AMAC Exclusive

For progressive elites and many in the mainstream media, one rule must always be upheld: The narrative of the day is all that matters.
The obvious result of this maxim is that those adhering to it – namely Democrat politicians and media personalities – blatantly contradict themselves on an almost daily basis. But in the age of 24-hour news, these individuals almost never face scrutiny. When the news moves so quickly, there is no time to look back.
Thankfully, most ordinary Americans have a memory that extends back farther than yesterday’s news cycle. But just in case you’ve lost track, here are a few prominent examples of liberal flip-flopping that the mainstream media and Big Tech would rather sweep under the rug.
- Election integrity:
On election night in 2016, ABC News personality and progressive acolyte Martha Raddatz looked at the numbers and said, “There is something else going on here.” She seemed incredulous at the notion that the establishment could have failed to elect Hillary Clinton. Surely, she seemed to be saying, the pollsters and the D.C. consultant class couldn’t have got it that wrong.
Little did we know how that narrative would translate into four years of Democrats and mainstream media pundits warning Americans again and again that “democracy is fragile” and “democracy was highjacked” because the preferred candidate of the radical left failed to defeat a first-time politician in President Trump. Democrats spread conspiracy theories that ranged from Russia hacking the election to President Trump being a “Russian asset.” In advance of the 2020 election, time and time again, progressives suggested and even outright stated that the election could be stolen. HBO even released a documentary that “exposed” how vulnerable our system was to attack.
Then Biden was declared the winner.
Suddenly, concern about election integrity was not only wrong but “idiotic.” Suddenly, the same people who said our election system was dangerously vulnerable now claim that the 2020 election was the “most secure in history.” Perhaps if Biden had lost, they would feel differently.
- Vaccinations:
Vaccines and inoculations are medical miracles that have saved countless lives. That is why it’s so concerning that Democrats spent over a year questioning and delegitimizing the COVID-19 vaccine. Kamala Harris infamously said during the debate that “If Donald Trump tells us to take It, I’m not taking it.” On the campaign trail, Biden actively questioned the potential vaccine and demanded that it be vetted by international experts before being distributed.
Then Biden was declared the winner.
Suddenly, the exact same vaccine that was developed under the Trump Administration through Operation Warp Speed was unquestionably ready for prime time. Not only was it ready, but anyone who questioned it was complicit in all COVID-19 deaths. Recently, CNN and President Biden himself have suggested that Facebook and Fox News are “killing” people by permitting discussion on the effectiveness of the vaccine. They are demanding immediate censorship.
Ironically, the last time Facebook censored information regarding the virus, it was censoring individuals who theorized that COVID-19 originated in a lab in China. Even CNN has now acknowledged that theory to be not only plausible but likely
- Cuba
Progressives and so-called “Democratic Socialists” have lionized the Communist state of Cuba for decades. Specifically, they note the comprehensive literacy (above 95%) and free medical care – both of which they falsely attribute to the policies of the Castro regime. Regardless, controversial progressives like Nikole Hannah-Jones have praised the Cuban government for their alleged stellar record on human rights and equality. According to most liberals, Cuba was a sort of socialist paradise.
Then the protests last week exposed the truth.
Suddenly, many Democrats in the United States could no longer deny how bad things have gotten in Cuba under socialist rule. As the Cuban people accused the Cuban government of abusing their human rights via the very type of government progressives assert will guarantee human rights, liberals looked to be in a very compromising position.
In another incredible about face, Democrats attempted to claim that protests were not about basic human freedoms being denied to the Cuban people, but were instead due simply to power outages and medical shortages. But even if you believed this obvious mischaracterization of the demonstrations, it still doesn’t explain how liberals’ supposed shining example of socialized medicine is now suffering from widespread “medical shortages,” all while the much-demonized American healthcare system is firing on all cylinders and has distributed hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines.
- Socialism
For decades, progressives have been laying the groundwork for a mainstream socialist party in America. In 2016, they succeeded.
The rise of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders made Democratic-Socialism the new standard of the Democratic party. With young disciples like New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the movement went mainstream. In 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden – ostensibly a moderate – announced the “Biden-Sanders Progressive Unity Platform.” No matter what the ideological makeup of their individual districts, all Congressional Democrat were expected to toe the socialist line.
But then the 2020 election happened.
Suddenly, a House and Senate contest that seemed like the Democrats’ to lose became only a pyrrhic victory. Many Congressional Democrats were defeated in moderate districts they were expected to win. Now, Democrats appear to be in an open civil war over socialist policies. In a leaked call following the loss, centrist Democrats like Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) outright said “we need to not ever use the word ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again. . . We lost good members because of that.”
5. Defund the Police
Following the death of George Floyd, progressives asserted that police not only failed to stop crime, but actually did more harm than good. Their solution? Diverting funds allocated for local police departments to social services and mental health counselors. Pledging to defund the police was practically a prerequisite to being a Democrat candidate for public office in 2020.
What could go wrong?
Now, with crime rates spiking nationwide and violent murders increasing by the day, Democrats are scrambling to escape the narrative they themselves created, and are even attempting to pin their own policy on Republicans. In one incredible example, Biden press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that it was Republicans who in fact sought to defund police by not voting for Biden’s massive boondoggle of a “COVID relief” package. After promising to disband their police departments, many liberal cities are now also reversing their position and instead pledging to hire more police. After explicitly stating that he was for defunding the police during his campaign, first-term Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) changed his tone on the issue as crime spiked in his home city, and now says that he only wants “smarter policing.” Examples of such rank hypocrisy abound among the radical left.
So, the moral of the story is that no matter what absurdity you might hear from progressive D.C. insiders today, don’t worry. They’ll be saying something different tomorrow.
Been flip flopping day 1 since campaign to date on all issues
Well said! Frankly, if a Democrat’s lips are moving, typically speaking, they are lying. Just sayin’
As a member of the choir, thank you for your reminder of all 5 of these flip flops.
Too bad all the population does not know, or are aware, of what is going on in our government!
So what else is new? There are no boundaries to the hypocrisy of the Socialist Democrats.
If you really want a look at the Cuban people and what has happened since the socialist/communits took over, read THE CUBANS. It is a great picture of the people and what they have endured at the hands of Castro and his followers.
Too bad that none can be held personally responsible for all of the crap that they spewed out!! Voting them out is the best way!! I miss the good ole days when news was just that and not someones opinion!!
The article pretty much can be summarized as 5 examples of the Dumbocrats saying whatever it takes to get votes to get elected … and then revising it later to an opposite leaning meaning.
The only consistent rule to remember with a demonRat is: if their lips are moving, they are lying.
Nothing else matters.
The worst is yet to come as long as the Demonrats are in power, there will be more loss of Constitutional liberties and freedoms the fake news will give them cover and BLM (Burn, Loot, and Murder ) and ANTIFA ( Arrogant, Nerds, Turds, Idiots, Freaks ,A##holes ) are the chosen ones in America and just wait until the Blue Helmets of the U.N. ( Useless Nuts)
appear on every corner in every major city, yeah! The worst is yet to came.
Buy More Guns and LOTS and LOTS of AMMO.
GOD SAVE AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the Democrat party. Otherwise known more accurately as America’s Socialist party. What did you expect? They have been very open and honest about laying out what their agenda is in almost every written policy paper over a number of decades. The 2020 Democrat policy paper was up on the DNC website for almost all of 2020, so everything was spelled out in black and white.
The Democrat party knows most Americans don’t read anything and rely solely on what they hear and see on TV. So they knew there was little danger of a truly informed public realizing the reality of what the Democrats stood for. That their verbal comments didn’t mirror what they were promising to do in writing shouldn’t be a surprise. They lie and they lie with impunity. They will say and do anything to win, because they need to win to impose their agenda on the country. They have been doing that for decades. That anyone on our side of the aisle is still confounded and amazed by the lies and deceit of the Democrat party is just a testament to the success of their strategy and how truly uninformed some people remain today.
The flip-flow mantra is just their style of communication. Say something this week and change that story in the near future. The lame stream media goes right along with that Marxist narrative, never questioning the change. That is what is so disgusting about the leftists….they can never keep their story straight. But the article points out that people have long memories. We remember the casual, almost callus attitude that the Marxist Democrats have on almost every topic from boarder security to voting security. If it was not so pathetic, it would almost be funny.
How will we ever have free and fair elections again since our courts would not look at the evidence and dismissed the suits? I think never unless something is done about it in 2021 by reintroducing the evidence and finding judges who will take up the suits. May God help us!
One has to ask themselves who is working out of the department of: spin, brainwashing, and propaganda for the Democratic/Communist Party? How much do they get paid? (Way too much!) You can almost hear these morons planning their strategy. Maybe, they reason we’ll have a hero, savior, icon; who pays the ultimate price. We’ll dress up renowned politicians in ethnic garb; and have them genuflect for a reflective few minutes. “Then, we’ll demonize the police. Oh, what the heck, we can reverse our policy after the election…” ‘The end justifies the means.’ While we’re at it; lets throw our First President under the bus too! ~ George Washington’s Admirer
I weep and pray for the America we are leaving our children, because I don’t think I will recognize it twenty years from now. I pray that I am wrong but if Liberals have their way then all is lost!
The useless fraudulent democrats even fail at their own ridiculous, destructive policy attempts.
democrats are truly a clown show, pathetic in everything!!
Anyone with a brain laughs at them and their lies!
I am so disgusted and saddened at the state of this country. I am 70 and have seen this great country turn into a cesspool of crime and government dependence over the years. The only reason the minority population votes for the Democrats is because they get “free stuff”. To quote Michael Savage “Liberalism is a mental disorder”.
I can remember the day when the Democrats were called the ‘party of the working man’. Wow, how that has changed! Now they’re the party of socialists.
Democrats never flip-flop as they reserve the right to be wrong and find someone else to blame on ay issue. They are totally without shame, integrity or a conscience, just as the GOP is bereft of moral fortitude and courage. The two party system is a bipartisan assault upon the principles of self-government and freedom.
George Orwell’s view of a dystopian world as presented in his book 1984 seems to be coming to fruition (if not already here). Insanity in the Demshevik pantheon is metastasizing exponentially and constitutes a virulent disease inflicting our nation. That such a broad spectrum of the Demsheviks can embrace institutionalize lies as a central plank of their party’s platform and daily agenda speaks volumes about the dysfunctionality that now plagues our nation.
These Demsheviks and their fawning adherents exemplify massive ignorance bordering on illiteracy, complete moral bankruptcy, and an ingrained and outsized egotistical arrogance on a level unseen and unmatched before. Their actions suggest adjectives of “frenzy” and “mania” (among others) to properly quantize the nature of what they are perpetrating in today’s political arena against America.
The Demsheviks have truly become a cancer on our nation. The only cure available is via the ballot box in 2022 and 2024, and at this point even this is not a sure thing. Americans need to vote these cancerous politicians out of office en masse and replace them with decent, intelligent and right-thinking folks who believe in America as it has been and should continue to be – a beacon of freedom to the world, one that is consistent with the views and dreams of our Founding Fathers.
It is sad, but it is also exciting. We are the generation that is seeing God’s Word come alive. Things written in the Bible thousands of years ago are happening right before our eyes. Read Romans chapter 1, read II Thessalonians chapter 2, read II Timothy chapter 3 and see for yourself. How did they know the times would be like this? Has to be God sharing the future with the. Need more convincing, read more!!
Lies, lies, lies! How is it that Democrats can continue to lie and not accountable to the truth? Why aren’t they in jail? Very frustrating.
I don’t watch the news or read newspapers. The media is so bad. All I know for sure is this, there is a God in heaven who is Truth completely. I trust in Him alone. I pray every day that He will bring a great and godly revival to America, that this country will walk in His absolute truth. He is still on His throne and some day will bring His plan about, and will rule on this earth with truth. We won’t need any media.
100 % correct. The lefty play this game well. Only us knows best but we are not ready to stop it.
This whole administration is corrupt. Lies after lies.
What’s the plan Joe???
Thank you for mentioning Congressperson Jamal Bowman’s “change of attitude “ towards defunding the police which occurred right after he has a joint podcast with AOC where she called the questions about the rising crime situation as trivial “hysteria” when both she (AOC) and Jamal Bowman have asked for extra protection for themselves. Both of them received denounced negative statements from people who are in their districts condemning the attitude of defunding the police and allowance of no control over the criminal activity that are occurring. Especially here in NYS with the revolving door of arrest, arraignment release commit a crime, repeat. Proving how incorrect is their reasoning.
And yet people keep voting for these idiots.
Please call them ” Regressives ” , instead of ” progressives ” . As Calvin Coolidge said , There is no progress beyond individual liberty and the Bill of Rights. ( Paraphrasing a bit , there. ) The labels they use are lies , so we can’t let them define themselves.
I like the new t-shirt going around. “Traitor Joes – Everything For Sale” Can buy online.
Yeah, Democrat Talking Points are like the South Central Texas weather! If you don’t like it, just wait a few minutes, and it’ll reverse itself! Funny how they still try to blame all the bad things happening under their hand on President Trump! BUT, I must admit that I was wrong about Biden/ Harris! I predicted before the election was stolen that should Biden win, he wouldn’t serve a full month before something “happened” to him and Harris moved up! Turns out I WAS WRONG…
HYPOCRISY in upper case…( 18 ) months of it on FULL display for all of us to see & experience first hand…
Yes, the world is watching…Yes, We The People & the entire world knows the 2020 US Presidential Election was STOLEN by the Socialist Democrat Party of America with FOREIGN interference playing a huge part in it, i.e. China, Pakistan, Germany, Spain, Liechtenstein, Italy, Iran, UK, Canada & others, so stay tuned, for ” it ain’t over till the fat lady sings “.
There is a storm brewing of the likes these sycophantic CCP Democrats still don’t see coming or at the very least refuse to act knowledge it, they will bite, scratch, crawl, lie, steal & deflect any criticisms to their dying pathetic breaths till hell freezes over…
To the Democrat Party & the foreign nations involved: I say to you, Hell is coming to dinner…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
The truth is the Democrats came out with their “Defund the police” simply because all the police kneeling on blacks’ necks and other abuse, because of their systemic racism and Trump, were all hired, trained, and managed by Democrat mayors. It was nothing more than a distraction from how Democrats run their police departments (though personally I believe the DoJ should be investigating their stand down orders that allow violence to occur, which IMHO violate the civil rights of thei victims of that violence).
The riots, looting, arson, violence and mostly peaceful protests, should have been directed at Democrat machines that write the police procedures to kneel on blacks’ necks. And yeah, it would be justice of a sort, if Kamala was bailing out rioters attacking Democrat mayors.
Excuse me. Election integrity is a bigger issue more than ever. The election was obviously rigged. Biden didn’t win. He didn’t even come close.
Cuba is about power outages? Remember Benghazi was a protest over a video. You know the Democrats are lying because their lips are moving.
chinajoe USED bernie the same way hrc did and is now IGNORING the socialists, how can ANYONE vote for people this STUPID? socialists will NEVER get what they want from the dems and they are not strong enough numerically to do anything but “control” the narative in the communist news network to keep people in the dark like mushrooms, obviously we need to prove voter fraud and make sure it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN!!! PUT TRUMP WHERE HE BELONGS, IN THE WHITEHOUSE!!!!!!! AND LET HIM DRAIN THE SWAMP, ONCE AND FOR ALLTIME!!!!!!!!!
Dems are liars. That’s all they do.
These are all god examples of Democrat lies, but the article fails to mention the biggest lie told by the Democrats!
The Democrats favored the Confederacy, they formed a supposed Christian group called the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) who openly hated, and murdered blacks, not one Democrat voted for the Civil Rights Act. Then realizing that their past would not be beneficial in the future, they suddenly ignored their history, instead took the approach to make people think that they were the saviors and protectors of the blacks, that they were suddenly “the people’s party”. Then proceeded to convince many blacks they were helpless victims of racism, incapable of helping themselves, that the Democrats would do for them what they were incompetent to do for themselves, convinced them that they needed government help through welfare, making them dependent on the government.
And what blows my mind is THAT IT WORKED! And it still does. How can people, and not just blacks, see what is right before their faces, then ignore it when they tell a lie about it, just ignoring the FACTS of the past and accepting the LIE as now TRUE?
This is the hugely successful tactic of the Democrat Party, ignore the truth, tell a lie, and it will be accepted as truth. Then cheat the Presidential Election to gain the White House, and Congress, and conspire with those who support them in the media, big tech and social media to all parrot the false narrative.
This is how the Marxist Democrats have put themselves in a place of power in America. What has happened to the rational thinking people that they ignore fact and past history so completely, and accept lies so easily?