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Democrats Introduce Bill to ‘Massively Expand’ Mail-in Voting

Posted on Friday, January 29, 2021
by Outside Contributor

democratDemocrat lawmakers on Thursday introduced a bill dubbed the “Vote at Home Act,” which seeks to “massively expand vote-at-home ballot access,” enacting automatic voter registration and providing voters with pre-paid ballot envelopes.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) introduced the bill (pdf), saying in a press release that the legislation is meant to “fight voter suppression.”

“Our democracy is stronger when every American can vote, without standing in ridiculous lines or having to take time off work or school to exercise their Constitutional rights,” Wyden said in a statement.

The initiative stands in contrast to a bill introduced by Republicans several weeks ago, which seeks to tighten voter registration verifications and narrow rules for when and how mail-in ballots can be accepted, in a bid to strengthen the integrity of federal elections.

The Democrat lawmakers said the introduction of the bill was encouraged by what they described as “the successful expansion of voting at home and by mail in the November 2020 election,” in which almost 50 percent of voters cast ballots by mail, a record high in federal races.

“Last year we saw a widespread expansion of vote-at-home access as a safe and secure way to participate during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Blumenauer said in a statement. “We should continue to make voting easier, not harder. This important bill would strengthen and clarify the right to vote at home, the most secure and convenient way for voters to exercise the franchise.”

Critics of expanding vote-by-mail initiatives have warned of the increased potential for voter fraud, allegations of which were front and center in the contested presidential election, with President Donald Trump, members of his legal team, and supporters, making numerous claims that amounted to the charge that the election was stolen.

Peter Navarro, who served as an adviser to Trump, concluded in a sweeping report on the integrity of the 2020 election that the allegations of irregularities, including outright voter fraud, were serious enough to warrant an urgent probe and substantial enough to potentially overturn the results.

State election officials, the Justice Department, and others rejected the notion that there was widespread voter fraud in the November election.

The Democrats’ “Vote at Home Act” stipulates a range of actions that would expand vote by mail in federal elections.

“All registered voters would receive ballots in the mail weeks before Election Day, allowing them to carefully research candidates and issues well ahead of Election Day to inform their vote,” the press release states.

The bill would also grant all registered voters nationwide the ability to cast their ballots by mail or at ballot drop boxes. The act also calls for increased funding for the U.S. Postal Service to cover costs associated with processing ballots.

“This would allow states to save money by transitioning away from polling stations and reduce a major barrier for voters with the federal government absorbing the cost associated with USPS delivery,” the press release notes.

Under the provisions of the bill, states would also be required to automatically register voters when they provide identifying information to the state motor vehicle authority. Voters who do not want to remain registered would be given three weeks to opt out.

The House Republican bill, meanwhile, called the “Save Democracy Act,” seeks to create baseline protections against election irregularities and voter fraud during elections.

The GOP initiative seeks to prevent automatic voter registration for federal elections, prohibits states from sending out unrequested absentee ballots, and calls for a ban on using public ballot collection boxes.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), said in a press statement, “This bill will restore the public’s trust that their vote is counted and their voice is heard.”

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4 years ago

Unless you have been living in a cave, you just had to know this was coming sometime this year. Sure the Democrats will promise all kinds of safeguards, but you know none of them will make it into the final bill.

4 years ago

They found out the best way to manipulate the elections is by mail in votes. Now they want to keep going to try to win every time.

4 years ago

No mail in voting period. Registered absentee only for sink and shut-ins

4 years ago

We live in a world of technology, but were going to back up and go with mail in ballots. Every ballot would have to be validated, voting rolls would have to be updated, every state would be required to follow the same rules. I’m sure there is several more safeguards that need to be added. Biden wants to require all states to raise the minimum wage, but he can’t require all states to use the same voting rules?

4 years ago

Absolutely not! How about Congress declare Election Day a federal holiday? Close stores and businesses so people don’t have to leave work to vote. It also frees up people to work the polls. The benefits of this idea are endless. People can plan ahead for stores to be closed on Christmas, they can do the same for Election Day! No excuses!!
Oops, I forgot, this would be a disadvantage for Dems. Working people, the ones who pay for their handout programs, could all get to the polls. Too many Democrats aren’t working anyway and can get to the polls anytime, so this will never fly.

4 years ago

With the mess they have had over the years, you should go to the polls and show iD to vote. Mail in NO, Print your own ballots is absolutely ridiculous. In those big cities like Philadelphia and others mobsters would go around with money to buy votes. Been going on a long time. Machines do you really trust them. Do not know the answer. Everything is crooked.

4 years ago

This kind of crap needs to stop, period! It’s insanity to gain power at a high level. Sending out ballots by the mult-millions like candy just leads to fraud and abuse! We need to get back to the basics in order to TAKE OUT THE CHANCE OF FRAUD HAPPENING! There is absolutely NO NEED for a voting machine with algorythms capturing by persoanl voting data, sending it all over world and manipulating it. It’s personal private information. I didn’t give anyone permission to use by personal private voting information. Did you? These corporations and elites that do this stuff should be SUED under personal privacy laws! HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. A FOURTH GRADER can count votes and figure this out. Go back to paper ballots, it’s SIMPLE!

4 years ago

I live in Oregon where we have had mail-in voting for many years: all three branches of our government are super majority dominated by Democrats. We have zero, zip, none, nada Republicans elected to any high office other than a few state representatives and state senators. The unions (both public & private) dictate what the Democrats do. This is a terrible bill to be inflicted upon the American people and our nation.

4 years ago

Lies, lies, lies and more lies!!! … The Progressively Communist Democrats have ALWAYS Lied but NOW they BLATANTLY Lie and the Mainstream Media NEVER CALLS THEM OUT FOR IT! In fact, even the Mainstream Media Blatantly Lies !!! … No matter what President Trump would say, they lie and say something HE NEVER SAID!!! I fear it’s going to take armed resistance to stop the Progressively Communist Democrats from destroying Capitalism! … Pray for strength America!

4 years ago

The two that introduced the bill are from Oregon were we have had mail in voting since the min 80s, that was the last time we had a state government controlled by the Republican party, we have the highest taxes in America and we are still broken are Governor is in bed with China. If this goes through we as a free country will be no more

4 years ago

Is there nothing we can do. Every time I hear about a bill like this I email and call my representatives. Is there nothing else we can do. Just as in Germany we are being led to the slaughter like sheep. My heart breaks for this once mighty country built by God and freedom being destroyed.

4 years ago

I guess they figure the more voting fraud, the better. It was never difficult in the past to go in person but of course we know that it’s always for their benefit; they just make it sound like it’s better for us. Who said it was difficult to show your i.d.? Only the Dems. We’ll never have a fair election and people will not waste their time voting. It’s probably what they really want.

4 years ago

If they are able to pass this bill, you can kiss our country goodbye, as we will have a one-party corrupt government.

Ray Absher
Ray Absher
4 years ago

The Constitution clearly states that only the states have the power to determine how elections will be handled within their borders. This bill should be dead on arrival as the Supreme Court will rule it unconstitutional. I do not believe we are completely lost yet.

4 years ago

” HYDRA, The Democratic Party “is all about criminality, anything illegal is allowed if it brings them power and votes. The HYDRA is a mythical creature with 9 heads and a poisonous bite, pure evil.

Syl Burch
Syl Burch
4 years ago

Just more opportunity for illegals and voter fraud to pump up numbers on the left!

4 years ago

Hum.. The most corrupt party making all the decisions now. Sooner or later they will eat their own.

4 years ago

Why should’t they…it worked for them in 2020

4 years ago

Democrats are in possession of crap for brains!

Larry Routon
Larry Routon
4 years ago

Seems odd that we “supposedly” had over 155 million votes cast in the presidential election and they (dems) are still talking about voter suppression. Give me a break already. All this is about is laying the foundation for more STOLEN elections.

4 years ago

Why not, it worked quite well this last time. Hillary called this election a long time ago when she told O’Biden to not concede if President Trump was declared the winner. If there’s more mail in ballots, there’s more chance of an illegal alien and others to vote. We know many will be coming. Good strategy.

4 years ago

Are these Communist Democrats filthy and corrupt or not. They think they can steal the 2020 elections and expand voter fraud even more, I think not. It is time We The People set the voter laws.

Paul Brown
Paul Brown
4 years ago

Why not, they have so many chances to cheat the system this way. I am a certified Poll Worker each year for many years at these elections, i have seen many time of how they cheat the system this way. So many people get these mail in ballots and then come in to vote also, saying they never asked for a mail in ballot, so then they vote on a provisional ballot anyway, they just voted twice then. I have see and caught people for other states who came in and said they voter in my district last year, but they are not in the book at all as ever being a registered voter in the country anywhere. Then she went to the other district to try and vote there saying the same thing, she started to vote on a provisional when i put a stop to it. She wasn’t happen, but didn’t put up a fuss either because she knew she got caught this time. There are so many ways they try to vote numerous times.

4 years ago

This is not a job for Congress and is Unconstitutional, but of course education is not their job nor are a number of other things they have taken over. The Constitution gives the Federal Government very few jobs and the rest are reserved for the individual states. Only the legislature in each individual state is allowed to make voting laws and that was ignored by County Election Departments, Governors, and Courts and is why vote counts were challenged. Executive Order Joe would not be in office otherwise.

4 years ago

Yes indeed, mail-in votes when the dead can send in their ballots and with the enhancement of Dominion software controlled through a satellite hook up, how can the democrat socialists lose?

4 years ago

Repukeacrates why don’t u make voting on sat & Sunday . After all not that many people go 2 church anymore . Can’t blame work. Most people r off those 2 days

David Winters
David Winters
4 years ago

It is over with. We are witnessing the demise of the greatest Republic ever. What was the country with the greatest opportunity for the common person and the defender of freedom, world-wide, is now toast. We lost our last and probably only chance at survival in November 2020. Even if, by some long shot, despite efforts by democrats and their RINO minions, a conservative gets back in the White House, the “swamp” will be that much more entrenched after 4 years of the “harris/o’biden/far-left-democrat/hi-tech media regime”. Also, sadly, keep in mind that millions of Americans fell for it and voted for harris/o’biden!!!! God, it was good while it lasted. The following points don’t mater any more but are “food for thought”….1) Look at a calendar and note that Election day (soon to be Election month) is as far away from “Tax Day” (April 15th) as possible 2) Around 100 years ago (give or take) the supreme court said “federal with-holding” (Aka: confiscation of property) was constitutional. This means -in most cases- that we, as abused taxpayers, cannot even fight the swamp by not paying taxes, as they already have our money.

4 years ago

Of course we can never elect Americans again! We need to keep stuffing ballot boxes from now on. You need more identification to drive a car than to vote anymore. So much for “democracy”.

4 years ago

This is just another attempt to steal future elections, just as they done the presidential election.
Mail in ballots shouild only be for Armed Service people who can’t get to poles or for people who are disabled and can’t get to poles. If this mail in ballot continues for everyone, their will be no need to vote. THE COMMUNISTS WILL BE IN POWER FOREVER.

4 years ago

Many years ago I used to look at the actions Democrats are taking from a rational, logical, love America perspective and wonder why on earth anyone would suggest/implement such stupid laws.
Over the last 5-10 years however, I started looking at their actions/laws not as individual acts of stupidity, but as small steps in a very large picture. And then their end game picture appeared. In this case, a socialist take over that wants everyone dependent on the government for survival. They’ve;

  • Attempted to, and are still working at, controlling your health care. I’ll bet their “enemies” won’t get the timely health care needed
  • Used Covid to shut down a vibrant economy (making millions dependent), As Obama said, “you didn’t build that”. And if you did, or they don’t like your industry, they’re going to shut you down
  • Shut down free speech. Twitter, Google, Facebook, et al. Conservatives are attacked and no longer allowed on college campuses. If you don’t think like them, you don’t have the right to speak and as some are suggesting, you should be sent to a re-education camp.
  • Destroyed people’s lives, because they disagree or have a different opinion
  • Taken over the free press. The vast majority is now “Pravda” which willingly reports misinformation and leaves out key pieces to twist the story. They tell us “Trump incited riots”, but they edit out his use of “peaceful” and “in support of our representatives” in his speech while they don’t report court evidence identifying the riots were planned weeks before his speech.
  • Worked to take away your guns. Unarmed people can’t fight back
  • Supported riots and the destruction of US cities. Not outright, but by their inability to denounce it, by funding bail accounts to get rioters back on the streets ASAP, ordering police to stand down, and defunding police.
  • Want to redistribute your wealth (not theirs) and are even suggesting taxing your assets. Money is power so if they take away your money…
  • Militarized the nations capital. Supposedly because there’s a “sudden” fear of domestic terrorism.

The list goes on and on. And now, under the guise of fighting voter suppression, they’re attempting to take over our elections and replace them with voting laws that make it easy to manipulated the results. Besides the loss of any audits/checks/balances, this is also an introductory passage to allow illegal residents to vote. States like California allow illegal’s to obtain drivers licenses and under this bill, they would now automatically be registered to vote and therefore will automatically be sent ballots….unless they “opt out” of course (wink wink nod nod).

4 years ago

Hey, it worked to get sleepy Joe elected.
No, proper voter I.D. to ensure only LEGAL citizens votes are counted, once and only if they are alive is not “suppression.” Not surprised this came out of Oregon.

4 years ago

Do you remember how shocked Hillary was on election night 2016? She went on a rampage when she found out she didn’t win. Obama didn’t appoint supreme court justices because he was leaving that to Hillary when she became president. They were so sure of themselves that they were going to win. But that night shocked the democratic party to the core. They vowed to never leave anything to chance again. That they will do whatever it takes to win the presidency back. There is no doubt in my mind that cheating, lying, and manipulation on a monumental scale happened in this election. I am ultimately disappointed in the powers that have allowed this to happen, and make fools of all Americans to the world. After 8 years of Obama running us into the ground, Trump came in and rescued this country. Why would anyone vote to want to go back to the failed politics and government mismanagement after seeing our economy bound back? There’s no way Trump lost this election It was stolen from him and all Americans. I give credit where credit is due, but on the same token I do not reward bad behavior. Therefore I cannot recognize Biden as the winner. America does not currently have a president.

4 years ago

this is a farse. No Mail in ballots should be allowed, except for military and handicaped people who can”t get to the poles.

4 years ago

It’s just another example of big city Democrat political corruption. It reminds me of the Chicago motto: “Vote Democrat and vote often.” Voter fraud is no big thing as long as the vote goes their way. The end justifies the means.

Beatrice Roonie
Beatrice Roonie
4 years ago

the Constitution decrees that the state legislature alone shall make the laws governing elections in each state. This proposed federal confiscation of state rights ISN’T EVEN CONSTITUTIONAL!!

All these US congressmen and women are violating the very Constitution they swore and oath to uphold and defend! they should be stripped of office!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donald S Bascom
Donald S Bascom
4 years ago

I agree that all responsible citizens should vote. There are many activities in life that require ‘going somewhere’. If a person (other than an invalid) is unwilling to go to a voting center in their community, with proof of their identity, they are not a responsible citizen and should not be allowed to vote. Absentee voting is still a valid way to provide for someone to vote who will be ‘away’ on voting day. Why would we want irresponsible citizens directing our country?

Camille gilliam
Camille gilliam
4 years ago

The answer for this is NO! If a person is NOT going to be available on election day, then they need to go to the Board of Elections and vote early or get an application for an absentee ballot. My husband has been voting that was for 13 years because he had a very bad stroke and could NOT stand in line.

John Hunt
John Hunt
4 years ago

Well of course they want to expand voting by mail; the courts would not let the Republicans present their cases of fraud and voter theft, voter change so when it all passed by the inauguration date and things quieted down, they have become embolden and since they were never proved to cheat, now they want to expand the cheating with impunity! I surely hope someone somewhere is still working on presenting evidence to a reasonable and honest court. I think I read where the U. S. Supreme Court is going to have a conference on a number of the suites regarding voter and election fraud from Lin Woods, Sidney Powell and others…that would be wonderful if they actually understand the facts and can make an HONEST decision.

John Hunt
John Hunt
4 years ago

…and another thing; where is the “voter suppression” the Dems want to reduce? This was the largest number of voters ever in any election…probably worldwide: What voter suppression?

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