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Dem “Rebound” is an August Mirage

Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman


We are now at the stage of the political cycle when, as often happens in the words of the old aphorism, “things are not what they seem.”

What seems to be a pause, or even a little reversal, of the precipitous decline in voter favorability for President Joe Biden, his administration, and Democrats up for election in November, is more likely a mirage born of hype, wishful thinking, and momentary phenomena.

There is considerable emotional motivation for desperate Democrats and anxious Republicans to embrace or fear this mirage as the prospect of a political “red wave” had seemed on all sides to be increasingly inevitable.

Although gasoline prices have declined a bit, they are still high. Although unemployment is still relatively low, inflation is continuing steadily and productivity is down. The stock market is now in “bear” territory and most Americans have therefore seen their net worth via their IRAs and pension funds decline. Recent small rallies do not make a “bull” market. And hopes to avoid a recession or any economic downturn have been, and continue to be, dashed by the fiscal policies and actions of the Biden administration and the Democrat controlled Congress, such as raising taxes, issuing more regulations, restricting energy production, and heavier government deficit spending — all of which work against economic growth and recovery. Big businesses are not hurting as much as small businesses, many of which have closed or face closure. There are now millions of unhappy small business owners.

After having been mostly out of sight due to a bout with COVID-19, some polls show a small rise recently in Mr. Biden’s numbers, and some vulnerable Democrat candidates have seen their poll numbers improve as well, but the basic dissatisfaction of voters, especially Republicans, independents, and ethnic and working class voters – many of whom had previously voted Democrat – remains strong.

Democrats’ hopes were initially lifted when the U.S. Supreme Court reversed Roe vs. Wade — thinking that pro-choice women would forget their economic dissatisfaction in November and rush to the polls on the Democrat side. A recent Kansas ballot vote preventing the state legislature from abolishing abortion rights was ballyhooed as evidence of this. But the Kansas vote only demonstrates the fact that the Supreme Court did not abolish abortion rights, but turned the issue back to the individual states. Ardent pro-choice voters usually turn out in all elections, as do ardent pro-lifers. Polling continues to indicate many other voters hold economic concerns higher than social issues.

The raid on former President Trump’s Florida home by the FBI, even if there is a technical justification, has been a public relations disaster. Denied a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016, Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland seems willing to participate in the not-so-secret effort by his party to push Mr. Trump out of the way through criminal indictment — in a manner that even many anti-Trump Republicans and even some Democrats have deplored.

Having finally passed a major government spending bill, Democrats assert a big victory for President Biden and his administration, and assume it will invigorate voters to go to the polls for their candidates in November. But the legislation, despite its misleading title, is likely ultimately very inflationary, and some of its parts, such as hiring more than 80,000 additional IRS agents, are not likely to be cheered by most voters. The valid need to improve the IRS, now far behind in processing tax returns, was clearly there, but Democrats, as is often the case, overdid the creation of new bureaucrats, transforming a legitimate idea into a political loser. Like the Democrat passage of Obamacare a decade ago, a seeming legislative achievement could boomerang at the polls.

As former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich recently pointed out, a large GOP tide or tsunami is not yet inevitable.

Donald Trump’s impact, positive or negative, on the election is not yet clear.

But the political mirages so far appearing in August, and Democrats’ wishful thinking arising from them, do not yet negate or stop the powerful wave now still forming in the sea some distance from the November shore.

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Paula S
Paula S
2 years ago

This article describes some of the misgivings many of my family, friends and associates have concerning our nation’s government employees. And make no mistake, whether elected, hired and/or appointed “all are” employees of the American citizenry. Most of the people I’m acquainted with have “NO TRUST” of any of these employees & don’t even mention media! It is a very sad state of affairs. Sure does make a body wonder where it will all end.

2 years ago

Unless another national crisis appears a lot employees will be out of work!!! Imagine cost and effort to get elected trashed by your party programs. The ship is sinking with few lifeboats. Trump should call it now and drive the GOP to the polls.

Rosalee Cavanaugh
Rosalee Cavanaugh
2 years ago

“large GOP tide or tsunami is not yet inevitable.” because there are so many Rinos in congress and the senate. No one wants to mess with the FBI, CIA or IRS. Liberals are above the LAW ex: protesting the homes of Supreme Court Justices, burning of Pro-life businesses, the vile destruction and vandalism of Christian Churches, burning of cities and the lawlessness of anyone who wants to break the law. Since when are Conservatives terrorist?? BS all the way down the pipe of socialism.

2 years ago

They raised gas prices by over $2 dollars a gallon and a few months before the mid terms they lowered it by $1 dollar. The stupid people think they have done something good. They don’t realize we are still paying over a dollar more a gallon (where I live) than in early Jan 2021/Dec. 2020. The media is (at best) glossing over the numbers and too many Americans live in the moment and forget what happened a few months ago. That is the main problem, modern Americans are not too bright and the media controls them like a Border Collie controls sheep.

2 years ago

It’s a rebound cause old Joe was on an extended vacation and didn’t cause much mischief!

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Whether we have a mirage or not, let all knowledgeable Americans keep on appreciating the importance of actually going to the polls and voting the Democrats out of power. Hopefully, there is such high participation of pro-American voters that the Democrats will find it extremely difficult to steal the next national election.

2 years ago

If the 2020 election is not fixed the democrats will again take the house and senate through cheating and fraud.

2 years ago

I keep saying don’t assume the Republicans have it won. That imbecile thought will defeat us. Get out there and vote. People may be discouraged but don’t give up. VOTE in November.

2 years ago

LIES, LIES, and MORE LIES !!! . . . That’s ALL we EVER GET from this COMMUNIST wannabe! . . . I wish that our Media would honestly call these so-called “Democrats” what they have REALLY morphed into! Refer to them honestly otherwise we are only delaying the inevitable. Yes, the TRUTH HURTS but it’s NECESSARY!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Play like we’re 10 points behind with 2 minutes to go! Quit the boasting! The DIMMs only hope is to keep bashing Trump without showing that they have ZERO proof that he did ANYTHING wrong!

2 years ago

Vote, please! This country’s prosperity and freedoms are hanging by a thread.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

I do not know how anybody could claim membership in the Democrat Party. The only things that party stands for is a total Destruction of this country. They want to preside over the wreckage of what once was an unbelievable country and then they’ll try and blame it on Donald Trump

2 years ago

This man is a disgrace t our nation and to my Catholic faith. As far as I can tell, he has no nation, except China and no faith except in Xi. He will collapse, I hope it is soon.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

Fortunately for us, there is a foolproof Democrat lie detector. If their lips are moving they are lying

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Let’s see come November.

2 years ago

This entire midterm election is tied to if and only if elections procedures have been repaired and who is counting the votes.

James J
James J
2 years ago

obozo wait till after the election when I can move more freely mr. putin, clinton epstein island I did not have sex with that woman, biden a moron 50 years of stupidity my son is the smartest person I know.. China Owns the U.S. they let us destroy ourselves and laugh

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

The die is cast. The red wave is coming and there is nothing the damn democrats can do about it. They’ve successfully driven a wedge between Americans rather than bringing them together. They’ve alienated Americans who have a different point of view. They’ve catered to the needs of fringe anti-American groups rather than the God-fearing majority who love this country. They’ve got to go NOW while there is still an America worth saving. Once they are, it’ll be our turn to investigate and incarcerate law-breaking Democrats wholesale!!

2 years ago

Never underestimate dem robots stupidity. A little dem robot bewilderment does not mean they will vote R. This isnt 1980. So its still going to be close. Thats the fact after half a century of lefty influence in schools and media. Also never doubt the tricks up their sleeve to be rolled out in October.

Jon W Kirsch
Jon W Kirsch
2 years ago

The IRS did NOT need 87,000 more people to increase their ability to process returns! I am sure there is so much waste in their processes that IF these were found and changed, THEN there would be plenty of time with the present agents. It is called Toyota Production system, or Lean Manufacturing, or Lean government, Lean Health Care, etc. I did this for many years and every business, manufacturer, government department that I worked with increased their efficiency by at least 30% and up to 60% for a couple government agencies. Time to expose the waste and get rid of it! There are plenty of people out there that know this system – I am retired!!!!

2 years ago

Unfortunately, and I knew this the minute it happened, when the Supreme Court overturned Roe, they did more to help the democrats this November than anything else that anyone could do for them. The Governor’s races will be affected the most, which is bad news because we all saw just how much power the governors have, during covid.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 years ago

Before obama I was an independent voter,but after the”BULL EXHAUST”that this sidewinder pulled I am totally an anti democRAT.This entity is by far not the only democRAT that is slimy.I am not real happy with the Republicans.Except for a few,a lot of the Republicans don’t stand up against the democRAT corruption,which has run rampant.

2 years ago

There is not “technical justification” or any other kind of justification for the Gestapo-esque FBI raid on PRESIDENT Trump’s home.

Balzar Freezenov
Balzar Freezenov
2 years ago

its conditioning, so that at 2am when 70% of the mail in votes go for the Democrat candidate, a lot of the sheep won’t question it.

vince foster
vince foster
2 years ago

In the Soviet Union, Pravda knew they were lying, the people knew they were lying and Pravda knew the people knew they were lying. In the U.S. the media knows they are lying, not all the people know the are lying and the media thinks the people don’t know the are lying. That is why the U.S. media is in a death spiral. As more people wake up to the fact that the media is lying, the media has to fabricate ever more elaborate lies to convince the remaining few who still believe them which in turn causes ever more people to stop believing them.

DC Goodman
DC Goodman
2 years ago

Fact: the polls are manufactured by deep staters seeking approval from their deep state masters. Believe nothing in polls. I’m surprised this article gives any credibility to them.

George Dixon
George Dixon
2 years ago

Democrats have to poll as viable, still in the race, or vote fraud will be too obvious.

2 years ago

Polls are like a menstrual cycle-violent and unpredictible

2 years ago

Every White country on earth is supposed to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY White country is expected to end its own RACE and end its own culture. No one asks that of ANY non-White country. All this immigration and assimilation i.e interracial marriages is for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries. Multiculturalism is a codeword for White Genocide.

Greg Daniels
Greg Daniels
2 years ago

Democrats are simply trying to rouse their apathetic voters (and they have many) to come out in November.

2 years ago

I’ve ‘agreed’ with several posts and each time Amac says I’ve already weighed in. No I have not. I hadn’t even read this until today!

Troy Savage
Troy Savage
2 years ago

Tidal waves are usually only 18-36 inches high above the water, but they run DEEP. This tsunami will run very deep and will be very devastating

Charles Ray
Charles Ray
2 years ago

Republicans will drop down to 46-47 seats in the Senate, and wind up with no more than 228 in the House. Democrats are insane and incompetent, but a solid majority of Americans aren’t really interested in establishing the Fourth Reich.

2 years ago

November is not in the bag.We must get past the “true believers” in the democrats with the vote and also the beat the cheating system. Cheaters belong in prison like
Menard federal prison in Illinois. One session with Claude should remind them about truth and honor l. Hitler said it best!!! We said” tell a lie enough times and the people will believe it. Sounds present day.

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
2 years ago

At this point I do not know whom or what to believe.

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