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Dear Biden Supporters: We Can Read, You Know

Posted on Friday, August 21, 2020
by Outside Contributor

bidenThe Democrats’ pundit class has a Joe Biden agenda problem. On the one hand, they are devoted to reassuring centrist voters that Biden is a soothing moderate because of things he did decades ago (say, the 1994 crime bill), because he talked down some of the most ridiculous of the left wing’s policy proposals (notably “Medicare for All”) in the primary, or because he does not speak the language of the woke “defund the police” faction. But at the same time, they are hard at work loudly telling the Bernie/Warren/AOC wing of their party: Don’t worry, Joe won’t stop you from getting what you want. He’s actually going to help you.

The problem is: We can read. This stuff is all out there. And voters who are being sold the “moderate Joe” line need to understand that the people selling it are simultaneously building support to govern with a much more radical agenda.

Let’s walk through some samples — the headlines, the arguments, the quotes from Democratic sources, some of the policy examples they cite, and the smug certainty that most voters aren’t noticing. This is all out in the open. Peter Beinart in The Atlantic, “Biden Goes Big Without Sounding Like It. Perceived as a moderate, he has embraced strikingly progressive goals without facing any political backlash”:

Despite embracing an agenda that is further to the left than that of any Democratic nominee in decades, he’s avoided the specific policy proposals and catchphrases that Republicans find easiest to attack. As a result, he appears more centrist than he actually is . . . on issue after issue, he’s adopted policies that are strikingly progressive while stopping just shy of the specific formulations that might leave him vulnerable to Republican attack.

Paul Waldman in the Washington Post, “How Joe Biden is moving left while still being seen as a moderate”:

When Sen. Bernie Sanders said recently that if Joe Biden implements his policy agenda, the presumptive Democratic nominee could be “the most progressive president since FDR,” he was probably right. In fact, something extraordinary is happening: Biden is getting more progressive in substance, yet it has done nothing to change his image as a moderate. . . . [This is] pretty clearly the product of a careful strategy on Biden’s part . . . the continuing evolution of Biden is a fascinating story, and one most of the public is probably unaware of.

Take, for instance, the climate change plan Biden released this week. . . . The average voter — who right now is paying attention to the presidential campaign on only the most superficial level — probably heard next to nothing about it. But the reaction from progressives and climate activists ranged somewhere between surprise and joy. As one co-founder of the Sunrise Movement tweeted, the plan is “a VERY BIG DEAL, and is a huge victory for the #GreenNewDeal movement.”

. . . . There’s a kind of shift we expect from presidential candidates: In the primaries they appeal to their party with pledges of ideological fealty, then when the nomination is secured, during the general election, they head back to the center. Biden, however, is doing the opposite, in substance if not in rhetoric.

Oh, that silly, superficial, “average voter,” blissfully unaware of Biden’s agenda.

Jonathan Chait in New York magazine, “Joe Biden’s Platform Is More Progressive Than You Think”:

[T]he truth is that Biden has a domestic agenda that, while nowhere near as radical as the Bernie Sanders platform, is almost certainly to the left of anything even a Democratic-run Congress would pass. . . . There is plenty more liberal meat on the bones of Biden’s program. He is proposing more generous subsidies and Medicaid funding along with a public option in order to achieve universal health care; a combination of $1.7 trillion in clean energy investment and a suite of tighter regulation to bring emissions to zero by 2050; a combined $2 trillion in new spending on early education, post-secondary education, and housing, a $1.3 trillion infrastructure plan, and a $15 minimum wage.

Matt Yglesias in Vox, “Progressives don’t love Joe Biden, but they’re learning to love his agenda”:

His platform is in many ways a surprisingly progressive approach to policy that the left sees as a triumph of their own work in trying to change the terms of debate in American politics. Biden “envisions a massive public sector role for job creation,” points out Faiz Shakir, who managed Bernie Sanders’s 2016 campaign. . . . It’s “the most progressive platform of any Democratic nominee in the modern history of the party,” [said] Waleed Shahid, communications director for Justice Democrats . . . Biden is proposing a substantial expansion of the welfare state . . . as Ezra Klein and Roge Karma wrote in December, the dynamic of the 2020 primary was that on economic policy, “by the standards of the Democratic Party in 2008, the moderates look like leftists.”

Ella Nilsen in Vox, “How the coronavirus got Joe Biden to think much bigger. Biden knows there’s no pre-Trump ‘normal’ to go back to”:

Biden’s campaign was defined early on as a return to “normalcy” — the time before President Donald Trump took office — but now he is thinking much bigger. . . . Biden’s rhetoric has shifted as well, increasingly laying out a transformational vision for the country. . . . [Many progressives] sound a lot more hopeful that he now shares their goals. . . . “Biden’s been very clear: To get back to where we were sets the bar way too low,” Biden campaign adviser Jared Bernstein, who served as Biden’s chief economic adviser in the Obama administration, told Vox. “Much like FDR faced a structural crisis of economic insecurity, we’re at a similar place. The vice president recognizes that the extent of market failure here is not something you can fix with a Band-Aid and that structural reforms are necessary.” . . .

Biden now envisions a much larger role for government in his administration if he wins than past Democratic presidents have been comfortable with . . . Biden realizes he needs the left wing of his party. And to bring in the progressives, he recognizes that collaborating with them on meaningful policy is a way to gain their support . . . “I think the compromise that they came up with, if implemented, will make Biden the most progressive president since FDR,” [Bernie] Sanders said on a recent MSNBC appearance.

More from Nilsen, “How Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders joined forces to craft a bold, progressive agenda”:

Progressives see a list of ideas “that goes beyond a status quo and goes beyond where Biden had campaigned in the primary,” Faiz Shakir, Sanders’s presidential campaign manager in 2020 and an integral member in creating the task forces, told Vox. “If you look across all these documents, you’re going to see a massive public sector investment in job creation.” Numerous people Vox interviewed said Biden’s thinking about how bold to be is being pushed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the resulting economic woes, and the national conversation around systemic racism in America.

Nilsen also notes the delight of special-interest activists:

On education, American Federation of Teachers president and task force member Randi Weingarten, a Biden pick, told Vox she thinks the task force recommendations could encourage Biden’s education plan to go much further than either the Trump or Obama administration did. “It’s a paradigm shift from the tearing down that you have right now with Trump and [Education Secretary Betsy] DeVos and their defunding, destabilizing, undermining philosophy,” Weingarten said. “But it’s also different than ‘accountability is the be-all, end-all’ of the Obama administration.”

We certainly wouldn’t want anything so moderate as accountability in education, would we?

Former Obama-era State Department speechwriter Michael A. Cohen in the Boston Globe, “Democrats are no longer a party in disarray — The party approaches its convention united behind the Biden-Harris ticket — and a progressive agenda”:

Joe Biden, who will accept the Democratic nomination for president this week, has taken a very different approach. He ran to the center to win his party’s nod and has since pivoted to the left. . . . It’s precisely because Biden is seen as a pragmatic moderate — and not a controversial liberal — that he was able to capture the nomination. But since then, Biden has moved increasingly leftward. He is pushing for $4 billion in higher taxes; has rolled out a $2 trillion plan to fight climate change; has a $700 billion plan to invest in US manufacturing; and has even hinted that he would support an effort in the Senate to scrap the filibuster. He endorsed Elizabeth Warren’s bankruptcy reform plan and worked out a compact with Sanders to back a host of progressive policy priorities. If Biden follows through on his plans he would be, as Sanders has argued, one of the most progressive presidents in American history.

Katrina vanden Heuvel in the Washington Post, “Why Biden may follow through on a bolder agenda”:

[T]he Democratic policy community has dramatically shifted left. From Paul Krugman acknowledging that he and his colleagues were wrong in discounting the misery and dislocation caused by corporate-led globalization to pro-austerity voices (temporarily) hibernating in the face of the current crises, a new generation of economists is legitimizing ideas once considered verboten in establishment debates.

Yascha Mounck in The Atlantic, “Biden’s Agenda Is Plenty Bold. There is a large constituency for a racially inclusive form of social democracy that is not democratic socialism”:

What should be heartening for Americans who want their country to be more economically just is not only the fact that Biden has won on a social-democratic-policy program that (while sharing his general view of the world) is significantly bolder than Barack Obama’s, but the kind of coalition he has been able to unite behind it.

What about staffing this agenda? Kara Voght in Mother Jones, “Joe Biden Is Promising Progressive Policies. Who’s Going to Hold Him to It? Inside the scramble to fill the Biden administration with liberal wonks”:

[T]he Progressive Change Institute—an affiliate of the [Warren-aligned Progressive Change Campaign Committee]—has set about creating a “personnel power map” of the executive branch, showing which appointed positions have the authority to enact, or thwart, various policy ideas. “The goal is to have people throughout the federal government who know how to exercise power,” says Stephanie Taylor, a PCCC co-founder.

Let that last line sink in.

Finally, it’s not just Biden, and it’s not just print outlets. Former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau on the Pod Save America podcast:

Favreau laughed at media outlets on Thursday for calling Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) a moderate, pointing out that Harris has one of the most progressive records in the Senate. “It was hilarious to me that she is being called in all this coverage a moderate, like Joe Biden has found a fellow moderate or centrist,” Favreau said on an episode of his podcast, “Pod Save America.” “She supports something extremely close to Medicare For All, which Bernie Sanders acknowledged in his statement supporting her. She’s for the Green New Deal. She has one of the most liberal records in the U.S. Senate.” “If you want to call Kamala Harris’ record in the Senate and her policies that she’s supporting now centrist or moderate, great. If that’s where the Overton Window has moved, then congratulations to all the progressive activists because you have f***in’ moved the s*** out of that window, that supporting the Green New Deal and, basically, Medicare For All is now moderate and centrist. Fantastic, I’ll take it,” Favreau said.

His Obama-alum co-host joined the fun:

Dan Pfeiffer, another former Obama staffer and cohost of “Pod Save America,” joined Favreau on Thursday’s episode and advised progressive activists disappointed with Biden’s pick for vice president that progressives “are going to have an opportunity to have a real influence on the agenda in a Biden/Harris administration.” “He’s really the first candidate that I can ever think of that wins a primary and moves left,” Pfeiffer said, later adding, “Biden has made real, fundamental, substantive shifts on issues like climate and student debt and taxes and other issues.”

We have written plenty on the radicalism of Biden’s policy agenda, such as this editorial on what his race and gender plans explicitly promise. The quotations above, however, are not the words of the Trump campaign, or of conservative columnists, or any other critic of left-wing ideas. These are the people who like these ideas, are champing at the bit to implement them, but are also hoping that voters won’t notice until the election is over.

I just have one question for all these people: You do know we can read, don’t you?

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4 years ago

As I’ve been saying, Progressive is an adjective and should be used as such! Today’s Democratic Party can ONLY BE DESCRIBED AS: Progressively Communist and NOT just because of their policies! … Again, the American Communist Party which in it’s long history has NEVER ENDORSED ANY REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Until BARACK OBAMA twice, HILLARY CLINTON and NOW JACKASS JOE BIDEN! Do you need any more proof?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Were locked away due to a political virus lockdown & see ALL on local TV etc day & night
Were NOT lame or 2 busy elsewhere Your Lockdowns give us 24/7 news feed to see who Biden really is
(save those watching CNN ABC NBC PBS NPR, CBS news)
More brazen U go the better.& then add social media time.
( I avoid Facebook)

4 years ago

Like most leftists the DNC is delusional. Placing this very old codger into office as POTUS is as cynical as it gets. He will not serve even a few months before the 25 is invoked. Your voting for Headboard Harris for POTUS make NO mistake about that. She is a three faced power hungry “do anything to get ahead” phony. Trump is many, many things but he seems devoted to making government better and more efficient.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

The national socialist party is alive and doing pretty good here in US.
I have an actual fear Biden is going to win. Heaven help us.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

biden’s mental faculties have declined to the point that he is essentially an empty slate. A puppet. A dummy mouthing the words of a ventriloquist. His ventriloquists are the hardcore leftists of the dnc, globalist elitists and china. Only a fool would see this puppet as a moderate, but there are, unquestionably, an awful lot of fools out there. Hopefully not enough of them to get this overtly corrupt career politician that is battling serious mental decline elected. EVERYONE MUST VOTE. In person, if at all possible. Fraud will be running rampant.

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

Speaking of the ‘Democratic Party’; ‘sugar doesn’t melt in their mouth’. All the while, they are throwing President George Washington under the bus, burning the American Flag, burning the Bible, and burning pigs heads with police hats. Their only response to these disgusting activities: “People will do what they do.” Quote from Pelosi.

4 years ago

Trump will blow Biden out of the water if the debates are allowed to happen. Get a backbone, Biden, debate and show us where you REALLY stand ( more likely, where you fall.) You follow the Obama playbook very well. Fortunately, some of us remember those lies.

4 years ago

Hidin’ Biden has sold himself out. In order to get the backing of Bernie supporters, Biden had to move farther to the left. He had to adopt Bernie’s platform. In order to get the backing of the extreme left (other communists) the likes of AOC, Biden had to pimp himself even farther yet. God help us if these crazies are ever elected!

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

We can read. Biden supporters can’t. They don’t teach that in preschool. ?

4 years ago

The current version of the DNC is nothing but a bunch of self absorbed “community organizers” who proclaim that they are forward looking “progressives” when they are truly the most draconian backward thinkers this country has ever seen! A vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for Americans kneeling to a new Woke future where Climate Change, and 1619 lies are the basis of reparation taxes that will drain any economic potential we might have.

4 years ago

Yes, we are surrounded by tools that basically allow us to get information on any topic from anywhere in the world and 99.9 percent of the public just use it for idiotic things like Facebook, Amazon or streaming endless videos. They’re not “too busy”. They are just both unmotivated and lazy. They expect the information to be spoon fed to them in short, concise bites only when they feel semi-interested in something. Then to top it all off, they don’t do anything with the information. They expect “somebody else” will fix it all for them. Except when almost everyone thinks that way, nothing gets fixed and we end up with what we’re facing today.

4 years ago

Biden is merely the talking head for the Wizzard of Doze DNC Leftists pulling the levers behind the curtain.

Ray Valley
Ray Valley
4 years ago

I understand Bidan and the democrat Party’s attempt to appear more centrist than they are. I will vote for Trump. He has arrwmpred all along to do the things he promised when he got alected. I hateto live under the present democratice agenda.

Carol Jenkins
Carol Jenkins
4 years ago

The Emporer has no clothes.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Slow Joe has no real reasonable plan for the economy, energy, taxes, boarder protection, education or national security. He has been the front for the most progressive people ever seen in this country. He will actually hamstring the country from growth that would help nearly every American. His tax policies would lower investment in plant and equipment that would create jobs. His commitment to the green new deal would wreck industries that provide high paying and quality jobs. His so-called move to the center is a myth. He has a long history of wrong decisions and affiliations within the Marxist Democrat wing. He cannot be believed in any sense of the word.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Socialist/dems have spent decades taking over the teachers unions and corrupting the educational system, the evidence is obvious as so many people in this country have lost the ability to read and comprehend, one of the top things on PRESIDENT TRUMPS AGENDA is to clean up the school corriculum and actually EDUCATE our children in the future, AMERICA USED TO HAVE THE BEST EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM ON THE PLANET!!! WHAT HAPPENED? ( the dems)

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Just WOW!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

The demoncrats are so wrong for the USA! Praying that All legal Americans get out and vote! Praying that God will appoint those He wishes and just those He doesn’t want in. Lord, please help!!

4 years ago


Evelyn Fritz
Evelyn Fritz
4 years ago

I do not care much for what he says or doesn’t say! I believe if he gets elected he will be shuffled off for dementia treatment and Kamella Harris will take over as Prez. She will bring in a bloodbath of civil war!

Nero wolfe
Nero wolfe
4 years ago

Bernie Sanders is the ventriloquist for block head Joe, Joe’s lips will move but the voice and thoughts will Karl Marx ( through Bernie Sanders.)
When Sen. Bernie Sanders said recently that if Joe Biden implements his policy agenda, the presumptive Democratic nominee could be “the most progressive president since FDR,”
Thats interesting considering that FDR was A Communist.

4 years ago

The whining soap opera I gave time to was pretty much what I expected. Too much Hollywood to appear authentic and unscripted. I heard too much about Joe’s tragedy’s. Not enough sympathy for the families of the eight children shot down in their cribs, strollers, car seats and on their bicycles. Not a word about burned down liberal cities and what he would do about Marxist BLM Movement and Antifa brutality in our streets. Murder at an all time high in Chicago and New York. Looted businesses and graffiti covered streets in Portland and Minneapolis. However since the main stream media does not print the pictures of the mayhem and the cable news geniuses don’t report it, maybe the left really doesn’t know what’s going on.

4 years ago

It is highly unusual for this many Republicans (many that worked in Trump administration) that have come out in support of Biden. What is going on here & must surely be a worry to Trump. Trump usually says disgruntled employee & have never met person.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

To the apt “Dementia” label for Biden, we can now firmly add the “Delusional” label. Most of the problems Empty Suit Joe is prating about are and were caused by the Demshevik regimes of the recent past. What Joe is proposing is pure nonsense in the Demshevik tradition – promise everyone and every group something using lofty terms and catchphrases just to get their votes, but with no real intention or possibility of making good on the majority of said promises.
On the other hand, President Trump has done more to fix the structural problems in this country during his first 3 years than all the Demshevik regimes have accomplished in the last 30 years. The COVID-19 pandemic has only put a pause in the momentum of Trump’s accomplishments. Let’s hope Trump is reelected so he can finish the job that we elected him to do in the first place.

4 years ago

At this time, the election is Trump’s to lose. He must pull off something good & quit telling the world the only way I will lose is if election is rigged. That is not a sign of person with a lot of confidence who knows they will win. Too much mention of America corrupt elections.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Ladies and germs, you had best be prepared to fight the domestic terrorists to include the Nazi collaborator GEORGE SOROS. Mark Zuckerberg ? Same thing. And ANYthing with a ( D ) after it’s name. I’ve had enough. Bring ’em on.

Stephen Lykins
Stephen Lykins
4 years ago

I fear it will be the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the USA if he is elected!

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Bring on ALL 3 debates ! ! ! Hell, make it 5. I’d love to see the weasel squirm on nat’l TV. He has been on the federal ‘tit’ for almost 50 years. Done NOTHING. And now the commies OWN him. Absolutely disgusting.

4 years ago

Go Trump Go 2020

4 years ago

Socialism is just a nice word for communism!

4 years ago

Most people do not realize the issues Joe Biden had when he ran in 1988 and 1992. The media without the days of social media found him in many lies and plagiarism to the point he has to withdraw both times. No different today. Unfortunately for many of the younger people they either were not around or they do not know much of his TRUE background.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

When Trump/Pence wins this November, the Democrats will start riots everywhere they can!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Be ready to defend your Family and your Neighborhood!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Drain the SWAMP!!.  Increase our Military and reduce the size of the Federal Government!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

MLB, the NFL, and the NBA have yielded to the Communists and disrespect all Symbols of OUR Country.  To all Patriots, MLB, the NFL, and the NBA are DEAD!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

It is time to STOP covering-up for the FBI!  How is Antifa, etc. getting organization and logistics support??!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

I just don’t think ‘most’ people out there really care about the truth, facts or logic. They just seem to acquiesce to the latest monologues of the left or of anyone that that they connect with emotionally! They are thin-skinned, angry, dark thinking, negative and if anything the ‘other side’ says that isn’t any of those things, they react emotionally and have a huge chip on their shoulders. Reason, logic and common sense are out of the question, not to mention their ignorance about the history of our country, etc. I am so sick of all their garbage, but expecting that it is what it is. The Bible tells us that these days will be upon us, and they are.

4 years ago

None of this matters. Joe Biden is not his own man, either politically or now even mentally. He is not going to govern, his “handlers” will. And there is a good chance he will end up resigning or being forced out due to mental incapacity and Kamala Harris will become president (I suspect this is the real plan). But no matter, Trump will win, unless the Dem’s succeed in cheating enough or creating enough electoral chaos that throws the election into the hands of sympathetic (i.e. leftist) judges. And then, even if (when) Trump still wins, there will be enough “clutter” that the Dem’s will convince their weak minded followers that Trump actually lost and refuses to leave office like they said he would and then create even more chaos around the country.

If you hate The United States of America, vote for Democrats.

Dr Scott
Dr Scott
4 years ago

Just read through the dnc platform. I went through the 110 page draft last week and it scared the stuff out of me.
If they implement half of it, we’re no longer America.
If the platform is fully in place, we can expect a failed state of America ?? into a devastated economy and bought up industry by foreign nationals.
Communism is not what we are.
Communism is the end result of the democratic platform.
Don’t believe me!! Read it yourself.

Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish
4 years ago

I’m sick of the dems and the media talking about any of them being moderates. There is nothing in my definition of moderate that applies in any of their platform. Trump–4 more years!!!

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

This biden/camel bunch are really a bunch of anti AMERICAN idiots that are inspired by nobambabambabamba and his live in entity MOOCHELLE,totally sick bas$@&ds.AMERICA will prevail despite you criminals.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

I’m sorry, but hasn’t Biden been around for like 40 plus years. Why wasn’t any of his stuff done in 40 years? Now he expects us to vote for a person that hasn’t done anything in 40 years? Not to mention, and I hate to, but he kinda reminds me of a Jim Crow type guy. Come on, if your Black and don’t vote for him, your not Black? Something smells here, like when he said some dude (can’t remember name)will put you back in chains. Talk about somebody whose reality isn’t the same as the rest of us. I hate race BS, my Brother is 1/2 Mexican and has brown skin, I’m white. Our Dad brought us up proper, we don’t see any colors, just people that can do the job or can’t. Like my Brother, I’m sick of this race BS. Color never mattered, can you do the job? Was most important to me. My Brother ended up being a fire fighter and I became a combat doc. What the hell is the big deal about color? This just pisses me off, there isn’t a race card unless the Democrats use it and it’s worn out.

Deb Lundquist
Deb Lundquist
4 years ago

And just why is it that Joe Biden will not take hard questions? Because he doesn’t have a teleprompter with the answers that he still flubs up. He won’t make it through his full 4 years if he is elected and she is definitely far left! They didn’t list their agenda, they just led a negative and hate filled agenda.

K C Jenkins
K C Jenkins
4 years ago

Why I am so frustrated with politics today? When the very Judges (FISA) who are appointed by the Chief Justice are not willing to uphold our constitution, when they describe crimes as just mistakes or situations and do nothing about them, what confidence can we have in them? They let people walk on felonies over and over! Where do “we the people” turn for justice?  

Fraud, incompetency, and inefficiency are a feature, not a bug, of government agencies and state-run systems. Why? Well, in private enterprise, there exists a profit motive. A business is run by an entrepreneur whose take-home pay—and his very livelihood—depend on earning as much as possible while restraining costs. It’s a system that incentivizes efficiency. Any company or entrepreneur who fails the efficiency test is unlikely to stay in business for long, regardless of how good their product is, since customers will take their business to more frugal competitors who can offer lower prices. In bloated government agencies, no such pressure exists.

Larry W
Larry W
4 years ago

It’s no surprise that folks are drinking the Biden Kool-aid. We live in a time where a lot of folks idolize pop stars and sports figures who clearly can’t manage their own lives but are seen as political experts who want to tell us how to live our lives. We are seeing it everyday, more and more folks are believing a LIE .

4 years ago

I have heard from two health care specialists about 2 people who died were labeled as having died from COVID. The one was an Amish man who tipped his buggy over and drowned in a creek. The woman died of a heart attack, after years of cardiac problems. Both families contacted those who make these decisions.. Both were denied a change. So WHY would someone want every death be labeled as a COVID. I’m sure the death for COVID is way over listed. Tell me why someone (and tell me wHO these people actually are taking this route) are taking this view?

4 years ago

Let’s call it what it is, folks! The Communist Socialist Party vs. the Americans!

4 years ago

Does Biden support the NewGreenDeal?? Not sure, but this policy as AOC puts it would be the death of America economics & put everyone out of work. I hope the Blue party does not support this. The Paris treaty under Obama was bad enough to America.

FRank D
FRank D
4 years ago

All this by the man whose been in politics for five decades. He did nothing then and as an empty suit whose led around by his caretaker wife who should be ashamed of herself for letting him be played for a total fool. All this to get kamela in office. These are sad excuses for respectable human beings. The closets are full so let the airing begin.

4 years ago

Well, this board does not seem to concerned about the large numbers of Republicans that came over to support Biden this week. And there is the Lincoln Project made up of Republicans that have turned. Just think that all of these people are voters & can pull a lot more against Trump. He will need more than 40% of voters to win in November & he needs to realize he needs to change a few things.

4 years ago

This dem party is a group that redefines itself daily. If yesterday had any bad image blemish they simply say the next day ” we didn’t mean that. This is what we mean today and we expect you to buy it immediately. We have the right to change every minute. Its your job to keep up.”
“Don’t expect us to know what we will be tomorrow. We will figure it out at 10 pm tonight but trust us. We know what we’re doing. ” And we will not answer hard, challenging questions. You show your unimportance by asking them.

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