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Dems Use Texas ‘Heartbeat’ to Restart Their Fight to Pack the Supreme Court and Take Complete Control of Government

Posted on Wednesday, September 8, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 8 — Texas did the right thing in at least creating a civil enforcement action against the physician violating the law. So did the U.S. Supreme Court. When you hear a heartbeat, the baby is alive; it’s a human being.

That first heartbeat can be heard by an ultrasound scan as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, and abortion groups say that is just about the time in a pregnancy when 80 to 90 percent of women seek abortions. In other words, the Texas law in question, Senate Bill 8, and the Supreme Court’s 5 to 4 decision upholding it might not overturn Roe vs. Wade, but it surely will further limit the availability of abortions in that state and, presumably, in any other state that might pass a similar law.

It should be noted, however, that the Supreme Court’s decision does not deal with the merits of the Texas abortion law, according to Senator Bill Cassidy [R-LA]. He explained that those who presented the case against the abortion law did not have the standing to do so. Thus, the court left open the potential for a party or parties with “standing” to challenge the law on the basis of its merits.

In fact, Cassidy, who says he is personally opposed to indiscriminate abortions, told ABC News that he thinks the Supreme Court will ultimately “swat” away the Texas law when it is presented to the court in the proper fashion.

Meanwhile, a new Rasmussen survey shows that voters are divided as regards the Texas law, with 46% in favor of the law, 43% against it, and 11% undecided. The poll also reveals that “After the Supreme Court declined to grant an injunction to prevent the Texas law from going into effect, President Joe Biden responded by promising to ‘launch a whole-of-government effort… to ensure that women in Texas have access to safe and legal abortions.’ Forty-six percent of voters support Biden’s effort to protect legal abortion, while 45% are opposed to Biden’s effort.”

Rasmussen also says that 46% of voters believe that abortion law is the purview of state governments, just 34% of them believe it is within the scope of the federal government, and 20% are uncertain.

Nonetheless, the court’s decision triggered a frenzy among progressive politics. Why? Perhaps because they wanted to distract us from the Biden administration’s “disastrous policies,” including the shameful way the president conducted the Afghanistan withdrawal, Cassidy said. Whatever the reason, it wasn’t about the Texas law’s constitutionality; it was about how and by whom the Supreme case was presented.

Yet, Speaker Pelosi wasted no time in planning for legislation that might dismiss the “heartbeat exception” to legal abortions in Texas and other states that may pass similar heartbeat laws.

Better yet, it has resurrected the notion that in order for Democrats to assume complete and total control of America and its citizens, they need to add four more justices to the Supreme Court– like-minded justices who they can count on to legitimize their whims and wishes.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, [D-NY], who seems to see herself as the darling of the socialist set, cut right to the chase. She used Twitter to send the message that “Republicans promised to overturn Roe v Wade, and they have. Democrats can either abolish the filibuster and expand the court, or do nothing as millions of peoples’ bodies, rights, and lives are sacrificed for far-right minority rule.”

Senator Ed Markey, [D-MA] also turned to social media to get support for his Judiciary Act, a bill that would up the number of Justices on the Supreme Court from nine to 13. As he put it: “This Supreme Court abortion ruling cannot be the last word. Senate Democrats have the power to fix this problem right now by abolishing the filibuster and passing my legislation to expand the Supreme Court.”

The aim of his legislation is to allow the Senate to appoint Justices without the challenge of a filibuster.

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3 years ago

If I recall correctly, Texas had state law many years ago that allowed abortion to be performed (in the state, of course) under 3 basic conditions: (1) the pregnancy was diagnosed as life threatening to the mother; (2) if the pregnancy came about as a result of rape or impregnation by a family member; (3) if the pregnancy came about because of the woman being under age when impregnated. Personally, I don’t like abortion from both a religious and human perspective, but I do think there are occasions as described above should be lawful reasons for abortion. Apparently Joe Hidin’ Biden follows the DemocRat Party position that abortions should be allowed at will by the affected female party (or her family, if under age).

3 years ago

That’s bc the UN says it’s unconstitutional! We better Damn get out of of the UN!! Didn’t women say it’s my body and my choice!! The government holds that against pro life but why can’t we say our body NO VACCINE MY Choice!! One world order is here my friend’s prayer is the answer

3 years ago

Where’s my comment AMAC!! To much of truth to post! You’re all involved

3 years ago

A women’s right comes before she has intercourse. She has the decision to use or not use contraceptives. Once she is pregnant she is a steward of the new life she carries. The child is a life and has rights to its body. We must prevent the democrats from packing the courts and using language and words to disguise their intent.

3 years ago

I wonder if Jesus would accept the heartbeat timeframe? Naaaa!

3 years ago

Unfortunately, this and other atrocious acts by the government will only increase and escalate in horror as time marches on. We must earnestly pray and seek God in these matters. Maybe some can be saved before He “aborts” this earth and calls His children home. God is the only answer, but He won’t be sought by the masses and the end will come soon. Be ready is my best advice. Time is moving swiftly folks and the ruler of this earth, Satan knows it and is escalating his efforts to fill hell with souls!

3 years ago

Perhaps we wouldn’t be having this debate if people would act responsibly and use birth control, which is readably available to anyone who wants it.

John B
John B
3 years ago

We are dealing with the most disastrous and incompetent administration in US history yet the right to commit infanticide is so high on the nation’s “attention getter” list? If a pregnant woman is a victim of a homicide, any prosecutor worth their law degree will charge the defendant with the murder of the unborn child as well. But it’s ok with the “progressives” if a woman willfully decides to terminate the life of the child? Birth control is so effective nowadays and can be obtained free of charge that if personal responsibility is exercised the chances of an unwanted pregnancy are slim.
Now, that all said, my personal opinion is that abortion in certain cases such as rape or incest is warranted and should be made available in those circumstances. But it just being used as a retroactive means of birth control? No way! At some point people need to be accountable for their actions. Promiscuous unprotected sex in the 21st century is insane to begin with because of all the various STD’s floating around.

Bill Scanlon
Bill Scanlon
3 years ago

What is being considered is minority rule. Never mind what the constitution says what matters is what the justices say it says. If you appoint like minded justices who will support your position it doesn’t matter what any other group thinks. If this happens the only choice the people would have would be a convention of States and taking the number out of the control of congress.

3 years ago

Over their dead bodies.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
3 years ago

Dems can go diddle themselves!

Ruth Sidow
Ruth Sidow
3 years ago

Abortion is the murder of a human being in development. As far as I’m concerned, the “mother” and “doctor” should be arrested and charged with premeditated murder. There are laws, with substantial fines and/or jail sentences for the destruction of turtle eggs & eagle eggs, isn’t a human being more important??

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

The Left are insane. Further, the Right should not make deals with the devil, nor cast pearls before swine. This is our country constitutionally, end of story, if they don’t want to play by those rules, well, there are plenty of continents for them to take their fight elsewhere. They can ‘piss’ off!

Harold Perkins
Harold Perkins
3 years ago

With all that is going on, I am sure that the Democrat party will use every opportunity to cheat, everywhere they can. If they don’t cheat, they can’t win.

Mumsy Wow
Mumsy Wow
3 years ago

If democrats are so anxious to establish a person’s right to abortion on demand (i.e.,kill an unborn baby) why are they so upset by people who want to keep their autonomy when it comes to vaccinations?

3 years ago

You have to be quite demonic in order to fight so hard to protect the murder of babies. The left and the pro-choice crowd are evil and wicked. Anyone who would murder babies is capable of anything as we will see in the future. If Biden goes belly up or the globalists get rid of him, and Kookie Kamala takes over, we will see evil and wickedness on steroids.

3 years ago

I’m tired of the poll numbers. Most are made up as they go. Never accurate. Just a steering committee for what the politicians want forced onto the citizens. These people will all have to answer for what they do,including any mother or father who terminates their child’s life. I certainly don’t want to have to stand before God and confess that I murdered my own child.

3 years ago

“That whole article just made me very sick…does anyone…anyone… believe in the ten commandments anymore?”…
“When we take God out of our country which by the way…he created…this is what happens”…

Lindsey C Goff
Lindsey C Goff
3 years ago

Would be nice if, instead of aborting them, we would simply “put them back in” if they didn’t turn out right (just joking! No nasty replies, please!) Of course, Biden would be my first choice (with Pelosi as his twin) to be subjected to “reverse abortion”.

3 years ago

Pack the Supreme Court? They seem to be forgetting the law at times. We don’t need 4 more to really mess things up.

3 years ago

Notice how the DemocRat party is so rigidly focused on insuring its power hold on governance. That is, they are a party first action group, and make the assumption that as l long as they are in power, that is good for the Nation because it is good for their Party. That strikingly resembles the belief implicit in Communism. The DemocRat Party has long since become the Communist pain in the posterior of Constitutional Democracy governance. They rig elections and control a big majority of the News media who perform their public functions by being propaganda outlets for the DemocRats. When the DemocRats win elections, the Party RULES … when Republicans win elections, the Party GOVERNS according to Constitutional provisions. But you will not have Constitutional governance unless you have valid, honest, elections where one-man-one-vote is insured by the voting process… which did NOT occur in the last election. YOU cannot repair a rigged election AFTER it happens … it is simply not possible without near total chaos. Elections MUST be done properly with no potential for redos … that’s just not feasible.

3 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden makes a strong case for the propriety of abortion … of course that decision should have been made before he was born given what we now know about China Joe and his spawn!! Gotta admit … from what I know about Joe Hidin’ Biden, it strengthens the argument for legalized abortion in some rare instances going back to before he was born!!!

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