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Did Vivek Just Make the Corrupt Media the 2024 Issue?

Posted on Thursday, November 9, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Vivek Ramaswamy American entrepreneur participated in the 2024 Republican Presidential debate.

Did Vivek Ramaswamy just crack the code for defeating the Democrat Party’s smear machine and the corrupt media collusion as seen on Tuesday with the defeat of Republican candidates like Daniel Cameron in Kentucky? And has he finally forced Washington Republicans to realize they are suffering from spousal abuse syndrome—as they empower corrupt networks and newspapers that turn every political news story into an attack on fellow Republicans and conservatives?

At the third Republican primary debate in Miami Wednesday evening, which was hosted by NBC News, longshot candidate Vivek Ramaswamy stole the show not by going after his onstage GOP opponents, Donald Trump, or Joe Biden—but instead by launching a scathing attack on the national corporate media, and saying out loud what rank-and-file conservative voters have long known to be the truth. In doing so, Ramaswamy has let a massive political genie out of the bottle and exposed the corporate media as the real opposition party in American politics—a moment that provoked notable discomfort on the faces of the debate’s moderators.

“Think about who’s moderating this debate.” Ramaswamy said on the debate stage. “This should be Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk—we’d have 10 times the viewership, asking questions that GOP primary voters actually care about, and bring in more people into our party.”

“We’ve got Kristen Welker here,” he continued. “Do you think the Democrats would actually hire Greg Gutfeld to host a Democratic debate? They wouldn’t do it. And so the fact of the matter is, Kristen, I’m going to use this time—because this is actually about you and the media, and the corrupt media establishment—[to] ask you [about] the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years. Was that real? Or was that Hillary Clinton made-up disinformation? Answer the question. Go.” The camera then panned to Welker, who awkwardly smiled and refused to answer Ramaswamy’s question as the crowd erupted in applause.

Ramaswamy’s question to Welker came on the heels of an AMAC Newsline column last week, which urged the debate’s participants to use the occasion to hold the media’s feet to the fire and suggested that a GOP victory next November will require candidates to start telling the truth about the media establishment and its longtime collaboration with Democrat Party operatives and the left-wing consultant class. The column also included other confrontational questions that Ramaswamy or other GOP candidates could feel liberated to use against left-wing moderators in future debates, and which could allow them to catch on to the fact that Donald Trump’s popularity is due to his courage in speaking the truth to the media—and about the media.

Attacks on the corporate media are effective for two reasons: first, they neutralize media smears against Republican candidates (which have long been among the left’s most effective political weapons), and second, they allow voters to realize just how deep-rooted the media’s corruption truly is—potentially laying the groundwork for a Republican landslide next fall.

But even though opposition to the media and the extremism of the national Democrat Party remains one of the most unifying issues among Republican primary voters, the GOP consultant class has largely failed to tap into these narratives. Ramaswamy’s anti-media rhetoric at Wednesday’s debate, however, provides a much-need path forward.

In recent weeks, the media’s credibility has been even further shattered by its coverage of the conflict between Israel and Hamas—including by recent allegations that several major networks and publications had advance notice of the October 7 Hamas attacks.

Because the corporate media functionally exists as a Democrat Super PAC—and the left maintains its political oxygen almost entirely thanks to its media apparatchiks—it remains perplexing why Republican consultants refuse to make the media a major campaign issue.

As Vivek Ramaswamy demonstrated on Wednesday night, whether it knows it or not, the Republican Party is sitting on a political goldmine. Should it choose to expose the media’s corruption for what it is and treat their collusion with Democrats as a serious campaign issue this fall, it could very well find itself on the path to an unprecedented electoral majority.

The blueprint for an effective national ad campaign against the corporate media and Democrat candidates actually already exists. While Washington-based consultants of course gobbled up all the major GOP cash for ineffective ads, one heroic conservative group, Frontiers of Freedom, in the months leading up to last year’s midterm elections, ran a highly effective ad blitz taking aim at the left’s and media’s extremism. Frontiers of Freedom was the only group last election cycle to make the corruption of the media a driving issue.

The ads, which targeted five incumbent Senate Democrats in New York, Arizona, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Nevada, alleged that the media is “the most powerful and corrupt institution in America” that seek to “smear” GOP candidates and protect their own “chosen candidates,” asking voters to “send a message to the media bosses” who are corrupting American journalism and give them a “miserable election night.”

The ad focuses on the media for trying to “crush dissent” and hide corruption, after displaying headlines about media scandals and smears—including its handling of the China Virus leak, censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, promotion of the Russian collusion hoax, coverup for Hillary Clinton’s email scandals, and refusal to report on Biden’s blackmailing of the Ukrainian government. The ad also lists other political smears, like those against General Michael Flynn, students at Covington Catholic High School, and parents protesting anti-Americanism in their local schools. The ad goes on to blame the media for electing Joe Biden “by letting him run “from his basement” and “covering up his incompetence and ill health.”

The blueprint for GOP success next fall is ready and available for the Washington-based Republican consultant class. Whether or not it chooses to use it, however, remains to be seen.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

What was special was the look on Kristen Welker’s face after Vivek called her out and asked her a very simple and straightforward question. The dumbfounded look on her face was absolutely priceless. That another so-called Moderator had to step in and save her from the embarrassment just demonstrates how clueless most in the MSM are when they are thrown off script. She looled like a deer caught in the headlights of an on-coming 18-wheeler, she just sat their stupefied. Clearly it was Vivek’s best copy of how Trump normally treats the corrupt media we have in this country.

Now do I think the rest of the Republican politicians, not just the handful up on stage but in general the rest of the Republican Party, will take away anything from that moment in time on how they should show a little spine and simply adopt the same direct approach when dealing with our biased media? No, of course not. Trump has been showing the rest of the Republican politicians how to deal with a biased MSM and lying Democrats very effectively for years to absolutely no avail. A single demonstration from Vivek isn’t going to change the mindset of most Republican politicians. The vast majority of Republican politicians from the professional political class are sadly either too timid or they’re trained to just endlessly keep turning the other cheek when slapped around by our MSM or Democrat politicians. Fighting back or standing one’s ground when the MSM or Democrats attempt to smear them just isn’t in their DNA.

1 year ago

Challenge the Mainstream Media? . . . After Hillary lost to Trump all we heard from Hillary was Russian Collusion and the Mainstream Media jumped all over it! Of course, it was phony just like claiming that Trump incided the people to riot on January 6th when he very clearly said to “go peaceably” but somehow that gets omitted from Democratic and Mainstream Media talking points. LIES, LIES and MORE LIES is all we ever get from the Democratic Party Leadership and the Mainstream Media. But then again, what’s new?

1 year ago

Ramaswamy said exactly what needed to be said in calling out NBC for their Trump hate and DNC bidding. Very refreshing to see some Republican(s) actually have a backbone and question msm when given the stage. Welker’s smile or grin whatever that was, was awkward to say the least. Holt was very glad to have moved on with the time running out for Vivek. Kudos to Ramaswamy!

1 year ago

Let’s hope the other candidates take the same approach to challenging the media on their obvious bias!

1 year ago

It’s about time somebody said something. The GOP is spineless…so afraid to offend people when in fact their policies are deemed offensive by the very puppets of the leftist media. So how much harm do you think is being done by not addressing this topic? A whole lot thank you as evidenced by the continuous losses suffered by conservatives.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Hes right Vivek is correct esp about Ronna Too Big time

1 year ago

The Socialist Democrats and elitist have paid the news networks off for years! If you can’t pay them off you buy it like Soros did! 

1 year ago

Like him or not, he is simply speaking the truth. Many don’t want to hear the truth because it comes from him and they don’t like him. So…here we are. Who likes it here?

1 year ago

We do not have a media we have a news service dedicated to doing the bidding of the Democrat party.

1 year ago

I loved it when “Rama” put the media in that light. This has long needed to be done and in this kind of forum. I thought Kristen was going to wet her knickers and certainly the MSM’s collective heart skipped a beat. (To his credit, I thought Holt did a decent job at remaining objective; Hewitt didn’t have as much participation as hoped). No doubt now the MSM and their squads or mobs or useful idiots are engineering their own little retaliation/smear campaign in the same way they’ve gone after the new house speaker Johnson which simply emphasizes their pathetic hypocracy. Of the three debates, this one at least more brought to bear the candidates’ dispositions.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Duh. He was just pointing out what everyone has known for decades: the media is biased. Candy, get the transcripts! Donna do you have the debate questions ready for me? Forged any more Bush documents lately, Dan? And of course… “no evidence of widespread 2020 voter fraud”?

1 year ago

This should have been done way back when ole Joe was installed as president. But the reps are too kind. Think about McCarthy McConnell how they align with the dems. Everyone is afraid to lose their cushy job or lose power. You would be heralded if they stood up to the propaganda machine the so called MSM. They are not News reporting organizations they are repeating what the White House or deep state tells them to say. Because everything they report on the same words are used like they are reading a communique. We have known this for a long time and the reps come back well it looks like it could be when the left does something outrageous. Tell the truth they do. Ole Joe has made all the Magas domestic terrorists and I have not heard from many reps to counter that. Oh there is talk about it. But nothing like Vivek did. He had a chance to call them out and he did. Make the MSM as uncomfortable as we can. Because they are the ones that spread the division of this country which is Ole Joe’s plan. Spreading hatred and division by bringing up the race card, gender pronouns mandated. All those opposed are enemies of the state. Like Hitler wanted his people to walk in lockstep with his plans for Germany. How did that work out? Foreigners had to save the German people because they were complacent. Speak up people. Either through your vote or actions. Be proud to be an American.

Stephen C
Stephen C
1 year ago

I fully realize that Mr Ramaswamy is still a long shot to win the Republican nomination next year, but I really admire what he did by exposing and blasting the mass media and it’s blatant hypocrisy in his remarks. How refreshing to hear a candidate ( besides Donald Trump) who has the “moxie” to state what many of us “great unwashed” have known for quite some time. Go get ‘em Vivek!

Fishcake 2023
Fishcake 2023
1 year ago

Good for Vivek! Question: why is that gasbag Chris Christie still on the GOP debate stage? Just to bash Donald Trump??

1 year ago

I found it interesting that one of the debate topics concerned banning TikTok and NBC ran two TikTok ads. What’s up with that?

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

GOOD FOR HIM!!! He said what a lot of Americans have been thinking for some time but have no voice. Thank you Mr. Ramaswamy. I wish you would consider working with DJT. The outcome would definitely be for the betterment of patriotic Americans.

1 year ago

AMAC leads the way.

1 year ago

Look guys, the gov’t, (FBI,DOJ, Whitehouse), and the media have been in bed with each other for a long time. Remember Hunter’s lap top, media said it was misinformation in 2019 right before the 2020 election? And some Republicans(RINO’s) are complicity with the Democrats in this corrupt scheme. Trump has been calling them out for years, FAKE NEWS.
So, nothing hew there; Vivek just pointed it out AGAIN,

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Vivek in the last debate managed to successfully target both the corrupt media but also the broken leadership of the RNC along with disgusting members of the RNC often called War Whores personified by the likes of Nicky Haley, aka Dick Cheney in three inch heels.

1 year ago

The Washington consultant class is essentially beholden to the media. No one is going to skewer a goose laying them golden eggs. If a republican consultant has a problem with a candidate or the consultant fails and the candidate loses their election they probably have a book about how bad their candidate was already in the works or some other sage acknowledgements confirming what the media smeared the candidate with that they can sell for bevy of interviews. They look like the sewer, they smell like the sewer, they live in the sewer: THEY ARE THE SEWER!

1 year ago

Trumpo/Ramaswamy 2024 Ramaswamy/Trump 2028

Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor
1 year ago

I’m sure that this will be ignored if Ronna is not fired

John newby
John newby
1 year ago

I’ve been in media for over 30 years, while all the above is true in this column, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Corruption runs very deep, beyond even the media which IS controlled.

1 year ago

I am old enough to remember when all we were supposed to do was hear the news. Not anymore. They spoon feed you how they want you to believe. They have buildings burning down all around them and say “this is peaceful protest”. These people lie and spin until I do not believe anything they say. I am glad Vivek called them out. No one else does except Trump. I am sick of the lies and untruth the media spins in our own country. Just like the lies they tell our kids on Campus and in school. Mind blowing things like the Jews are the bad guys. They caused the problems and are causing the problems. Why can people not tell the truth anymore?

1 year ago

Unless you just woke up from a comma, you should have seen that the MSM has been the propaganda arm of the deep state since at least the second world war. Vivek rubbed their nose in it which was a good thing, and gave Ronna the thrashing she deserved, so let’s see if anyone actually does anything about it.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
1 year ago

Cannot agree more. Surprising and refreshing move on the debate stage. GOP candidates have little to lose by taking on the media; which is already on the LEFT side of every issue. Where is the GOP in this fracas?

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

It is about time someone finally confronted the corporate media about the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

1 year ago

This is absolutely the right direction! If more people were aware of this it might make a difference. Every Republican running for office should be pounding this drum. People think Trump is crazy and taking it personally, but this is a huge issue with every conservative candidate,

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

I hope so. the media is a disaster.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Ask Joe if writing “loan” in the memo section of a check means I can legally take my Big Guy 10% too.

1 year ago

Hats off to Vivek for addressing this issue.This corrupt media needs to be stop!!! Great Job Vivek

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Very suprising, but glad he done that. The truth needs to come out. Kyle L.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

I am still not sure I trust Vivek. He says all the right things but I am not convinced that he means them.

1 year ago

Exactly what is needed to get this country back on track.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

I’ve never understood why Republicans allow Democrats to moderate their debates. Yes, the Leftists own the networks but the GOP should insist on having GOP moderators. If the networks say no then their bias will be on display of all to see.

1 year ago

Bravo for Vivek. Though he may be 4 years away from being the frontman for the GOP, he can shape the platform for 2024 in a big way. Our dog is ugly and it doesn’t win elections. Vivek can be extremely infyin changing tat, and we need to make changes now before it is too late.

1 year ago

He is right on!!!!!

1 year ago

The Republican consultants will never use it. They are part of the swamp that is causing the problems.

1 year ago

We all have to face the facts that 40% of the electorate Will always vote Republican regardless of the candidate (think Romney) and 40% will always vote Democrat because they feel it is their party, regardless of the candidate. The party whose message activates the majority of the undecided 20%, in the states where the electoral college votes are up for grabs is the party that will win the presidency in 2024. So the GOP needs to focus their message on just the 20% that is up for grabs. 40% is guaranteed and 49% is a guaranteed NO regardless of the message.

1 year ago

What it will do is open the eyes of people to the fact that all the media does is manipulate a narrative. They lie about everything to influence you toward what goal exactly??

Silvano Silva
Silvano Silva
1 year ago

The news media is a large part of Americas decline as is social media. The biggest cancer killing America is the political party though. Nothing gets done anymore in the Legislative branch, except break the tax payer. Politicians have forgotten whom they work for, and most tax payers don’t care. It’s sad but true, until someone has enough guts to write a petition and circulate across all America to sign and support, then have propositions for each to be voted in the next general election to eliminate the political party, term limits, smaller government and flat tax for everyone, no exceptions, America won’t heal. Also when God is taken out of the equation, it’s only a matter of time humanity will cease to exist. God has given all humanity free will to test the heart, and it looks like most of humanity has and is failing. God have mercy on us for breaking the first two commandments.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Media is in a position to manipulate mold and shape public opinion depending how they interpret the event They no longer report the facts All public can do is to sift through everything and take it with a load of salt look at the facts and vote accordingly Never mind the gloss Reality speaks for itself and is all around us Not a pretty picture Does Vivek have a realistic vision and a first step to take Not the whole picture Just the first stroke of a brush Then finish it stroke by stroke Long process but not impossible if we as a nation are ready to assist And that is the crux No longer one nation under God

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Vivek was right but he’s only ampkified what everyone already knows: the media are liars so why are we humoring them by pretending they are anything but biased Democrat activists whose goal is not to inquire but to tear down Republicans so the Democrat wins?

1 year ago

Loved what he did with media so true, but Vivek has Sorros money behind him. Sorros paid for his education and donated to his campaign! Suspicious could be another Sorros plant like judges, lawyers, attorney generals, etc!

1 year ago

We’re “us” the truth seekers are in decline. The GOP have no one in leadership to beat the drums pounding upon the corrupt media or the Tech’s stealing your life.
We sit back yammer about the elections and then let the Romney’s of our party blast us.
Please say stuck on stupid.
No, no longer raise honesty to the top of the cream.
Of course I Believe liberals are mentally wired differently. Show them the facts of Hillary- Russia lies and they still believe in Russia, Russia.
Oh Archie get off the Lazy Boy!!!

1 year ago

Trump has been doing this since 2015. I like V Ramaswamy but he is just parroting the Trump agenda and message.
Maybe someday Vivek will get a real shot at POTUS but not this time. I suspect he is fooling himself in thinking he can capture the youth vote any better than Trump. True conservatives of all ages will back Trump

Anthony Garzione
Anthony Garzione
1 year ago

The MSM spectrum of narcissism has exceed that scale and moved into sociopathology behavior. Intentionally destroying our country from within, these ignorant blissful clowns parrot Marxist talking points week in and week out. Tuning them out is difficult because their pipelines are still free of charge to the public, almost all conservative news have been taken down by Direct TV, Youtube and streaming services. They are actors pretending to love this country. That disgusts me so deeply its beyond words

George Myers
George Myers
1 year ago

Keebler would be proud!

1 year ago

IMHO, our MSM is one of the biggest problems our country faces. How many times have YOU heard someone in/from/representing the media say “The public has a right to know!” Now, if the MSM would only do it. Actual news, not just news forced through a Dumbassocrat filter.

1 year ago

ignore this article. he or she talks of the media hiding the truth, yet he or she hides behind a fake name. just like the reporters using the big media names to push their retoric.

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