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Democrats Are Terrified to Talk About Abortion

Posted on Friday, May 13, 2022
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


The prevailing media narrative surrounding the leaking of a draft Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade has been that Democrats focusing in on the abortion issue ahead of the midterms will energize the progressive base, turn moderates against Republicans, and stave off electoral disaster in November. But while the liberal outrage machine has certainly shifted into overdrive the past two weeks, elected Democrats and pro-abortion advocates have resorted to a now-familiar pattern of deflection and distraction to avoid talking about the issue of abortion itself. Much like they have with other divisive issues like pushing Critical Race Theory and gender ideology in schools, the left has created an entirely new vocabulary of benign-sounding words and phrases in a desperate attempt to mask the radical nature of their policies.

This phenomenon was on full display just hours after Politico published the leaked Supreme Court ruling in its entirety, as we began hearing the familiar accusations that overturning Roe amounts to a “violation of women’s rights” and “threatens access to health care.”

Both of these claims attempt to skirt the issue of abortion entirely and allow Democrats to turn the debate into one over noncontroversial ideas like women’s rights and health care rather than talking about the actual issue at hand – namely, whether or not society should condone the elective killing of unborn children in the womb, and whether such an act is a right protected under the Constitution or subject to regulation by each state consistent with the wishes of its voters.

The idea that abortion outside of rare cases where the mother’s life is at stake should be considered “health care” is absurd on its face, as abortion, by definition, involves not the taking of someone’s health but the taking of someone’s life. Moreover, abortion often causes lasting emotional and physical damage to the health of the once expectant mother. While abortion advocates are quick to invoke “women’s rights,” they fail to explain why a woman’s right to not give birth to a child they had a role in conceiving outweighs an unborn baby’s right to be born—a baby who had no role in his or her own conception.

Even the very label of “pro-choice” is an example of Democrats’ unwillingness to talk about their actual position on abortion. As the leftist mobs gathered outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices chant “my body, my choice,” nowhere is there any compassion or sympathy for the hundreds of thousands of unborn babies killed every year who don’t have a voice to defend their right to life. The simple truth is that it is not just a woman’s body that is at issue when it comes to abortion – it is also the body of the innocent life growing inside them.

Democrats have made every effort to change the subject to anything but abortion following the leak of the Supreme Court decision. In a speech to a pro-abortion group last week, Vice President Kamala Harris argued that overturning Roe “will be a direct assault on freedom — on the fundamental right of self-determination to which all Americans are entitled.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was more specific in an interview on CBS’s Face the Nation earlier this week, asking, “What’s next? Marriage equality? What’s next, contraception?” without providing any evidence that the Court is in any way looking to review Supreme Court precedents on either subject. Even more preposterously, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell insisted that overturning Roe means conservatives “want to ban interracial marriage,” apparently forgetting that one of the Justices who signed on to the decision overturning Roe, Clarence Thomas, is in an interracial marriage.

Another big talking point employed by the left on abortion is that most Americans support keeping Roe in place. But this argument is again a shallow attempt to distract from the reality of the matter and willfully ignores several key facts.

First, there is at least some reason to believe that most Americans who say they support Roe aren’t fully aware of what that statement even means. For the better part of five decades, the liberal media has engaged in a full-on disinformation campaign to convince the country that overturning Roe would mean an immediate blanket ban on abortion in all 50 states. The simple fact of the matter is that, for the most ardent abortion supporters (heavily concentrated in liberal states), nothing will change, and abortion up until the moment of birth will still be legal. Overturning Roe simply means that the states will once again be allowed to decide how they want to regulate abortion without interference from the Supreme Court, as was the case for nearly 200 years before Roe.

Second, whether or not most Americans support Roe is completely irrelevant as a matter of law and thus is not a valid argument for keeping Roe in place. While Supreme Court Justices are nominated and confirmed by the political branches, they serve for life precisely because the Founders wished to insulate the institution of the Court from ever-shifting popular opinion. Even if a large majority of Americans suddenly supported sweeping restrictions on free speech, a Supreme Court decision proscribing free speech would not suddenly become correct as a matter of law. In overturning Roe, the Court would be asserting that the 1973 decision was wrongly decided according to the Constitution, not that the decision itself was good or bad policy.

NPR, which, as a reminder, is funded by taxpayer dollars, was also quick to join in pushing misleading narratives by publishing an article entitled “7 persistent claims about abortion, fact-checked.” Among the “myths” the piece claims to “debunk” is the line that “people are getting abortions late in pregnancy.” As “evidence” that this is untrue, the article cites data showing that 90% of abortions occur in the first trimester. But this still means that 10% of abortions occur after the first trimester. According to CDC data, nearly 36,000 abortions occurred in week 13 of pregnancy or later in 2019, a figure that includes 4,882 abortions after 21 weeks, the generally accepted date for when a child has a chance of surviving outside the womb.

So, clearly, tens of thousands of people are getting abortions late in pregnancy. Moreover, this supposed “debunking” again doesn’t even make an attempt to engage with the central conservative argument that no matter when an abortion occurs, it involves terminating an innocent human life. The rest of the article proceeds in similar fashion, tearing down straw men while failing to provide any solid refutation of conservative arguments on abortion.

The left’s purpose in doing all of this is clear: As with every progressive policy, the American people would be horrified if they knew the truth about the radical abortion agenda supported by the vast majority of elected Democrats today. The country got a glimpse into that ugly reality last month when the remains of fully-formed third-trimester aborted babies were recovered at a house in Washington, D.C. Despite the fact that it appeared some of the infants could have been born alive as a result of late-term abortion and then killed, D.C. law enforcement did not conduct an investigation and said all the abortions were performed legally.

In truth, it may turn out that, contrary to the hopes of Democratic strategists and media pundits, it is conservatives who will be energized by the Court overturning Roe. Unlike the left, conservatives are unafraid to engage with abortion head-on, confident that, no matter what polling or the Supreme Court may say, fighting for the right to life for the unborn will always be the morally righteous thing to do. That type of energy is infectious and has the potential to inspire a wave of pro-life Americans to turn out at the polls and elect legislators who will do the same.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter at @Shane_Harris_

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

They ceded it to the US since 1973 ITs on Them day 1

2 years ago

a typical demon rat. baby killers, elderly killers, child sex ring and drug cartel supporters. they love communism and hate the constitution because they believe they are elites, gods, royal and the rest of us their slaves to be used abuse and throw away.

2 years ago

It is the responibility of the man and woman having sex to use conception..birth control…if they don’t want a baby…both For & Against abortion in my opinion is in it for the power for both sides. When there is a problem to be solved you go to the core of that problem…in this case PREVENTION!!!

2 years ago

The left thinks that if they make this a big issue, they will energize their base and make the results in November less killing for them.
But maybe this is not a good issue for them. And wouldn’t it be loverly if exit polls showed that and handed the left’s heads to them on this issue alone?

2 years ago

i’m a real democrat who has accepted a lot of what i don’t like that the “party” dems have/are doing. i NEVER approved of abortion; i can’t. it’s obvious that the president is not doing a good job. i’m open to a change. i like mancin and gabbard. there are others but i think they are so scared of the far left they are afraid or have been told be their leaders they best not speak out. i’m hoping the party becomes more like what it was when i was growing up in the truman years. we know what happened to jfk when he spoke up.

2 years ago

Dems have been stridently demanding late term baby killing for decades all the while claiming this to be a very rare proceedure. My understanding is that when the mothers life is at risk late in pregnancy the solution is an immediate csection, that is if the baby is wanted. That the dems insist that third trimester abortion is essential to preserve the mother doesnt stand the smell test. Clearly they wanted the kid up until something happened to change that or they would’ve gotten a much easier first trimester abortion. So its killing for convenience after a relationship soured most likely.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Since when has MURDER [aka ABORTION] become anyone’s RIGHT?

Linda Baker
Linda Baker
2 years ago

Saddened that our Country still murders babies.

2 years ago

What the Democratic Communists are most afraid of? The States will reject abortion outright and most certainly after the first trimester! PERIOD!

Paul Cressman
Paul Cressman
2 years ago

Multiple abortion facilities do not meet basic ambulatory surgery requirements an women and girls have been maimed or even died and still allowed to stay open. I guess as long as politicians and judges get election money, they are silent. Sex trafficking, incest, rape are not reported. Finally women and girls are not told that they will regret their decisuon and suffer from depression and guilt. I feel tremendous sadness.

Frank Maxant
Frank Maxant
2 years ago

Oh, please. Nobody is “terrified”. You’re getting too hyper for your own credibility.

2 years ago

Why don’t we start calling things for what they are? It is not enough to call the left/progressive “radical”, they’re EVIL.

Sally Bright
Sally Bright
2 years ago

I am not totally against abortion. It’s up to the Individual if they want one or not.
But I AM against using MY tax money to pay for others to have one.
Birth Control is too easy to get to use abortion.

2 years ago

What this boils down to is that the dems don’t have a moral leg to stand on. They cannot defend abortion as right from any angle as long as they ignore the truth of the Creator God. The hope is that God is a God of mercy and those unborn children will have His loving access to heaven having been murdered with no chance at faith or life outside the womb. The perpetrators of abortion and those who support it will eventually have to answer to the Almighty….and that’s the hard truth. God forgive us all.

Fran Thorsen
Fran Thorsen
2 years ago

I am a native born, white, female, 68 year old American citizen. My ancestors came to this country 300 years ago fleeing religious persecution. I absolutely believe in religious liberty. I am proud of my country and all the patriots who have struggled to make our democracy a beacon of freedom.

I am a Democrat.
I had an abortion in 1974.
I am against those who want to impose their religious beliefs on others.

Liberty = Choice

2 years ago

I am pro life and a woman who had a legal abortion when the fetus could not develop properly. I believe a woman has the right to an abortion IF THE FACTS JUSTICY SUCH A MOVE. I do not believe you should have an abortion because you are carrying a girl and your choice is a boy. This is what Schuman wants to allow an abortion up to 9 months and he takes parental rights away. Today there are too many preventive methods to not get pregnant. These State that say “come on over and we will pay all your expenses and give you an abortion” are murderers and should be so charged. Women were granted the right to populate and this right should be held to the highest standard.

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
2 years ago

Colorado students protesting end of Roe v Wade

Brainwashed and ignorant. They can still screw, be with child and kill her any time in the once beautiful state of Colorado. All SCOTUS is doing is getting rid of a poorly drafted law that has cost 63 million lives. Even “Roe”, Norma Corvey, wanted out of this thing forced on her. She later became a Catholic (not the Biden/Pelosi kind) and spoke out against Roe v Wade.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
2 years ago

They do not seem to demure from insisting that there should be abortion on demand.

2 years ago

We need Donald Trump back in the white house. This abortion issue could cost the republicans the mid term election and the 2024 election. I would like to see this issue go away until the republicans can get back in charge. If we let this give the democrats the upper hand over this issue we will never be in charge again. The survival of our democracy is more important than the abortion issue. We are going to lose the young and middle age women voters as well as many men over this issue. This is not the time to take a stand on abortion. The democrats are in huge trouble over this worst president ever. This is the only thing that can derail the republicans from taking the house and the senate. For God’s sake wake up.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Dosen’t matter your p0litics ,skin color or whatever your opinion, what it boils down to is the woman,doctor,and God. Kyle L.

2 years ago

Abortion the PC word for murder. 67 million murders since Roe vs Wade in 73. Not all 67 million abortions placed the Mothers life at risk. Who are we to call this a woman’s right to murder the unborn. Truly amazing this subject can be discuss without the mention of the one who created LIFE. God.
Democrats the promoters of moral decay!

2 years ago

BOTTOM LINE: Every child is a gift from GOD. ABORTION is the deliberate MURDER of that child/gift that has come from the CREATOR. Practice safe sex using the items/devices to help prevent pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs it is best to get ready to receive this gift of life. ABORTION IS NOT THE ANSWER. In the end, GOD will judge all who REJECTED his gift of life through ABORTION.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The baby killers have passed around a list of “new” terms to use in their PR to hide the facts about abortion. Of course, the most prevalent is “fetus,” a Latin term. Has anyone ever said, “My fetus is due on November 26?”

Pete R Guzman Jr
Pete R Guzman Jr
2 years ago

A thought just came to me about the great things President Biden has achieved as president of the USA. Americans were worried when President Trump was President, he would overturn Role vs Wade. Nope! Biden did! Trump showed America had strength. Biden shows ineptitude, Trump keeps us out of a war, Biden embarrasses the country with the Afghanistan fiasco, while deserting Americans and getting 13 service people killed, Trump controlled Russia and China, and Biden is close to getting us into a war with Russia and China. Trump controlled our southern borders; Biden and his VP refuse to see the mess and chaos he created with the southern borders. Trump made America energy independent; Biden made America energy-dependent. Trump made America prosperous, Biden is rushing us into recession, Trump decreased taxes for people and corporations, while Biden increases taxes on people and corporations and blames Putin. Trump attempted to unite Americans; Biden is dividing Americans. Trump had the most transparent admiration; Biden has a very close and secretive admiration. Trump tweeted too much and was outspoken, and Biden is attempting to censure Americans and either gaslight daily or plagiarize stories. Trump was for justice while Biden Braggs about how he is antipolice and refuses to enforce the constitution; Trump was anti-globalist while Biden is a globalist. Trump was not a racist, Biden cannot stop being a racist (supreme court).
Anyway: what the hell! I’m just a minority, does anyone know how I could obtain a driver’s license.

2 years ago

abortion kills another human being. period.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

There should be rare exceptions to banning of abortions. Take Joe Bidens and Kamela Harris and even Nancy Pelosi parents…..think if they had coat hangered their eventual……child
Maybe Democrat parents should have abortion mandated. If these three had removed “tissue”, then the entirety of the globe would be much better off.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Best contraceptive device is an aspirin—held tightly between the ladies’ knees when the urge to have consensual illicit sexual relations arise, until they disspipate. No unwanted, unplanned pregnancies, no abortions.

Kevin Driscoll
Kevin Driscoll
2 years ago

Read the articled about the DC abortions. Nowhere in the article did it claim the fetuses were late term. Where did that information come from and how can I find it?

Mickey the Smickey
Mickey the Smickey
2 years ago

I suppose the “Dummycratic Party DOES NOT understand what the 5th Commandment of God is! ALL lives are SACRED in the eyes of God!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

I watched a video in the mid-90’s that showed how a late term abortion is performed. Gruesome. I believe any abortion is but can live with a compromise of 15 weeks. There are about 6 countries that have unrestricted abortion… all THIRD WORLD (not counting China). Even Europe has restrictions! Obamacare pays for birth control… easy way to end abortion. USE IT! Ask your Democrat lawmaker why they shot down a bill making BC over the counter. But that would cut into Planned Parenthood cash flow and DNC fundraising payola, hm?

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

When a person violates one of God’s laws, there is a haunting feeling inside even though they have convinced themselves otherwise. Abortion is the elimination of a human being. Plane and simple. The radical left thinks they have nothing to answer to since they are their own “god”. Many now worship the creation, not the creator. There is always forgiveness for an abortion and in rare cases it may be justified. To just murder a baby because you don’t want the responsibility is just wrong. There are many young couples waiting sometimes years for an adoption and would love to have a new born baby.

James Huguenot
James Huguenot
2 years ago

In 2020, for the first time, since 1964, I refused to vote gop. WHY??? When trump forced barrett {a radical, rabid, bible thumper} onto the SCUTUS, I knew he was packing the court, in order to overturn Roe V Wade. Not only do the anti abortion nazis want to outlaw ALL abortions {even from rape and/or incest} they want to make contraceptives unavailable.
Many, if not most, US citizens are too young to remember the MANY deaths from desperate women getting unsafe, illegal abortions, even at the cost of their lives.
My father threw me out because I bought a car that he did not pick out for me. When my 18 year old brother {of LEGAL drinking age, at the time} came home drunk one night, the old man beat him so bad, he had to be taken to the hospital. Not only was he EXTREMELY controlling, he had a violent temper. I hate to think what he would have done to either of my sisters, had they gotten pregnant– murder would not be surprising.

How many of those “saved” babies have YOU anti abortion Nazis taken into YOUR homes to raise as your own? Including feeding, education, clothing, medical, and EVERYTHING involved in raising a child to adulthood, Instead of ignoring that baby once it leaves the womb?
How many? None? Then YOU HYPOCRITES need to shut up.

Skeptic JR
Skeptic JR
2 years ago

Like most Americans, I don’t think abortion is entirely a black and white issue, but clearly the “woman’s rights” should be outweighed by the baby as soon as there’s any chance the baby can feel any pain from the procedure – which is about 12 weeks. During the short window of time that it is unaware and cannot feel, there can be leniency. But I find all later abortion arguments (other that those for actual health and preservation of life) to be spurious.
Disability abortions are evil. Aren’t these the same people who advocate that disabled people are people too? They keep extending the range of what is called disability. Me and my son have extremely mild autism, according to some doctors. We have college educations and careers. Some of these people would have amnio to look for our “bad genes” and have us killed. What about the tests that are wrong and have mothers about to abort perfectly healthy babies? That happens too.
I find it ironic the same kind of people who will cry or be outraged over the idea of kicking a puppy or hurting a kitten will agitate for the right of a woman to rip apart a 4 month old fetus or greater – a human child who is almost certainly writhing in agony the entire time – simply because she “is depressed” or “the baby was a product of rape or incest”. In case one, seek psychiatric help, in case two, give it up if you can’t stand to look at it once it’s born. You don’t get to torture a child to death because you’re unhappy.
And it is a child. Pro-choice advocates will constantly say “it isn’t a baby” or “it isn’t a human”. This is a bad argument that makes them look either stupid or malicious. What they are truly trying to do is psychologically distance themselves from the outcome of their political stance. Even the early developing embryo is a tiny baby – but most people feel lenient at this stage since pregnancy is so uncertain then anyway, since she isn’t visibly pregnant, and since the fetus at early stages is so small and barely resembles a person. It’s easy to give it a pass, and most of us do.
But something has to be wrong with you, psychologically, to excuse later abortions, where everyone knows it’s just a small, delicate baby in there who simply lacks the size needed to exist outside of it’s mother.

2 years ago

Remember: The prochoice want you to focus on the 3% of abortions that are due to rape, incest, to save the life of the mother or the child is not viable. 

They don’t want you to focus on the 95-97% of abortions that are for reasons of comfort and convenience.

Change the focus to where it belongs…the 95-97%!

2 years ago

Missing in the story is the money side of the abortion story. Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of the babies they abort and they make a lot of money from those sales. “I can get a Lamborghini now” was a quote from a PP representative when she was drooling about all the money she would make in commissions for the baby parts sales. One whistle blower in the Dallas facility told investigators that the facility clears $100,000 to $120,000 a month on baby part sales alone. On October 13, 2015 Planned Parenthood announced that they would no longer be accepting payments for “tissue samples/baby parts”. That policy lasted just a few months. There are nearly 100 PP facility of similar size across the country. Using the low number that is $120,000,000 to PP bottom line per year, for that amount of money Democrat politicians and left wing journalist would say and do anything to keep the chop shop open.

2 years ago

Industrial Abortion is the absolute manifestation of Evil and the Democrats are its agents and operatives. The Democrat machine is the servant of the Unholy.

2 years ago

With “Planned Parenthood” clinics conveniently located in minority neighborhoods, the statistical reality of the percentage of abortions in the minority population should be no surprise.

2 years ago

Black Americans represent 13% of the US population, so near 7% could be considered female. Childbearing ages 15 to 40 would encompass about 1/2 of that 7%, so 3-4% of the US population are black females of childbearing ages.

That 3 or 4% receive over 40% of all the abortions provided in the US often at taxpayer’s expense.
Read that again and let it sink in. Do BLM?

2 years ago

Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood as a eugenicist who wanted to rid America of undesirables, especially blacks. William Gates Sr. helped to fund Planned Parenthood and served on their board. This is all part of the globalist agenda to depopulate the world and reduce the global population from 7 billion to 500 million. That’s a lot of innocent people they want dead.

The Satanic Temple is trying to protect Roe v Wade under the religious protections of the 1st Amendment because of their belief in ritual sacrifices, especially of the unborn.

Anyone who can’t see the evil forces that are behind all of this are severely lacking in spiritual discernment.

Trump haters are going to hate – most of them are ignorant of his incredible record of accomplishments in less than three years and in face of unprecedented attacks and obstruction – but President Trump is the first President with the courage to participate in the March for Life – even Reagan didn’t do that… and he made ending child sex trafficking a priority of his administration and nobody has done more! Let’s give credit where credit is due!

Johnathan Galt
Johnathan Galt
2 years ago

I’ve always thought that a ban on abortion was a losing strategy for Republicans. Most women who seek abortions are Democrats, keeping their numbers down. As some famous once said, “Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.”

2 years ago

I still believe the individual states should apply and enforce abortion laws,,, not the Federal level. There are definitely situations where abortion can be a valid choice, and I’m confident the individual state voting citizens can make a reasonable Constitutional set of laws to apply to their individual states. Years ago the state of Texas had a pretty reasonable set of abortion laws that a huge majority of Texas citizens were content with. But the Commie DemocRats want to control that level of governance as part of its subtle dictatorship of the Populus.

2 years ago

It’s simple. Democrats believe in death, Republicans in life.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

The federal government needs to stay out of people’s business!!!!! Let the states decide. The feds are just trying to control every part of our life.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Another thing that hasn’t been discussed is Planned Parenthood gives away FREE birth control to low income women or at least they used to. We the taxpayers pay for that. There is no excuse for getting pregnant except for rape in my opinion. Go get the FREE birth control so abortion is not an issue! Why hasn’t this been talked about anywhere? I don’t understand.

2 years ago

Abortion is such a divisive issue and a devastating action! It is beneficial for a pregnant woman and ideally the man who fertilized her to proceed to the birth of the infant and to nurture and love the newborn. In America the U.S. Constitution protects the woman from being forced to terminate the delivery of the fetus (unlike China, etc) to birth. Under the same Natural Right of Liberty, the woman may choose to not deliver her fetus to the newborn infant. Abortion is not “killing” a baby! It is terminating the POTENTIAL life of a newborn baby. That is horrendous, often a life altering decision. Of course, no one should pay for another person’s abortion or be forced to support the act. But nobody has the authority to usurp the Constitution (Natural Rights) because of their religious beliefs or what the majority of their State citizens desire. If you want to know the difference between a potential life and an individual newborn baby, ask me, or better yet ask yourself and seriously think about it. Quit dividing this Nation with this ultra difficult emotional issue!

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
Flag of Maine USA state on a textured background. Concept collage.
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