President Biden, good evening, hope you are feeling well. Let’s jump right into it, shall we? People wonder at your mental capacity, so on the stage let’s put talk of infirmity to rest, shall we? A few quick questions should do the trick, just to reassure the voters you are sharp as ever.
First, would you please count backward 15 digits from 90? Then tell us what the date is without your watch, what city and state we are in tonight, and what city you were born in, Sir?
Second, now please draw a circle counterclockwise in the air, tell us how many sides a Pentagon has, that place you go now and then, and remind us what year your son Hunter was born.
Third, I will now give you seven words, just repeat them back in order, if you can. Here we go: Big, go, green, truck, Iran, corvette.
Okay, I do understand, Yes Sir … you tried. You did just fine. Let’s go to policy questions.
You said you inherited a nine percent inflation rate, but the real rate was 1.2 percent. It only went to nine percent in August 2022. You said you decreased the national debt, but it jumped 6.24 trillion on your watch. Are you ready to correct those errors, and set the record straight tonight?
Sir, you mistakenly called the president of Egypt the President of Mexico, a common mistake for sure. Could you just please tonight tell us the names of the presidents of Egypt and Mexico?
You have called the Communist Chinese leader’s imprisonment and abuse of more than a million Chinese citizens for religious and political views a “cultural difference.” Do you still think Chinese abuse of these humans is just a cultural difference, or is it better called evil oppression?
You have asserted that, while you took your son to China and Ukraine on Air Force 2 for business deals with countries you had power over, you did not discuss that with him. You met and spoke with his business partners, sometimes with his Chinese handlers, more than 20 times, including in the White House and at private dinners in Washington, despite previously denying that. Would you like to clarify those points, now? You did talk business and meet his partners, didn’t you, Mr. President?
Let’s drop that topic. Why, if I may ask, with dozens of classified documents found illegally in your possession and scattered across your homes, garage, and offices, many accessible to others, should you not be prosecuted?

Okay, putting it differently, if you should not be prosecuted, why should President Trump be for holding classified documents he kept secure and offered to the FBI – before you raided his home? Do you see any difference in how your FBI and DOJ treated the two of you?
You have criticized foreign countries, as vice president, president, and senator, for politicizing their legal systems, and rightly so. You have condemned them for using law as a political weapon, persecuting their opponents, most recently President Putin.
You have never criticized President Xi for persecuting his political opponents. Why not, and is this not exactly what you are doing to Donald Trump, interfering with the election, threatening him with prison? And why again… do you give China a free pass while Putin is called out, does that have anything to do with the tens of millions of dollars China paid your son for influence?
Today, Mr. President, there are 168 million females in America, 70 million under 29, many in an educational setting. You just turned Title 9 on its head and told all those girls and their parents they must suffer invasions of their privacy, safety, dignity, and opportunities in sports and scholarships because you think a genetic and biological man who thinks he is a woman should be allowed to shower with them, watch them undress, invade their locker rooms and bathrooms. Can you please explain to America … why you gutted 50 years of Title 9, meant for real girls?
Mr. President, you looked repeatedly at your watch in Dover as American service members’ bodies, those killed in your chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, were honored. You left more than 100,000 US allies there to die, including Americans. Many are now dead because you abandoned them. Others live in terror. You left tens of billions in military hardware for the Taliban, and have since paid them millions as you did Iran, for nothing. You called that fiasco a success. Do you still call your Afghanistan withdrawal a success?
Mr. President, after this debate, the American people will surely have a better understanding of what separates you from President Trump, but in closing, can you name three of the seven words I gave you at the start of this debate? If not, maybe two? And what was my first question? Thank you, Mr. President, I think we all know where you stand, and watch that podium on your way out.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
Loved this. Great questions that will never be asked. Most likely the CNN moderator will be asking “Gotcha” type questions to President Trump instead of our current Commander in Chief. Thank you Mr. Charles for this humorous article.
RBC, great comical piece today, enjoyed it thoroughly. On the president of Mexico, would Pres. Biden correctly answer the question with the election of a FEMALE to its presidency?
Overall, the scary part to the debate is the real answers that could come out of his mouth. Of course, he might be thinking that Pres. Trump has been convicted on false allegations, that the debates will be cancelled. Welcome to Fantasy Island — Di plane, di plane!
Love it, though unfortunately, of course, this will never happen. Mr. Biden, how do you explain your accumulation of tens of millions of dollars, along with three luxury homes, while on a senator’s salary?
That was wonderfully written. I remember asking the question, count back 7 from 100 when doing a mental assessment as a nurse practioner. That is really difficult to do. Mr. Biden could not do it. I think President Trump should ask one or two of those questions to Mr. Biden.
You made me laugh and “say yes, do it”. thanks.
Are there any DemocRATS, liberals, “progressives”, “woke”, or their ilk out there who dare to justify their undying support of Resident Robert L. Peters? C’mon, man! Y’all must be SO proud……..
Very entertaining with accuracy!!!
From CNN’s very own “Traitor Tapper:”
“1. What’s your most favorite ice cream?
2. Is Hunter innocent?
3. How’s the economy doing?
4. Will you do anything else to secure the border?”
….. I am now nauseous….
Another question that won’t be asked: “DO YOU STILL SHOWER WITH YOUR DAUGHTER?”
Great questions—that will never be answered.
Was part of testing him saying there would be seven words, and then only listing six?
Absolutely love this article, thank you for putting a smile on our faces! All great questions that unfortunately will not be asked of O’Dimwit who sits in the people’s house, illegally!
It’s been a while. Any idea, yet, of who the cocaine belonged to? Didn’t think so. Just checking. It seems the safest place to keep cocaine is in the White House. Moving on…
Biden Lies so much and those who believe him are fools…who watch the Media for information.
Enjoyed the humorous irony of these; but so sad that none of these will be asked because these debates won’t happen. Pres. POS will state he won’t share the stage with a felon.
Ask him how 10 million illegal aliens have been let in this country on his watch. And why we all know that answer don’t we you piece of crap.
Because the lame stream media will tend to avoid asking tough questions, President Donald Trump should ask some of these AMAC questions in his opening statement at the debate(s).
Always a pleasure to read Robert Charles! Right to the point!!
This couldn’t have been more spot on!
Very Nice
You said repeat 7 words and only gave 6.
The debates are already rigged in Braindead Biden’s favor. I won’t contribute to the liberal media viewership numbers by watching.
If “President” Biden were asked to debate the value and validity of his own existence, given his apparently “artificial” role in brainstorming, planning, executing, and administering all the troubles he is used to inflict upon so many, my opinion is that he could not defend the notion that his existence means a single thing to anyone…
Uh, you provided six words (unless “Iran” was supposed to be written as “I, ran”). Some great questions, but I’d leave the snarky stuff out. The lack of common sense and good will in the positions he has staked out are enough to turn off all but the most diehard liberals (progressives / socialists). Don’t turn off the disaffected Democrats and independents … we need them this election cycle more than ever.
Great, but they’ll never let any of these questions come up. That debate will be a Trump bashing from beginning to end. Trump never should have agreed to it.
“Do you still call your Afghanistan withdrawal a success”
it was better then staying. That’s the problem with you republicans in the military. All you do is lose wars lol
6 Words
Agree with those commenting