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Dinesh D’Souza’s New Movie Is Called Police State; It’s a Warning That We’d ‘Better Not Get Out of Line’

Posted on Friday, November 17, 2023
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Nov 17 — Is our country turning into a “police state?” That’s the question posed by political commentator, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza in a recent interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of AMAC’s Better For America podcast. Police State is also the title of D’Souza’s newest film. As he described it, “this is a startling, in some ways a frightening film, but it’s a film that I think issues a necessary warning before our liberties are lost altogether.”

As he described it, a police state is about “mass surveillance of citizens… systematic censorship… indoctrination and propaganda in the schools and in the media… criminalization of political differences… the undermining of religious liberty. Many, if not most of those things are now present in the United States to one degree or another.”

To be sure, he noted, the U.S. is not yet “a full-fledged police state. If we were, I couldn’t make a film called Police State. I would be already locked up. In fact, I doubt we could be having this conversation.” But, D’Souza says “we are moving in that direction. What worries me is that we have seen such an escalation in just the past two years … And so, the job of the film is to strip away the veil, look behind the facade, show what’s really going on, the naked brutality, the vicious abuses of power. One of the mysteries I try to unravel in the film is how do you get decent people to do indecent things.” One way to do it is to employ what he calls the “techniques of dehumanization.”

For example, he said “Hillary Clinton talks about supporters of the MAGA movement as cult members, and they need to be deprogrammed. So you can see the same kind of rhetoric. It’s a rhetoric of dehumanization. And we know from police states that dehumanization comes first, the incarceration comes next. And in some cases, the extermination comes after that … If you look at censorship, for example, academia is involved, the media, nonprofit groups, the government, and digital platforms. So look at what kind of an octopus we have here stretching across both the public and private sector.”

D’Souza suggested that the origins of the police state go back to 9/11 and the powers of surveillance given to the government at that time. “It was a bipartisan project, and I’m sorry to say I was included in the sense that I was one of those people who thought, well, we probably do need to give the government these enhanced powers because there are foreign terrorists who are trying to kill us. In fairness, none of us suspected that these exact same powers could then be turned against American citizens and can be used against political opponents. So, I think the real villain who started this was Obama. It started under Obama. But the police state tactics under Obama were modest. They were just the beginnings of things. And things have really escalated in the last two years under Biden. We see naked police state tactics used across the board. And in many cases, they don’t even try to conceal it. It’s almost like they want you to know that they’re doing it to terrify people into thinking, ‘Hey, I better not get out of line because I could be next’.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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1 year ago

The Hamas supporters now support Osama Binladen’s statement justifying the attack on September 11, 2001 describing how our nation is evil and deserved what happened. At the same time the Brandon administration’s Justice Department and FBI is using our tax dollars and unlimited power to persecute it’s political opponents, while looking the other way when the far left do more as domestic terrorist then all of the January 6 patriots. We need to re-elect Donald Trump and get rid of all the RINO”S in congress if we are going to survive and hold all these communist accountable for everything they are doing to destroy the only country on this earth that God has blessed with the freedoms we have and enjoy!

1 year ago

Police State? . . . That’s just a “kind” way of saying a Communist State!

1 year ago

DNC = Gestapo/STASI & KGB

1 year ago

Now you know why obummer stayed in DC instead of going back to Chicago where his library is. It’s easier for that airplane eared clown to pull the “dictator in depends ” strings!

1 year ago

“Big Brother” has become a reality now. SLowly but surely our freedoms and rights are being taken away and yet, here we sit, allowing this to happen….

1 year ago

O, his plan was to destroy America and he is half way if not 3/4 th of the way there.
I just received an article how the Italian intelligence agency with American intelligence agency and Dominion fraudulently got ole Joe elected. Government leaders and even the president of Italy were bought off with 400 million dollars that O stole from the US government. All to keep their mouths shut. Since 2020 many of these same leaders have been murdered. To keep them quiet forever.
The article said Biden is not the legal president of the United States.
Did anyone else get this?

1 year ago

The defintion of a police state is when only the police have guns.
Police states come about when about when people give up their rights for security.
Many people who come to our country have never had freedom and don’t know how to handle it, and will give up free speech and other rights, because they don’t know how they are important in being free.
You never know how important your rights and freedoms are until you lose them.
Protect your Constitution and the Bill of Rights, by electing people who will protect them at all cost!

1 year ago

This is very true. It started when Tea Party members started having their taxes audited and escalated. Bad things happen when good men do nothing. Where are the good men?

1 year ago

Our border must be closed & Democrats thrown out of office on their ass !!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Police state? Have someone write you a $750> personal check and the bank will by law flag it for interest for the IRS. You didn’t think just “corporations” are expected to pay their fair share, did you?

1 year ago

really? so Hamas can attack and kill you? Hamas is never going to agree. They had a cease fire in Gaza and Hamas broke it. Grow up and educate yourself.

1 year ago

Look for Spokane to get really bad in the near future. The mayor and Head, of the city council, just elected, are Commies, and our police Chief just resigned 2 days ago.
I’m betting it will get ugly.

1 year ago

Many people have been saying this for a while now. The biggest issue is that the media is a huge part of the problem. The funny thing is that the media will be one of the major entities to lose its position if/when a place becomes a police state. They continue to peddle a one sided narrative and refuse to show opposing views.
Her’s something interesting and it shows real America compared to current america.
Years ago Julia-Louis Dreyfus was being interview in the middle of some regular programming and she went off about a political issue and she represented the liberal view. Being that the interview was not supposed to be about that topic whatsoever, within an hour or so of the “rant” by Dreyfuss, the media outlet covering the interview issued an apology and explained that the interview was supposed to be about something different and that they had no idea that Dreyfus was going to go off on a tangent What did the network/news agency do? They immediately put together people with opposing (conservative) views to give “their side” of the argument and then aired the interview. This was during the Seinfeld heyday so Louis-Dreyfus was someone influential. I can’t remember exactly because it was a long time ago but the crazy thing is I believe the agency/station was CNN. Yep, CNN, imagine that? WOW!! THAT’S when we had a real media that gave both sides of the aisle and the employees were actually JOURNALISTS, not members of one side of a political party.

1 year ago

So, someone attacks you and you fight back and are beating them, so they ask for a truss, and you give it to them, all that does is give them time to reload.
Not me, the only thing I would do is keep pounding them until they surrender, Hamas need to get on its knees and beg for forgiveness!

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
1 year ago

So incredibly important it is, to get this information into the hands of as many people as possible!

1 year ago

[Dinesh D’Souza’s New Movie Is Called Police State; It’s a Warning That We’d ‘Better Not Get Out of Line’]
I take exception to the title of this article. I do not see it as a warning that “We’d Better Not Get Out of Line”. Instead I see it as a call to action. We better wake up, stop hiding and take back our country while we still have something worth saving!

1 year ago

Hey Jackass, doesn’t it bother you that NOBODY EVER AGREES With You? That should tell you something but then again, you’re just TOO STUPID to realize it!

1 year ago

In WA State, nobody tries to take our guns more than Gov. Inslee and his cohorts.

1 year ago

It’s been a constant tension in government with its beginnings at least pre-Civil War.
In my lifetime, some of the obvious signposts have been when Pres. Ford gave Pres. Nixon a pass. When Pres. Reagan indemnified Pharma from lawsuits on vaccines. When Pres. Bush allowed more pesticides and GMOs. When Pres. Clinton allowed TV advertisements of drugs and promoted the Telecom agenda. The post 9/11 Patriot Act by Pres. Bush. When Pres. No Drama Obama “went along” with much (very much like Reagan) which included increased surveillance on Americans. When Pres. Don the Con Trump just focused on his bottomline and degraded the office with his deceits. Culminting with Pres. Biden’s incompetence and senility.

1 year ago

Unfortunately this appears to be all too true and a bit frightening as well as frustrating. We need to protect our rights.

bob Flechtner
bob Flechtner
1 year ago

Where were you before October 7th? Are you a Soros protoge?

1 year ago

I am one that trusts news media, and this week I read that US produced 13.2 barrels per day of oil this month. If that is true,, then that is a record & where is all that oil going & why do not we see that at gas pump? And is it rumors that we want to buy oil from Iran & Venzeuela & is Biden refilling Strategic Reserve ? What is the true story on this oil production?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I’m still wondering what the Israelis did with all those bodies from this “genocide” everyone keeps yelling about. Must’ve et em, huh?

1 year ago

dsouza should be in jail

1 year ago

This sounds like another conspiracy theory in my opinion. And yes, if you break the law then you should expect to be penalized accordingly. The thugs that rob stores in San Francisco are a good example as they are not being arrested , but they are ruining this country.

1 year ago

trump is a nazi

1 year ago

Does d’souza have a background in history & political views that can be trusted? Has he ever been elected & served in a public office?

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