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Democrats Target Ted Cruz to Stave Off Senate Disaster

Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024
by Shane Harris


Ted Cruz

With just over six months to go in the 2024 campaign, incumbent Republican Ted Cruz has a healthy seven-point lead over Democrat Congressman Colin Allred in Texas’s U.S. Senate race according to the latest RealClearPolitics average. But the liberal establishment and their media allies are gearing up to spend enormous sums of money to take down Cruz, who has long proven to be one of the most committed conservatives in Congress and a constant thorn in the side of President Joe Biden.

Democrats are facing a nightmare Senate map this year, with 23 seats up for re-election, compared to just 11 for Republicans. Of those 23 seats, Republicans have at least a fighting chance in nine of them – West Virginia, Arizona, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and now Maryland with the primary victory of former GOP Governor Larry Hogan.

If the liberal party has any hope of retaining their slim 51-49 majority, they will almost surely need to hold on to most of those toss-up seats and take at least one seat from the GOP. Democrats’ best chance of doing so is in Texas, where the left has sought to oust Cruz since his first election to the Senate back in 2012.

In recent years especially, Cruz has proven particularly effective at pushing back on Democrat extremism and revealing the corruption and ineptitude of the Biden administration.

Last June, for instance, Cruz lambasted Paul Abbate, Biden’s Deputy Director of the FBI, for allegedly covering up a $5 million payment from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings to the Biden family as part of the Hunter Biden corruption scandal. “This is why you are damaging the institution,” Cruz told Abbate. “The American people have a right to know whether there is serious credible evidence the president of the United States took a $5 million bribe.”

Cruz has also issued scathing condemnations of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland for the weaponization of the Department of Justice against conservatives, including Garland’s failure to adequately protect Supreme Court Justices following the backlash to the Dobbs decision and the targeting of Catholics and pro-life Americans.

In another particularly embarrassing moment for Biden and the left, Cruz exposed Justice Ketanji-Brown’s record of left-wing activism during her Senate confirmation hearing back in 2022, including her praise for the infamous “1619 Project” and record of giving lenient sentences to child pornographers.

Cruz’s ability to expose Democrats’ lies and abuses of power is both what makes him so valuable to American conservatives and a top Democrat target. While most politicians lose sight of why they came to Washington after 12 years in office, Cruz has continued to serve the interests of the American people and listen to the conservative base in Texas and throughout the country.

However, while Cruz appears to have a healthy lead and is running a strategically sound campaign, recently outlining plans for an aggressive ground game in the lead up to Election Day, that hasn’t stopped Democrats from pouring millions into their effort to unseat him.

Colin Allred, a former NFL player, civil rights attorney, and three-term congressman representing a suburban Dallas district, has built up a formidable war chest, hauling in more than $9.5 million in the first quarter of this year alone. President Biden also made a visit to the Lone Star State in March to urge donors to back Allred.

According to the Cruz campaign, Democrats could spend upward of $100 million on the race this year. While that may sound like an astronomical figure – and indeed, it would shatter every record – the left also spent a record amount backing Beto O’Rourke’s effort to oust Cruz six years ago.

In total during the 2018 cycle, O’Rourke raised $61 million to Cruz’s $40 million, coming within 200,000 votes of flipping the seat. Now, the left is betting big that even more money could boost Allred over the top this November. Allred’s haul thus far in the campaign is outpacing O’Rourke’s.

But while Allred, like O’Rourke, will surely be the beneficiary of an enormous media build-up, he has a radical voting record that may have doomed his campaign from the start.

Since entering Congress in 2019, Allred has voted in-line with the far-left wing of his party on virtually every issue of importance to voters – most notably his support for Biden’s trillion-dollar tax-and-spend bills that led to 40-year high inflation rates.

Following the BLM riots in 2020, Allred also voted for Democrats’ “George Floyd Justice in Policing Act,” a laundry list of “Defund the Police” policies. And he is already facing criticism for his prior support for sanctuary city policies, a “no” vote on a bill to deport illegal aliens who assault police officers, and a promise to “tear down” President Donald Trump’s “racist” border wall.

Allred also voted no on House Republicans’ Parental Bill of Rights, co-sponsored legislation to allow biological men in women’s locker rooms, supported abortion-on-demand up until the moment of birth, voted against expanding domestic oil and gas production (the backbone of Texas’s economy), opposed funding for Israel’s Iron Dome, and said it would be “better” if the Second Amendment “had not been written.”

While Allred is now trying to rebrand himself as a moderate, his support for radical left-wing groups is already undermining that image. As Fox News has reported, Allred played a pivotal role in 2022 in securing $1 million in taxpayer funds for a left-wing education group that teaches children the United States is a “white supremacist system.” He secured another $1 million for a group that puts on “kid-friendly drag shows.”

Allred has also accepted thousands in campaign cash from anti-Israel activists. Even his staff members have a record of anti-Israel and anti-police extremism.

Democrats have indeed closed the gap with Republicans in Texas in recent years, but all indications point to Allred simply being too extreme to win outside of his comfortably blue House district.

The Cruz campaign should nonetheless take nothing for granted, and still has a lot of work to do – and money to raise – to give themselves the best chance of victory on Election Day. There will surely be more coordinated smear campaigns against Cruz, with the corporate media dutifully repeating the lies. Texas Republicans must also be wary of schemes to unfairly influence the outcome of the contest, including the very real threat of non-citizens illegally casting ballots.

But if current polling is correct, it seems Democrat hopes of winning the Lone Star State are, at least for this year, still just a fantasy.

In any case, many in the conservative movement are hoping so.

“Nothing less than existential” is the characterization of the race by Anthony R. Dolan, who has held senior posts on nine presidential races, including Cruz’s 2016 race, and before that served as chief speechwriter for Ronald Reagan for eight years.

“It’s hard to think of any more important senator,” Dolan said. “We should be grateful to Texas for giving America somebody smarter and better-spoken than any of the smarmy lawyer-leftists here in D.C. At Senate hearing after Senate hearing, he holds corrupt and mendacious officials accountable. The bad guys hate him, but even more to the point they fear him.”

“When I was a reporter,” added Dolan, who was the youngest reporter to receive the Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting, “the media was liberal but also had a conscience and ethics. So, for example, they would report on Carter administration corruption or expose Joe Biden’s lies, with devastating coverage of his 1988 presidential campaign. Today major outlets openly collude with corrupt politicians and government officials to protect them from exposure and accountability and justice. That’s why Cruz is so important – he is doing the job the media used to do. He is telling truth to power.”

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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Frank 629
Frank 629
5 months ago

why does Allred playing in the NFL have anything to do with his helping this country. It’s general knowledge that most NFL players do not respect the country that makes them millions of dollars $$$$$.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

Remember that “Robert Francis” [aka Beto] O’Rorke outspent Cruz about 5 to 1 six years ago. Hopefully Texans are smarter than the DNC gives them credit for! Why would they vote for a bozo who is getting nearly all his money from woke states like Californication?

5 months ago

After witnessing the dumpster fire otherwise known as the Biden Administration and knowing what the Democrats support I don’t see how anybody could ever think of voting Democrat. They destroy everything they touch and spend the rest of their time blaming somebody else and trying to get reelected.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
5 months ago

I hope the Texas laws on campaign funding are strongly enforced or the Dem’s will surely use some of their war chest on pay per vote. They seem unconcerned about ethics in most other areas!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

ALL for Control, OK TX Hold Cruz in office TX GO

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

if I lived in Texas, I’d vote for Ted Cruz.

Bob L.
Bob L.
5 months ago

Last November, I noticed the area where I live still holds to sensible AmeriTex values. Texas has seen a big influx of Californians in recent years due to the destruction of common sense and morals there. I live about 45 miles from the I-35 corridor which is mostly politically blue from San Antonio to Dallas/Ft. Worth. There are some former Californians now living in this County and those I’ve met seem to be sensible folks, so hopefully they will continue to assimilate to Texas values and culture. The liberal brain rot has been in the big urban areas for a long time while the rest Of Texas remains mostly sane.

5 months ago

Need to rid of the Communist Democrats.

Michele Fry
Michele Fry
5 months ago

Is there a compiled “Voting Record” of every candidate posted anywhere? That would make a great article, especially if it pointed to an up-to-date website. Also, an article delineating what “campaign expenditures” actually are. We are asked to give, give, give, but aren’t actually told what the money is spent on and in what proportions. Ads? Salaries? Airfare? Hotels? Restaurants? Spas? Clothing allowances? Office space and equipment? Phone bills? Give us the percentages and who is spending more wisely. With these two on display, I bet contributions would soar. Right now it’s like pouring money down a sink hole and still they desperately beg for more, more, more or all will be lost.

5 months ago

They are everywhere to destroy America. Money money and more money. It never ends. Court case after court case till the election. That is how America will go down and become a dictatorship. The first thing the dems will do after they win in November is destroy the constitution and write their mandates and orders. It will not be written with the people in mind and their rights. See what they are doing in the court in New York. They are not prosecuting a case they are prosecuting the Republic. I have never in my whole life seen such a farce playing out in the name of the law. There is nothing legal going on in that court room. Ole Joe is saying the same thing about the Hamas demonstrators Trump said about the skin heads clashes. There are good people on both sides. Only ole Joe forgot already that he said it and that is why he runs away when asked about the riots on the Ivy League university campuses. This is what will bring America down. The Hamas rioters are in charge and Joe Bama is running to hide. And the border problems are forgotten and more and more of our enemies are coming in everyday to join the Hamas movement. And we de taxpayers are paying for the privilege.

5 months ago

Last Senate election in Texas most of Betto’s campaign financing came from the Left Coast Hollywood liberals. Therefore, it was almost a National Election.
Ted will do OK. He is among the smartest Senators in all of DC. No one in the country knows The Constitution like Ted Cruz.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
5 months ago

It is hard to believe that all these “polls” continue to show a “close” race between Biden and Trump. With everything that has happened in this country in the last 3-7 years, one would expect landslide victoreis for republicans across the board in all states. I think if the democrat party put Xi Jinpin (Chinas leader) as their candidate most democrats would vote for him.

5 months ago

The Biden critters really have no other options besides attacking people like Ted Cruz, who speak honestly about democrats. That comes with the territory for those who choose to be incorrigible.
Clearly, the most evident differences between Republicans and democrats are tied to democrats’ collective lack of personal maturity. The democrats will continue to be seen that way until they stop using legislation to take what they are not owed.

5 months ago

One might look at this as one more salvo against our Constitutional Republic and our very existence. The big picture should make all real Americans very uneasy: the rino George Bush Sr. in part of his presidential acceptance speech; “We must usher in the New World Order.” Democrats and rinos alike are like roaches in the night eating away at our Bill of Rights, our free speech, our police and sheriffs, the deliberate decline of a once strong criminal justice system, our economic system, our privacy, morality, our very freedom…when absolute treasonous garbage like tik tok are allowed to permeate this nation like a plague on our children, TV has by and large become a cesspool, even commercials are not just bordering on obscene, they are. Schools don’t teach our Founders and our true history, churches who dare to preach unvarnished truth are targeted, home schoolers, etc. The most egregious knife in the heart of this nation is that corporately it’s turned it’s back on the Creator God Who brought together the men and women who, with great harm and danger to themselves, established this nation as a Christian nation…now? You’d never know it. Patrick Henry said it best so long ago; “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Unless and IF, we as a nation don’t turn back to the One Who spoke this world into existence, who brought together those who established this nation often at their peril, who pledged their “lives, honors and fortunes” who sacrificed in ways we can’t even imagine…the American experiment has failed miserably. We’re under attack by the very people so many voted for because they ran a great “campaign”…wow, what a legacy.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

The world is full of mysteries, one of the most incomprehensible of which is almost half of American citizens vote demonicrat. Including some of its worst victims (Jews and Black Americans). It is a widespread mental disorder. Even after the complete disaster of the Biden administration. One of my favorite conversation topics when talking to demonicrats is, “what has the democrat party EVER done, that’s good for America?” There is never an answer outside of calling me ignorant, and hateful. Narcissism, apparently, is a component of the disorder.

5 months ago

Conservatives living in Texas should take NOTHING FOR GRANTED. Bozo Orourke nearly won the last election, and that was BEFORE more Californians and ILLEGAL ALIENS invaded the state. When I was in the Angleton area in 2022, the retail stores were overrun by “no hablo ingles” who would undoubtedly vote demobrat. Bottom line, GET OUT AND VOTE.

5 months ago

This is all good reporting but what good does it do to “preach to the choir?” This article needs to be published to the masses not to those with AMAC who are already in agreement. When does the real news get out.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
5 months ago

I voted for Cruz for President over Trump and Rubio in the 2020 Florida primary election. I still think he would make an excellent President.

5 months ago

Cruz needs to hold Trump type rallies so everyone can see the large crowds of supporter’s.
To be honest many of our fellow Americans, including me are scared to death of the Persecution and the evil power the government is wielding over ordinary people.
People who are in opposition to the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party Comrade’s are going to prison, lives ruined, career’s ruined, businesses ruined, losing homes and the Persecutions keep rolling along with no end in sight.

5 months ago

I’m sick of hearing about the Socialist Democrats and how they continue to wage war on America! When are the Republicans going to get a set of balls and stand up to them!

5 months ago

Looks like to me Mr Cruse is doing his job and corrupted president who is up to no good wants to destroy our country and rip off the American people , can’t wait to get this delusional president and his demented administration including Obama out of the white house. Trump 2024

zoe frost
zoe frost
5 months ago

I respectfully disagree with Shane’s “ineptitude” of the Biden administration. It isn’t ineptitude, it’s all been DELIBERATE, the traitors HATE that we are a Constitutional Republic, with freedoms and opportunities. To remain in control the expletives MUST cripple us, silence us, put fear in us, and they MUST finally be able to confiscate our guns, just like they did in Venezuela (the once prosperous free Venezuelan’s gave up their guns under socialist Chavez and are barely surviving under communist dictator Maduro)…we currently are on hyper warp speed from America to Amerikazuela!
We are still a Constitutional Republic, but due to 8 years of America-hating Commie Traitor Obamie, and now over 3 years of the equally traitorous JoeBama regime, our Republic is hanging by a thread! Clearly, traitor joe is merely a puppet, incapable of making any decisions, the dementia drugged-to-remain-upright puppet takes orders from Commie Traitor Obamie or one of his henchmen, handed down from either the ChiComs or Globalist elitist traitors. If these evil traitors succeed in remaining in power, piling on diabolic, disastrous regs/executive orders for 4 more years, it’s doubtful our republic survives! We will all (except for the traitors and their BFF) be eating bugs, standing in bread lines if we’re lucky, freezing/roasting, and smiling while thinking bad thoughts about the traitors with their boots firmly on our necks…but unable to utter a word, or be sent to re-education camp if lucky, a gulag, or, worse!
This is fact…Nov. 5 will seal our future:
Constitutional Republic Trump good vs Totalitarian Tyranny JoeBama evil!

5 months ago

I see Ted Cruz not only winning reelection. I see him as McConnel’s replacement.

5 months ago

How is mainstream media, Facebook andTwitter collaboration, collusion to protect Biden any different than the National Enquirer collusion to help keep negative reports about him out of the lime light. I would argue that mainstream and social media has a much larger influence on potential voters than the National Enquirer.

5 months ago

More money won’t ,get it done, people are waking up…I just have to believe that! It’s not about money (who wins) it’s who is for America.

5 months ago

Democrat = Filth

Susan Bell
Susan Bell
5 months ago

Texas simply MUST stay strong, stay involved, and pay attention. The forces trying to take Conservatism down in Texas are evil. Let’s do everything we can to back Ted Cruz and KEEP TEXAS RED!

5 months ago

In another particularly embarrassing moment for Biden and the left, Ketanji-Brown’s record of … giving lenient sentences to child pornographers.

With the children being ACTUALLY “oppressed”, you would almost think that Brown. as a Democrat, would do battle against the “oppressors”, the child pornographers. At least, if you didn’t already know that Brown also supports the (definitely not God-given) “right” for mothers to murder their own un-born children, at will.
The left is truly diabolical.

Lloyd Grisham
Lloyd Grisham
5 months ago

We have a chance to get something done if we can get a majority in the House and Senate. If we don’t, it is all over. The Democrats will finish destroying what is left of America. Let us hope we can get a fair and honest election.

At a place where truth rules
At a place where truth rules
5 months ago

Republicans need to “target” democrats to “stave off” their election or reelection as they have proved disastrous to the United States. Myopic, selfish, no longer for Americans, mum when they lack courage to speak truth and Americanism.

5 months ago

President Trump Pays Surprise Visit To Union Construction Workers In NYC Before Trial Hearing

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
5 months ago

I’m not rich but will start sending money to Cruz soon

Andrew P
Andrew P
5 months ago

Cruz shouldn’t take anything for granted. If Biden trips and falls, making Kamala Acting President, she will pick Taylor Swift as her VP, and nobody can energize young women to register and vote like Taylor Swift.

5 months ago

What? The communist/democrats want to destroy one of their opponents? I can’t believe it. Just another one of those DUH moments.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Excellent article. The democrats are so corrupt and desperate that it’s not even funny.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Anyone who tries to block the shining path must be discredited and eliminated

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

50 years of You Tube videos of Joe Biden being a racist, country club white elitist back-slapping POS is why. Harry Reid standing on the Senate floor proclaiming “Romney doesn’t pay taxes” kniwing its a lie is why. $4.99/fallon gas, electrical bills +extra $50/month, and food $500/month more is why. But if you’re defending Cruz, no one believed it anyways so WHO CARES? But if Cruz isn’t bent about it now, why are you? There’s more at stake then this.

5 months ago

There is no Justice Ketanji-Brown. She is Justice Jackson.

5 months ago

There is no justice Ketanji-Brown. Her last name is Jackson, not Ketangie-Brown.

Peter B
Peter B
5 months ago

Today major outlets openly collude with corrupt politicians and government officials to protect them from exposure and accountability and justice. Are your referring to Fox News and Trump as Fox admitting to the collusion in court as well as the evidence contained in numerous Fox personalities texts and emails including Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham.

They lied
They lied
5 months ago

Ted Cruz is 5.8.
thsts the lat time I listen to anyone who says everything is bigger in Texas.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Just so Cruz doesn’t have any NYC bank loans on property, undeclared payoffs to B-level porn actresses, or voted in Fulton County, Ga. he should be okay.

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