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Democrats Suffer from Munchausen Syndrome

Posted on Friday, July 23, 2021
by AMAC, Jeff Szymanski

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a serious mental illness.

It occurs when a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his/her care.

Because vulnerable people are the victims, MSBP is a form of child abuse or elder abuse. Sufferers of MSBP often bring those they are caring for in for treatment “just in time” to be treated for injuries they have caused. Of course, they do not disclose they are the culprits.

It is quite difficult for medical professionals to see what is going on until time has passed and a pattern has been established.

Mental illness of any kind is a serious issue and one worthy of more support and attention from both political parties. But it is hard not to argue that Democrats are engaged in a sort of MSBP when it comes to governance in the first six months of 2021. Here’s how.

First, Congressional Democrats passed, and President Biden signed a third stimulus in March. No Republican voted for it. Vaccinations were ramping up, and the pandemic was easing. Many economists feared sending a third round of checks ($1,400 per person) to most Americans in a growing economy coupled with $300 federal unemployment bonuses not to work through September would cause inflation and encourage sloth. Both have occurred. Inflation is at a 13-year high, and there are over 9.2 million job openings nationwide, a record.

Ask anyone who shops for food or fills their gas tank what they think of it all.

You’ll get an earful, and those old enough to remember the Carter years are especially scared. Further, ask businesses of almost any size about recruitment.

They’ll explain they simply cannot compete with the federal government paying folks to stay home. The entire bonus not to work concept was unfair and cruel from the get-go, not only to the overall economy but to the individuals being paid, as they are losing valuable skills while they sit out of the workforce.

But Biden and the Democrats have solutions for the soaring prices they have caused. They support more federal programs, naturally. The Biden Administration has increased food stamp payments and even eligibility, including to those with higher incomes and savings that the Trump Administration tried to curb from the dependency the program creates.

Second, Biden nixed the Keystone Pipeline and the jobs it supported, making us less energy independent. At the same time, he allowed Russia to complete their pipeline in Europe. The solution to this appears to be a $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan, one that not a single GOP Senator voted for this week, as there is no actual bill. No one suggests our roads and bridges are in disrepair, but spending and debt of this magnitude in an already inflationary economy? Democrats claim their infrastructure program is a “Jobs” plan. But there are already 9.2 million openings for which few are applying. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) likened the infrastructure price tag to “pouring gasoline on a fire.”

Third, Democrats have been on a defund the police campaign for a year. Many at the state and local level eliminated cash bail and implemented lighter sentences on a host of crimes years ago. What have we gotten from this war on law enforcement and fewer prosecutions? More lawlessness, of course. The viral video of two individuals with their hands and duffel bags full of merchandise brazenly walking (not running) out of a T.J. Maxx in Los Angeles this week is the national poster child for all that is wrong with soft on crime and no consequences approaches.

How are Democrats answering to the rising crime waves? They say with straight faces that Republicans are the ones defunding the police. What? Who would believe that one even for a minute?

Congressional Democrats are calling for more gun laws. It’s a predictable go-to policy and a perennial favorite of theirs. But Democrat mayors and governors are beginning to get scared of voter retribution, including California’s Gavin Newsom, who is facing recall. He took to the microphones to announce a crime task force this week.

So there you have it. Democrats create problems and then swing in with solutions to appear being the savior of the people. It’s a sickness. It’s Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. Of course, Dr. Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. wrote a book on the subject ten years ago entitled The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

Amazon’s review called the book “the first in-depth examination of the major political madness of our time: the radical left’s efforts to regulate the people from cradle to grave. To rescue us from our troubled lives, the liberal agenda recommends denial of personal responsibility, encourages self-pity and other-pity, fosters government dependency, promotes sexual indulgence, rationalizes violence, excuses financial obligation, justifies theft, ignores rudeness, prescribes complaining and blaming, denigrates marriage and the family, legalizes all abortion, defies religious and social tradition, declares inequality unjust, and rebels against the duties of citizenship.”

That was 2011 when Barrack Obama was president. This is all even more true in Joe Biden’s vision of America in 2021.

Jeff Szymanski works in political communications at AMAC, a senior benefits organization with 2.4 million members. He previously taught high school economics for 15 years.

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3 years ago

Yes. There used to be a time when only property owners could vote. They were the only ones who paid taxes and thus were the only ones with skin in the game.

Lewis Bishop
Lewis Bishop
3 years ago

Gil, I can’t believe you said all that. It is unpopular to say such, but I admire you for saying it.

Lewis Bishop
Lewis Bishop
3 years ago

Gil, can I hear back from you on reading the Constitution? I read and study it and read about what the Founders thought and said. Have you read it carefully. We the people, none of us people–landowners or whomever– is allowed to vote on who is to be president or vice president. They just do all of this voting melee to enjoy the money, the glitz, the glory, the popularity. And they divide us people into two angry groups in the process, but it is UNconstitutional. Let me hear back. Lewis

3 years ago

This article pretty much says it all, the democrats are doing everything being described. The problem is they all suffer from Satan’s way of life. They are communist and don’t deserve to live for what they’re doing. The third world War will be in America however it will be Americans against the leftists and democrats. I look forward to it.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

And then there’s Fauchausen Syndrome which causes people to fear a vaccine more than the disease itself.

3 years ago

Absolutely! The Lunatics ARE in charge of the ASYLUM!

Robert Smith
Robert Smith
3 years ago


Deborah Morris
Deborah Morris
3 years ago

Excellent observations! Great read, and sadly true.

Steve Goetz
Steve Goetz
3 years ago

That review of the book about the political madness of the left was spot on for today’s climate. And that was 10 years ago.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Does ” One Who Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest ” come to mind here? In truth what is occurring in America as a whole is far worse than Jack Nicholson’s getting a lobotomy…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

When the progressives first issued the ridiculous accusation that it was the Republicans who wanted to defund the police, I thought, “Well, there’s another nail in the coffin.” Then I heard it over and over again from liberal media, and that’s how they roll: repeat the lies often enough and people will begin to believe it. “…because, as we know, the Republicans are the ones who are cutting funds to law enforcement.” They often say these things under their breath, glossed over as they proceed to the next bit of “news”. And no one is there to challenge them.

They have no standards, no morals, no integrity. No “my word is my bond” assurances. All they want is your vote. They care about nothing else.

Progressives and their partners in crime—the press—are creating all this chaos today, overwhelming the country with crime, doubt, and disorder. They’re plotting their (your) comeback by promising free college, unlimited checks in the mail, and amorphous platitudes. We’d be fools to buy any of it, unless cradle-to-grave dedication to The Leader is okay with you. I mean, just look at their leaders and ask yourself if that’s the way to go.

Robert Zemerick
Robert Zemerick
3 years ago

It seems that they really believe there hype and fake news keep repeating themselves and if people don’t know better and don’t realize what is true in the news ???? but if you who dose pay attention for the past decades should know the truth about what is really going on in our country.

3 years ago

This is exactly how the Dems have behaved for decades. Create a crisis for the citizens, then pretend to have a solution that only empowers the government to control the citizens, reduce freedom and property rights, create dependency, and destroy personal responsibility.
We can only hope the state governments get their s#!t together on voting integrity and prevent any further invalid elections.

3 years ago

“Government is not the answer to the problem, Government IS the problem.”

Ronald Reagan

3 years ago

This is by far, the worst president, vice president, Speaker of the House and Senate majority leader in American history!

3 years ago

Why am I just now getting this? I check my emails every morning and this is the first time I’m seeing this article. Comments I’m seeing are from one to two days ago! Come on AMAC!
As far as this article, whatever syndrome the Left has, it is simply pure evil! They are at the beggin call of the Devil…PERIOD!!

3 years ago


Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
3 years ago

another word is Demonic possession.

3 years ago

Just keep on ding what you’re doing!!

hector gomez
hector gomez
3 years ago

Fascinating how the Democraps operate like the borg, a single unit with a unified purpose to destroy the nation that spawned it. All are part of the collective, none dissent or disagree. They vote in lockstep with the leadership and follow the talking points exactly. Then there’s the GOP (gang of pansies) who never do anything meaningful when they have power other than pat each other on the back for being Republican…So long America, you had a great run.

3 years ago

The left create a problem, blame Republicans for the problem and take credit for solving the problem they created. Only because they know the MSM will support how smart and wonderfully righteous they are. Case in point JANUARY 6th!

3 years ago

To be precise, “Liberalism is a mental disorder” (quote by Michael Savage).

3 years ago

Munchausen by proxy

3 years ago

Biden is a direct result of MUNCHAUSEN and his putrid old bag wife(Jill) is guilty of Senior Abuse// Biden is a pathetic old man who is lost due to age and abuse by those around him/Its time to put this sad old man to rest in a nursing home and give Jill the duties of taking care of this slob//She will run 100 miles an hour in the opposite direction and dump him in the garbage/Take away her $$///Watch

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

Look at the overall picture – ( D ) are communists first and foremost. Their mission ? To collapse the American economy. When that happens, they will ‘step in’ and control all aspects of your life.
TAX / SPEND / LIE / CONTROL = ( D ) communists in America.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

Everything in this article is what the Democrats have done in the first 6 months since the 2020 election. There was nothing about how they conspired to steal the election from Republicans in the first place allowing the insanity to occur. And then once the evidence of fraud started to pile up, they add to their guilt by preventing a thorough audit in all suspect states. Two wrongs are certainly not right. THIS CANNOT BE PERMITTED.

Essentially the article is an excellent summary of the Democrat’s governance insanity, but there’s absolutely nothing in it about what we should do about it. We cannot let them spend us into oblivion, watch as they destroy the economy, make foolish decisions worldwide, destroy our energy independence, and allow the deaths due to crime to pile up in Democratic cities, while we wait for the 2022 election to occur. On top of that, God knows what else they’re likely to do to make matters even worse.

The question that remains is, what do we do now?????

James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Yes, yes they do.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Democrats need to give up their salaries until Americans get back to work completely. Democrats need to stop creating problems preventing or discouraging people to return to work!! Closing the borders will help!!

3 years ago

There is a point to their madness. The demo/globalists want America to be a part of the one-world government being planned by the WEF and the United Nations. This has also been called the 2030 plan. That’s the planned date for the one-world government to be in place. The election of Trump put them 4 years behind. America has to be destroyed and people so desperate for a solution they will jump at any plan. Does Germany & Hitler ring a bell? Neither side of congress is worth a plug nickel. The demos are evil, wicked, & satanic. The repubs. are out in a field somewhere sniffing flowers. Biden will certainly be gone by the end of the year or sooner. Those 16 remaining, functioning brain cells should be oatmeal by then. Then watch things ramp up. Harris, or whoever they put in Loopey Joe’s place, will be more evil than he is.

Lewis Bishop
Lewis Bishop
3 years ago

This is an excellent article. I’m glad I learned the term “Munchausen Syndrome.” This Washington Swamp government is like some big city service club or other organization that might be sly enough to promote itself by going all over town with trucks and ostensibly volunteer workers cleaning up the city and asking for donations of money to help in the work. BUT, at night the same workers are sent out in the dark where they throw out trash and dead animals on the streets and in yards and commit acts of minor vandalism, and the donations of the generous and deluded public are being used for the organizations salaries, and both the trashing and the cleaning up. Smart, huh! That about fits much of what our government does.

3 years ago

We have a manchurian faux president

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Remember the old saying, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging?” The Marxist DIMMs just keep making the whole deeper. Their wasteful PORK got inflation going and now they want even MORE pork!
We know some are Communists and some (Hank Johnson) are just STUPID but it’s hard tell who is who!!

3 years ago

This new program the Dems want to hire Environmental Warriors,, all properly on the government dole and in the Union of government workers, is really scary. A million new government employees who can tell the rest of us how to live in our own world. Presumably with the authority to punish infractions of their increasingly crazy environmental demands. Makes the hair stand up on my arms like any good horror movie.

3 years ago

The medical term for what the democrats suffer from is: “recto-cranial inversion”.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
3 years ago

Actually, Democrats suffer from a disease called “Menschliche Bloedsinnigkeit” and it pervades the liberal establishment. Tragically, there is no cure that is not related to the exercise of free-will moral agency and choice.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

Perfectly stated!

3 years ago

Very WELL written

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
3 years ago

Don’t you know that Jimmy Carter and Obozo both have a smile on their face larger than a jack-ass eating briars.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

So that’s what the Progressive Democrat disease is called…now we have a name for it. There is no doubt that Progressives create problems that they claim they are needed to resolve. Now that we know, and have a name for what is going on, let’s just stop buying into the delusions that hateful Progressives are hitting us with.

3 years ago

Unfortunate that there is no cure.

Camille S. Curd
Camille S. Curd
3 years ago

I disagree with your diagnosis. These people are just inherently STUPID & EVIL! I won’t justify their behavior as being caused by a legitimate mental illness. Satan is the cause of their behavior & I hope everybody who voted for Biden & caused this horrible situation also go straight to hell, without passing go/without collecting $200.00. At this point in time, I do not believe you can call yourself a Christian if you also call yourself a Democrat. Those 2 things are mutually exclusive. And don’t bother to get on your high-horse to respond negatively to my comments because I am beyond caring what you think. Any negative comments you make will be taken only as defensive because, if you have 1/2 a brain, you’ve already figured out how badly YOU helped screw up our country by voting for a demented & immoral soul under the control of the Deep State. Shame, shame, shame on all of you!

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