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Compromise with Marxism? Never.

Posted on Wednesday, October 4, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Marxism money cancelled

A great confusion is afoot – and it goes like this: Americans are polarized. This is bad. We must be civil. The best way to be civil is for conservatives and socialists to compromise, adopting a bit of the other’s views, changing but not too fast. Malarkey, claptrap, never…perish the thought!

In the days of yore, 40 or so years ago, Republicans were conservatives, and Democrats were almost Republicans. Men were men, women were women, and all knew the difference. 

Warfighting was not about woke grammar but strength, acuity, courage, endurance, resilience, love of country, unit cohesion, and how to risk for the American beside you, those loved back home.

In those days, Americans defended free speech, religion, borders, gun rights, bar fights, and bathrooms for girls. A man who thought he was a woman had a problem, not a cause.  

Most Americans despised debt, inflation, dependence, moochers, complainers, those who could work and didn’t, and anyone who wanted something for nothing. They were freeloaders, not activists.

Americans disliked dishonest political leaders – regardless of party, those who stuck around too long, got rich on the public dime, played fast and loose with the truth, and committed political crimes. 

Back in those days – and years prior – presidents said things like “History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid” (Ike), “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” and “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth” (JFK).

They said things like “If you take no risks, you win no victories” (Nixon), “Father and Mother had three rules – tell the truth, work hard, and come to dinner on time.” (Ford), “To be true to ourselves, we must be true to others,” (Carter), and then we were blessed with Ronald Reagan.

A paragon of freedom, Reagan who won 49 states in 1984, the largest landslide since George Washington. His words echo. “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” (Berlin Wall, which caged hundreds of millions in Soviet oppression).

Reagan was – far from compromising – one who spoke truth to power, which meant to the American people. He respected our sovereignty, individuality, compass, and love of freedom.

He taught us how to protect it, whether we counted ourselves as Democrats or Republicans. This is how and why he won, won again, and left office as one the most popular ever to serve.

He reminded us: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free.”

Reagan pulled no punches when asked to “converge” with the Soviets, to give communism a break. Unlike Mr. Biden, Reagan did not call oppression a “cultural difference.” He called it “evil.”

And this is where we come our time. Political divisions are unhealthy, unproductive, and endanger national security, if only because adversaries see us as weak when divided.

What is the answer? How do we get from division to the kind of unity that prevailed under virtually ALL those presidential tenures quoted above, from Ike and JFK to Carter and Reagan?

Why start with the idea that “convergence” with domestic radical change, cultural transformation, and power consolidation – essentially neo-Marxism – is a “no go?”

Because it is a “no-go.” Our nation must rediscover our roots’ basic understandings, which defined us during Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan – after and before.

This nation is premised on individual rights, constitutionally and irrevocably vested – not in government, not in groups, but in individuals.

The American Dream is about self-realization – not as a “this or that,” but as an amazing, miraculously created, unique for all time individual – and securing equal opportunities for all Americans to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” That is it.

It is not more complicated than that. We do not converge with evil nor any ideology that diminishes the individual in favor of groups, power consolidation, or rule by an elite. We despise that and always have.

In closing, one is reminded of Winston Churchill. He was chided at the end of World War II by his media, urged to converge with communism, bow out of politics, become non-partisan, allow others to take the reins, and call it a day.

This prime minister, who sustained his nation against Nazism, reaffirmed history, and fortified his countrymen with fireside chats, speeches, and in Parliament – was told in 1945 by The Times of London – first, “become non-partisan,” second, “retire.”

What do you think he did? After a single malt and cigar, he brought the editor into his office. “Mr. Editor,” said the irrepressible Churchill, as to your first point, “I fight for my corner.” As to your second, “I leave when the pub closes.” And the meeting was over.

Good to be polarized? No, better unified. But are we putting principle aside for courtesy, ducking the inevitable fight for freedom and the future? Malarkey, claptrap, never, just perish the thought.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

In politics today we have No Ronald Reagan to lead the Republican Party and NO John F. Kennedy to lead the Democrats either. In fact, who would have thought that today’s Democratic Party Leadership would be pushing Communism and that school teachers are Indoctrination students that “Socialism” is good and that Capitalism is bad! And that the last Presidential Election would be stolen by the so-called Democrats because they feared President Trump because he wasn’t the typical career politician who was more interested in power where the people serve the Government and not the Government serving the people!
As Republicans, we are the last hope of saving AMERICA as a CAPITALISTIC REPUBLIC!

USN Retired
USN Retired
1 year ago

Reelect Trump!

1 year ago


From the way your article started out, I thought you would go in a different direction. Rather than a piece reminiscing about “the good old days” of Reagan, that are now unfortunately simply a memory for some and an unknown concept for others, I thought you might instead be heading in the direction of outlining the hard contrasts that exist between what is viewed as conservative political thought (actual American constitutional values) and what is charitably referred to by both Democrats and the MSM as “modern Progressivism” or “Democratic Socialism”. Which of course is nothing more than Marxism being called by another name to disguise the ideology from people that don’t know history. That would have allowed you to highlight why compromise is a very bad idea between the two diametrically opposed ideologies of freedom and individual rights and freedoms versus and its polar opposite of total government control of everything in terms of modern-day outcomes. A sharp contrast that we can see all around us today in our country between the two parties. That would have perhaps resonated more with the average person in understanding why, in most cases, compromise is in fact little more than the slow capitulation to the values of Marxism. Something that Reagan was vehemently opposed to during his life.

1 year ago

WHAT AN ABSOLUTE GREAT ARTICLE! This article states EVERY SINGLE thing I was taught and BELIEVE growing up, even by my Teachers, which GOOD TEACHERS are now extinct. My Parents were Democrats. So was I when I turned 21 in the late 60s. I WAS SO PROUD when I got to vote for the 1st time. My Dad WARNED me to not vote for the NAME, not for their LOOKS, not for their WORDS. HE WARNED ME TO VOTE FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHOSE ACTIONS WERE CONSTITUTIONAL WITHOOUT COMPROMISE, meaning, IF YOU COMPROMISE YOUR PRINCIPLES, YOU THEN, HAVE NO PRINCIPLES, just like NO SIN CAN ENTER HEAVEN.
At that time, my Dad and Mom were not Christians until later in their lives after my Dad retired. The entire family became Christians eventually. I WAS SO BLESSED TO HAVE SUCH GREAT, MORAL PARENTS. Now, I look around and MORALITY has declined so much, young people have no idea what it really is.
However, true born-again Christians KNOW that the Bible explained what is happening today, and that all this upside down culture, would happen as evil spreads throughout America and the world, while Marxism and Communism, which is actually DICTATORSHIP AND TYRANNY veiled as MISPLACED COMPASSION by its followers, is something we would see gradually if we did not do our DUE DILIGENCE in knowing who we are voting for and in watching the travesty of our declining misguided GOVT.
I happen to believe that the RAPTURE will come before I die, but a few more things must happen, according to the Bible, but if you want to know what those things are, READ THE BOOK OF REVELATION and then read the NEW TESTAMENT. If you are genuinely looking for answers, GOD WILL POINT YOU TO THEM. If you are looking to discredit the BIBLE, Satan will walk right in and give you FALSE answers and you could be lost forever.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I remember about the only real difference between Republican and Democrat was spending on defense and social programs and abortion; today the difference is stark. 40 years ago? 10-15 years ago, when the words “communism, marxism, and socialism” were used, Democrats scoffed like it was a conspiracy theory. Today its a MANTRA.

1 year ago

My granddaughter is reading 1984 for school. She is so frustrated with the ideology presented in the book that she is ready to scream. She cannot believe that people are not using the wonderful brain that has been given to them by God. She does not see or understand how people want to just go along with whatever and do what they are told, no questions asked, follow the leader and be one of the pack even if it is wrong. I am proud that she recognizes the lies that are apparent in today’s society and sees them for the weakness that they are. Not bad for a 14-year old. Hopefully she will keep her eyes and ears open and be alert to the false doctrine of today’s leaders.

1 year ago

RBC, America has been following the European socialist trend for too long. Despite its failure, America is still following this disastrous trend blindly. There is no compromise with Left as they are bent in destroying this nation. People need to wake up but it may be too late.

1 year ago

I miss those days, as I’m sure do many of my generation. We need a real leader, not an appeaser. Reagan cannot be reincarnated, but there must be someone out there who will stick to time honored principles. Don’t know if it’s Trump, but he’s the closest we have unless someone else steps up. Who can we trust?

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

It is encouraging to read about positive ideas for setting things right. Well Done with this article Robert , the topic is sure enough one of those things that needs to be set right. You started with mention of how some people are confused — about the polarization politically, thinking about compromise on issues between Conservatives and socialists. Well, confused is something negative , unhealthy in fact , and a good remedy for it is a good dose of Truth. A respect for, a love of Truth is very healthy , it helps to see things clearly , it helps in understanding — it is far and away better than having an aversion to truth. Courage , I reckon is required to have the United States of America be what it is , to maintain a place in the world that should be an example for doing things right, respecting human dignity and having an appreciation for the values of Faith ,Family and Freedom. Courage is a great quality to keep at the ready — things can happen without notice without warning sometimes and courage wii hold things together under all circumstances. Courage will save the day. So, you included some appropriate quotes from people who did significant good in the world , I remember watching the John F. Kennedy Inauguration as President on television at age eleven in 1961 , and remember very well the good feeling I had each time after voting for Ronald Reagan for President. So, Truth , Courage , Hope , — there is plenty to do to help keep the world going right.Marxism is not needed. Let Liberty be the watchword. Liberty, respect for the will of God and respect for human dignity are needed.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

There are a few distinct differences between Republicans and Democrats but nearly all of them HATE YOU and care nothing more than keeping their Uniparty power.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

40 or 50 years ago there was a different kind of citizen living in the country He has been replaced by illegal alien an immigrant not interested in integration America today is a result of that Criteria for immigration became if it’s white it ain’t right People who came here in the name of diversity had no idea how law and order society works They came from chaos corruption and disregard for human life Instead of integrating they ghettoized themselves

1 year ago

Yeah…GOOD LUCK with that! America has become VERY polarized and the Marxist have all the power, and funding ( like Soros), and support (corporate media, justice department, education dept, unions, America’s youth and entertainment industry [skewing perception]…etc.) We are like a massive post Panamanian ship with full speed at sea and not very likely to turn around anytime soon…..but i admire your optimism.

1 year ago

Well done. This piece tells it the way it was. That’s the spirit.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

AMEN Mr. Charles. Didn’t like Carter much, but rest you mentioned, absolutely — they were true patriots fighting for US citizens (country), not compromisers.
All absolutes have been done away with by some inane philosophical proposals, i.e., relativism, political correctness, etc. Hogwash!!

Dennis V
Dennis V
1 year ago

We can never surrender! Make them suffer for every evil they want to impose on us.

1 year ago

A word of correction is necessary. Reagan won 49 states in the ’84 election., but it was not the largest landslide since Washington. Richard Nixon won 49 states in ’72. Other than that this article is spot on.

1 year ago

Ask yourselves why Republicans keep on losing? One answer is the women and abortion. If the religious zealots did not insist on stricter abortion laws, the Reps would be in a better place.
The second reason is economics. And here is where I’d address the meat of the matter – why more people lean left – toward marxism. You see, the problem is that corporations are making all the money and keeping more and more profits. Check out good YouTube videos on InEquality in the US and how it’s far worse than most people realize. As the gap widens, people get angry and vote for the left and Republicans keep on losing because they insist on giving the rich more taxbreaks.
So if the Republicans keep on with the insane politics – along with coming up with insanity of MAGA – they will keep on losing. Better smarten up. I say this as a right-leaning Independent. I do not want to see us devolve into a one-party system. But the Republicans need to get on with the times to have a chance of winning in the future. Betting on the failed policies of the past is a loser’s strategy.

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President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
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