Democrats and their media allies are sounding the alarm that the Supreme Court is “dismantling” the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The Washington Post warns that this term, the court will likely strip Black voters of their right to elect someone “who represent(s) them.”
Don’t believe it. Truth is, the Democratic Party has converted the Voting Rights Act into a scam.
Twenty-two congressional districts in the United States are engineered to guarantee that Black voters are in the majority.
These rigged districts elect Democrats every time, without fail, though not always a Black Democrat. (Democrat Rashida Tlaib was elected from Michigan’s Black-majority 5th Congressional District.)
Not one of these racially gerrymandered districts elects a Republican. Ever.
Twenty-two rigged districts — that’s nearly three times the size of the Democrats’ majority in the House.
This racial gerrymandering is being done in compliance with the Voting Rights Act, a law that was urgently needed but has outlived its usefulness. Now it’s being used cynically as a tool to lock in Democratic Party dominance.
America doesn’t need a rigged election map to ensure Black candidates are elected. Most Black members of Congress, including 35 out of 53 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, are elected from districts without Black majorities.
In Merrill v. Milligan, the Biden Justice Department is joining forces with the NAACP to keep the scam going. They are challenging the state of Alabama’s election map, explicitly demanding that at least two of the seven congressional districts have guaranteed Black voting majorities. Alabama currently has one.
Last week, the Supreme Court heard two hours of impassioned oral argument over whether it should compel Alabama to maximize the number of minority-controlled voting districts.
Alabama argues that it’s time to end “racial” gerrymandering. Creating a second Black-majority district would require splitting up the state’s coastal region, on the premise that race is more important than the commercial and environmental concerns that seacoast residents, Black and white alike, want represented in Congress.
President Joe Biden’s solicitor general, Elizabeth Prelogar, told the justices that eliminating racial gerrymandering would “leave Black voters” with “no ability to elect their preferred representatives.” That argument is laughable.
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was scheduled to last only five years. Congress has renewed it four times for long stretches, despite the huge progress the nation has made toward a fair, multiracial democracy.
In 1965, there was nearly a 50% gap between white and Black voter turnout in Alabama. By 2012, Black voters in Alabama were turning out at higher rates than whites.
Black candidates compete effectively in white-majority areas. Georgia has a Black U.S. senator, and his GOP challenger is also Black.
The John Roberts-led court has long deemed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 an anachronism. In 2013, the court struck down portions of it after Shelby County, Alabama had challenged the act in 2010 and argued that “Congress’s failure to modernize the law in light of the enormous improvements in minority electoral opportunities” leaves no other option.
Now, the Court should strike down the rest of this obsolete statute. All Americans, including Blacks, deserve a fair chance to participate in our democracy. But racial gerrymandering is no longer necessary.
Segregating voters by race presumes, odiously, that only a Black can represent Blacks, and by implication, only a white can represent whites. Americans know better. They elected a Black man to be their president twice.
Justice Clarence Thomas cautions that drawing district lines by race will “exacerbate racial tensions” rather than rewarding candidates who “build bridges between racial groups.”
The Democratic Party, with a thin House majority, would have liked to grab control of a second Alabama election district in time for the midterm elections. The Court’s decision to hear Merrill v. Milligan ended that ploy.
Ultimately, the stakes are higher than one Alabama district. Across the nation, election districts are being rigged to benefit the Democratic Party, under the false pretense of protecting Black voting rights.
It’s time to end that outrage.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
Democrats will continue to lie and cheat any way possible. Spreading false narratives is their bread and butter. One would hope the Republican politicians would be able to easily counter these lies as soon as they begin, but from past experience most Republican politicians will wait until all the momentum is firmly in the Democrat’s favor before someone like The Turtle mumbles a weak, feckless response or McCarthy does the Washington Two-Step. It would be nice if the leadership of the Republican Party would actually grow a spine and learn how to be proactive.
Only democrats could ever come up with a segregation ideology that only blacks can represent blacks. The fact that these strongholds even exist proves that affirmative action only panders to this one specific group.
I guess all the other lives really don’t matter even when it comes to voting.
As long as there’s a demoncrat party, the lies will spread. That’s what they do. The people who lead the party are evil.
This is why nearly every big city is now under one party rule. The results are horrific and the answer is always more taxes on those who work. If you think reparations are an idea going nowhere think again.
I Do not believe anything that the Democrats and the sold-out mainstream news media tells me the Democrats and the media are out right lair’s, you cannot trust either of them, but that’s nothing new the Democrats have been lying to the American people since Lydon Johnson was President. We will be lied to as long as Democrats walk the face of the Earth.
Anyone that votes for ANY Democrat has a severe mental disorder and should be placed in a mental institution for their protection and yours, one might think that I don’t like Democrats and to that I say!! DUH!
As always, the “republicans” sit idle and do what they always do…NOTHING. Worthless pieces of lawyer garbage.
Why has the author of this article capitalized the word “Black” but not the word “white”?
So-called Democratic Party Leadership ARE the the greatest problem facing America today! . . . They IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION, the BILL OF RIGHTS and ANYTHING that GUARANTEES THE FREEDOMS OF WE THE PEOPLE! . . . They ARE TRUE COMMUNISTS and ONLY WANT TO RULE and CONTROL US! . . . It’s time to STAND & FIGHT THESE COMMIES!
The Weaselcrats are nothing but 2 year olds that whine all the time and live in FANTASY WORLD.
Pay attention, whenever they don’t get their childish way they always come up with some kind of lie. Seems that everybody would have noticed that by now and be tired of the 2 year olds in the White House.
Gerrymandering has been used extensively in the one party state of Maryland for years. Some of the redistricting has been so gerrymandered that the maps of the districts defy logic. You can literally have a Congressman having constituents on the Eastern Shore to halfway across the state!
It got so bad that the courts finally had to step in to demand more reasonable districts. We once had a Congressman, Elijah Cummings who originally was in Baltimore City, have his district reorganized to include affluent Howard County where he moved! It’s beyond ridiculous! Democrats in Maryland outnumber Republicans 2 to 1 and don’t need anymore assistance!
Always always apply the Democrat lie detector. It works without fail. If their lips are moving, they are lying. Whatever they accuse Republicans of doing they are already doing
Blacks appear to be comfortable on comfy plantation Demands are none expectations low responsibilities zero No one can lift them to stand up straight only themselves
It appears to me that you must be a liar and a cheat to be a DemonRat.
Fail in American business, then find your life work in the Demon-cratic Party.
Wake up America, the marxist democrat party is out to take away YOUR Freedom and steal power and money from EVERY taxpayer Citizen!
These people are immoral,corrupt and will stop at nothing to RUIN AMERICA!
2023 and 2024 is YOUR time to Stand up for Freedom.
Yes, and Jibo Clyburn is in one of these “so-called: districts.
Well, Mr. Tim Scott==black has represented South Carolina quite admirably and my DAMILY will help re-elect him again. Less I forget– we are WHITE!!
In Philadelphia, the democrats have just installed 17 drop boxes for voting ballots in city locations and more are on the way! Illegible signatures, missing information, it don’t matter. No verification needed. Then the dems will also vote in person! Then they yell “count every vote”. Stalin was right. It’s who counts the votes that matters. Oz and Mastriano don’t have a chance.
In my opinion, USA still needs to have 2-party system. It is not good for all Americans to be controlled by only one party. We need the checks & balances to make America great. Both Democrats & Republicans are bashing their own people when they do not vote along straight party lines. Republicans need to quit with bully tactics of their own members that vote for the best of all Americans.
Joe Biden shut down the wrong pipeline his first week in office —–he should have shut down the Southern Border drug pipeline. Why is this administration letting this happen to America.
Did they elect Hussein twice?
I am still angered about the SCOTUS ruling that both houses of a bicameral state legislature must be apportioned by population. How can a state legislature patterned after the U.S. Constitution be unconstitutional?? I live in an upstate county in New York and feel that my vote for state senator has been taken away. Hopefully now that the Court is ruling on Constitutional principals this will change.