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Democrats’ Spectacular Circular Firing Squad

Posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn


Whether it’s Congressional Democrats squabbling amongst themselves, Kamala Harris and her team warring with Joe Biden and his team, or state and local Democrats desperately trying to distance themselves from D.C. Democrats, it seems that all the major players and factions within the Democratic Party just can’t stand each other. Everyone hates everyone. Usually, the kind of finger-pointing and lashing out we are witnessing normally takes place after a massive election loss. However, it seems as if Democrats everywhere have already resigned themselves to a disastrous election season this November and gotten a jump start on the circular firing squad.

Kamala Harris vs. Everyone

Perhaps the most notable animosity within the Democratic Party is within the Biden administration itself between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Even before November of 2020, the normally friendly mainstream media recognized there could be trouble after Biden selected Harris to be his VP. And sure enough, within the first year of Biden’s presidency, there were reports surfacing that Harris feels “isolated” and “sidelined” by the Biden team.

But it’s not just Biden and his team that don’t like Kamala. Even First Lady Jill Biden has a not-so-secret feud with the VP, and Harris’s own staff have taken turns blasting the VP as a “bully” who regularly delivers “soul-destroying criticism.” Other voices on the left have piled on as well, criticizing her inability to deliver on any policy objectives, to speak competently, or even to behave normally. Perhaps Harris has not gotten the memo that, as someone who hopes to replace the aging Biden, it’s going to be hard to do so when no one likes her, even on her own side.

The White House vs. the DNC

Jaime Harrison was elected to be the Chair of the Democratic National Committee in January of 2021. However, as the President’s poll numbers began to fall and it became clear that Harrison had no plan other than being “anti-Trump,” the administration became desperate for a scapegoat, which is found in Harrison. He has been the subject of repeated leaks complaining that he does not travel the country fundraising, that he mismanages the building, and that he is rarely seen as a surrogate defending the President.

These tensions have led to rumors that Harrison is considering leaving his position early amid “simmering frustrations” with the White House, a move that could be crippling for the party should it occur before November’s midterm elections.

Progressives vs. Manchin

The White House was so arrogantly or naively confident that Build Back Better would pass that it apparently never considered ensuring it had the support of all Democrats in a 50-50 Senate.

When politicos started to muse that there might be an issue in getting some of Build Back Better’s outlandish requests through both chambers due to concerns from Senator Manchin, the White House thought the next appropriate course of action would be to ridicule and lambast Manchin in statements. Shortly after that, other Democrats began to pile on Manchin and attempt to shame him into voting for the bill.

Manchin didn’t pull any punches when he called out the White House, stating: “I just got to the wit’s end. And they know the real reason for what happened. They won’t tell you, and I’m not going to tell you… it’s the staff.” Is the White House staff really so incompetent that they failed to realize how critical Manchin’s vote is? Are they so ideologically driven that they thought it was better for Biden to take the embarrassing loss than to accept whatever concessions were requested by Manchin?

The Squad vs. Endangered Incumbents

The conflict between Manchin on the one hand and the White House and Congressional Progressives on the other is emblematic of a wider gulf emerging within the Democratic Party. The few moderate Democrats left in Congress – as well as the larger group of radicals who desperately need to come across as moderates in order to win re-election – face danger not just from their Republican challengers but from the increasingly powerful “Squad” (plus Senate radicals like Bernie Sanders) who have in recent years thrust the party further and further left. The Squad’s refusal to abandon policies like “Defund the Police,” the Green New Deal, and open borders has sullied the image of the Democratic Party as a whole.

This dynamic was made clear as early as the days following the 2020 House elections, which saw Democrats’ majority nearly erased. But even then, progressives refused to back down, apparently unconcerned with the electoral fate of their more moderate colleagues.

Most Democrats now see that the Squad is out of step with the American people on every single issue and will sink the entire party if they continue to dominate media coverage – and get their way when it comes to most legislation. Even Nancy Pelosi, herself no moderate, has previously rebuked members of the Squad, leading to more internal riffs within the Democratic House Caucus. But none of these members has thus far managed to break the hold progressive ideology has on the Democratic Party’s agenda, and the split within the party has only served to add to the perception of a party that is at war with itself even as it pumps out one extreme policy after another.

D.C. Democrats vs. State and Local Democrats

As D.C. Democrats descend into chaos; Democrats at the state and local levels are trying as hard as possible to distance themselves from the mess. Former U.S. House member and failed Senate and presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, now running for Governor of Texas, summed up the general attitude nicely by declaring, “I don’t want Joe Biden or anyone else from outside of Texas coming into this state to campaign for me or anyone else.” Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who lost to Glenn Youngkin in the contest for Virginia Governor last year, openly admitted that Biden was a “vulnerability” for him. Even the Washington Post concedes that “many Democrats are trying to inoculate themselves by forging their own brands and even criticizing some of Biden’s actions.” Clearly, there’s no love lost between national Democrats, who have earned the public’s anger over failed policies, and state and local Democrats desperately hoping to survive a potential red wave year.


As DCCC Chair Sean Patrick Maloney (who has himself been the subject of bitter complaints and leaks) has rightly noted: “The problem is not the voters; the problem is the [Democrats].” Even without polls, it doesn’t take a political scientist to realize that this level of infighting is unusual this far out from the election. But if Democrats can’t even get along personally, how can they work together to rebuild their image or revive their stalled agenda?

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky, who previously worked for the Trump Administration.

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2 years ago

To the Democratic Party: If you want and are lacking a Firing Squad, I would be pleased to oblige!

2 years ago

Don’t be deceived by this article as to the disorder in the Dumbocrat Party. They are very sly and artistic in disguising their purpose and motives. Manchin is a pragmatist and realizes that Americans are wising up to their shenanigans. So don’t be hoodwinked by his tactics. He is a Democrat deluxe.

2 years ago

This November, Demonrat members of Congress should avoid all outdoor activities in and around our nation’s shorelines. The red tsunami is very likely to hit, and no political “floatation device” will guarantee their safety!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

What Dems do Best is divide Hooray

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

” Hate ” is what the Dems used to defeat Trump! They all would say the same thing,I hate that guy! What does hate get you?? More hate! Just what they deserve!

2 years ago

In the real world of nature, snakes do eat snakes.

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
2 years ago

This is all whistling past the graveyard wishful thinking – every democrat, from manchin to porn a.o.c. is invested in the destruction of America as founded. Wake the f bomb up, people!!!

2 years ago

A good read but the issue is that the Left rules the Democrat Party. Manchin himself even took the step of blasting GOP senators over the Kentanji Brown- Jackson hearings. Don’t be fooled: before November, AND/or once the mid-terms are over, regardless of the outcome, there will be a kiss and make-up session.

nadine cornett
nadine cornett
2 years ago

Perhaps VP Harris is behaving as she was asked to so the threat of impeachment or 25th amendment would be forestalled because of the alternative.

Nancy Weres
Nancy Weres
2 years ago

“Don’t interfere when the Enemy is trying to defeat himself.” – Sun Tzu

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
2 years ago

Beeto is DOA as governor of TX. Not a snowball’s chance on the Llano Estacado en Agusto.

AOC and gang are taking out after Henry Cuellar, probably the only TX democrat worth considering since he is pro-life (to an extent). So he may lose badly.

Blue wave? Really?

Michael E. Mack
Michael E. Mack
2 years ago

The American electorate needs CONSERVATIVE candidates to run and be elected to office. That would solve a lot of our current problems.

2 years ago

Biden and Harris both are lost as a goose. They both need to quit and go to some other country.

2 years ago

Who are the “adults” in the room? Democrats must have changed the definition to mean anyone that isn’t Trump.

2 years ago

AMAC needs to proof read these news updates before printing (ie:VP Harris is a woman (she))

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago

Nothing else is like a democrat….thank goodness !

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Can I give them some ammunition, I can spare a 100 rounds!

2 years ago

All good news…..if true.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
2 years ago

Nothing new, they are Marxist losers.

MAGA 2022 AND 2024

2 years ago

Lets not forget that Biden was Barrack Hussein Obama’s VP for 8 years. The one who said “I’m going to fundamentally change America.” … who said “there comes a time in your life you’ve made enough money”…who a few months back bought the third multi-million dollar mansion…who has never proven legitimate citizenship. And lets not forget the multi-billionaire who’s destroyed 4 countries already…who many have little doubt is pulling “O”s strings….as “O”just may be pulling the barely cognitive little “Joe’s” strings.
This is more than just Biden and Harris (horribly unqualified to even be a dog catcher!)
Just an aside; 18 “republicans” signed onto Biden’s “build back better” treason…designed to destroy what’s left of the United States of America.
This goes far deeper than elections and political banter. It goes to the heart of the New World Order mentioned in the acceptance speech of George Bush Sr. on becoming president some time back…I watched this speech and even with just the beginnings of knowledge of the political system, this gave me the creeps. Politics is a smoke screen and sadly to many Americans buy into the political rhetoric of the politicians who “promise you the moon and the stars.”
Socialism is the first step…look up Roosevelt’s push for that when president, tho’ his heart may have not reached the required deception of socialism yet…there’s no such thing as “a little socialism” it is merely the doorway to communism. As an astute man once warned: You vote your way into socialism, but you must shoot your way out of communism.” unless of course, they’ve taken your guns….not from criminals folks…from law abiding citizens.

2 years ago

It’s all true, but they will still retain and increase their power in November…they are absolute masters at cheating!

2 years ago

In just over 1 year our democracy has been challenged by the new communist regime Question is will the Republicans unite or start in fighting, will big money to buy votes be stopped as soros and zuck dominated the 2020 election? I can only say we are in real trouble. We can not continue to print money we do not have. We can not continue to tax the same people over and over who pay the majority of the tax. We must stop all this illegal immigration as we can not support them

2 years ago

They have no respect for one another, so it would follow that they do not like or respect “We the People”. All they want is power over us just like communism and socialism! They’re a bunch of Marxists.

2 years ago

I just hope that these so called Republicans can stick together and get rid of all the dead wood they have , and replace them with people who will support the constituents and the constitution, and not sell their soul .

2 years ago

lol dont you just love it?!?!?!? I say give them all 5 gallons of $8/gallon gas and a box of matches and may they all go up in SMOKE! LOL BURN BABY BURN!

2 years ago

It sure sounds like the demon-communist-cRATS are going to lose everything bigly come November. I’ll believe it after I see it. The communists still have their voter fraud machine in place and that will keep them in power.

Concerned in L.A.
Concerned in L.A.
2 years ago

Let’s just hope that the Republicans will do a good job of messaging leading up to the November elections. They’ve successfully snatched defeat from jaws of victory too often before…

2 years ago

The problem is that the democrat party is not just two different ideologies; it is more like three or even five. This is the major thing that would have made them strong in numbers: five different ideologies all lumped into one party. Kind of like making macaroni and cheese with five different kinds of cheese.
Yes, if they would just divide and run as Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Confused Liberals, and Clueless Followers…then, of course, the Republicans would pull significantly into the lead. However, I think that the majority of the dumbocraps are all confused clueless liberal sheep (regardless of all their other mishmash of ideologies) and likely do not even have the capability to distinguish the difference between Swiss cheese and cheddar.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

If the GOP screws this up I will break out the 500-page four-letter words book.
In about a month I expect to hear all major Democrats exactly repeating a new set of absolutely asinine lies that only the most moronic would believe several million of which I think exist.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

The biggest problem that AMERICA has today does not come from the foreign countries that are jealous of our way of life.The biggest threat to AMERICA today comes from within.The major threat to our country today is the liberl,socialist,marxists including the democRATS and bottom feeding slug eaters like soros.

Carole Kniepkamp
Carole Kniepkamp
2 years ago

Complete idiocy from the top down. As I listen to any of the Dems, I stand by my mantra: An intelligent Democrat is an oxymoron.

David P
David P
2 years ago

Good work, Lou.
Thank you.

2 years ago

If State democrats are so upset with FED demos, why do they inact the same garbage policies????

2 years ago

They are NOT DEMOCRATS, they are mostly LEFTIST.
Call them what they are for Goodness sake!

Russ Sinkler
Russ Sinkler
2 years ago

Good insight on these topics, so thank you. I have a couple of ideas to share, as well:
1. Pray incessantly that God’s Mighty Hand continues to reveal the corruption, self-serving behaviors and general evil from all corners of society and politics that surrounds believers everywhere, and that He gives us another opportunity to get things right (pun intended). We don’t “deserve” His Grace and help, but I pray that He sees fit to do so. Thank you, Lord!

2. The Conservative movement (notice I didn’t use GOP) must do a superior job of articulating and communicating the facts surrounding our positions in a way that today’s “sound bite” driven populace can easily see, comprehend and REMEMBER. Perhaps using tables and charts like Ross Perot did, use them ubiquitously across candidates, platforms, media outlets, ads, etc. We have some very good communicators among us, but perhaps they are too verbose, heady, or bombastic for the masses to truly hear, digest, REPEAT, and drive folks to a desired outcome.

3. Repeat # 1 above over and over. Don’t let the human condition, e.g., pride, selfishness, greed, desire to control, prevent our reliance on, discussion with, and praise of Almighty God.

Thank you and have a great day.

2 years ago

Nice concise summary of the cracks in the loyal opposition’s Marxist organization. Let ‘em self destruct. But it’s voting fraud that makes the peripheral issues null.

David Block
David Block
2 years ago

Keep them fighting inwardly so we can win more decidedly. America turn us Red in November.

2 years ago

Hopefully the dem/Commies will stay divided. They have always been the party of greed and evil. It’s only taken 6 decades, but people are FINALLY seeing them for who they really are.
It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of vampires.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago


Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

As the saying goes, ‘Misery loves company.’ Their religion they all focus on as one though, is demoralizing America. As immoral uneducated individuals who also lack intelligence, all they know how to do is fight and argue. The Progressives have completely taken over the Democrat Party. They don’t represent Democracy so they’re not Democrats…even those like Manchin who seem to be on more of the right side of things, just falls back to disappointment with his support of a racist, biased one Party radical Judge.
Any true blue Democrats are leaving that Party.
They still call themselves Democrats because they’re all about lies and deception.
Our nation is in real trouble, and they’re at each others throats because they don’t like seeing who they are in other members of the Party. Are they stupid? I say yes. My explanation for that; they’re pushing electric vehicles without the forethought of where the power will come from when so many are charging them at one time. Are they ignorant? I also believe they are…in the sense they go about establishing their own mindset of how our country should be seen around the world.
They’re like the chickens panicking in the hen house before the wolf actually breaks in.
Also reminds me of a group of kindergarteners loose in a room where the teacher lost control. The MSM is trying to keep up but are also losing ground like CNN for example. We have total chaos and government officials like toddlers reacting instead of finding the right solutions.
God in heaven help us!! PLEASE!

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Maybe the proverbial chickens have come home to roost! It’s all about the truth. Something democrats cannot face. Biden is a pathological liar. It’s what they do best. Everything with them and about them stinks.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

All you progressives,leftest,and socialest why dont you move to another country where you will be welcomed. Kyle L.

2 years ago

I think that a lot of DEMOCRATs think they actually won the election of 2020 and therefore , they also may believe that they’re genuinely popular with Americans . Apparently many DEMOCRATs are not aware of the theft of the 2020 election and that many of the votes cast for Mr. Biden are phantom votes . Or, virtual electronic creations . Apparently , that election has led DEMOCRATs to believe that their policies are actually popular . So, lets continue to let DEMOCRATs form a circular firing line . Lets not correct them . And, lets stay resolute to vote against them in November . Every single vote counts .

2 years ago

To the Democratic Party: If you want and are lacking a Firing Squad, I would be pleased to oblige!

2 years ago

Don’t be deceived by this article as to the disorder in the Dumbocrat Party. They are very sly and artistic in disguising their purpose and motives. Manchin is a pragmatist and realizes that Americans are wising up to their shenanigans. So don’t be hoodwinked by his tactics. He is a Democrat deluxe.

2 years ago

This November, Demonrat members of Congress should avoid all outdoor activities in and around our nation’s shorelines. The red tsunami is very likely to hit, and no political “floatation device” will guarantee their safety!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

What Dems do Best is divide Hooray

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

” Hate ” is what the Dems used to defeat Trump! They all would say the same thing,I hate that guy! What does hate get you?? More hate! Just what they deserve!

2 years ago

In the real world of nature, snakes do eat snakes.

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
2 years ago

This is all whistling past the graveyard wishful thinking – every democrat, from manchin to porn a.o.c. is invested in the destruction of America as founded. Wake the f bomb up, people!!!

Seal of the United States Department of Education. The seal was introduced on May 7, 1980, and is described in law as: Standing upon a mound, an oak tree with black trunk and limbs and green foliage in front of a gold rising sun, issuing gold rays on a light blue disc, enclosed by a dark blue border with gold edges bearing the inscription "DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION" above a star at either side of the words "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" in smaller letters in the base; letters and stars in white. More information here and 34 CFR Part 3.
Man in handcuffs
DOGE closed down more than 200,000 government credit cards
Writing note showing Disruption Ahead.

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