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Devastating Intelligence Leak

Posted on Monday, April 17, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

A major intelligence leak has occurred, revealing US military plans and assessments for Russia, Ukraine, China, South Korea, Turkey, Egypt, and Israel – possibly others. The treasonous leaker was a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman. What are the implications? How and why did this happen? Where do we go from here? Implications are layered, reasons this occurred serious.

As a former naval intelligence officer myself, once cleared to TS/SCI – compartmented level, who also held Top Secret in two White Houses and five years of congressional oversight, my eyes popped at this.

Six implications flow from this news – not being covered by mainstream media. Some are obvious, others not. Here they are:

First, release of this highly sensitive intelligence instantly puts American military and intelligence personnel in harm’s way, compromising national security missions and personnel. It also places adversaries on notice as to our depth of knowledge, understanding, institutional penetration, analytical errors, and planned actions.

So, tactically, before anything else is discussed, this is a gut punch to those in the field. Without question, missions will be called off, personal pulled, a complete rethink necessary to compensate –invariably with loss of time, elevated risk, and likely loss of life.

Second, beyond loss of tactical advantage, this leak puts all US assets, those individuals within the national security environments of the foreign countries above, in immediate jeopardy. Assets who trusted the United States to keep them safe, protect their identities and families, and assure the limbs they were out on were not be sawed off – are now in freefall, their limbs axed, their lives on the line.

Infuriatingly, this is not unlike what Biden himself did to the Americans and American allies – who numbered tens of thousands – when he ran away from Afghanistan, literally giving lists of names of to the Taliban, of those who had trustingly sworn their lives to America.

But here, the impact is not limited to one country, or just about stupidity, arrogance, and indifference to human life. This was a knowing disgorgement of data that will almost certainly lead to the death of US assets, no escape route, their identities clear by inference from the classified documents leaked.

Third, US allies already in “doubt mode” over Biden will conclude the US cannot be trusted. If a 21-year old, reckless, game-playing, self-adulating – arguably disturbed, indisputably treasonous – leaker can get hands on top secret material and spread it like birdseed to the wind, who would trust?

The reality is that this leak will shut off intel sharing in some degree, based on added distrust of the Biden regime, fear that foreign assets – those of our allies – will also be placed at risk. The damage is real, and could later lead to loss of US lives, since what we do not know – can kill us.

Fourth, the fact that this irresponsible, childish, yet blithely death-dealing young person got into the US military at all, let alone got a TS clearance – likely to compensate for Biden’s woke military recruiting shortfalls – is a shocker. The idea that we would let someone like this have access is dumbfounding.

What this really means is that the vetting process – deep checks on individuals – has been abandoned, or is so compromised as to be untrustworthy. This should give all pause. This is our national security.

Fifth, to deal with this failure – and to assess where other similar failures may be hiding – significant intelligence resources will have to be redirected, creating a loss when we cannot afford redirection.

Sixth, the knock-on effects of this bumbling release of highly sensitive intelligence will – you know this, but think on it again – hearten, empower, and enthuse our adversaries to work harder. If we learned China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea had betrayers from within, we would maximize our effort. They will.

Now stop, and ask why and how this happened. Let us be crystal clear why this happened. Beyond a failed vetting process, woke military scrambling to get recruits, no oversight, disinterest in detail, loss of discipline within ranks and leadership, bad stuff rolls downhill.

No one will say so, but if the boss does not care one twit about classified documents, leaves them in a half dozen locations, from his garage to an office paid for by China, carts his son around the world –last week to Ireland – after that same son did big million-dollar deals with Communist China and Ukraine, what is a lowly 21-year old gong to think? He is going to think classified is like refried – who cares?

This brings us to the end of this diatribe. What should happen will not – but it still should. This breach is huge, and it should lead to a rethink about Biden’s breaches, his son’s illegalities, then resignation of the Secretaries of Defense and Air Force, conviction and sentencing of this offender, who faces the death penalty for treason under 18 USC 2381. Treason matters, if America still matters. And we do.  

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

From the reporting I have seen there was nothing of operational value. I may have missed something, so, what was compromised? Since it is already out, you can tell me without jeopardizing anything.
Absent that I will continue to assume that Texeira is the patsy for some plot or PsyOp, as it makes no sense he would have access to such materials on the normal course of business.

1 year ago

I find it incomprehensible how a part-time E3 could have any access to such sensitive national security information! Part-time Guard members by design are a backup and secondary support to active duty military members in their prescribed roles. As such, this represents a gross failure of those above in the chain of command. However, given the behavior and priorities of their Commander-In-Chief, should we be surprised by this dereliction of duty and failure of command?! Signed retired USAF 05, who had a Top Secret Security clearance.

1 year ago


As someone who also held security clearances and worked in the technology space for the federal government, when I read that some relatively low-level national airmen had somehow managed to get access to what would appear to be a variety of high-level strategic planning / logistics documents of the DoD it immediately raised a whole lot of questions no one seems to be asking. Instead we seem to be treated the old Washington deflection set of questions designed to keep attention away from asking things like what is half this information even doing residing a servers that are network accessible outside of the Pentagon itself. Most of this information would seem to have little to no justifiable use to anyone in say an air national guard unit in Massachusetts, so why would it even be hosted in a network accessible server outside the Pentagon?

Just because someone has TS clearance doesn’t mean that they automatically have access to virtually every database or every document across multiple systems. Most secure systems have multiple layers of security and password protection, that restrict access to who can do what from where and control what they see what on any given secure system, database or from any specific networked location. It’s not like the public Internet, where people can just search the WWW for information and get dozens or hundreds of active responses back. So there is definitely a whole lot of things that just don’t add up right from how some low-level airmen was able to get access to all this various information that normally wouldn’t reside in even the same databases, much less server systems.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Is the treasonous leaker the genuine article or is he a scape goat will he be charged with treason or will he be hosted in Rose garden I am taking it with a truck of salt

1 year ago

Says a lot about our military…..God help us

1 year ago

I heard this morning that he is a Russian sympathizer. If true ask another question: who vetted him, who did the checking on him?

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
1 year ago

I am glad to see someone besides me is calling this document theft what is: treason. If this 21 year old military guy actually pulled this off, then he should face a COURT MARTIAL, and if found guilty of treason, should be put up before the firing squad. Yet no politician, no media dare use the “T” word. I wonder why?

1 year ago

RBC, thanks again for your article. Not much to add since I pretty well concur with Paul E comments below. I know I “cut teeth” on the Walker spy ring case many moons ago. Somebody high in authority certainly allowed this breach to occur so not every thing should fall on this Airman’s shoulders, so there is a lot more to be discovered. Certainly, future strategies have been affected by this incident and many lives have been put into jeopardy..

Roger Ott
Roger Ott
1 year ago

I thought treason was an executable offense!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Anyone buying the narrative regarding this “surprise” leak is a fool. At best the leaked material contained some legitimate nuggets of factual information but also contained a lot of simple BS so as to perhaps soften the let down when that grifter Zelensky and his government collapse taking some 150 billion dollars of our fake currency with him/it.
There was one document reported as being “leaked” that was of the sort that would never be on the base the low level 21 year old “leaker” was operating after. Someone very highly placed provided at least that one document so what does that say about the rest?
NEVER believe anything coming from the mainstream media or their government overlords. We have been lied to for decades and will continue to be lied to until the current system collapses into the ruin it deserves.
You bet Russia is winning and anyone with even a high double digit IQ should have realized that in February of 2022 when a Russian boot first touched Ukrainian Nazi tainted soil.

Bruce Curran
Bruce Curran
1 year ago

I am wondering why this man was not arrested by military process?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Read from some source that only E5+ can get Security Clearance NOT lowly Airmen
Source had experience with classified documents
False flag event

Michael F
Michael F
1 year ago

ban all firearms

1 year ago

I don’t buy it ! This was another set up just like the towers the Covid bs all this government does is lie . If they are saying this then it is a lie they never tell the truth. Our country is screwed look to the sky and pray America.

Robert Israel Kabakoff
Robert Israel Kabakoff
1 year ago

“A 21-year old, reckless, game-playing, self-adulating – arguably disturbed, indisputably treasonous – leaker…” Bravo. Bingo. Well said, Mr. Assistant Secretary.

1 year ago

“personal pulled” should be “personnel pulled” – the Internet is showing its age.

HRC goes unpunished and unscathed; Manning has its sentence commuted. Assange is hounded forever, as is DJT.

It is impossible to make heads or tails of it all, but one thing comes through very clearly – almost everyone in our government is lying almost all the time, lying even when telling the truth would serve them, and certainly us, far better.

“Scientists” lied bald-facedly about the nature of the origins of COVID-19; “50 intelligence professionals” lied about Hunter’s laptop; and HRC and Sullivan financed the “Steele Dossier” and gave birth to the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax. JRB is undoubtedly lying about the course of the war in Ukraine and knows more than he is saying about abandoning fossil fuels.

Government killed trust in government, not The People. Trust once lost, is far harder to regain than it was to keep in the first place.

1 year ago

The documents prove what we’ve known all along, this Brandon Regime cannot be trusted with leading our nation. He and Kamala should be impeached simultaneously and removed. The whistleblower has uncovered the fact that Brandon is indeed getting us into a hot war with Russia drving Russia into the hands of China. He is alienating our allies, especially Israel and he works not for America but for China.

1 year ago

You don’t speak for Reagan, goofus. But you do know garbage. It’s what you’re fed over at MSDNC.

Andrew P
Andrew P
1 year ago

The biggest takeaway from the charging documents is that no system exists to verify “need to know” when a person searches for and downloads classified material. This guy had a TS clearance to work as a tech on TS systems. He should not have been able to download and read the document cited in the indictment, yet he did. This points to a major design flaw of the JWICS. He isn’t the first IT tech or sysadmin who leaked classified information, and until the “need to know” problem is fixed in some systematic way, he won’t be the last.

At the very least, when a person searches for info on a classified system, a security officer or higher up in the chain of command should have to verify that he has need to know before he can access it.

1 year ago

I suspect this report will be updated soon.

We have many more lessons observed than lessons learned.

1 year ago

i dont think this is the real leaker, he’s a fall guy for someone a lot higher. How does someone so low on the totem pole have access to this type of information. It was given to him with a sack full of money and the kid put it out there.

1 year ago

What about the Supreme Court of Dobbs last year, that is also serious leak & have never heard anymore about it. Both Trump & MT Greene have posted that the FBI should be defunded & I would like to know who they think will investigate leaks such as in this article. The FBI is much more important than the two of them think.

1 year ago

This is turning out to be a real scam. We should believe the FBI –why? They have shown themself corrupt. I think the verdict is still out – and even if they say otherwise – it’s still out. The top of the FBI are the ones who most likely lied about the guardsman and caused the leak themself.

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