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Could Whitmer’s Anti-Catholic Blunder Be Democrats’ Final Nail in the Coffin?

Posted on Monday, October 14, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Following a wave of political and media spotlights on the Democrats’ startling record of anti-Catholic bigotry—including a flurry of social media posts by Donald Trump, a shoutout from J.D. Vance at the vice presidential debate, a viral interview with Newt Gingrich, a scathing Politico piece, and a series of swing state ads targeting Senate Democrat candidates—national attention surrounding the issue has perhaps never been stronger. But even as the Democrat Party machine desperately attempts to curry favor with Catholics, a crucial electoral bloc, and dispel the narrative that they are hostile to the faith, one high-profile Democrat governor brought the left’s deep-rooted disdain for the Catholic Church into clear and striking view less than a month before Election Day.

A now-viral social media post shows Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer pretending to distribute the Holy Eucharist to a left-wing podcaster in kneeling position—using a Dorito chip as a stand-in for the Eucharist while wearing a Harris-Walz hat.

Unsurprisingly, the post elicited immediate outrage from Catholics. Michigan’s Catholic bishops wrote to express their “profound disappointment and offense taken.” They continued: “It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar experience of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices.”

The bishops were far from alone in their discontent. “How else can this be interpreted other than mockery of Catholics and the sacrament of Holy Communion, not to mention the distasteful pornographic innuendo?” CatholicVote, a conservative Catholic organization, posted on X. “Gretchen Whitmer is only the latest example of the gross anti-Catholic bigotry festering inside the Democratic Party.”

Fox News host Laura Ingraham agreed: “Whitmer’s mocking of the foundational sacrament of the Catholic Church should cost her any political future,” she wrote. “Plus, given Michigan’s significant Catholic population, it is also politically stupid.”

Whitmer issued a statement insisting that the video was meant to be “about the importance of the CHIPS Act” (a law signed by Joe Biden in 2022 to boost funding for the research and manufacturing of semiconductors) and has since been “construed as something it was never intended to be.” But at face value, this is an outrageous lie. Upon viewing the video, no American would reasonably come to the conclusion that it was referencing the CHIPS Act—a relatively obscure piece of legislation signed into law more than two years ago. Consequently, Whitmer’s statement has been blasted as “the worst fake apology ever.”

“While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated,” the Catholic bishops wrote, “whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.”

The Holy Eucharist, as understood by the Church, is “the source and summit of the Christian life” and is believed by Catholics to consist of the physical Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. For all of the Church’s history, reception of the Eucharist has signaled both communion with the Catholic Church and an intimate expression of faith in Christ.

As such, Whitmer’s willingness to openly mock the sacrament is a slap in the face to millions of Catholics—and a jarring reminder of the left’s searing contempt for the Catholic faith, which will only become more pernicious if Kamala Harris manages to win the presidency this November.

As Election Day draws near, voters are being increasingly reminded that Kamala Harris’s shocking record of anti-Catholicism is far too glaring to overlook.

As a senator, Kamala introduced the so-called “Do No Harm Act,” which would compel Catholic doctors to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs and perform abortions and transgender surgeries on patients. She has also been an avid supporter of the so-called “Equality Act,” which would allow men to compete in women’s sports, force Catholic churches to host same-sex wedding receptions, force the closure of Catholic adoption and foster care programs, and imperil religious liberty all across the nation.

During her time in the Senate, Kamala also faced significant criticism for launching personal attacks on members of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal and charity organization which has an esteemed presence within virtually every Catholic parish. Harris did this with her strong insinuations that American Catholics—and ostensibly every American of faith—are not fit to serve as federal judges. In 2018, when questioning Brian Buescher—a nominee to be a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska—Harris, in her capacity as a senator, pointed to Buescher’s membership in the Knights as problematic, condemning the organization’s (and the Church’s) long-held views as “extremist.”

These lines of questioning from Harris and other senators were so startling that they compelled even prominent secular figures—including the president of Princeton University—to speak out. In September 2017, Princeton President Christopher L. Eisgruber issued an unprecedented letter to Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, urging them to “refrain from interrogating nominees about the religious or spiritual foundations of their jurisprudential views.” The president of the University of Notre Dame, the Harvard Law Review, and the Anti-Defamation League echoed Eisgruber’s sentiment, also releasing statements slamming the rhetoric.

To showcase Democrats’ stark anti-Catholic record, this fall, a conservative super PAC is running TV ads in five crucial Senate races that takes two minutes of airtime to catalogue a series of moves by Senate Democrat candidates against Catholics. (Breitbart recently highlighted the issue when reporting on an ad blitz in Arizona targeting Democrat Senate candidate Ruben Gallego.)

This fall, Donald Trump has also posted a spree of Catholic-friendly social media posts—including the prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel (the premiere Catholic prayer for divine protection against spiritual forces of evil) on his X, Truth Social, and Instagram pages. Trump also posted an image of the Virgin Mary on September 8, the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where he said “Happy Birthday Mary!” And he previously took aim at Kamala Harris’s controversial decision to not attend the Al Smith charity dinner (a decision that was also highlighted in a previous AMAC Newsline piece) as “sad, but not surprising” given that “Catholics are literally being persecuted by [the Harris-Biden] Administration,” before cataloguing the list of ways in which Harris has slighted the Catholic faithful.

Similarly, at the vice presidential debate earlier this month, J.D. Vance cited one of the left’s most flagrant acts of religious persecution against Catholics—namely, Democrat Party attempts to force the Little Sisters of the Poor, an order of nuns beloved by the Catholic community, to violate the precepts of their faith and perform or pay for abortion procedures.

“Do you want to force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions against their will?” Vance asked pointedly of Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Walz. “Because Kamala Harris has supported suing Catholic nuns to violate their freedom of conscience.”

Also this fall, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich alleged that Kamala Harris is the most anti-Catholic presidential candidate in 150 years. “The truth is that I think she is afraid to go to the Al Smith dinner because she’s the most anti-Catholic presidential candidate since James G. Blaine in 1880,” he said in a viral interview with Fox Business’s Larry Kudlow.

And in a Wall Street Journal op-ed friendly to both Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, Peggy Noonan implored Kamala to “reverse [her] decision and come to the Archdiocese of New York’s Al Smith dinner.”

Even left-wing Politico took note of Kamala’s Catholic problem, observing that Democrats’ odds of winning in the Catholic-heavy must-win swing state of Pennsylvania “are looking considerably dicier” than in 2020, thanks in large part to “the cultural dissonance with Harris” that “makes her an awkward fit in a closely watched, economically hard-pressed working-class region that’s historically been a locus of [pro-life] activity.”

With just weeks to go before Election Day, Gretchen Whitmer’s appalling display of anti-Catholic bigotry is only likely to draw further attention to the issue. And given that Catholics make up a significant fraction of voters in the must-win Rust Belt swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, actions like Whitmer’s could very well be enough to put Donald Trump over the edge and propel him to a second term in the White House this fall.

To Whitmer’s—and Kamala Harris’s—chagrin, they may soon find that their anti-Catholic bigotry will serve as the final nail in their party’s political coffin.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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2 hours ago

News flash! Whitmer’s mockery of the holy Eucharist isn’t just offensive to Catholics, it is offensive to all Christians. Holy Communion isn’t a joking matter!

Ken Sinclair
Ken Sinclair
2 hours ago

I appreciate the column but I would add that it is not merely anti-Catholic but more importantly anti-Christian. The Eucharist is foundational to all Christians. Do not lose sight the attack is directed at all Christians. Similar to the mockery at the Olympics

Richard Hennessy,
Richard Hennessy,
2 hours ago

This kind of action by a leading Democrat should be no surprise. The Democrats’ anti-religious attitude has been obvious for quite some time. Their support for immoral actions has been evident.

2 hours ago

It’s an affront it all Christian’s that take communion not just Catholics

2 hours ago

ALL people of faith must turn out and VOTE for someone who is not going to infringe upon the rights of anyone’s faith, as this administration has. Joe Biden says he’s Catholic. How could he, in good conscious, still say that, given his record? Total lies.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 hours ago

Tit for tat: if you’re “not black” if you vote for Trump, you’re not “Catholic” if you vote for Kamala! For all the reasons plus all those not cited in the article. She’s a Flying Dutchman riding from Democrat created disaster-to-disaster.

2 hours ago

The content of this article should come as no surprise to anyone.
“Democrats” are anti-religious, anti-spiritual, anti-honesty, anti-sobriety, anti-personal-freedoms, (except their own), anti-independent-thinking, anti-personal-responsibility, anti-national-sovereignty, anti-self-defense, anti-good-parenting, anti-democratic, and anti-any-damned-thing-imaginable-that-requires-heart-felt-values.

2 hours ago

There was anti Catholic sentiment in the 1960 election. Kennedy was a Catholic. 2 years in they assassinated him. What Harris and the dems are doing today is racism against Catholics, really all religions. Anything the citizens are for the dems are against. They call Trump names for giving them nicknames and telling the truth about Harris and Walz. They want everyone to obey their rhetoric. If they don’t they are slandered and being made an enemy of the state. Ruling as dictators has been going on too long. Those opposing Biden Harris the past 4 years stayed quiet too long. Their brainwashing rhetoric was too successful far too long. Nobody on the rep side in the congress spoke up. Where were our leaders. Those who stay silent agree!!!! And here we are. Whitmer’s actions were deplorable. Not many people got the connection between some obscure plan from 2 years ago. Was that in the news? Had MSM told their followers about it? Did even their base get the connection? I don’t think so it was to humiliate the Catholics. And I call that racism. If a tree can be racists certainly Whitmer can be called that. VOTE TRUMP VANCE.

1 hour ago

This bimbo Whitless is a good example of whats wrong with the whole Democrat party. She made a major blunder and is now back tracking with a feeble excuse and apology. This is for her,”To err is human, to forgive is devine. Neither of which is Marine Corps policy.” Yes I’m a grumpy old jarhead but very patriotic. Get rid of her and all like her.

2 hours ago

let’s hope she it the straw that breaks the dumb as crap’s back. American men need to get the amendment that gave “them” the right to vote repealed.. get busy boys

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 hour ago

Some of the media sources which I saw, ignored the obvious correlation between this mockery and communion and instead thought it was a Doritos commercial or some kind of “artistic expression.” Are they really that STUPID or do they think that we are?

1 hour ago

If you are a Christian and sitting on the fence about who to vote for, vote Republican. Vance is definitely Christian and Trump is leaning that way because of his near-death experience with an assassination attempt.
Some Democrats hate God because they don’t want to be held accountable for their lewd actions.

1 hour ago

Problem: we have had such atrocious things going on that people are numb. Why the governor would do such a thing and think it would help her party candidate is hard to process. The campaign switch at the end of the race is already a shock. People would have to quit thinking to vote democrat. James Carville is hoping that calling Trump a NAZI will help his cause. He has to hope nobody knows antisemitism is the core of NAZI causes. No president was more supportive of the Jewish state. We are about to find out how many unthinking votes there are today in America.

54 minutes ago

I pray that Catholics would ditch leftism and all its satanic tentacles . The result could save the country as surely as blacks turning on the party of slavery and jim crow.

1 hour ago

It is uncanny that the Left espouses wholly demonic perspectives and values. “Right vs. Left” might as well be translated to “Good vs. Evil.”

55 minutes ago

This is disrespectful to all Christians, Catholics and Protestants alike. I believe they all have some form of Holly Communion. You should also say Catholics and Protestants. Catholics are Christians. I’m really tired of the medias subtle attempt to split Christians in this country. Stand together. Your teachings have a lot to offer our society.

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
1 hour ago

Absolutely disgusting and sacrilegious! What the hell is wrong with these people?!

Melody Mollyhorn
Melody Mollyhorn
1 hour ago

It looked more like luring for human trafficking to me.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 hours ago

Hope so

1 hour ago

Michigan is a democrap stronghold and will (and always do) vote for anyone with a D after their name. Whitless is a protege of Jennifer Granholm so you can see the similarities. The only good thing this state has going for it now is term limits and when her’s is up…….so is she. Can’t come soon enough.

1 hour ago

Let’s hope Whitmer’s Eucharist antics were actually her last rites performance on the Harris/Walz campaign, so that President Trump can now perform a complete exorcism on the DNC.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 hour ago

Now if the Baptist would just give up their grapejuice in favor of wine……… LOL Kyle L.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 hour ago

Why such hate towar5d the Catholics. ??? I dont like there views nor do i want to belong to their church. I dont feel any animosty toward them. How would you kniow they are Catolic unless they annpounced it. Kyle L.

Paul W
Paul W
1 hour ago

It’s encouraging that Catholics are offended by whitless’s crude action, because the head of the Church, heretic and marxist jorge, loves leftism and those that represent its evil ideology. Additionally, you have “Catholic” hospitals routinely performing “trans” surgeries and hormonal mutilation along with “Catholic” colleges and universities fully onboard with the left’s treasonous pro-unvetted invader agenda. The same can be said about some “Catholic” NGOs as well. Sickening and not at all in keeping with the Word of God.

39 minutes ago

If that is not an act that a Satanist would perform, I don’t know what is.

Vickie Farley
Vickie Farley
27 minutes ago

Side note: when Carmella sued the Little Sisters of the Poor for not paying for Birth Control products for their employees the little know down fact was Catholics lost several Senior Homes. The Nuns in order to pay for the legal debt to protect their rights had to sell several of their properties. That cost several hundred seniors to have disruption in their lives. Resulting in many to relocate their final home… Senior facilities in Toledo, and Cincinnati were among those sold. Personally affecting my mother, who loved her home in the (Oregon) Toledo facility… It had been a vibrant Catholic facility for over 100 years… Doors wide open to poor and disadvantaged seniors tended lovingly by these Nuns is now gone… because of the Little Sisters of the Poor had to pay heavily for their legal rights… it was the Seniors who paid the most…

Marilyn Chapoton
Marilyn Chapoton
42 minutes ago

Slipped ut and showed her true colors – can’t wait till she is out of office

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
2 hours ago

Is their faith more important to Catholics than their hatred of Trump? Sadly, in many case, it’s not.

Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
28 minutes ago

Any member of the Catholic Church who is a registered Democrat and supports Harris/Walz, should be excommunicated.

31 minutes ago

This act of the democratic party is not only the mockery of the Catholic church, but a mockery against the Constitution of the United States of America and the Separation of church and state.

anna hubert
anna hubert
33 minutes ago

All that were missing are spiked heel boots and a whip and a collar on the doggie .Only a seriously disturbed would film this and completely off the wall put it on TV thinking it witty and clever. If the voter is still blind to it then he is as disturbed as she is.

13 minutes ago

50 years ago no one would dare to mock Christianity or those who practice that faith. Abortion? Unsupportable! These days over half of the women in this country support abortion “rights”. Christians have been marginalized and labeled as right-wing terrorists. Jewish people are being demonized for protecting their own people. DEI and socialist policies are ruining America in a myriad of ways. Democrats have forced an unqualified DEI candidate for president on the American people. She was appointed by puppet masters, not chosen by the people. Perhaps this experiment is coming to a sad conclusion by being brought down from within.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
16 minutes ago

This anti Christianity agenda isn’t the only thing that the democ rats are trying to accomplish.AMERICA has turned into a country that I don’t recogonize.Todays AMERICA is NOT the country that I grew up in,that is NOT a compliment.It has become a corrupt country that is starting to have the stench of marxism.This horrible smell comes from the top of the hill that at one time was a mountain.The attitude seems to be today that if those on the top of the hill can do these shady,or worse things,why can’t we citizens do it too.It doesn’t work that way,our only power is the VOTE and the powers that be have corrupted that also.

trump and the word insurrection
trump and kamala facing one another, election poll ballots behind them
virginia state flag and voter box
President Joe Biden delivers remarks on the economy at a roundtable with business and labor leaders, Friday, November 18, 2022, in the South Court Auditorium in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building at the White House. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott)

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