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Democrats’ Woke Vision for Military Destroying Readiness and Morale

Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

In the coming weeks, Congress is set to pass the largest defense spending bill in history – somewhere in the neighborhood of $850 billion. But with every branch of the military struggling to meet recruiting quotas, adversaries like China and Russia growing more aggressive, and the Biden administration apparently more focused on wokeness than warfighting, Americans have good reason to be concerned about the direction and readiness of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Both the House and Senate versions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) this year call for tens of billions more in spending than President Joe Biden asked for – much of which is to offset the effect of inflation on military budgets. Notably, both Democrats and Republicans in the House also rejected President Joe Biden’s plan to decommission 24 Navy ships as well as cuts to certain research and development projects, a clear bipartisan rebuke of the President’s defense agenda.

Nonetheless, the House and Senate versions of the NDAA were still written primarily by congressional Democrats, and accordingly contain a number of “woke” provisions that have little to do with military readiness. The House bill earmarks money for NATO to support “climate resilience” – something that does nothing to counter the rising threat from Russia or China. The bill also prioritizes the procurement of electric vehicles for the military, directs the Department of Defense to research plant-based proteins, and creates a pilot program to train foreign militaries on how to recruit women – all provisions that aren’t doing anything to bolster U.S. readiness to face down foreign threats or address the drastic shortfalls in recruiting.

At the same time, military leadership at the Pentagon has fully embraced the woke agenda, effectively re-defining military service according to the tenets of “social justice” and identity politics. In June, for example, the Marine Corps observed “Pride Month” by posting an image of a Marine combat helmet with six 5.56 mm NATO rounds in the brim, all painted in the colors of the LGBTQ rainbow “Pride flag.” The image itself (minus the rainbow coloring) is deeply associated with the Vietnam War and the Stanley Kubrick film Full Metal Jacket, which takes a hard and critical look at U.S. involvement in the war. To both active duty Marines and veterans, the post came across as tone deaf and offensive. As one Twitter user and self-identified former Marine put it: “All Marines are green…No colors. No preferences. No special treatment or celebration of any sub-group or category. Just Marines. Leave it at that. Keep social experiments, trendy buzz words, and politics out of it!”

As if this woke messaging wasn’t enough to dampen morale and deter many Americans from military service entirely, the Biden administration has also moved forward with plans to punish and discharge service members who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine – even as Biden himself has contracted COVID despite receiving both doses of the vaccine and two booster shots. This policy has hit American reserve forces particularly hard; to date, more than 40,000 National Guard service members and 22,000 Army reservists are being denied military benefits for refusing the vaccine. Additionally, every one of these service members who requested a religious exemption has been rejected.

All of these service members are, in accordance with military standards, young and in good physical shape – in other words, the group of people least at risk of hospitalization or death from COVID-19. Jonathan Hullihan, the lead attorney for Texas for County Citizens Defending Freedom, has blasted the mandate, asserting that “we are losing many of our best warriors with real combat and leadership experience… If military leadership fails to portray a candid and accurate threat to the Biden Administration that these actions directly threaten the United States National Security, Congress must intervene.” Thus far, however, Congress has failed to act.

Even if the Biden administration allows these warriors to remain in uniform, there’s no longer a guarantee that America will have the weapons necessary to arm them. Recently, Biden promised that he would provide Ukraine weapons and materiel for “as long as it takes” to defeat Russia. As a result, the U.S. military’s stockpile of weapons, specifically Javelin and Stinger anti-tank missiles, is critically low. Kathy Warden, chief executive of Northrop Grumman, one of the largest American weapons suppliers, has warned that American stockpiles are not prepared for a drawn-out conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Due to mixed signals from the administration about the U.S. commitment to Ukraine, many military contractors are “guessing” what weapons they will be asked to provide.

Combined with a series of foreign policy debacles – chief among them the disastrous evacuation from Afghanistan – Americans would be forgiven for fearing that the military may be at its most vulnerable state in decades. This time, however, it is not a foreign military but internal politics and woke policies at the highest levels of government that are threatening American national security. For our military to recover, it will need new leaders and a renewed focus on its critical mission – one that doesn’t involve rainbow bullets.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.  

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2 years ago

Rainbow colored bullets…..this is insane. And disgusting. Turning our military into a playground for unserious weirdos is insulting to real Americans. Punishing our reserve forces for not getting the vaccine that kills is beyond reprehensible.
It is time for Congress to step up, do their jobs, and fix this mess. Or get out of the way.
Time for all ‘leaders’ to return to military readiness as their goal, or be fired. You’ve lost not only your goals, but your sanity. Leave…….

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Woke defense & China wins

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Didn’t Obama welcome traitor’s parents in WH and was not Chelsea Manning center of attention for while, if you want to grow pair of breasts to identify as a woman just join the army all are welcome, more diverse and divided all the better,as for the low morale just look at the brass, mouth of a lion heart of a mouse

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

This is all part of the Left’s planning to destroy and take over America along with destroying the will of the taxpayers they know they must destroy our Military, America’s Military which was the greatest needs to be mediocre, at best. The men and women who join our Armed Forces deserve better, Lloyd Austin, Mark Miiley and the rest of the joint Chiefs of Staff must go as soon as Biden and the rest of the sleazebags, can be voted out of office.
We are in great danger in this Country, these people are in bolding our Enemies and creating a group of pacifists, who are Woke, but need to be Woken Up.
God Save America!

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

“Democrats’ Woke Vision for Military Destroying Readiness and Morale”
And for those who are just a little slow on the uptake, this is and has always been the goal. The Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – have been slowly but surely taking apart and destroying our military every chance they get for upwards of 40 years now. Just take a look back at their policies dating back to even before Ronald Reagan.

ssgt retired
ssgt retired
2 years ago

As my name suggests, I am a former combat Marine. With weak military leaders who are not only inept but politically motivated we are left to our own devices when it comes to the defense of our once great nation. Citizens, don’t give up your guns because when our enemies invade our shores it will be up to us to defend those shores. Just look at our Southern border, Biden nor congress can’t even get this one right. So citizens, be ready.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

On the outside they may appear to be different colors, but on the inside all our military heroes have the same blood and guts! Thank you to all current and veteran servicemen and women. Even those few that have been infected with “WOKENESS”.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

AS the great Rushbo used to say: “The purpose of the military is to kill people and break things.” It is NOT to be a social Petri dish where we try out immoral and unscientific theories on sex and other things. We are THOUSANDS of people under recruitment goals, yet thousands more have been forcefully separated for not taking the “vaccine” which has multiple side effects! Our military has been “huMILLEYated.”

2 years ago

All this for no mean tweets! Brought to you by biased msm and the dems/leftist.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

It is long past time for veterans to rise up through their national associations and demand substantial leadeship changes in the military. Men and women who believed in basic American values and principles and served the country with dedication and valor have hada their honor betrayed by this most recent cult of political conspirators. Rise up, veterans, and be heard.

2 years ago

With every passing day the United States of America becomes more vulnerable to attacks from our enemies both foreign and domestic. This action of destroying both our military and National Guard frightens me more than anything the dimwits are doing. We should all be afraid, very afraid.

Christopher John Yarosz
Christopher John Yarosz
2 years ago

Well, it’s quite clear that we face a much greater enemy right now and that’s our own Government and our own Government officials. I have been asking this question for some time now with almost everyone I know – When does it become time for a revolution? In the forefathers’ eyes this time has already passed.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Dont give in to the gun control crowd. You gonna need it to fight off the Chinese. Kyle L

2 years ago

Talked t a marine saturday who is going to retire largely because of woke bs. He is currently in intelligence on an air force base–says the air force is full of ‘female cats’; it’s the most affected by this stupidity.

2 years ago

The libtards have always hated the military. Most still believe that the majority of the country’s spending is for defense. They are shocked to find that most is spend on social programs. The latest liberal campaign against the military includes a clown in an Admiral’s uniform, naming ships after woke leaders, etc. The sudden evacuation from Afghanistan was part of the silliness.

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

Mystery Babylon will fall in an hour!

2 years ago

That is the intent.

2 years ago

Stop advertising the Fxx Flag and just ask “Do you want to be all that you can be?” Milley and Austin are the point of the spear on WOKENESS/SOCIAL JUSTICE. Old stuff but our military is available to break things and kill people not promote social justice. Stop the Covid “resistance” inoculation garbage and all of thte other new programs for the military. The jokers that are in charge are related to the idiots that have caused our current inflation spiral. Think about it!!!!

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

These queers should be rounded up & imprisoned as enemies to our country along with Biden & all the leftist demoncrats!!!!!

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

This new generation has literally learned how to be stupid. Bribed into going along with all the idiocy the Left dishes out! Until we can somehow get through their brainwashed heads, none of them are going to read, hear or believe anything a Conservative person or organization has to say. We all just vent about it all and none of them get any of it. If the only thing we have left to do is pray, then that is what we need to do.

‘The fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much.’

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

The purpose of the military is to break things and kill people. It is not the place for social experimentation. I served six years (1977-1983) active duty in the United States Army, and can attest to the fact that no one gave a damn about another soldier’s skin color, religion, or where they came from. The only concern was whether or not they could do their job.

2 years ago

The more ‘woke’ our country becomes, the more vulnerable we are to being taken over by our enemies. To all the people who keep voting in the same jag-0ffs: You get what you voted for.

2 years ago

Very soon now, no real young American males will be wiling to serve and die for these complete fools and the rest of the woke culture. Maybe the Dems plan to have robots and holograms defending the nation……Oh that’s right, they don’t actually believe in defending America, only in defending other corrupt countries and “leaders” who will eventually enrich them.

2 years ago

As a veteran, the signs of what is now full blown in our military began showing up in the seventies after the Viet Nam war (where I served), and has progressively become the monster that now rears its head.
The military will be the first line of loss that allows us to be defeated…..discipline, morale, readiness, effective response capabilities are all on the back burner now…..and the nation is now at risk of being shut down by outside powers. When WW II was beginning the U.S. stood afar and when attacked was caught with its pants down, flat footed and unprepared…..we are now in the same position….and this by active plan from our leadership. Chaos and anarchy are not far behind should there be internal civil war or an outright attack by an enemy……hope some of you are at least a bit prepared.

richard slate
richard slate
2 years ago

I’m very Glad that I’m not in the military these days. It is disgracefull what that dementia ridden idiot biden has done to our military services. It will be just a matter of time before we have a critical shortage of people in the military

2 years ago

This is purposeful. If they can take out the US the globalists will be able to fulfill their agenda. Do not give in do not comply.

Thelbert R Murphy
Thelbert R Murphy
2 years ago

biden is a puppet for the communist democrat party and obama the terrorist is telling him what to do and soros and gates are telling them what to do. The military should go in and arrest biden and the leaders of the democrat party and McConnell are put them in gitmo because they are the enemies of America ! The WOKE PERVERTS ARE ALSO FUNDING THEM !

Thomas Carlucci
Thomas Carlucci
2 years ago

The socialist/communist, anti-God, anti-freedom, pro-Satan, pro-Communism/Socialism Democrats/Liberals are slowly but most certainly destroying the United States of America by chipping away at every loophole, every weak spot, every crack they can locate. In addition to all that, they put forth an effective effort to DUMB DOWN Americans/American students. My beloved country for whom I swore an oath to protect. . .is slowly dying, and there is nothing I can do about it. I hope I do not live to see the day when the United States of America takes its last breath.

2 years ago

AMAC it’s nice to write about this but if we don’t have solutions for it, I’m afraid our country will never recover!

Hanes D
Hanes D
2 years ago

I’m looking to find another country this one has gone to s**t in a handbag, I’ll just leave my pension in the states and draw from it

2 years ago

That’s what democrats do

2 years ago

Biden is well on the way to p***ifying our military. None of them will be ready to take on any military attack on us. I bet that Biden and his admin will know in advance of the rest of us when that will happen, and they will be far away. Thanks Dems for voting for this disaster.

2 years ago

I’m going to call a spade a spade here: this is totally in line with Biblical prophesy regarding the “end times.” We are witnesses to the decline of the USA, the militant rise of Russia, and China (with its ability to field a 200 million man army.) Biden et al are dupes at best and demonically led at worst.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

This is inline with the efforts to reduce American defenses to make it easier for Socialist/Communist factions to take control of the U.S. Everything Progressive Democrats are doing take US closer to Socialism. Communist China is the likeliest to rule US.

2 years ago

Defund Police. Border Patrol totally discredited. Woke and reduced military. Doubling armed IRS. Corrupted FBI and DOJ. Partisan Capitol Police. Is there a pattern here?

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Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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