not include moderates and educated Republican white women that entirely too much needy, narcissistic Trump in their faces 7 days a week for 6 straight years,

1 year ago

Things are going to have to get a whole lot worse before the Left is seen off. They will get a whole lot worse.

Dale Valenti
Dale Valenti
1 year ago

The left has gone too far too fastand now must be burned to the ground.

1 year ago

The ratchet:

Dems: “We want 100 more widgets of socialism.”

Repubs: “No way. You’re only getting 50.”

Delmar Jackson
Delmar Jackson
1 year ago

Wake me up when you have an immigration moratorium.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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