Every election cycle, the media play a significant role in the spread of information, true or false. With cable TV, the invention of the 24 hours news channel, and the emergence of the internet, there is so much news out there that it’s hard to decipher what is fact from what is fiction. It gets especially murky when real facts are mixed in with half-truths and falsehoods and then used to drum up a false narrative or story. It happens every election cycle. Sadly, not many people in journalism have the courage to discuss their peers, the industry in which they work, and the depths to which they will go to push a particular political viewpoint or narrative. This year’s elections were no exception and we saw the media work hand in glove with the White House and Congressional Democrats. So what were the liberal media’s worst lies of the 2022 midterm elections?
One of the biggest lies the media put forth over the last year was that President Biden and Washington Democrats were doing something about rising gas prices. As Americans prepared for summer vacations, this news seemed promising as gas prices broke $4 a gallon in June. But this Associated Press article from July said, “Some economists have held out hope that inflation might be reaching or nearing a short-term peak. Gas prices, for example, have fallen from the eye-watering $5 a gallon reached in mid-June to an average of $4.63 nationwide Wednesday — still far higher than a year ago but a drop that could help slow inflation for July and possibly August.” Newsflash, inflation continues to hover around 8%, core inflation continued its steady rise all year, and gas prices went back up, hit $5 a gallon in July, and nearly reached $6 a gallon in August.
When news broke in October, weeks before the election, that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) would be cutting global oil production and leading to rising gas prices at the beginning of November, the Biden administration again responded by announcing additional releases of oil from America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The liberal media seized on the news as NPR wrote “Biden is releasing 15 million barrels from the strategic oil reserve to tame prices.”
Nowhere in the liberal media’s discussion about rising gas prices was the fact that President Biden shut down American oil and gas production and refining factories. When President Trump handed Joe Biden the keys, he left him with an America that was an energy exporter, and Biden took that, shut it down and made America reliant on foreign oil again. But you didn’t hear any of that on MSNBC. All the liberal media talked about was “Putin’s war in Ukraine,” which had far more of an impact on Europe’s energy needs than America’s. Yes, the war in Ukraine has an effect on global energy supply, but Putin is not to blame for $6 a gallon gasoline any more than he is for America becoming foreign energy dependent.
One of the biggest whoppers of the 2022 election had to do with the single biggest issue of the campaign cycle: inflation. This makes sense as inflation was consistently, over the last year, the number one issue on the mind of American voters all cycle, polling showed. Peaking in June at 9.1%, the highest year-over-year recorded since 1981, President Biden and Washington Democrats let inflation get out of control and began scrambling as American families were hurting five months before election day. Enter the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which narrowly passed Congress and was signed into law by President Biden in August. Newsflash 2.0: The $740 billion act doesn’t actually reduce inflation. An analysis conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton Business Model found that the Act “would have no meaningful effect on inflation in the near term but would reduce inflation by around 0.1 percentage points by the middle of the first decade. These point estimates, however, are not statistically different from zero, indicating a low level of confidence that the legislation would have any measurable impact on inflation.” But Washington Post and National Public Radio (NPR) readers saw “Biden signs Democrats’ sweeping bill to tackle climate change, lower health-care costs” and “Biden signs sweeping climate, health care, tax bill into law,” respectively.
With the 2022 midterm elections now in the rearview, it’s clear that the liberal media’s big assist to President Biden and Washington Democrats over the last six months was to put a positive spin on Biden’s reactionary and feckless leadership on a wide range of issues, particularly inflation and gas prices, in order to create the false impression that President Biden’s policies are not that bad. The fake news media wants Americans to believe that this is the new normal, that we should all get used to it, and that inflation dropping to 7.7% is amazing compared to 9.1%! They forgot to tell us that the Democrats got us into this mess in the first place with their outrageous blank-check trillion dollar COVID spending plans, anti-small business policies, by shutting down American energy production, and boosting interest rates, which has resulted in the highest inflation in America in over two generations with no end in sight. The fake news’ elite used a clever and classic play called the politics of distraction that, when taken together, creates an atmosphere of illusion.
Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action
The liberal media lies and hides the truth every day, this is total BS. The election was rigged without a doubt. Biden’s Attorney General and FBI have become weapons of mass destruction.
As a former Brit I’m not shocked.Most native born y*nks shrug off any talk of politics with “l don’t talk about that crap”.And that includes gun owners who won’t lift a finger to support their 2ND Amendment rights!)
To make matters even worse, most Republican candidates did NOTHING to change the narrative on the campaign trail. They just stuck to the lame talking points that McConnell, McCarthy and the RNC leadership told them to stick to. The Republicans had an immence opportunity to highlight the total contrast between what Democrat policies will produce and what MAGA policies would produce. Yet most Republicans opted to take the “safe” path of saying as little as possible for the entire campaign cycle. Thus cementing the false narratives in the minds of uninformed voters throughout the country.
Well at least McConnell and McCarthy are happy. They will both retain their “leadership” posts for what they’re worth and be able to continue to spout “We’ll get ’em next time!” as they gear up for the next campaign funding effort.
Could it be that the Joe Hidin’ Biden DemocRats are deliberately allowing gas prices rise in order to help Ruskie Pootin’ help finance the war against Ukraine by increasing their income from their oil production???? Naw … thinking that might be the case would be the same as a dog wouldn’t scratch its itch …. NOT.
If it came from cnn, msnbc, nbc, cbs, abc you Know it’s a LIE.
I am not a great fan of Trump but I listened to a news report about something he wrote about the constitution and they put the info on the screen. I read it and reread it and couldn’t find where he said what they said he did. The worst of it is so many people feel if it is in the news it must be true and don’t research it themselves. It is tearing my precious country apart. We can’t even allow our neighbors to have an opinion for themselves. I have been around enough years to see the changes and it is heart breaking. I am upset more with the media than anything else. And both parties are feeding it. That is not GOD’s plan.
Inflation is worldwide like it was in late 70s. There is no doubt that Russia invasion of Ukraine is one of the major factors of inflation. But in USA, inflation would most likely be less if Biden did not come out publicly for War on Fossil Fuels. He is hurting the middle & lower class a lot more than the upper class is very obvious.
blatant lies by the news media should result in their business licenses being pulled for 60 days and their first day back on must be composed of continuous apologies for lying.
Biden and his crew need to be in prison. If this was AOL I would be censord. Kyle L.
What about one of the biggest lies of all? That the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian misinformation?
Tomorrow is the run off in Georgia, Walker could be up by a 100,000 votes at ten pm and down by 50,000 by 2 am. Does any body think ANY of these elections were honest.
Why is the fake news exempt from Federal Campaign laws that regulate individuals, candidates, political parties, nonprofits and PACs?
The Press Exemption:
52 U.S. Code § 30101 – Definitions (9)(B) The term “expenditure” does not include— (i) any news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, unless such facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political committee, or candidate; –
Created a “Royal”, “State Approved” press! But if newspapers, radio and tv networks were the definition of a free press and free speech, they would not need an exemption from campaign laws. Restoring equal 1st Amendment freedoms to everyone would lessen the power and reach of the fake news.
Every American should have the freedom to be a citizen journalist.
Coordination between citizens, candidates and likeminded groups, including nonprofits and PACs is considered a crime, but how can that be justified with the 1st Amendment freedom of association? Imagine if the government attempted to enforce such a silly ruling against members of a sports team, departments of a business, surgical teams. RIDICULOUS!
Call your representatives and demand the law be repealed because it denies flesh and blood equal protection of the law under the 14th Amendment or maybe you know a candidate or whistle blower who can establish standing to bring it before the supreme court.
You totally missed th efake news of Republicans want to take away social security. The commercial hit the airwaves far greater than inflation in our state.