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Democrats Still in Denial About the Political Threat of Wokeness

Posted on Thursday, July 14, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman


In the last week, the challenge the Democratic party faces from the backlash against wokeness was illustrated clearly by two separate viral incidents. The first was a cringe-worthy performance by the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, at a conference hosted by UnidosUSA, which, if it does not ring any bells, is the new name for the infamous National Council of La Raza. The second was the appearance before a U.S. Senate Committee hearing testimony on the impacts of the Dobbs decision by a Law Professor at the University of California Berkely, Khiara Bridges. Depending on whom you ask, Professor Bridges either schooled Senator Josh Hawley or proved his point by alleging that the suggestion that men cannot get pregnant is tantamount to inciting violence against Trans individuals.

The combined effect of these events was to underscore that before Democrats can even try to address the electorate’s concerns about their party’s wokeness, they need to convince their own supporters there is a problem. Both incidents showed that Democrats, whether White House staffers or legislators, are a long way from recognizing how badly they are alienating voters.

Jill Biden’s most newsworthy offense was her ill-advised suggestion that the Latino community was “as unique as breakfast tacos”. The remarks showed the tone-deafness which is now automatically associated with this administration, but the awkward line also served to cover up much greater failures. First, the decision to have Jill Biden attend the conference, hosted by an organization whose former name translated as the “National Council of the Race” and which rejects the very diversity of the Latino and Hispanic communities which Jill Biden uncomfortably attempted to hail. Perhaps all “Latinx” voters were represented, but conservative and even moderate Latinos could hardly have felt included by seminars with such titles as “Latinx IncluXion: DEI Includes Latinos: How is DEI Showing Up for Latinos in the Workplace.” Jill Biden should have been visiting actual communities along the border, school districts struggling to recover from COVID, or small businesses suffering under inflation. Instead, the White House felt the key to Latino outreach was an air-conditioned conference hall filled with unintelligible academic jargon. This is precisely the kind of wokeness that seems to be doing the party no favors among Latino voters.

Back in Washington, the other example of ideological blindness, poor staff work, or a combination of both was playing out in real time. Democrats, desperate to highlight the fallout of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade demonstrated yet again why they have struggled to do so. Testimony that was supposed to focus on abortion issues went badly off script when Senator Josh Hawley challenged Professor Bridges about her avoidance of the term “women” to refer to those with pregnancies. In fairness to Bridges, this was a trap. Also in fairness to Bridges, it was one which rather than dodging, she charged head first into, like Custer at Little Big Horn. After “correcting” Hawley in the most patronizing tone she could manage, saying that some women cannot become pregnant due to medical conditions and that if Trans men are men then some men can become pregnant, she proceeded to add: “So I want to recognize that your line of questioning is transphobic, and it opens up trans people to violence by not recognizing them.”

Hawley must not have been able to believe his good fortune. “Wow, you’re saying that I’m opening up people to violence by asking whether or not women are the folks that can have pregnancies?” he asked, just to make absolutely certain Bridges intended to accuse two thirds of the electorate not just of being bigots but of inciting violence. Bridges doubled down, suggesting that ‘denying Trans people exist’ did amount to inciting violence, and when Hawley asked if she ran her class in this same patronizing manner, she condescendingly remarked, “We have a good time in my class, you should join. You might learn a lot.”

 Hawley and his team rapidly grasped the opportunity they had been given, pushing the video viral and taking it to Fox News. But what was more amazing is that the video also went viral on the left. There, the belief was that the “brave professor” had “schooled” the arrogant and foolish senator. “Law Professor takes down Josh Hawley” proclaimed Huffington Post UK, while its American branch declared “Professor Schools Senator Josh Hawley for his transphobic questions in abortion hearing.” The Washington Post led with the title, “Sen. Hawley accused of transphobic questioning at abortion hearing,” and the subtitle “The Missouri Republican refused to acknowledge that some transgender men can get pregnant.”

Less than a month ago, Pew Research found that only 38% of Americans believed that an individual’s sex could be changed, whereas 60% believed it was determined at birth. The latter included 38% of Democrats. Here lies a problem. Whereas the percentage who believe sex is determined at birth is 60%-38% among all Americans, those numbers are reversed among Democrats, 38%-61%. This is why it is such a dangerous wedge issue for them. It puts them on the wrong side of the American public and not a small portion of their own voters.

Yet judging by the reaction to the exchange, much of the left-wing echo chamber believes Bridges conclusively won that exchange. That means that Democratic staffers, who committed political malpractice by inviting Bridges to the hearing in the first place, either receive reinforcement that their decision was correct, or will risk alienating their social circle if they point out the political reality. The result is that those in the latter group depart, leaving the sort of White House staff who think Jill Biden’s taco remarks were appropriate.

As the saying goes, the first step is always admitting you have a problem. When it comes to wokeness, and the electoral threat it poses, Democrats in the last week demonstrated they are still in denial.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.      

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Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
2 years ago

The entire exchange between Senator Josh Hawley and Prof. Khiara Bridges of the University of California at Berkeley over who can get pregnant and whether transgendered men could become pregnant was ludicrous. What an ultra-liberal Woke college professor is doing at a Senate Committee hearing on the effects of the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v Wade is puzzling.The US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. It’s done, the issue goes back to the States. So why does the Senate waste time and taxpayer dollars humoring this wacky professor? And who paid for her travel to give testimony in Washington D.C.? Right — John and Mary Taxpayer. Absolutely shameless!

The good professor should understand that God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

The only time politicians ever try to relate to anyone is during an election period.
After that, it’s business as usual. Still counting on the American people to swallow anything and everything they’re serving, you know, the usual lies and broken promises. Those proven tactics of the past aren’t working. We can spot a lie before they can finish speaking. How these elected officials remain in power is a mystery. The only thing people understand is their pocketbook and how far they have to open it to survive.

2 years ago

With this article, there is no doubt that the Democrats (Custer) have lost all senses as they head toward mid term elections (the Little Big Horn). May the voters use wise judgement, research the candidates and vote in honest , reliable representatives. GET RID OF THE TRAITORS/TURNCOATS that truly do not represent the nation and their constituents.

2 years ago

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”― Abraham Lincoln

2 years ago

As the saying goes “you can’t fix stupid”.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Democrats pride themselves in being open-minded and intelligent. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most Democrats detest discussion and debate. They are so primitive that they look down on people who think differently from themselves. A truly open-minded and intelligent person welcomes differences in opinions, ideas, and conclusions. Biden is a typical Democrat. He gets very defensive and angry whenever reporters question his facts and talking points. He actually acts as if he’s insulted that anyone would have the gall to question his ability to communicate honestly and clearly. The irony to any analytical intelligent human is deafening and blinding. Biden and his supporters are very ignorant and full of themselves. Excessive pride is an arch enemy of truth and reason.

David L
David L
2 years ago

Many of my friends are lifelong Democrats. They will always vote for Democrats. I am not positive the politicians in Washington will change. Most of my friends believe Biden is doing a great job. Human beings are often blind to the world and its events which are occurring. We will see. I hope things change but I need to see the results of the next election to believe it. I am very disappointed in the Democratic Party. I am not sure the Republicans want to stand up and fight to get the results that are best for our nation. The corruption among our elected officials and our senior bureaucrats is very extensive as well as Satanic. At some point the evil will burn itself out since there is no honor among thieves but the costs will be high. My children will probably not benefit due to the current corruption during their lifetimes but I sincerely hope our grandchildren will be able to live a more honorable life.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

On just about every single public issue the democrat are loosing ground. people are just plain fed up with the fringe garbage the left is spewing.

The democrats keep thinking they are clever to embrace every weird fringe thing that comes along under the concept that if you are in favor of it you are fighting for civil rights. The problem they have is the most of american has figured out these are choices people are making and choices do not have civil rights they are just choices.

Further you can point at civil rights the democrats are fighting against: church, guns, property. then there are choices the democrats fight against with cigarette smoking and vaping being the best examples. I can not understand the logic of a person who believe cigarettes and vaping should be banned but marijuana should be legal. Planned parent hood is women’s health but crisis pregnancy centers are not? It just shows they are illogical at every issue.

We are now listening to Marijuana store owners for moral advice? Why?

Cindy C
Cindy C
2 years ago

I cannot believe Americans are actually discussing this topic and media is giving it airtime. There are kids that are starving in this country, fentanyl is killing people, the homeless are left to their own resources, and mental health is never discussed, illegal migration laughs at our unenforced laws. This sex identification just drives me nuts!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

The only thing the Democrats are working on is to enrichen themselves and to destroy our country with socialism. The stupid part of what they are doing is not realizing that their future family will be living in a hell hole because socialism has never worked anywhere it’s tried. It doesn’t bring people up it drags everyone down. Why? Because no one will work without benefiting one way or the other. Democrats and most politicians yes both sides don’t understand this because they don’t want to hold down a real job and
WORK and that’s why they become politicians. It’s easier to pretend you know something and tell everyone else what to do than put your practices to work and destroy businesses because what you propose doesn’t work. For you non believers out there stop and think about this ; what are politicians working on now? They are trying to fix what they previously screwed up before. Let that sink in.

2 years ago

Stupid people embrace stupid things. Perfect example of mentally challenged herd animals.

Mark T
Mark T
2 years ago

Stupid is as stupid does. Forest Gump

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

The problem is that this woman proved that no matter what evidence you present, they truly believe what they are saying. Newt Gingrich hits it right on the head when he says the green new deal is a religious belief among the true believers that will not be changed by facts and logic. Republicans be ware: there are a lot of them around and they will vote Democrat in November no matter what.

2 years ago

WTF— more wasted space by AMAC , its not going to change and they are counting on Republicans to do the same as the last 2 elections ,,,SIT AT HOME AND WATCH THE BS NEWS THINKING WE GO THIS ,,, i just pray they arent right ,,, PLEASE GO VOTE PEOPLE YOUR NATION NEEDS YOU ,,

2 years ago

The DEMORATS are far from stupid , they have a little over 2 years to push the agenda of socialism , we can slow them down in Nov. that’s our best move but we cant do it from home ,, we must vote

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden and his administration pride themselves in being open-minded and modern. Nothing is further from the truth. Biden and his administration detest open discussion and debate. Most of their policy decisions are made behind closed doors, and the Republicans are rarely part of the decision process. Biden and his administration look down on people who think differently from themselves. If they were truly open-mined and fair-minded, they would welcome differences in opinions, ideas, and conclusions. In fact, Biden is so defensive and insecure that he gets angry whenever anyone questions his facts and talking points. He actually acts as if he is deeply insulted that anyone would have the gall to question his ability to communicate clearly and honestly. The irony of this entire situation is deafening and blinding. Biden and his administrators are very stubborn and full of themselves. Excessive pride is an arch enemy of truth and reason.

James J
James J
2 years ago

Sick Pathetic Joe has Many Impeachable Offenses against him. Enough of his Stupidity along with his whole Criminal Dysfunctional Family and Administration. Impeach this FOOL then Charge him with Treason (which would be very Easy to PROVE) carry out the Sentence, and then Clean the Peoples House of All the other Criminals.. The Founding Fathers said Clean House every 20 years. We are overdue.. TERM LIMITS !!!!!!!

2 years ago

Their not in denial, it’s what they want.

James J
James J
2 years ago

Sick Pathetic Joe has Many Impeachable Offenses against him. Enough of his Stupidity along with his whole dysfunctional family, and administration. Impeach this Fool, then charge him with Treason (which would be very easy to prove) carry out the sentence and then clean the Peoples House of all other Criminals. The founding Fathers said to Clean house every 20 years. We are well overdue.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

WE must help Dems lose in Nov

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

An awakening is coming to the “woke”. The first alarm will be this Nov.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Denial my butt! They ARE wokeness, it goes hand-in-hand with Positivism. Check the definition of Positivism if you haven’t already.

2 years ago

Jill Biden should stay home(and I don’t mean the White House) feed Joe, change his diaper and maybe take him out to get some ice cream(Ben& Jerry’s)and then put him to bed!

2 years ago

It is one more tactic in the destruction of this Constitutional Republic. Destroy a nation, dance on the rubble.

2 years ago

It’s true: The left destroys everything it touches…

2 years ago

Nero fiddled while Rome burned !! Where are all of the Democrats at this time

Joanne4 justice.
Joanne4 justice.
2 years ago

The evil Socialist led Dem party has sold its very soul to radical ,progressive left wing and BLM and “Woke” misguided evil causes to regain . Power and co

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

I am not surprised that democrats have missed the point that wokeness is popular only with the far left and is repulsive to all of the rest of us. This is the most encouraging piece I have read all morning. Thank you.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

May God Almighty keep the Democrats blinded so that they lose in a landslide this November. That is unless they foist another pandemic on us so they can steal more elections.

Trevin Dorner
Trevin Dorner
1 year ago

The cowardice of the Trump supporters is breath taking they released a virus killing millions, legalized rioting,and looting, stold A Presidential election and the cowards still assume there vote will change things those who would exchange liberty for safety deserve neither!!!!!!!!

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
1 year ago

seriously, the Dumbocrat party is the benefactor of the Woke
Movement and BLM. AS WELL!

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