AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Earlier this year, the Democratic Party managed to execute one of the most significant voting expansions in recent history when newly-elected New York City Mayor Eric Adams permitted the City Council to extend voting rights in local elections to “noncitizen residents.” For a party that has made “voting access” a cornerstone of their legislative agenda, such a development seems like a monumental success. But the legislation has been met with suspiciously little fanfare from the mainstream media and even elected Democrats in the weeks since its passage.
The new law in the country’s largest city, which affects some 800,000 residents who do not have U.S. citizenship, could take effect as early as next year. Notably, under the provisions of the legislation, individuals only have to be present in the U.S. for thirty days before being eligible to vote. Opponents have already promised legal challenges, and there remains some question about the Council’s authority to make such a change without action by the state legislature.
Nevertheless, granting noncitizens the right to vote seems on the surface to be a much-needed victory for a Democratic Party that has tried and failed three times on so-called “voting rights” legislation in the U.S. Congress. Yet when The Atlantic attempted to interview Democratic leaders on the topic, almost none would go on the record and comment on the controversial bill. Even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of the most outspoken supporters of Democrats’ attempts to gut election integrity measures and a New York City native, was largely silent on the issue.
Elected Democrats’ unwillingness to go on record in support of allowing noncitizens to vote may be for a good reason. A recent poll conducted by Fox News found that 71% of all Americans opposed noncitizen voting. While that figure includes 89% of Republicans, it also includes a shocking 77% of independents and 50% of Democrats. For independents, this is a 7% increase from a 2018 poll. These results suggest that Democrats’ aggressive efforts to relax specific voting laws have actually increased opposition to them. Even AOC can’t argue with those kinds of numbers.
The law has also been the subject of a lawsuit for potentially violating the 15th Amendment, which states that “the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
There have also been indications that the law – and similar movements to grant noncitizens the right to vote in other liberal areas – could alienate Black voters, a key Democratic demographic. Last month, a group of Black voters sued the New York Board of Elections over the law, claiming that it was designed to advantage some groups of voters over others. Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, a member of the board of directors at the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), which filed the lawsuit, is arguing that “They [the New York City Council] explicitly used race as a factor of demarking the voter groups that they wanted to give this privilege to and that is a direct violation of the 15th Amendment.”
The lawsuit cites statements from Council Members during the debate over the bill in which they appeared to argue that the legislation was designed to target specific racial groups. In one case, Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, a sponsor of the bill, said explicitly that the bill would increase the power of Hispanics and Asians. Council Member Antonio Reynoso also framed the legislation along racial lines, claiming that anyone who opposed the bill was only doing so to preserve “white men’s power.”
This lawsuit raises a host of issues for Democrats, whose strategy is often to try to raise up the bogeyman of “white supremacy.” Now, however, as the liberal New York City Council’s actions threaten to diminish the voting power of Black citizens on behalf of foreign nationals, the party suddenly finds itself in an uncomfortable position.
In short, progressive lawmakers may be learning that granting noncitizens the right to vote, much like other radical policies like “Defund the Police,” is actually far less popular than left-wing activists insist. While such a realization is unlikely to stave off disaster for Democrats in November’s midterm elections, it provides another cautionary tale of the radicalism that has taken over the Democratic Party.
Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.
It just proves how stupid these illegal immigrants are! . . . That they would even consider voting for the same type of people that they left behind in their former countries!
Why would Democrat politicians want to draw public attention to any of these laws that allow non- citizens the right to vote? While it is being painted as being strictly limited to only local elections, look at the registered voter rolls and show me or anyone else where there is any indication or special designation alongside these voters’ names that indicates they would be flagged or otherwise excluded from voting in either state or national elections. Hint: To date there is none, if you look at the voter rolls.
Yes, I know it would be a violation of law for non-citizens to vote in either state or national elections, but 1) when has that ever really stopped the Democrat Party before and 2) once these people become registered voters, there is nothing that differentiates them from citizen voters just by looking at the registered voter rolls. So again, I have to ask why would any Democrat politician want to draw constant public attention to any of these laws that allow non-citizens the right to vote? In New York, all this law did was effectively add at least 800,000 voters on the Democrat side for not only local elections, but also state and national elections as well.
I certainly wouldn’t expect the MSM to point any of this out, as their sole function is to act as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and to shield the Democrat Party from any accountability for enacting these types of laws that undermine the legal safeguards designed to protect our republic.
The solution lies in every individual precinct across the country. Conservatives need to know the laws of their state and stand their ground the entire time the polls are open. Have enough volunteers trained that they can work in shifts. Be one on one with every liberal working the polls. Be relentless, absolutely nothing can be allowed to get by them. Don’t even allow them to take a break, eat, and/or use the restroom without a shadow. This is the only way. Photograph everything going on. Get everyone’s name and title. Bird dog, bird dog, bird dog.
Dems will cheat, lie, steal and kill to get their agenda. I put nothing pass them. The whole idea that this could ever happen under out protected Constitutional Government, just shows how far gone we are, and how low we’ve sunk. All thanks to the Communist infiltration into every aspect of our lives and government, and our laziness and lack of attention to that. There is no Democratic party, it is the Cabal. It is unfathomable and sickening
After evaluating their 2020 success the democrats realize they can expand their VOTER FRAUD through MAIL IN BALLOTS. In 2011 Washington State standardized on VOTE BY MAIL. In 2012 Kim Wyman, a Republican in name only, was elected Secretary of State of Washington State. According to SEATTLE TIMES 10/27/21 , In the Spring of 2021 Kim Wyman, Washington State Secretary of State, used her expertise in VOTE-BY-MAIL elections to help other states expand or adopt the practice to reduce the risk of spreading the China Coronavirus during election. October 26, 2021 Kim Wyman resigned from her position as Secretary of State to take a key election-security position in President Biden’s Administration.
So, American citizens in NYC must wait 18 years to vote and non-citizens must wait only 30 days.
Seems fair if you’re a member of the Democrat Socialist Communist Party. But I definitely have a problem with non-citizens voting. That, in effect, negates the vote of most Republicans and Conservatives.
I guess the DSC Party must take any action they deem necessary to hold on to power.
For “council member” ‘hispanic’…… If you are not here legally — but as an INVADER– you do not need “increased power”.
You need sent back!
If we allow non-citizens to vote then we need to send billions of mail in ballots all around the world. Every person gets to vote and every vote counts! Now I sound just as brain dead as the squad. Do I get to vote to? I was born here.
IF these folks aren’t citizens then they shouldn’t be voting!
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
Quit referring these people as non-citizens, they are citizens, just not of this country. They are citizens of some other place, and that is the only place they should vote.
Only an idjit could not see through the DemocRat plan to allow illegals in unchecked and then give them the vote, along with welfare, medical care and free education.
This shows how shameless the Democrats have become. No country in the world would ever allow non-citizens to vote in elections. This also confirms what their strategy has been all along — to allow an unlimited influx of illegal aliens and then give them voting rights.
The Democrats have become so lawless, so anti-American, so wicked and dishonest, they simply are no longer electable; this political party has to be revamped from the core; at its current state, it is discardable.
The COMMUNIST Party will LIE and CHEAT to get ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS to Vote just like they did on 2020 President Election.
Americans might as well throw in the towel and simply submit to foreign nations reign of terror if non-citizens are allowed to vote in American Elections that are intended to elect public officials and make Public Policies and Laws to protect and serve the American people. Might as well hand over all our money and our children at the voting sites. Save time and energy. Just give everything we own to foreigners. Letting non-citizens vote is essentially letting foreigners take over America. We will not be able to protect American citizens if non-citizens get to decide how America is ran. Will non-citizens vote according to their believes and ideals learned in their home country or will they make decisions with the American people and our culture in mind?
The United Sates of America holds elections for US Public office and US laws and Public Policy in order to protect and serve the Americans citizens. It makes sense that only citizens of any country would be permitted to vote on matters concerning their nation and their citizens. Only Americans should be deciding what goes on or who runs the United States of America. Non-citizens presumably have their own interest or the interest of their own countries prioritized over the needs and welfare of the American citizens and United States as a whole. If non-citizens stood together and demanded their rights in their home countries as well as they do here in America then perhaps they would not need to come here and try to bend American policy to fit their own agendas. Right?
Also, why would Black voters be disparaged or not have access to voting just because non-citizens or any group of people could vote? If non-citizens could vote certainly Black Americans could vote in any election. Any citizen with the proper residency and the age of majority can vote i elections in America right? Except maybe felons who have not had their voting privileges reinstated. Election material come in different languages and other accessibility formats. One need not even be able to read read or write to vote. It is time to stop using “Race” as a excuse to do or not do something that is a right of all American citizens.
I don’t understand how an American citizen has to reside in an area for 6 months to establish residency in order to vote anywhere in the United States, but a non-citizen only needs to be in the country 30 days to vote. Are they vetted for voting eligibility like age and residency? They definitely should not be mailed voting material or be allowed to mail in their vote, especially from outside the country.
This is so wrong. The article says “local elections”. I want to know how NY will try to prevent non-citizens from voting in Federal elections, which are elections when a Senator, Representative or President is on the ballot. The constitution says only citizens can vote in a Federal election.
What ever happened to one day of voting – the second day of November – and one vote per U S citizen – identified and recorded when picking up a ballot and also when depositing a ballot??? It seems that even for absentee voters that when they request an absentee ballot, whether in writing or in person, that they should be required to show some form of identification and that information should be recorded before sending out a ballot. When citizens go to vote every person is equal, no matter what race, religion, or country of origin, as long as that person is a citizen of the United States of voting age. Let’s get back to basics and keep it simple to have honest elections, please.
After the fraudulent and illegal election, allowing illegals to legally vote is typical of our corrupt and destructive progressive socialist party.
i’d have thought all in power who support the U.S. Constitution heard them loud and clear in 2020 but they are giving crystal clear indications that they’re complicite. i don’t care anymore. i’ve done my voting since 1972 to save this country. now i’m a “short-timer.”
Watch closely, the marxist democrat party lies,cheats and steals from the Real American Citizens and can NEVER be trusted!
They are counting on the millions of illegals helping them retain power and allowing them to fleece Our Country!
We MUST throw them out!!
The democrats found yet another way to steal an election besides using illegals to vote so of course they remain silent, but according to the democrats and the MSM it will be another free and fair election unless of course they don’t win!
Funny how Democrats keep giving themselves powers they don’t have to change/make laws. On a similar vein, it’s funny how they ignore laws they don’t like but shout about how they’re upholding a law when it benefits them. Funny how they have no morals, unless said moral benefits them.
AOC is not a native of NYC. That creature was born into an upscale Westchester community (Yorktown Heights) and attend good schools not in NYC. She moved to NYC to con folks into believing she is an underprivileged Latina. What crap.
We need a constitutional amendment that only legitimate citizens can vote.
The Democrats are trying to lay low because they know how bad their image is right now. They know they will need every available “vote” to win in the next two elections. So, when the time is right, they will hit us again with how wonderful it is to “allow” ALL people to vote in our country. Gee, I wonder if I could vote in another communist country, like ours is turning into.
I hate to say it they may be silent , but thats when you need to wory the most . Remember all the boxes they found of fake I.D.s and social security cards they found in a house from China. I am sure the democrackheads were behind that and still foin it.
AMAC, I’m sure it’s not only me but every other subscriber to this platform that’s ABSOLUTELY TIRED of these B/S People putting up posts to advertise there nonsensical promotions and scams. But maybe there smarter than I am . Supposedly millions of Americans here everyday constantly having to see this . I have a really great company in New York that’s sells live edge tables and exotic teak and all other kinds of one of a kind custom South American furniture and beautiful light fixtures, not to mention exotic wood decking and flooring, rain screen siding, and we sell directly to our customers all over the country. I won’t post my company’s name right now. But if I keep seeing these others doing this I will.
Just think about this. All of these morons who are making/breaking laws to benefit them are mostly old. Biden, Pelosi, Gates,Soros, Shumer, etc and probably wont be here say in 10 years. And they will be leaving all these ‘benefits’ and the running of this country to a younger group who most are not even from the U.S. Cortez, Omar, the squad, etc. will be taking over. Our country will never be the same. We HAVE to get these moronic socialists out of office BEFORE they absolutely kill it. I am doubtful that we will last until 2024 unless something miraculous happens before then. God please help us.
The Constitution only says that the right of citizens to vote may not be abridged. We need a Constitutional amendment to allow ONLY citizens to vote.
Death to the Democrats.
New York City has created legislation that has given the vote to people who aren’t constitutionally able to vote. It’s possible there’s a liberal false flag operation going on here that doesn’t have anything to do with enfranchising anyone. Instead it’s just a simple attack on the constitution, and it was done to see how the authorities would deal with it.
Democrats in general, and the liberals who populate the City in particular, hate the limitations that a constitution puts on them. So to me this is nothing more than another attempt by the democrats to undermine our constitution.
It just proves how stupid these illegal immigrants are! . . . That they would even consider voting for the same type of people that they left behind in their former countries!
Why would Democrat politicians want to draw public attention to any of these laws that allow non- citizens the right to vote? While it is being painted as being strictly limited to only local elections, look at the registered voter rolls and show me or anyone else where there is any indication or special designation alongside these voters’ names that indicates they would be flagged or otherwise excluded from voting in either state or national elections. Hint: To date there is none, if you look at the voter rolls.
Yes, I know it would be a violation of law for non-citizens to vote in either state or national elections, but 1) when has that ever really stopped the Democrat Party before and 2) once these people become registered voters, there is nothing that differentiates them from citizen voters just by looking at the registered voter rolls. So again, I have to ask why would any Democrat politician want to draw constant public attention to any of these laws that allow non-citizens the right to vote? In New York, all this law did was effectively add at least 800,000 voters on the Democrat side for not only local elections, but also state and national elections as well.
I certainly wouldn’t expect the MSM to point any of this out, as their sole function is to act as the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and to shield the Democrat Party from any accountability for enacting these types of laws that undermine the legal safeguards designed to protect our republic.
The solution lies in every individual precinct across the country. Conservatives need to know the laws of their state and stand their ground the entire time the polls are open. Have enough volunteers trained that they can work in shifts. Be one on one with every liberal working the polls. Be relentless, absolutely nothing can be allowed to get by them. Don’t even allow them to take a break, eat, and/or use the restroom without a shadow. This is the only way. Photograph everything going on. Get everyone’s name and title. Bird dog, bird dog, bird dog.
Dems will cheat, lie, steal and kill to get their agenda. I put nothing pass them. The whole idea that this could ever happen under out protected Constitutional Government, just shows how far gone we are, and how low we’ve sunk. All thanks to the Communist infiltration into every aspect of our lives and government, and our laziness and lack of attention to that. There is no Democratic party, it is the Cabal. It is unfathomable and sickening
After evaluating their 2020 success the democrats realize they can expand their VOTER FRAUD through MAIL IN BALLOTS. In 2011 Washington State standardized on VOTE BY MAIL. In 2012 Kim Wyman, a Republican in name only, was elected Secretary of State of Washington State. According to SEATTLE TIMES 10/27/21 , In the Spring of 2021 Kim Wyman, Washington State Secretary of State, used her expertise in VOTE-BY-MAIL elections to help other states expand or adopt the practice to reduce the risk of spreading the China Coronavirus during election. October 26, 2021 Kim Wyman resigned from her position as Secretary of State to take a key election-security position in President Biden’s Administration.
So, American citizens in NYC must wait 18 years to vote and non-citizens must wait only 30 days.
Seems fair if you’re a member of the Democrat Socialist Communist Party. But I definitely have a problem with non-citizens voting. That, in effect, negates the vote of most Republicans and Conservatives.
I guess the DSC Party must take any action they deem necessary to hold on to power.
For “council member” ‘hispanic’…… If you are not here legally — but as an INVADER– you do not need “increased power”.
You need sent back!
If we allow non-citizens to vote then we need to send billions of mail in ballots all around the world. Every person gets to vote and every vote counts! Now I sound just as brain dead as the squad. Do I get to vote to? I was born here.
IF these folks aren’t citizens then they shouldn’t be voting!
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
Quit referring these people as non-citizens, they are citizens, just not of this country. They are citizens of some other place, and that is the only place they should vote.
Only an idjit could not see through the DemocRat plan to allow illegals in unchecked and then give them the vote, along with welfare, medical care and free education.
This shows how shameless the Democrats have become. No country in the world would ever allow non-citizens to vote in elections. This also confirms what their strategy has been all along — to allow an unlimited influx of illegal aliens and then give them voting rights.
The Democrats have become so lawless, so anti-American, so wicked and dishonest, they simply are no longer electable; this political party has to be revamped from the core; at its current state, it is discardable.
The COMMUNIST Party will LIE and CHEAT to get ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS to Vote just like they did on 2020 President Election.
Americans might as well throw in the towel and simply submit to foreign nations reign of terror if non-citizens are allowed to vote in American Elections that are intended to elect public officials and make Public Policies and Laws to protect and serve the American people. Might as well hand over all our money and our children at the voting sites. Save time and energy. Just give everything we own to foreigners. Letting non-citizens vote is essentially letting foreigners take over America. We will not be able to protect American citizens if non-citizens get to decide how America is ran. Will non-citizens vote according to their believes and ideals learned in their home country or will they make decisions with the American people and our culture in mind?
The United Sates of America holds elections for US Public office and US laws and Public Policy in order to protect and serve the Americans citizens. It makes sense that only citizens of any country would be permitted to vote on matters concerning their nation and their citizens. Only Americans should be deciding what goes on or who runs the United States of America. Non-citizens presumably have their own interest or the interest of their own countries prioritized over the needs and welfare of the American citizens and United States as a whole. If non-citizens stood together and demanded their rights in their home countries as well as they do here in America then perhaps they would not need to come here and try to bend American policy to fit their own agendas. Right?
Also, why would Black voters be disparaged or not have access to voting just because non-citizens or any group of people could vote? If non-citizens could vote certainly Black Americans could vote in any election. Any citizen with the proper residency and the age of majority can vote i elections in America right? Except maybe felons who have not had their voting privileges reinstated. Election material come in different languages and other accessibility formats. One need not even be able to read read or write to vote. It is time to stop using “Race” as a excuse to do or not do something that is a right of all American citizens.
I don’t understand how an American citizen has to reside in an area for 6 months to establish residency in order to vote anywhere in the United States, but a non-citizen only needs to be in the country 30 days to vote. Are they vetted for voting eligibility like age and residency? They definitely should not be mailed voting material or be allowed to mail in their vote, especially from outside the country.
This is so wrong. The article says “local elections”. I want to know how NY will try to prevent non-citizens from voting in Federal elections, which are elections when a Senator, Representative or President is on the ballot. The constitution says only citizens can vote in a Federal election.
What ever happened to one day of voting – the second day of November – and one vote per U S citizen – identified and recorded when picking up a ballot and also when depositing a ballot??? It seems that even for absentee voters that when they request an absentee ballot, whether in writing or in person, that they should be required to show some form of identification and that information should be recorded before sending out a ballot. When citizens go to vote every person is equal, no matter what race, religion, or country of origin, as long as that person is a citizen of the United States of voting age. Let’s get back to basics and keep it simple to have honest elections, please.
After the fraudulent and illegal election, allowing illegals to legally vote is typical of our corrupt and destructive progressive socialist party.
i’d have thought all in power who support the U.S. Constitution heard them loud and clear in 2020 but they are giving crystal clear indications that they’re complicite. i don’t care anymore. i’ve done my voting since 1972 to save this country. now i’m a “short-timer.”
Watch closely, the marxist democrat party lies,cheats and steals from the Real American Citizens and can NEVER be trusted!
They are counting on the millions of illegals helping them retain power and allowing them to fleece Our Country!
We MUST throw them out!!
The democrats found yet another way to steal an election besides using illegals to vote so of course they remain silent, but according to the democrats and the MSM it will be another free and fair election unless of course they don’t win!