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Durham’s Latest Filing – Earthshaking

Posted on Monday, February 21, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

durham'sAs Americans, we live in a society we think is open, self-governing, and self-correcting. We grouse about leaders but are proud of our democratic institutions. We think some things cannot happen – but they do. That is what the recent filing by Special Counsel John Durham showed.

If Pearl Harbor and 9-11 were shocks from overseas, resetting security in an unsettled world, Durham’s findings are comparable. What he found should rock us all.

What did he find? After a plodding, multi-year, painfully thorough, patently non-partisan inquiry, he found rock-solid facts.  They make believers in democracy shudder.

Whether you are a Reagan, Trump, or a never-Trump Republican, old Democrat or new socialist, you should pause to understand what has just come to light.

During and after the 2016 presidential election, in a country proud of our elections, a political campaign, apparently assisted by experts, penetrated the opposing candidate’s Internet communications, and then penetrated the winning candidate’s White House.

Incredibly, the penetrating party – like the Watergate break-in “plumbers” – claimed they had “no client.”  Durham dug into that allegation, like former Watergate Judge John Sirica once did.

Sirica coined the phrase “follow the money,” which led to the Nixon campaign. That is what Durham did, and it appears to have led back to the Clinton Campaign. This time, it is worse.

As the Wall Street Journal reported, this Special Counsel – who Biden’s team will find hard to remove – discovered “startling information.”  Mainstream media soft-shoe what is explosive.

According to the filing, “the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign effort to compile dirt on Donald Trump” went beyond Watergate, proceeded after Clinton lost. It “reached into protected White House communications,” that is, well beyond penetrating campaign computers.

As the Journal explains, “the filing relates to Mr. Durham’s September indictment of” someone “who represented the Clinton campaign.” He was “accused of lying to the FBI” in 2016, apparently presenting documents “claiming to show secret internet communications between the Trump Organization” and a Russian bank, but the plot thickens.

The Durham indictment suggests this party had a client, who was not revealed – even as he sought to “create an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ around Trump to benefit the Clinton campaign.

“The new shocker,” writes the Journal, relates to “data … mining.” “Exploited” was access to “non-public and/or proprietary Internet data,” including “Internet traffic pertaining to . . . the Executive Office of the President of the United States.” Whoa!  Stop right there.

Implicated was “monitoring” of “internet traffic related to Trump Tower, and Mr. Trump’s apartment on Central Park West,” but also – after his election – White House communications.

Why did this happen? For a client? Who was the client?  By inference, Clinton’s Campaign.

Questions raised by Durham’s findings are many, cascading, and important to our government’s survival.  First, how could one candidate get access to another’s communications? How could that not be discovered, and swiftly prosecuted?

In an age obsessed with accountability, how could that ever happen? How could that not be the centerpiece of an inquiry into efficacy, integrity, and the openness of our electoral process?

Worse, how could this data be surfacing now, six years later, after helping start a false narrative that arguably put the country at risk, reduced public trust, almost removed a president?

How then could the offending penetration of an opposing candidate’s campaign computers follow the winner into the White House? How could a losing candidate’s agent infiltrate?

Deeper questions lurk, criminal and institutional – questions that deserve full answers, if we are to restore public trust.  For example, who in the Justice Department, Intelligence Community, and Congress may have known about all this – and said nothing, or worse sought to cover it up?

If they did not know, how did that happen – a White House information system was penetrated, compromised by an opposing political campaign, and was not discovered until six years later?

In retrospect, how do we comfort ourselves that – given partisan hostility, a useless Russia-collusion investigation, two impeachments, and continuing vilification – it will not happen again?

These questions are before Durham now, since he has revealed our society is not immune to the sorts of sordid public corruption found elsewhere in the world.

This is not Pearl Harbor or 9-11, but it is a domestic earthquake that should – in historical perspective – make us stop and think hard about who we are and what we want.  Far beyond Watergate, a bungled incursion by one campaign into another which brought down a president, this is a body-blow to faith in the electoral system.

If true, and followed to conclusion, we seem to have lived through a combination of paid infiltration by one presidential campaign into another, and then infiltration by that campaign of the winner’s White House – in pursuit of a false narrative to reverse or undermine a president.

How can such a thing happen in America?  That is the question – one that needs answering. Whatever your political affinities, this goes beyond Watergate.  It implicates our democracy, whether our republic can self-police, self-assess, and self-correct. The filing is earthshaking.

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2 years ago


Let’s break this down even further. What Hillary Clinton and her campaign did was NOT merely opposition research as the MSM wants to paint this as or even the standard dirty tricks associated with some political campaigns. Hillary Clinton and her campaign broke several federal laws and caused the federal government to waste at least 100 million dollars of taxpayer money for a scheme she and her personnel put into action. The fallout from this should go far beyond simply lessons we should learn for next time and then sweep it all under the rug to be conveniently forgotten. There needs to be real accountability for those at the top that orchestrated this scheme. Which I’m enough of a realist to know unfortunately will never occur. It would expose too many people and shine a bright light into too many corners of the administrative state that runs our government. In any event, here’s how Clinton broke the law and wasted taxpayer money in direct terms:

1) Clinton’s campaign, at her direction, illegally surveilled the office of the sitting POTUS. That happens to be felony. The law is not ambiguous on this matter.
2) Clinton’s campaign, again at her direction, brought information to the FBI and the CIA that they knew was false for the express purpose of initiating multiple government investigations and undermining a sitting POTUS. Mutiple felonies committed at this point, as well as tens of millions of taxpayer dollars wasted pursuing an investigating based on known false information.
3) Congress initiated countless hearings and investigations based on false information provided by the Clinton campaign. Tens of millions of additional taxpayer dollars wasted once Congress got involved and Congress was completely diverted from nearly all other business of the People, as they pursued a witch hunt based in false information provided by the Clinton campaign. This also happens to be a chargeable crime in case anyone cares.
4) Between $30 and $40 million taxpayer dollars wasted on the Mueller investigation. Again, based on false information knowingly fed to the federal government by the Clinton campaign under Hillary’s direction.

To sum it up, we should NOT be minimizing what Hillary Clinton did in any way or seek to try and chalk it all up to some sort of unfortunate incident, that hopefully we should never allow to happen again. In some other countries this still gets treated with the severity that it rightfully merits. Have we become so weak, that we are willing to openly tolerate this sort of illegal activity simply because a high-ranking Democrat is involved? Hillary Clinton is already trying to position herself as “the moderate candidate” for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination in 2024 against an expected run by AOC on the far left.

2 years ago

RBC, I concur with what Paul E commented down below. In addition, it makes me wonder how safe and secure is the communication network of this country. I know in the military, that we shifted Comm. codes quite frequently to prevent intrusion. How often does the WH, Congress and other government agencies change their security codes? I look back on WWII where Comrade Stalin knew everything that Allied leaders were doing at executive level by having spy personnel on FDR’s, Churchill’s, Hitler’s and Tojo’s respective personal staffs (the Italians were the only nation during the war that the Soviets were unable to penetrate). Scary to think how much secure communications have been penetrated by foreign adversaries.

2 years ago

Let’s Go Brandon

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

CHRISTrumpOwens and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
2 years ago

CHRISTrumpOwensDurham and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2022-2036 Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen

2 years ago

I hope that if this true, follow through will happen and people are handled accordingly. We have heard far too many times of numerous smoking guns and yet nothing transpired. Any party member who believes in our democracy should be demanding action and sentencing. Because if left unchecked, we the people are next.

2 years ago

Could this be the beginning of the end of the acknowledged lying insufferable bitch Clinton? At long last there is no way out for this low life and hopefully a legal sentencing of life, without parole in a federal prison, at long last! The truth always prevails and liars of her calibre get punished!

Maurice Brandt
Maurice Brandt
2 years ago

Because she is a Clinton, she is coated with the same Teflon as her hubby and once again, the MSM will help her sweep this all under the rug and NOTHING will come of it. Very sad.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Why isn’t this woman, a corrupt criminal in jail along with her husband the pedophile?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Hilary Clinton will march over dead bodies if need be now she appears to be back in the saddle again poised to become the savior of the orphans and widows big mama in DC There perhaps will be a little dithering and hand wringing about the Durham report but nothing earth shattering just a little something to appease blood thirsty mob back to status quo business as usual the rot is so deep it would not survive a serious prod it is rotten from the core we only see outside

2 years ago

Does this really shock anyone? The democrat party has lied and cheated all along. They are corrupt and until we change our so called democratic system this is only the beginning. I have said many times why was there no investigation into the Clinton Foundation? Dirty money but as long as the communist democrat party remains in control this will not be the last.

Jeff Gaynor
Jeff Gaynor
2 years ago

What John Durham found is clear and compelling evidence of Sedition. Time to stop normalizing a concerted and coordinated effort to infiltrate a campaign and failing to do so, obstruct the efforts of and illegally remove a duly elected President.

2 years ago

It is interesting to note that Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy have always been at the front of
any dirty and or shady politics. When will this Country learn!!! This is criminal and she should

2 years ago

I think we have all seen this movie before….There will be a lot of bloviating and deflection from the usual gas bags and fiction writers in the media. The turds and crooks in both parties on Capitol Hill will make their talk show appearances and self serving cameos in order to feign outrage and demand accountability. And of course, in the end, nothing of real consequence will happen to the upper echelon perps or their power grabbing enablers.

2 years ago

Our Justice Department (FBI} was or is owned by the Clintons and the DNC. Will anyone be punished ? I doubt it.

2 years ago


Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Durham’s probe, which has uncovered blatant criminal and treasonous activities by Clinton and her cohorts, can finally be used by the Republicans to shed some light on the very disturbing politics practiced by Hillary Democrats. We need a formal investigation to slow down the double standard of justice practiced by our judicial system. We have way too many partisan judges who allow the Democrats to run roughshod over the Republicans. Lady Justice should be blind to partisanship, not be a constant ace in the hole for the causes of the woke Democrat party. We, the American people, deserve to live in a country where everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. America should be a Constitutional Republic, not a giant playground for communist and socialist destructive games.

2 years ago

The most important question now is simply what, if a thing will we do about this attack on our democratic system. Our response will be an accurate measure of how we value our system of governance. Unfortunately liberals are intent upon controlling our country and, indeed our way of life to such a degree that they will try to minimize Durham’s findings in every way possible. Only a loud and angry response from the rest of us will have any chance of being heard.

2 years ago

Hmm! I wonder if this is the reason so many Democrats are not running for office again? I hate to say this but some Republicans are just as guilty for looking the other way. The criminals might be found in the SCOTUS as well. I remember SCOTUS did not bother looking into the 2020 Presidential election discrepancies. Smdh!

Nancy Hartwell
Nancy Hartwell
2 years ago

Durham we need you to get rid of the corruption in our government. There will always be the bad guys in government but the Clinton and Obama gangs are the worst of the worst. God Bless you and your staff for what you are doing. Stay safe ????????????

2 years ago

Hillary has already started the deflection and diversion of criticism by playing the “poor victim” card. It’s the old tune of “they are after me…blah, blah, blah “. It might be up to the American people to keep the focus on these treasonous acts, because the media will just leave it on the side of the road.

John Gorman
John Gorman
2 years ago

While these criminal actions are true many leftists see them as NECESSARY violations of law to protect Democracy from the likes of Trump. Anything up to and including assassination were openly advocated for by many, many leftists. Driven by hate and irrational emotions nothing was out of bounds for them. Do not expect som light to go off in their empty heads whereby they suddenly come to their senses and lament the actions of the Clinton campaign the intelligence community and the FBI regarding their actions during this media driven political hoax. Not one cable news, print media or other outlet has approached this total breach of law and ethics with any balance or truthful reporting. The ones that have have been attacked as mis-information.

Durham is sowing these tis bits of information in the event that Biden and his puppet A.G. decide to shut him down. the facts will be out there for the American public to act on or ignore as they will.

Jack Phillips
Jack Phillips
2 years ago

All of this and nothing happens! Ever!

2 years ago

If They can do this to a presidential candidate and then to a sitting president, can you imagine what they can do to you?

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The obvious conclusion is that the masking of the spying operation as suspicion of a foreign conspiracy collaborating with an American politician was so innovative that it was a successful cover. However, as soon as it was realized that it was a political operation–American vs American, there should have been no more FISA. As I see it, fear of foreign attack broke our system. Durham is taking so long to proceed that it seems to have no impact and may never. If our congress cannot see this and make provisions not to allow this to ever cover such activity, our elections are compromised until curbs are on.

Hal Biggerstaff
Hal Biggerstaff
2 years ago

And the corrupt mainstream media remains silent. They should all be held accountable for their participation and lack of investigation.

2 years ago

My Kudos to :PaulE. He has a lot going on because of his experience or his observations and understanding of the ebb and flow of politics. Personally, I do not appreciate the the term “Inference” related to Clinton. In or Out. Black or White. I she in or not? Plausible deniability anyone????? What underling may take a fall because of this??? It is obvious that we are not in the age of of obsessing over accountability. Lots of taxpayer money spent. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN. AS BEFORE NADA,ZIPPO,NOT A DAMN THING WILL EVOLVE FROM THIS AT THIS TIME AND DURHAM COULD BE YANKED AT ANY TIME IF HE GETS REALLY CLOSE TO ANYTHING. THANKS RBC BUT HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL AND I HOPE THAT I AM WRONG.

2 years ago

Also reveals President Trump was an honest president…otherwise the Hillary campaign would have exposed him. Wasn’t Hillary involved with monitoring Nixon under Watergate? Shows she hasn’t changed a bit and caught in her own junk. We have had nothing but political turmoil since the Clintons arrived in DC. Of course, according the the “Clinton Cash” book the Clintons worked with Daddy Bush to run drugs up through Texas and into Little Rock, which was used as a distribution hub for the entire US. And then they want to pretend the are fighting a “war on drugs” in the US.

2 years ago

Art you are probably right since it looks like the Clintons are part of the shadow government.

2 years ago

When are these people going to be imprisoned? What is the point of the indictment if no punishment is being rendered?

I. Marie Eggers
I. Marie Eggers
2 years ago

I’ve been praying for a long time that the Lord would expose government corruption. I didn’t dream there would be so much to expose! I’m now praying that the Lord will remove said corruption. Please join me in praying.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

You’re probably right about this being a shocker to most American citizens. However if it’s the new leftist progressive socialist party it’s pa beautiful day at the office.Corruption and a completely banana republic political system is there only way to steal our country from all of us . Simply look at what’s ruining our country right now? Diabolical and as dirty as it gets , that’s our New socialist democrat way of stealing everything.

Allan Dobzyniak
Allan Dobzyniak
2 years ago

How effective the left and the mainstream media are at covering-up this tragedy will be evident depending on the November elections. A resounding defeat of the now progressive Democrat left will define so many things about the future of this once great republic. This will include the ongoing exposure of the “Russian Collusion” lie, and hopefully a return to the rule-of-law with equal accountability for all.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Let’s not forget the trail of death and corruption with the Clinton’s, especially Hillary. And slick Willy was on the Lolita express who knows how many times. Hillary is an elitist and completely corrupt and above any laws or government security secrets. Now they have concrete evidence about a fraudulent investigation into a sitting president and she belongs in jail or probably should be held for treason against our government. Imagine if this were a Republican?

Philip Power
Philip Power
2 years ago

America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones
by Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
by Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
by Antony C. Sutton
Wall Street and FDR
by Antony C. Sutton
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
by Antony C. Sutton
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
by Antony C. Sutton
National Suicide: Military aid to the Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton
National Security And Trade With The Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1930-1945
by Antony C. Sutton
Trilaterals over America
by Antony C. Sutton
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1917-1930
by Antony C. Sutton
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development: 1945 to 1965
by Antony C. Sutton

If Americans had these books in their library, then they wouldn’t be fooled by the clowns in BOTH political parties.

2 years ago

Remember this refrain ” LOCK HER UP” , that’s exactly what needs to happen to corrupt politicians who are traitors to everything Our Country stands for!!!
How could ANYBODY support or protect scum like this??
This is the biggest assault of Freedom ever and they MUST be held accountable.
How arrogant,elitist and criminal are these democrats?

2 years ago


Ronnie Black
Ronnie Black
2 years ago

Why did it take Durham so long? Rush Limbaugh laid all this out years ago.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

I wont believe until I see some SWAT team invade home/s & take to prison ala Rodger Stone etc for Russia Hoax, China virus etc

Ronnie Black
Ronnie Black
2 years ago

What took Durham so long? Rush Limbaugh laid all this out years ago.

2 years ago

Praying for Durham’s safety!

2 years ago

I have said this many many times: The People must Stop referring to them as “Democrat”. Calling them democrat is likened to calling black to be white or water to be dry. It has to stop. It just plain does make sense to divide the group into “progressive”, “liberal”, “socialist”, nor even “right” democrats.
I suggest renom as “Swindlers” or “Swindocrats”
The harshest sentences need to start at Evil Queen Clinton and must continue to filter down to the mainstream media as accessories to the crime.

2 years ago

To me the key sentance is ‘how could this have taken six years’. If we assume barr and durham to be sincere (not deliberately stonewalling) it means the power of the communist swamp is much more formidable than we would like to think. It means that the election of trump barely scratched the edges of the permanent bureaucracy and that our problem will take generations to solve, if ever.

2 years ago

This still comes off as speculation. I don’t see any hard cold facts. Thus I see no one actually going to jail.

2 years ago

If we bring down the Clinton’s the whole house of cards will fall. Many might feel that America cannot stand this kind of black eye for the world to see. I say we need to show the world our faults and demonstrate that we will not allow this type of corruption in our system of government of the people, for the people and by the people.

2 years ago

Notify me once the first Clintonista, or Clinton herself goes to federal prison; until the hold your peace, we are all shell shocked and in disbelief from how many “bomshells” have been touted without noticeable, or verifiable legal consequences for the political swarm of eels, otherwise known as the “Clinton campaign.”

2 years ago

Hillary Clinton and all the people who were involved with her depraved assault on democracy are very corrupt evil people. Durham is trying to bring this horrific spying on a candidate and then President to Justice. I just hope he can. We have a very unscrupulous White House administration running our country. So let’s see what the DOJ and intelligence agencies do. If they have even an ounce of integrity, they will allow indictments and consequences to happen. If they interfere with Durham and his quest for Justice, then we know these agencies are beyond criminal.

2 years ago

Not to mention that the Democommunists used voting machines programmed to flip votes, voter fraud was everywhere as we are finding out on a weekly basis….new information about Pennsylvania and Arizona coming out almost weekly. When is someone going to reverse this fraud? The Clintons have long been the people who needed to be in jail….someday, hopefully, they will get their just deserts.

2 years ago

We knew long ago that this political vendetta against President Trump was worse than Watergate. How it could happen in this country, why it took so long to crack the egg, and the process that will identify the criminals will all be meaningless unless the “perpetraitors” are indicted, judged, convicted, and subjected to fair sentences. Lock ’em up!

USN Retired
USN Retired
2 years ago

OK, so when do we arrest Hillary and her cohorts? Now would be good.

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