They’re just not that into you.
Today’s Democrats treat the American people like a spouse who has grown routine, sometimes ungrateful, and decreasingly alluring. And they cannot forgive America for running off for four years with that damn contractor.
But Democrats swoon over the 8.8 million illegal aliens who they have helped invade the country on President Joe Biden’s watch.
These arrivistes are like a collective paramour who blends excitement, the exotic, and a stiff whiff of danger. And, before long, odds are that they will vote Democrat. In a word: HOT!
That’s why American citizens lately feel jilted, if not abused by Democrats, even as illegal aliens gasp beneath the gifts that the Left piles on. “More free stuff?” they must ask. “We must be dating, but we just wanted something casual.”
- New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, just cooked up a $53 million giveaway of free debit cards for illegal alien families with kids. They will receive $1,000 per month to buy baby supplies and food, including “culturally relevant” cuisine.
Meanwhile, Adams chopped the Education Department’s food budget by $60 million. This month, students who enjoyed chicken thighs, grab-and-go salads, and cookies now endure cheaper fare: pizza, hummus and crackers, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Gotham’s classrooms are 41.1% Hispanic, 23.7% black, and 16.5% of Asian descent. Schools that are only 14.7% white, on average, should expect more social justice than this. Instead, Adams feeds illegal aliens while depriving his voters’ children.
- Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey, also a Democrat, seized the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex in Boston’s 55.6% black Roxbury district and turned it into an illegal alien shelter. That will leave at-risk youths with one less place to avoid trouble and seniors one less spot to gather safely.
According to NECN.com news, the expropriated facility on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard will provide illegal aliens with “wrap-around services until May 31.”
Healey, accompanied by Boston’s far Left Democratic Mayor Michelle Wu, visited the institution on Jan. 31. One local man approached Healey in front of the building and asked, “Maura, why do you think it’s OK to take away resources from the citizens of Massachusetts?”
She flippantly replied, “We need a housing bill passed.”
Sounding betrayed, former City Council candidate Shawn Nelson complained, “The only time they want us is when they want a vote, and as soon as they get that vote, they don’t need us anymore.”
- “Rubin Report” host Dave Rubin flew through Miami last month. “This is the state of absolute insanity happening at our airports,” he commented via X. “I’m in the Pre-TSA line, where migrants don’t have to have an ID to get through security, and it’s their choice whether they want their picture taken.”
Just snapped this pic.
This is the state of absolute insanity happening at our airports. I’m in the Pre-TSA line, where migrants don’t have to have an ID to get through security and it’s their choice whether they want their picture taken.
There is a plan to destroy America. pic.twitter.com/VQubxLgY9E— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) January 18, 2024
Illegal aliens need not show IDs to board planes. Those with arrest warrants may use those as ID, if they wish.
As for American citizens, let’s see those ID cards!
- Army veteran Frank Tammaro, 94, was disappointed when his Staten Island senior center closed last March and booted 52 others. Tammaro grew enraged when he learned last summer that the facility reopened, to house illegal aliens—for free.
- The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has taken well-deserved incoming for processing $94.3 million in illegal aliens’ health claims in fiscal year 2022, up 27.4% from $74 million in fiscal year 2021. Meanwhile, U.S. veterans’ wait-listed health claims swelled from 150,000 in fiscal year 2022 to 417,855 in fiscal year 2023—up 178.6%.
Biden is “taking resources away from our veterans to facilitate health care for illegal migrants,” said House Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Mike Bost, R—Ill. “As a Marine, I believe any dollar taken away from a veteran is a promise broken to those who served.”
Biden and the Democrats have turned America into a First World country with second-class citizens and pampered foreign invaders. Americans who dislike the Democrats’ cold shoulders should go to Mexico, rush north across the “border,” and fall into the warm, illegal alien-loving arms of today’s Democratic Party.
The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Deroy Murdock.
The Democrat Party, America’s Socialist Party, has had a very specific plan to ensure they have absolute power in perpetuity. That plan has been well known for the last 5 decades, if you have been paying attention. If not, well then surprise! Your only function is to pay the taxes that allow the Democrsts to lavish all sorts of “freebies” on their real voter base: The illiterate illegals that are streaming into this country in ever larger numbers. We now have close to 50 million illegals in thus country and the Democrats want tens of millions more.
Numerous leftist intellectuals that have been crafting and guiding the policies of the Democrats for the last 50 to 60 years have been outlining their plans in countless books, white papers and speeches all along the way. The public largely slept right through all the warning signs, either through apathy, ignorance or blind hope that “someone else” would do something to make up for the inattention of the vast majority of Americans over that time period. Now things are becoming obvious to even the most detached of Americans, that the country is being permanently changed in many, many bad ways.
Unfortunately for the average American citizen, those Democrat plans don’t include us the American citizens who they are supposed to work for.
Our sole function is to just continue to pay the taxes that end up being used to fund the illegal alien invasion and shut-up. It seems even at this late stage, many Americans seem content to simply comply. You only get to keep your rights and freedoms, along with your country, if you are willing to defend them. Sheep don’t get a choice of what is for dinner, when they allow wolves to freely roam around them.
I have often threatened to go to Mexico just to cross back into the U.S. via the river. I’m told that Social Security and Medicare (both of which I paid into for 55 years) is something which I don’t deserve to receive. I need to visit a food pantry each month (thank God for Second Harvest), keep the winter temperature in my home at 62° and drive a 22 year old car with nearly-bald tires. I need my dentures repaired and it’s been 6 years since my last eye exam. But, I am an American Citizen, living in America. My Great-Grandmother came thru Ellis Island carrying my Grandfather and his sister. That food pantry is the only thing the government “gives” me, a second-generation American and daughter (granddaughter) of 2 generations of Veterans. Most Americans of my generation are not just 2nd generation citizens, we are treated as 2nd class citizens as well.
The government will never stop spending our tax dollars or completely ignoring us the American citizen. Until we say NO more and stand up to this out of control Washington Rino’s and Dem’s. In Massachusetts those folks should have never let the city take that building over if it ment the local folks needed to sleep there once you let the city take you are never getting it back. If we the people lay down like sheep our elected officials are going to destroy us for sure. So we all need to decide when is enough is enough.
I read in the Epoch Times today about the coordinated plan for the Biden administration to give multi millions to United Nations programs in order to facilitate handouts to illegals, and encourage them to come here. So we are paying for all this, it’s shameful. It started under Obama, but Trump threw a monkey wrench in their plans. That’s why it was so important for Biden to get elected by any means necessary. Aaarrgh! The Heartland Institute has also confirmed the illegality of the 2020 election, also reported in Epoch Times.
Yes, it’s all about the democrats illegally grabbing more power, while placing their liabilities on innocent people who are much better citizens than they.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Biden regime is paying “shadow” organizations to do what the government wants to do, but can’t or won’t do for political reasons. For example,
The Biden regime is paying the United Nations, who distributes that money to UN sponsored groups that provide illegals with assistance across their entire journey from their home country to the United States. (transportation, maps, food, lodging, guidance, web apps, phones).
The Biden regime is paying US 501 C NGO organizations to provide additional services for illegals like “free” transportation anywhere within the US.
We even have the 3 former presidents (Obama, Bush, Clinton) who started an NGO that FLYs illegals from Mexico, across our border, and into the United States.
American voters are more like spousal victims of domestic abuse stuck in an ever-worsening situation because they are in denial because the abusive partner says they’re sorry, will not do it again, and will get help. They keep voting the same people in expecting things to get better and act surprised when it happens all over again.
The irony would be if currently registered voting Democrats leave the party in the same numbers as illegals Dems are pampering to get their votes. Then Dems would have gained absolutely nothing but a worse reputation than they already have.
Do Democrats really not understand that the American people are very frustrated and angry about the influx of illegals especially when we see what illegals get that we don’t!! When we see the billions that are being spent on people who don’t belong here instead of sending them back to their country of origin, we get angry!! When we see our resources being spent on people who don’t belong here, we get angry!! And Democrats expect us to vote for them when all they seem to do is go lawless in every way possible!!! I’ll never vote for a Democrat since all they seem to do is destroy!!!
This is absolutely disgusting!! The President has the RESPONSIBILITY to take care of AMERICANS FIRST, ESPECIALLY OUR VETERANS!!
It is past the time when the entire CITIZEN population should implement what used to be called “southern justice” regarding these invading illegal scumbags. Just either alone or in groups of any size, catch and transport as many of these leeches as one can, take them somewhere remote and………..cull the problem one step at a time.
Our government is NOT our friend as it is they that allowed these creatures into our country to destroy our heathcare system, economy in general, educational system, housing, criminal justice system (is anything illegal anymore?), and our entire social system. What now is an :American”. What now are “American values”?
In short.
Get a rope.
Are any of you people Democrats, who are commenting? If not we all are just preaching to the choir. If yes, knowing all of this, will you still vote Democrat?
they did nothing for thier country and they will do nothing for ours!!!!
The different state would bankrupt the state to please Illegals care nothing about the citizens of this country or states now people see what these states run by Dems are all about and if they do not know who will foot the bill people there better look in the mirror that is who will pay the bill.Nothing but corruption at its best by these Dem run states.
Charge the whole Communist Demonrat administration they are not a party, with High Crimes and Misdemeanors.. President Vice President and All Civil officers
The Democrat party is no longer a legitimate political party. It needs to be outlawed in the United States of America. They have no business representing American citizens because they hate American citizens, and they hate America. I want them out of my government NOW!
The Democrat party is no longer a legitimate political party and it needs to be outlawed in the United States of America.
For days now I’ve been glued to this gem of a site. The owner works tirelessly to engage fans with quality content. I’m mega impressed and can’t wait to see what they wow me with next!
Since crime is no longer punished, why don’t we the citizenry just start cruising the areas were these invaders are being stashed and just eliminate a few each trip?
For the Biden Votes