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FDA Hid COVID Shot Side Effects—Congressional Report

Posted on Friday, August 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

A congressional investigation has found evidence the Biden administration pressured drug regulators to cut corners in authorizing COVID-19 shots and boosters.

An interim staff report by the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust concluded the Biden administration “pressured the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to go beyond its regulatory authority to change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards to approve the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination and authorize boosters,” states the subcommittee’s press release on the publication of the report, on June 24.

“This approval enabled the Biden administration to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine, despite concerns that the same vaccine was causing injury among otherwise healthy young Americans.”

‘Politics Overruled Science’

“In August 2021, when the Pfizer shots received FDA licensure, and just before the booster received EUA [Emergency Use Authorization], FDA vaccine reviewers with decades of experience announced they were leaving the agency,” said subcommittee Chairman Thomas Massie (R-KY), in a statement. “During the pandemic, politics overruled science at the government institutions entrusted with protecting public health.”

The 29-page report, “Politics, Private Interests, and the Biden Administration’s Deviation from Agency Regulations in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” traces the FDA’s approval process for COVID-19 vaccines and boosters from the last year of the Trump administration, 2020, through the Biden administration’s implementation of its own policies in 2021-22. Development of COVID-19 vaccines began in April 2020 under the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed (OWS), which followed the FDA’s standard EUA process.

Emergency Factor

The report says the FDA and manufacturers are supposed to monitor and communicate findings on effects related to a lower standard under an emergency declaration.

“The Biden administration, however, pivoted away from this important requirement and sought to ensure the EUA vaccine received full licensure as a way to support vaccine mandates,” states the report. “While the vaccine approval process can be robust and lengthy, the Biden administration through Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock sought to move on an arbitrary political timeline and pressed the FDA to ignore its regulations in the approval process.”

“During this time,” the report states, “the administration ignored or silenced voices that questioned the merits of universal vaccination and downplayed the serious injuries from the EUA vaccine.”

Dissent from Within

Subcommittee investigators also examined how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) characterized the efficacy of the vaccine, the FDA’s active promotion of the vaccine in 2021 and 2022, and the CDC’s conduct related to reporting on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.

“The transcribed interviews and internal FDA documents revealed that, despite evidence of harms from the EUA vaccine, the Biden administration sought to fully approve the Pfizer vaccine through the Biologics Licensing Application (BLA) process,” the report said. “The BLA approval occurred despite the objections of the FDA’s experts in vaccine development who were concerned about risks for healthy young people caused by the Pfizer vaccine, particularly the risk of myocarditis.”

Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., head of the FDA’s Center for Biological Evaluation and Research, testified to the subcommittee that, in rushing approval of the Pfizer vaccine, “he was seeking to appease outsiders who wanted to have an approved vaccine that gave them ‘more confidence’ in a vaccine, even though it was the exact same vaccine already on the market under the EUA.”

“Unless changes are made to improve the FDA’s once-robust vaccine approval process,” the report states, “future vaccines approved by the FDA may be met by an American public with increased skepticism and elevate the potential for higher vaccine hesitancy.”

Opened Pandora’s Box

The report’s findings were bolstered by pharmaceutical toxicologist Helmut Sterz, Ph.D., who served for eight years as CEO of global research and development at Pfizer’s lab in Amboise, France. In a July 8 post on Substack by Peter McCullough, M.D., and John Leake, Leake recounted a recent conversation with Sterz.

“Dr. Sterz confirmed that Pfizer-BioNTech did not perform proper toxicology studies on its COVID-19 mRNA ‘vaccine’ prior to its injection into hundreds of millions of people,” wrote Leake. “Those responsible for this undertaking created the Pharma Lab equivalent of a Pandora’s Box that has released a host of sickness and death on mankind.”

Rush to Mandate

Jane Orient, M.D., executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, says she is not surprised by the report’s findings.

“The FDA’s regulatory process was clearly short-circuited. Americans have cause to seriously distrust the agency,” said Orient. “Many products, including vaccines, have been pulled from the market because of serious adverse responses, while reports of thousands of adverse effects associated with COVID injections are downplayed or suppressed.”

Orient added, “The people in charge of the rushed approval, such as Janet Woodcock, were also responsible for suppressing early treatment with hydroxychloroquine, as shown in AAPS v. FDAThe FDA failed to note a change in the manufacturing process that introduced DNA contaminants, which remained in impermissible quantities. Long-term effects such as cancer, birth defects, and infertility cannot yet be known.”

Joel Zinberg, M.D., senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and director of the Public Health and American Well-Being Initiative at the Paragon Health Institute, also points to the harm resulting from the FDA’s actions.

“The rush to approve the vaccine and mandate its use put otherwise healthy young people who have a virtually non-existent risk of severe COVID-19 illness at risk for little benefit,” said Zinberg. “However, it is in stark contrast to what then-candidates Biden and Harris said in 2020 when they discouraged people from taking ‘Trump’s vaccines.’”

Bonner Russell Cohen, Ph.D. is a senior fellow at the National Center for Public Policy Research.

Reprinted with Permission from Heartland Daily News – By Bonner Russell Cohen

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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5 months ago

Good ole COVID, a MAN-MADE virus that was used and released by the governments of the world, to start putting their populations under the thumb for overall control. The vaccines were not thoroughly tested but those in power knew exactly what they were doing. Note, those who were vaccinated are still having problems while those who did not, are living a good life. Remember, it is the ELITE of this world who wish to control everyone else and reduce the population numbers to their standards even though the world still contains enough resources for billions more.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
5 months ago

I’m so glad I was in a position to NOT get vac’d. Of course, the downside is the lack of trust in ANY vaccine such as flu or tetanus.

5 months ago

The congressional investigation has found evidence? Duh! Most free thinking Americans have know this for 3 plus years.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Neither the FDA or the CDC can be trusted.

5 months ago

The fact that the Harris/biden administration MANDATED these unproven “vaccines” that didn’t do what “Mr. Science” himself, Fauci, told us themselves would prevent our citizens from getting COVID-19 was just another farce they pulled, should have been more than enough to have lost their positions of power.

5 months ago

The covid shots are designed on purpose to kill. Calling them “vaccines” is a cover to get the lemmings to get the jabs. It’s no secret that bill gates wants to significantly reduce the world’s population. That’s why he’s such a big pusher of the shots.

5 months ago

The only thing worse than the adverse side effects are the hushed manipulations between Dr. Fauci and the CCP Wuhan laboratory. Fauci and the NIH engaged in secretive and illegal procedures—gain of function research, using private email accounts instead of mandated federal accounts, and a few other items brought to light by Dr. Rand Paul. The Heritage Foundation published a newsletter written by Senator Paul a few months ago…recommended reading.
I was speaking with a good customer recently. She was hospitalized with severe nosebleeds a few years ago, resulting from one of the vaccines. I, too, had severe nosebleeds, like I’d never had before…and they continued up until a few months ago. Although they’re now less frequent than in 2020-2022, I have to wonder what the Pfizer vaccine might have done to my vascular system. I filled out a very detailed report online through the Adverse Reactions something or other. And later, I received the “official” paper questionnaire, which required an hour to fill out, so I didn’t. I guess the online form “didn’t count”, and neither did my experience, apparently.
We have to stop these shady dealings. Who knows what’s really going on behind those locked doors? I’ve turned even more cynical than I was when I entered this world, and now I don’t trust anyone in government.

Dan W.
Dan W.
5 months ago

Let’s not forget the corners that were cut to get the covid shot developed and approved in the first place. That speeded up process set the stage for the corner cutting that followed.

At least now, we are free to choose whether to get any future covid boosters.

Michael J
Michael J
5 months ago

We already knew what they seemingly just exposed. The only thing is they got away with it.

Dr Jeff Racey
Dr Jeff Racey
5 months ago

I never got the vaccine and I never will.

D. M.
D. M.
5 months ago

The federal government claimed the vaccine was free because they wanted to save lives.
More people were dying from not being able to afford the high price of insulin that cost a few dollars to make before the pandemic than from Covid, yet for years the federal government showed no concern.
They also deliberately ignore the significantly high rates of male suicide and homelessness.
After conducting numerous secret experiments on unsuspected citizens and the outright murder committed by police, the CIA, FBI and other government officials with no accountability, I’d have to see them swallow whatever they offered first just to believe they weren’t trying to kill people, and still wouldn’t take it because they recommended it.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
5 months ago

What this country endured at the hands of the progessives during Covid mania was a crime…literally. They lied about everything and they caused an election to be won by their candidate!! They are still doing the lying about the “pandemic” and every other subject they discuss. I am hoping there will be enough GOP voters to get rid of these lying Marxists who hate our country and we, the citizens!

5 months ago

Who in government has been alighted to China, the designer of the bats and rats studies which murdered millions worldwide, It was to reduce the world population and will continue forever. Colon cancers, severe heart problems, blood clots, of beds in ICU filled with youth dying of many familia diseases they never knew about. Never trust government to mandate health, religion, speech, personal choice, or FREEDOM to you……WE THE PEOPLE! are the GOVERNMENT, not the president,VP, Congress, IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, nor MONEY i.e. George Soreos, Zuker-man, or politicals who are “in” for life.

5 months ago

The FDA, CDC & WHO have all been “weaponized” by the deep state & cannot be trusted. I will never take another vaxx again.

5 months ago

My wife, RN, BSN, took the covid jab in late 2020 because their hospital was already on the bandwagon of mandating the killer drug. My wife is an avid runner, 8 to 10 mi daily, eats, exceptionally healthy, etc. Wife has had more flu-like sickness and little weird sicknesses in the last almost 4 years. Then in the previous 19 years that I’ve known her. I have no doubt that that mRNA told her body not to fight similar or certain types of viruses and therefore, she gets sick all the time. Obviously I have no factual information other than my anecdotal story, but tell me what the difference would be?

5 months ago

Thank God I did not get the covid so called ‘vaccine’. I tested positive for covid but have had worse cases of the flu than that was. My friend received 2 shots plus a booster and when she got it she was sicker than ever. I do NOT trust the CDC or FDA. I didn’t even get the flu vaccine this past year….sick of their lying crap.

5 months ago

Gee the uncountable people in the federal government lied.

Wake me when something real happens to them.
I won’t hold my breath.

Tammy Sikes
Tammy Sikes
5 months ago

One of the worst decisions of my life was getting this poisonous vaccine. I’m still fighting the side effects and probably will for the rest of my life.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

Praise for Bonner Russell Cohen for presenting this important information. The public health. establishment needs to get reacquainted with the idea that a code of ethics is in the interest of public health, that ethical standards are not optional — they are requirements in the practice of public health. Epidemiology benefits from truth, from facts. Public trust requires epidemiology that is trustworthy . Let’s have a sense of responsibility in the public health field starting today . Truth is a quality that glows like a bright light in darkness , it does not take policy making procedures that could take long periods of time to enact — Truth is right there like the light in a dark room — just look to it , pick it up , put it where it is needed most . The United States of America needs honorable people in the public health field . There is no substitute for honorable public health personnel . It should be understood by the current public health doctors , researchers, public health law lawyers and others that these lessons from the COVID 19 experience are contributing to policies that will make for needed improvements based on honor ,honesty, integrity .and loyalty to this Nation .that respects truth .

5 months ago

I won’t be taking anymore of those mRNA shots.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

For Power & Control & we lose
NO More Jabs
Enough Tired of the Plague Game

5 months ago

Were we perhaps the target of a form of biological (gain-of-function) warfare? It all seems quite deliberate.

5 months ago

“michael h”: Troll Alert.

N Noyes
N Noyes
5 months ago

I had all four Covid shots. I still got Covid. My wife had 3 of 4 and she got it too.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

This is a new normal, should not come as a shock. Good news is we all are in the hands of experts.

Ken Fornicola
Ken Fornicola
5 months ago


5 months ago

Gee. No kidding.

5 months ago

Hey, they are Democtats, they walk on water. But they do it for the people, hah.

5 months ago

So, which corrupt, morally bankrupt Aces will “we the people that have been harmed” sue?
Biden/ Harris? Fauchi? FDA director? Pfizer? Inside Traders?
Ass-hos all. Devil- worshippers.

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
5 months ago

NO THERAPEUTICS! … That’s the part that made it abundantly obvious to me “the fix” was in. I hope Trump puts RFK as head of Health and Human Services. He is passionate about holding BIG Pharma accountable!

Dee Kurowski
Dee Kurowski
5 months ago

Why should anyone covered by the deep state be concerned about deaths or physical damage when they know there will be no consequences. The swamp protects itself. America has reached this point because very stupid or totally uninformed people are voting for dishonest and self-serving representatives for all the wrong reasons. Trump made efforts to correct this while in office because he genuinely loves this country. Meanwhile, Biden and Harris love themselves and their reach for more power more than they love America and will sell her out every time their agenda calls for it. WAKE UP AMERICA!

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