It’s been quite a spectacle watching people who credit Democrats with every job created and every percentage point gained in economic growth suddenly arguing that the White House is completely powerless in the face of our current economic predicament.
Presidents generally get far too much credit and/or blame for our fortunes, but they can certainly exacerbate existing problems. And our political class has certainly aggravated them with unbridled spending and support for policies that disincentivize work and inhibit energy production.
Wholesale prices rose 8.6% from a year ago in October, another record annual gain and the biggest spike in more than a decade. Inflation hit 6.2%, the highest rate of annualized inflation since the 1990s. Whereas once voters were promised “transitory” inflation, today, economists warn that we’ll be in this for a while.
“Reversing this trend is a top priority for me,” President Joe Biden said Nov. 10, after months of his administration’s dismissing inflation as a “high-class” and short-term predicament — there’s “nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way — no serious economist,” the president promised a few months ago. Biden’s National Economic Council Deputy Director Brian Deese had argued that inflation was actually a good thing, and the entire administration had pushed the notion that the best prescription to alleviate inflation was more big progressive spending — part of a broader trend of Democrats saying utterly absurd things about the economy.
Democrats have seriously underestimated the frustration that voters, unable to get the things they desire nearly instantaneously, are going to feel, as people such as Jen Psaki crack jokes about supply-chain problems, “the tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed.” What about rising prices?
Last week, liberal punditry spent a day mocking a Texas mother of nine who groused about rising milk prices on CNN. I’m not sure if Krista Stotler had her all stats entirely correct, but I suspect most voters don’t really care to pinpoint price points. Inflation is something they feel.
Perhaps even more than the education issue that helped sink Democrats in Virginia, inflation remains the most consequential issue in politics right now. It’s hard to spin your way out of a wealth-destroying tax. There’s no one to accuse of racism. No Trump to blame. If we account for inflation, real average hourly earnings, for instance, have decreased over the past year. And all Democrats want to do is spend more money — lots of it.
This week, Democrats, with an assist from some Republicans, approved another $1 trillion-plus infrastructure bill, even as they push through an unprecedented multitrillion-dollar reconciliation bill. All this comes after $6 trillion of deficit spending during the pandemic, which many Democrats argued wasn’t even enough.
Meanwhile, a third of recent inflation increases have been propelled by energy prices, which spiked 6.7%. Biden defenders such as Paul Krugman, who have no compunction blaming Republican governors for seasonal variances in the spread of viruses, contend that Biden has no control over gas prices. Well, the first thing Biden did was freeze new oil and gas leases and shut down future pipelines. Biden now begs OPEC to increase production and help lower worldwide gas prices, but his domestic political goals and action run contrary to this position. Virtually every “green” plan in existence will intentionally, through mandates or bans or taxes or contrived “markets,” make fossil fuels more expensive or reduce use. Expensive gas is their goal. So how can Democrats credibly maintain they have a plan to stop rising prices?
On top of all that, Democrats continue to push for a major expansion in the welfare state during a tight labor market. It is reminiscent of their insistence that unemployment insurance be expanded even after the pandemic had ebbed. Biden’s spending plan includes programs that disincentivize work. Typically, massive “safety net” programs are instituted by Democrats during times of recession, not of growth. There are more jobs than job seekers in the country.
It’s true that governments caused much of the demand shock we are experiencing, needlessly shutting down entire economies during the pandemic. Yet, Democrats have allowed their strident ideological wing to take over the party, aggravating these underlying trends. Why Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema (or Biden, once considered a moderate himself) would follow progressives off into this quagmire defies logic — not only economic but political logic.
David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review.
Stop relying on what Biden says as the basis for articles detailing what the Democrats mean to do or what they are concerned about. You need to understand that Biden is simply mouthing empty words written for him by some WH staffer. Nothing Biden says meant to reflect reality or the true intent of the Democrat Party. They’re just sound bites for the MSM, the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, to distribute to a uninformed and gullible public.
The reality is the Democrats are perfectly fine with high inflation and the resulting damage it does to our economy and the citizens of this country. All countries where socialism has taken root experience high rates of inflation as a by product of the socialist policies. It is just something that is to be expected. We’re just getting started here in terms of what inflation will do to the dollar’s buying power.
The Democrats have always wanted to damage our economy as a means to bring “economic and social justice” (everyone but the few ruling elite are equally poor and miserable) to the United States. It’s called “level setting” the United States with respect to the rest of the world. In the Democrat’s socialist view of the world, we have to be knocked down several notches on the economic scale to make-up for all our perceived sins (in their minds) of the past. Inflation and the corresponding devaluation of the dollar, which we are just beginning to experience under the Democrat policies being enacted, are just getting started. The infrastructure bill, with the hundreds of regulations and mandates buried within its pages, will put more pressure on the value of the dollar going forward. So don’t forget to thank the 13 House and 19 Senate GOP members that facilitated this win for the Democrats. They are also responsible for what is coming down the road.
While certainly inept and totally unaware of how business actually works, this mess has largely been purposely created by Biden and his cronies. No one can be this incompetent. It is purposely being done to grow government and show (in the Left’s mind) the supposed unfairness and inequities of capitalism. Americans need to begin researching and understanding The Great Reset sooner rather than later.
The terrorist group, black lives matter, seems to be running this country. They threaten violence to get what they want and the government just bows down to them. Most larger companies are supporting their violence with millions of dollars. Imagine how bad this will be with 3 more years of biden and democrats.
“Democrats Have Only Themselves to Blame for the Inflation Fiasco”
Blame? I think the author has a grave misunderstanding of the situation. This is not a matter of “blame.” All of the seemingly illogical, insane policies of this administration are not due to stupidity, incompetence, or whatever. These policies are quite intentional, and are all part of the grand plan. And what is that plan? The complete destruction of the middle class and the impoverishment of all but the super elite. Those in charge want EVERYONE dependent on a monthly government check. A dependent population is a compliant population. It’s really very simple: if you are dependent for your very survival, for your rent, for the food you eat, on a monthly government check, you will be very hesitant to go out and protest, to complain, to make yourself a thorn in the side of those in charge, to refuse to do everything you are told to do. Disobey or become a nuisance, and that check stops coming in every month, and you and your family are hung out to dry, to literally starve. We are heading rapidly toward a 21st Century version of medieval feudalism, with a tiny, self-anointed super elite in charge of everything: all the resources, all the finances, all the military/police. The world will be run for the personal benefit and enrichment of the super elite, and to the detriment of everyone else. The other 99.9999% of the population will be serfs, slaves without chains, dependent for their very existence on the good graces of those in charge, who will ensure that the underlings are provided with enough food and resources only to survive and serve their masters, who will get richer and richer while everyone else gets poorer and poorer. People need to wake up before this becomes our future.
The Biden administration is going to bankrupt America. What they’re doing is eventually going to bring the USA down to just one more third world country!
Catch The Spirit of Melbourne, Australia… Feel The Spirit Reverberating Across The Ocean…
We Still Can Save This Beautiful Country! May God Bless Us Everyone!
Of course the dims have only themselves to blame. From this communist regime’s perspective, they have only themselves to thank. Soaring inflation will A) Help topple the U.S. economy…which is EXACTLY what they intend to do. And B) It makes the U.S. $29,000,000,000,000 debt worth less by devaluing the dollar. The ONLY reason that the dims are skirting full responsibility is because inflation is hurting (and will get much worse) Americans more and more and these frauds want to be re-elected (another reason why the dims and their leftist allies have greatly compromised election integrity). This regime is not only intent on crushing this nation, they’re hypocrites and liars that feign sympathy for political expediency. Sickening.
Blame Dems for all since Trump admin, Obama to date.
WAKEUP AMERICA———these clueless Socialist Demoicrats will turn America into Argentina. Nov. 2022 we take back America——–Vote Republican
Your article on rampant rises in inflation was spot on. We all remember (except the Democrats) the howling and finger pointing by the DEMS. Now those same folks are denying the White House has any control over prices at the public level. It would be nice to hear some honesty from that group.
Democrat Communists have always been the welfare party. That involves massive taxes on producers to redistribute OPM (other people’s money) to those who don’t produce anything.
They are called the Party of Tax & Spend for a reason.
That RINOs are now joining this Communist tactic is criminally reprehensible. These Traitorous politicians ought to be hanged.
Start there. Then let’s begin removing the citizenship of these Commie RATS and deporting them. While there is still an America.
This country is OURS!
It is not their’s to pillage and rape.
The ( D ) communists are not going to blame themselves for ANYthing.
We’re talking a Geo. Soros agent here.
I have seen some great thoughts expressed, but who has an action plan? What should we do? Who should we be talking to? I am so sick at heart at what is happening to our country and to each of us and I want to take action. I have been contacting our state representatives (all Democrat, but one), but they seem to be under a spell spun by those out to destroy us. How can we come together to bring about change?
This mess is totally on the democrats,ONLY.We were doing very well under President Trump and now,look at what the liberal bottom feeders have done.The democrats are so crooked and full of corruption that when these democrats become deceased they will have to”screw them into their graves”.
When Joe Biden made his first official act as president to stop the Trans Pacific Pipeline, and end domestic oil production, he opened the door, VERY WIDE, to this rampant inflation! Gasoline is selling for more than twice what it was before Biden was seated in his stolen presidency! So, what does that mean to DEISEL fuel prices? You know, that magic “Go Juice” that semi trucks use to deliver goods around the country? Yeah, Biden and his administration are directly responsible for the runaway inflation, and I hope that all of you idiots (you know who you are!) are satisfied with the results of your actions, and I know there are more than a few of you on this site, too…
If biden’s going to spend like a drunk sailor then he’s going to have to be held accountable for all of the failures he’s causing via his drunken sailor spending spree. I don’t like ol’ slow joe but, if he was even somewhat reasonable he’d see what kinds of problems he’s been stirring up and causing via his failed presidency. The fool’s really on a fast track to destroy our Constitutional Republic. I can’t help but wonder which global dictator’s pulling his strings. I have my thoughts… eh “China Joe”!
MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!
FJB! Let’s Go Brandon!
Do you think Biden, Pelosi and the rest of the Democrats care about inflation? They will never feel the impact it has on the average person their vehicles/jets will always be gassed up their homes will always be heated or cooled and there will always be food on the table as they sit comfortable and safe inside their walled homes. I would not be surprised if things get tough for them if they vote themselves a raise. I don’t know how long the AMERICAN people will put up with these clowns but those who voted for them are FOOLS or sick and into SELF-TORURE!!!
After 47-years in office, you would think that Biden would understand economics, balanced budgets, and inflation causes —- but he does not seem to understand or care at current time.
To say that the Democraps have only themselves to blame regarding inflation doesn’t quite fit their political strategy and policy. They blame everything bad on anyone or anything that doesn’t make the Democraps accountable. The Democraps are about RULING, not GOVERNING, and will follow the Communist tadtics playbook as if they invented it.
Huh? Defy logic? According to their playbook they’re winning. Remember‘fundamental transformation’? They’re doing it. This is how a century of progressivism culminates.
U cannot use Logic and Democrat in the same sentence. They use fear tactics, racism, class warfare, to divide us. We must stand together if we are going to beat these ideologs. You hear term limits we are the term limits quit voting the same people back into office.
It’s all part of their plan.
The Democrats, all of whom have gotten financial support from George Soros, all are working on bringing his agenda to fruition. His agenda, which can be heard in interviews he has given over a many year time span, probably viewed on Youtube also, is to bring down America and turn it into a communist or worse type of society. Inflation is just part of their game plan. It is not an error in judgment on the part of imbeciles in government office or bureaucrats that they appoint. Degrading of our society and destruction of our economy is part of their plan. OF COURSE they KNOW the effects of lavishly printing paper money! If we don’t get Soros, his son and their over 200 ACTIVE organizations operating within the U.S. right now to bring our society down, the destruction will continue. Stop Soros and we have a chance of stopping this destruction.
Gas will be $5.00 per gallon by July. We will soon be riding bikes to the level they ride them in Amsterdam. Wages are rising rapidly since few want to work and those seeking jobs paying
under $50K are rare. This will be exacerbated by the new $1.7 trillion social spending bill which
will further discourage work just like Covid trillion dollar handouts did. Housing which was somewhat reasonable 5 years ago is no longer obtainable. Buyers are willing to pay 10% over
asking price thus making housing prices rise 10% per year. All this causes inflation which will continue until the Fed throws the breaks on low interest rates.
Hey we could have done something about this a year ago and didn’t. We voted for this We got what we deserve.
The mess is on the dems but its more about those who voted for them and about how many times they voted.
Well, Piss-Lackey-IF you dumb behind Democraps had continued the trend of Trump, we would NOT have the Dems so called supply chain debacle. It would certainly be grand if our products were made in THE USA instead of China– but then that contradicts the Democraps narrative AND guts their bribery payments from the Chinese. ALL the countries problems have the support of Biden and his evil, Satanic followers. Biden will be the ONLY POTUS that makes Carter and Obozo look half-way decent. When I hear people complaining, I tell them–“I didn’t vote for the fool–DID YOU”? If they don’t respond-YOUthen know that these people are not ON the way-But are IN the way!!
I don’t remember who said it, but it was one of the dems (in addition to Biden): “Inflation is a high class problem.” Oh, great. Now it’s something to aspire to?! Leave it to the dems and their co-conspirators, the MSM, to reshape a massive problem into a progressive value.
I talked with a democrat the other day and I asked him does he think that he will get to heaven. He told me he was a Christian. I told him if he was a democrat and believe there way he would never get to heaven and he is not a Bible believer Christian.If you are voting democrat you are a murder,robber,lyre and you will not get in heaven.
The blame for this debacle lies not with the Democrats but with the people who elected them. You have to be brain dead to watch Antifa, BLM and other terrorists groups take over our country while the government sits idle by. Think before you vote. Challenge the candidates. Work actively in your community to support the conservative values that are the hallmark of the United States of America. Attend the church of your choosing. Follow your faith. When you stand before God you will not be asked if you succeeded but “Did you try?”
We The People are also to blame For Allowing It!
Where can I Post a picture of Text?
The Dims keep pushing spending Trillions of dollars and then more Trillions of dollars on stupid things and try to sell it as infrastructure, it isn’t, then try to make you believe it will make your life better, it won’t, then Biden says it won’t cost a penny, but you know it will, so much that your great great grand children will still be paying interest on it, if Biden’s lips are moving, he is lying.
Then as the printing presses overheat from printing so much money he says it won’t cause inflation, it has and it is increasing rapidly. Everything we buy has gone up in price and that will continue unless and until we get rid of Biden and his socialist leftists.
This also means that your dollar was worth a lot more before Biden was fraudulently elected than it is today.
With the increased cost of fuel oil, natural gas and propane for home heating, groceries to put food on the table and gasoline to get to work, many will find this a very difficult winter to survive.
Yes democrats have a thin majority but republicans helped pass the infrastructure bill. Some of it became the excuse for the rest of it. Too much spending (borrowed money) is harming the value of our dollars. Democrats are leading the way but too many republicans are joining in because they can see something of benefit to themselves. Continuously all unrelated items are dumped into one law. Credibility and the dollar suffer.
They live and die to be reelected. Both sides are always running. The republicans are not as
bad as the democrats but the swamp is filled with both sides. Should be mandatory they resign
at 60. Pelosi, Grassley, Feinstein, Shelby, McConnell, Waters, and the list goes ON and ON.
RETIRE, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!