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Five Revelations from the House Weaponization Committee

Posted on Wednesday, November 22, 2023
by Andrew Shirley

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Shirley

Washington, DC, USA - July 18, 2017: A sign at the entrance to a House Judiciary Committee hearing room. The United States House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress.
Despite being operational for less than a year, the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government has unearthed a number of shocking revelations about the extent to which taxpayer dollars have been used to intimidate, silence, and harass the American people. Here are five things we now know thanks to the committee’s work.

Intelligence Agency Bureaucrats Colluded with Universities to Stifle Free Speech During the 2020 Election

Earlier this month, the committee released a detailed report outlining “how the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Global Engagement Center (GEC, within the State Department) coordinated with Stanford University and other entities to create the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) to censor Americans’ speech in the lead-up to the 2020 election.” According to the “official” narrative, EIP was a public service venture launched by Stanford to prevent false information about the election from spreading online. EIP monitors would identify posts and accounts that were spreading “misinformation” and then pass the flagged users on to social media companies to remove the posts and block the accounts that shared them. But as the House Weaponization Committee’s investigation revealed, EIP was actually created at the behest of DHS officials, who then worked closely with EIP to decide what accounts to block. In effect, DHS was using EIP as a censorship proxy to silence Americans’ political speech. Most of the accounts tagged by EIP belonged to conservatives, ranging from obscure anonymous users to high-profile figures like Donald Trump, Senator Thom Tillis, commentators Sean Hannity and Charlie Kirk, and even the satire website The Babylon Bee. While conservatives had long suspected that career bureaucrats in the federal government have a hand in social media companies’ censorship activities, the House Weaponization Committee’s findings have provided more irrefutable evidence to back up those arguments.

The IRS used fake names to “harass, intimidate, and target taxpayers.”

Taxpayers breathed a collective sigh of relief last month when the IRS abruptly announced that it would “roll back” unannounced visits to taxpayer homes. Americans likely have the House Weaponization Committee to thank for this development. On multiple occasions, the committee discovered that the IRS had shown up at taxpayer houses to demand immediate payments without any prior warning. Oftentimes, these visits were justified by false or inaccurate information. In one shocking case, an IRS agent appeared at an Ohio woman’s home and gave her the false name “Bill Haus.” He lied to her about the reason for his visit and demanded that she pay her “delinquent tax return filings.” When she defended herself and asked him to leave, the agent aggressively said, “I am an IRS agent; I can be at and go into anyone’s house at any time I want to.” Once the agent finally left, the Ohio woman called her lawyer and the police and confirmed that the IRS agent was wrong – she did not owe any money. The agent’s supervisor later apologized for the conduct of the IRS agent. Nevertheless, the policy remained in place until the Weaponization Committee began its investigation.

Attorney General Merrick Garland Had “No Legitimate Basis” for Targeting Parents Speaking out at School Board Meetings

In October 2021, Attorney Merrick Garland released a memo in which he directed the FBI to focus on addressing what he described as “a disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff.” But as the House Weaponization Committee revealed, Garland and the Biden Department of Justice had no legitimate basis for issuing the FBI directive. Instead, the memo was prompted by a letter from the National School Boards Association to President Biden requesting that he crack down on parents who opposed closures, vaccine mandates, and politicized curriculum like Critical Race Theory. A report from the House Weaponization Committee also provided evidence suggesting that White House officials worked with the school board association to draft the letter, that Garland performed no “due diligence” before setting the FBI on parents, and that local law enforcement officials felt the crisis was “manufactured” and opposed DOJ’s involvement in the matter.

Multiple FBI Offices Coordinated to Target and Spy on Catholics

In January, a leaked document from the FBI’s Richmond field office labeled traditional Catholics as potential “violent extremist” threats. The memo, titled “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” revealed how the FBI was planning to send undercover agents into churches and ask priests to identify potential “radical extremists” among their congregation. The story sparked serious backlash among conservatives, and FBI headquarters claimed that the memo was simply the work product of one rogue analyst in Richmond. But in August, House Weaponization Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), obtained an unredacted version of the memo which revealed that multiple field offices were involved in drafting the letter. FBI offices in Richmond, Portland, and Los Angeles all had a hand in outlining the strategy by which the FBI would target “traditional Catholics.” Jordan subsequently excoriated FBI director Chris Wray for his dishonesty over the memo and is now demanding to know the full extent to which Catholics and other Christians are being targeted by the FBI.

FTC Targeted Twitter After Elon Musk’s Acquisition

Following Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter last year, the Federal Trade Commission launched an aggressive investigation into the social media platform that besieged the company with mountains of paperwork and lawsuits. As part of the investigation, the FTC demanded access to Elon Musk’s internal communications. Musk’s commitment to free speech and restoration of the accounts of former President Donald Trump and other high-profile conservatives has notably also earned him repeated personal rebukes from Biden and other top Democrats. But as the House Weaponization Committee revealed, the impetus of the FTC investigation was a privacy issue that Twitter self-reported in 2019 – more than three years before Musk purchased the company. Committee members are now demanding answers about why the FTC waited so long to begin their investigation as well as information on what other politically motivated investigations the agency may be engaged in. From the day the weaponization committee was formed by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Democrats and the mainstream media have pilloried it as a waste of time and money. Yet the revelations speak to corruption in government and the rampant waste, fraud, and abuse of the Biden administration. While each revelation from the Committee is unique, the consistent unsettling theme is the extent to which the federal government is using taxpayer dollars to target, investigate, and harass law-abiding citizens. Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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10 months ago

Okay, so they have uncovered all of this great, Now what? I’m very tired of the same old we found all of this and then nothing comes of if. On the other hand the democrats look for stuff that doesn’t exist and when they find nothing, they then make it up and proceed to punish people, their political rivals.

Paul W
Paul W
10 months ago

The U.S. has undeniably become a police state…period.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 months ago

The whole DC bureaucracy is ROTTEN. It goes back to at least Barry Soetero but probably further. DJT will need to FIRE all agency heads or ship them to Alaska (sorry Alaskans, they have to go somewhere)! Then administer LIE detector tests to root out the criminal underlings!

10 months ago

Ok. Who is going to be prosecuted…………

No one

Don’t waste my time.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
10 months ago

& Internet Censorship with Big Tech

10 months ago

And the abuses of government will continue until Normie Norm, Normie Norma and the Patriots stand up and shout, “Enough is enough!”, back it will credible threats and deliver on the threats should it become necessary. But alas, poor Yorick, we have lost our spines.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

I forget… what country am I living in? In my country, we have this thing called the “Constitution”. Obvioysly, the country I reside in today doesn’t.

10 months ago

It should be a felony, subject to immediate removal from office and 5 years in prison for ANY government official at ANY level of government, elected, hired or appointed to lie to or deliberately mislead the public!

10 months ago

The dems are busy to shut, those opposed to their ideas, plans, their mouths. Doing away with Freedom of speech is what they are after to take away. They call it misinformation. No it is a different opinion that they are trying to quiet. We call it freedom of speech and expression. The democracy they keep talking about is what they want to eliminate. Total control over the populace they want. From their body to their mind. Many times they have said, don’t think, we will do that for you. Free expression of ideas they want to take that away and those opposed can expect a visit from the FBI or as this article shows the IRS.
They are busy with controlling the population. It started with the spreading of the COVID and subsequent with the COVID vaccine. Manipulation through scare tactics for everyone to take the vaccin. Which was promoted as the answer to all the COVID problems. Only we have excess death of 20% due to the vaccin effects. Heart attacks of young people is rampant but all that news is censored. Called either misinformation or disinformation. Like calling the 2020 election as fraudulent, was dismissed as so much disinformation. If you mentioned it you were called a domestic terrorist. While many incidents showed there was fraud done. Through intimidation and threats it was hidden and those keeping posts on X were censored. No opposing thoughts or opinions are allowed in ole Joe’s government. No more the land of the people, by the people and for the people.

10 months ago

The remaining gigantic question, never answered is, “What and What is being done to stoop this. Cannot the committee determine which court will hear this and mover to isolate and prosecute the anti-Americans?”

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

No revelation here Old news

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
10 months ago

we need a law that makes it a felony for government employees to lie to a american citizen. We also need to cancel all laws that make it illegal to lie to the government.

10 months ago

The marxist democrat party is corrupt,immoral and anti Legal Citizens, they need to be removed!

10 months ago

Great investigative work. The committee confirmed what most conservatives thought about agency weaponization. Great job, NOW WHAT?

10 months ago

Not surprising, but still outrageous. Not sure much will be done, especially with a small republican majority, but they are doing a good job with investigating. At least it’s bringing the malfeasance to light.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
10 months ago

The IRS has to aggressively collect the money needed to fund joe’s spending spree.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
10 months ago

Prosecute theBaptist. They use grape juice instead of wine in Communion. Kyle L.

10 months ago

If the American people want to see the America I grew up in survive, they need to refuse to vote for any Democrat until the Republican party can clean up the mess (if they can)

10 months ago

I agree with Brianww, you folks at AMAC find all this evil filthy crap going on in this Marxist Biden/Obama administration, yet NO ONE does anything to over throw these criminals. We are controlled by thugs yet we continue on each day doing nothing as our freedoms are stripped away.
I have said many time we “the people” must pick a day where we all, all stop working (millions of us) and march on Washington with our weapons and forcefully take back what is ours from these thugs. Place them all in a concentration camp.
But I’m afraid nothing will happen as the end days are upon us and Satan with his demons control this world until Jesus returns and ends this madness.

10 months ago

Congress, off your Meat and on your feet,get to work Rresting these outright liars like Wray, Garland and anyone else who perjurs themselves to Congress. That crime carries jail time. Stop being toothless. Noone fears lying to the people’s representatives in this government I was taught in “civics”(the long since lost study of how those who represent you represent you. In this country the highest calling you can to represent “the people”.
Remember that please and be steadfast in your calling to it.

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
10 months ago

So, Now what? Can we see results of all this or will it be covered up by the next investigation?

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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