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China’s Aggression Against Philippines Is Increasing

Posted on Tuesday, July 9, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Biden administration has warned China against continuing to conduct armed attacks on the Philippines, but China has blatantly ignored the warning, repeatedly harassing Philippine naval vessels and severely injuring its sailors over the past several months.

Beijing, for its part, has accused Washington of using the Philippines as a pawn and seems to have every intention of continuing to escalate the dispute.

That dispute centers on the Second Thomas Shoal, a disputed reef within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, but also within China’s illegal “nine-dash line” maritime claim in the South China Sea.

The dispute is not new, and China has used a wide array of tools to harass and intimidate the Philippines over the past several years. What’s new is the frequency of these incidents and the higher levels of force being employed by the Chinese coast guard against Philippine navy sailors.

In March, the Chinese coast guard blasted water cannons and rammed into a Philippine patrol vessel, damaging it and injuring the vessel and crew. China called its move a “necessary measure” and accused the Philippines of violating China’s sovereignty for having resupplied the troops it keeps on Second Thomas Shoal. In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, based in The Hague, ruled in favor of the Philippines in the dispute, but China has rejected the ruling.

A month later, in April, and within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, the Chinese coast guard rammed into, and again used water cannons against, Philippine patrol vessels on a mission to resupply fishermen.

Chinese state media responded, stating that the operation was “reasonable, legitimate, and professional” and that the Philippine vessels were conducting dangerous maneuvers that justified the “forced use of water cannons to warn the vessel.”

In June, a Philippine sailor suffered severe injuries as a result of the Chinese coast guard ramming into, blocking, and launching water cannons against Philippine resupply vessels. Just as in March and April, China justified the use of “control measures” and claimed that the Philippine resupply vessel caused the collision.

In another June incident, the Chinese coast guard brandished axes and machetes at Philippine personnel in what the Philippine coast guard has labeled a “brutal assault.” Outnumbered by the Chinese, one Filipino had a finger cut off.

The Philippine ambassador to Washington has warned that the conflict with China could engulf the Indo-Pacific. Deterring China across the Indo-Pacific is a key U.S. goal, but the dispute in the Philippines is particularly salient, as the U.S. has a treaty obligation to defend the Philippines from “armed attacks” pursuant to the U.S.-Philippines defense pact.

China’s repeated instances of aggression against the Philippines should serve as a warning to the entire Indo-Pacific.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Wilson Beaver | Elizabeth Lapporte

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8 months ago

Why should China care what Biden says? Seriously? It didn’t work with Russia. It didn’t work with Iran. North Korea is having fun launching missiles at will with no thought of any real consequences on the table.

President Xi and the CCP have known Biden is senile for years now. Besides he’s been bought and paid for and if Biden steps out of line, I’m sure the Chinese have loads in incriminating video and audio footage of both Old Joe and Hunter from their visits there for various deals, that could be leaked to the worldwide MSM in minutes. Biden’s administration is peopled by like-minded appeasement types from the Obama era, so China knows there is nothing backing up any public statements of “don’t” that this administration may make. By the way, Russia, Iran and North Korea all know this as well, which is why they are all acting in the fashion they are. Our allies, the few we actually have left after Biden destabilized the world stage, are constantly scrambling to shore up their own limited defenses. As long as any Democrat sits in the White House the United States will be sitting on the sidelines.

The David
The David
8 months ago

What is sad is this, how many non-communist Asian countries, some of which also have territorial disputes with China, have either stepped up to defend the Philiipines, or banded together as a group to push back militarily. Zero. I get that if they did, they would need USA backing to sweeten the pot – and during the O’Biden administration’s last gasps, that won’t be happening.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

This article is important as it presents a realistic view of the sort of atmosphere in Asia — Pacific area — something people here should be aware of and understand as much as possible. The research looks to be genuinely presented and is straightforward about the issues between Philippines and communist China . This writing is appreciated , those Americans who have a good knowledge of history will realize why this situation with the Philippines and communist China should be followed closely. Indicators of developments of major consequences can often start with things that may seem to be minor in some ways but are actually significant when the circumstances are considered that connect reasons for certain actions. Praise for your work Elizabeth and Wilson it is appreciated.

8 months ago

The more you allow BULLYING the more it is going to happen.Sometimes you just have to punch a BULLY in the face to let him know it’s not all right and you are not going to accept the behavior anymore.Usually the bully will back down and stop the behavior or beat the heck out of you.Either way you will have gained there respect because you are no longer a victim.

John V
John V
8 months ago

These problems will soon be solved when real leadership returns to power on the USA!

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Biden’s administration has warned China and maybe UN can send a note of some sort I can see China quivering and promising to be good

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