
Last week, one Democrat in the California state Assembly made a rare public apology—not over a scandal, but over her position on a vote that had taken place the same week.
Assembly member Liz Ortega had joined fellow Democrats just a few days earlier in blocking a bill aimed at cracking down on human trafficking of children. The move justifiably made national headlines and garnered widespread criticism. But it shouldn’t take a national controversy for Democrats to vote the right way on something as blatantly evil as the human trafficking of children.
Now, Ortega says she “made a bad decision,” and in her public apology on Twitter, she wrote, “Voting against legislation targeting really bad people who traffic children was wrong. I regret doing that, and I am going to help get this important legislation passed into law.”
On July 11, the California Assembly Committee on Public Safety failed to pass SB 14. The only two Republicans on the committee voted in favor. Yet not a single one of the six Democrats on the committee, including Ortega, voted in favor of the bill, instead making the cowardly decision to abstain from voting at all.
The bill had already passed unanimously in the California state Senate in May with bipartisan support.
SB 14 would make “human trafficking of a minor” a “serious felony” under Section 1192.7 of the state’s penal code. “Serious” felonies get harsher punishments under California law and are considered “strikes” under California’s “Three Strikes Law.”
Eighty-nine nonprofits and organizations and 13 individuals registered their support for the bill (including a number of district attorney’s offices, police departments, and anti-trafficking groups), while only seven groups opposed it.
The state of California Department of Justice’s own website states, “California is one of the largest sites of human trafficking in the United States.” Thus, a bill aimed at making the penalty for trafficking children harsher should be something that California Assembly members of both parties can see is necessary.
After originally declining to vote for the bill, Ortega told The Washington Free Beacon, “Sending someone to prison for the rest of their lives is not going to fix the harm moving forward. And that’s the part I’m struggling with. It’s a complex issue.”
Ortega’s grave misunderstanding of the criminal justice system was covered over by her with a veneer of compassion. It ignores the fact that putting a trafficker behind bars for a significant amount of time is not only an act of justice for the crimes that were committed, but it also protects the children whom the trafficker might target next were he or she not behind bars.
At the California Assembly’s hearing for the bill last Tuesday, one survivor of trafficking, Odessa Perkins, called out the Democrats’ reluctance to inflict harsher penalties for child trafficking as continuing the “horrific cycle of abuse and depravity.”
As a black survivor of trafficking in California, her testimony contradicted opponents of the bill, who claimed the proposal would lead to lead to overcrowded prisons or contribute to mass incarceration of black individuals, saying, “I was molested and raped repeatedly by black and white men and even some women. So, it does not matter the race. What matters is saving our children. Traffickers are getting out of jail, parole, and reoffending … .”
Progressives who are soft on crime may try to use their tired and routine talking points, but this is simply not a racial issue, an economic issue, or even a partisan issue. It’s about protecting vulnerable children.
The bill’s sponsor, Republican state Sen. Shannon Grove, expressed her shock and frustration that SB 14 was blocked, saying, “I am profoundly disappointed that committee Democrats couldn’t bring themselves to support the bill, with their stubborn and misguided objection to any penalty increase regardless of how heinous the crime.”
Even Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, was unhappy with the committee’s Democrats. The day after the committee vote, he called Grove to see how the bill might be revived. After the call, Newsom told reporters, “I want to understand exactly what happened yesterday. I take it very seriously.” He further noted that he “cares deeply” about the issue of child trafficking.
The public outcry and chastisement from California’s liberal governor were enough for most of the Democrats on the committee to reverse course entirely. On Thursday—just two days after the initial vote—the committee voted on SB 14 again. This time, it passed with six votes in favor while two Democrats still abstained from voting.
This is a small victory for justice and for the survivors of human trafficking.
Next, the bill must be approved by the Assembly Appropriations Committee, which will likely vote on the bill in mid-to-late August, before going on to the full Assembly. Grove believes that “most Assembly Democrats want to vote for this bill if they are given a chance” and is hopeful that the bill will be successful.
The controversy in California comes at a time when child human trafficking is garnering heightened attention after the theatrical release of the movie “Sound of Freedom,” based on a true story of a sting operation in Latin American that successfully led to the rescue of dozens of children trapped in sex slavery.
Negative reactions to the movie from some legacy media outlets have been outrageous.
The Guardian published the following headline: “Sound of Freedom: the QAnon-adjacent thriller seducing America.” Rolling Stone followed suit with the headline “‘Sound of Freedom’: Box Office Triumph for QAnon Believers.” The Washington Post attempted a faux nuanced tone with “QAnon and ‘Sound of Freedom’ Both Rely on Tired Hollywood Tropes.”
Many in the legacy media are trying to discredit “Sound of Freedom”—and its underlying message that the trafficking of children is a serious problem that ought to be addressed—by linking it to the QAnon conspiracy theory. But that raises the question: Why? Do these progressive elites not think that human trafficking of children happens? Or is the reason even more sinister?
The exact motivation is unclear, but what should be clear to Christians is that there is an intense spiritual battle surrounding this issue right now. We must pray that the darkness will be exposed, and that Americans’ hearts will be moved to bring the perpetrators of trafficking to justice and the victims of trafficking to freedom.
Human trafficking should be exactly the type of issue that unites everyone with an intact conscience. Human trafficking, especially of defenseless children, is a horrifying reality—one that everyone should want to see effectively combated, and ultimately ended.
The debacle over SB 14 last week was unexpected and disappointing, even for California. It might have taken a national uproar for Democrats there to rethink their position on SB 14, but at least some did rethink it and change course.
We can hope that California Assembly members will now work diligently to see SB 14 pass the full Assembly. Beyond that, politicians across the United States should strategize on how our laws can more effectively address this scourge upon society.
Originally published at WashingtonStand.com
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Arielle Del Turco.
Such a sad World we live in. To the left demoncrats, a child’s life is worthless. Very sad.
Very important article Arielle, Well Done ! What you wrote — ” Human trafficking should be exactly the type of issue that unites everyone with an intact conscious.” That is absolutely right. So, if there is a lack of unity on dealing with the issue that indicates something seriously out of balance that should be corrected. Praise for everyone involved with doing everything possible to stop the evil of human trafficking. This is a war that requires different kinds of strategies and tactics than a war involving armed forces , but it is a war that needs the same spirit for victory and the realization that it is a case of vanquishing evil so that good will prevail.And keeping in mind the will of God for guidance should be a source of strength, courage and wisdom . In prayer, for the freedom of the victims , with genuine hope that freedom is on the way. The unity of prayer can be very powerful , I do believe that is the right spirit to keep going at all times.
The mere fact that the US Congress funded the operation to save the children for Tim Ballard, shows there was nothing QAnon about Sound of Freedom. Pedophelia and sex trafficking should strike at the heart of us all.
How about a link to Ortega’s twitter feed? I would love to throw her absolute stupidity in her face, changing her mind was PURELY her politically “saving face”. The fact that she voted against it proves that she is ONLY interested in the BS politics, and gives a rats a$$ about her constituents. Automatically voting “no” on anything conservative, is reckless, and she deserves to be removed from her position. What a scumbag, changing her mind after not using it to begin with shows her true color.
Ok – but will the progressive, Soros funded DAs follow through with indictments and convictions
Of course they voted against the bill, it would dry up their ( sorry for what’s coming), the source by which they get off. Sorry, just deal with reality, very unpleasant but needs to be said.
Why do you think this administration is so hell bent on pushing trans and sexual explicit education on our children. If we don’t go along with their views we are called all kinds of phobias or are called racists. They are good at name calling. And trafficking of children is one of those things that fall under that. Criminals are let out of jail. Robbing stores empty and killing people is all allowed and when or even if they are arrested the no bail DA’s let them go free. To do it again. Why is child trafficking and pedophilia any different. They killed Epstein because he knew too much.
In Germany pedophilia and child trafficking is so great. And nothing is done about it, why? Because the big mucky mucks in the government are the biggest offenders.
They are blaming it on Qanon. An unseen something that the left can blame for their pro pedophilia stance. When have we become an amoral country? Under sloppy. At least it has become clear to the people. The dems are proud of their stance on child trafficking, because they are all participants. Plus they have no soul. These children are just an object to satisfy their lust.
Thanks for this article. How anyone with a mind and a heart can vote for these criminals is more than I can comprehend in my 83 years on this earth.
I’m beginning to think that the + in LBGQT+ is pedophilia. The LGB community should distance themselves from the TQ+ people.
The left finds no worth in children before they are born. Would it be surprising they find them without worth post-natal?
Struggling with putting a criminal away for life!!! Again it is the criminal that garners sympathy, rather the victim. How can you in good conscience not feel for the child victims trauma for the rest of their life? I have no sympathy for the criminal who willfully took away the innocence of childhood from the child victims of human trafficking. How is it possible that the bill had to be revisited in order to pass. Even worst is that two Democrats abstained. This is from the same party that made our children’s future their poster and battle cry for every insidious bill they sponsored and passed.
They tried to aid and abet the satanic entities but yield to the constituents’ pressure.
Blind partisan politics…..if the republicans are for it, the democrats are against it……absolutely no common sense.
HOW many people even knew about QAnon??? I would have NEVER heard of them if my SIL hadn’t had it on, I thought it was a bunch of nut jobs.
Everyone of those that voted NO need to have their names exposed, then when re-voting those that didn’t vote need to be named, because the abuse, raping, and all that they do to anyone child or adult in sex trafficking if I had my way would be execution.
And WHY do they say that it would overload the prisons with black people, are they the only ethnicity doing this??? It’s truly disgusting when you think protecting criminals is more important the the innocence of a child.
My first question….who are you protecting??? Which friend or family member or fellow Democrat needs protection from laws that guard our children? Why is the left wing media so outraged? Who are THEY protecting??? This is not a political problem. This is not even a faith problem. This is a problem for humanity. I don’t understand why all the opposition.
Moral relativism and Sophistry… It’s the mother’s milk of the Godless, Satanic Marxists who have come to dominate the political left. I would not want to be these people in there last few moments of life.
I think Democrats are so brainwashed these days that they vote in lockstep without even considering what the Bill says as well as their incessant need to vote the opposite of what the conservative Republicans do. Hey Progressive Democrats this is not about you but the children that are being trafficked and even if freed their lives are forever damaged. Time to come out of your Progressive bubble and join the real world.
The vote should be a all in and 0 against , and then you find out who is working for the devil and people can’t deny it , the devil has so many demons out there and it is time to turn to JESUS and repent our sins before it is to late , read the Bible and you will see prophecy coming true every day. Time is short for us all and JESUS CHRIST is coming back soon , BE PREPARED !!!
California, the land of my birth as a fifth generation inhabitant, has changed from a place I revered as a young person to a place I revile as an educated, sophisticated human being.
California represents all the worst concepts of civilization
Its California!! Lived there for 7 years and sure glad I got out when I did! Fruit cake state!
The first offence 10 years the second –By–by–life. The best way to prove that we are serous is to start with Ebstean Island and all the eleates that think they are untouchable
It is very clear here that evil does exist and it doesn’t want our children to be safe. With this being a very heated topic with the long awaited great movie Sound of Freedom they have added this as an opposing topic that no one wants to delve into. Be clear those in opposition know what the outcome will be for those who believe this is even anything to think twice about. We need to get these people out of office and American people you better wake up! It’s only getting worse.
Dems WANT to abuse OUR kids
Legalized pedophilia is waiting in the wings. Three guesses as to where it will be passed first.
An indication of how tough an enemy the Democratic Party is for Republicans. Democrats would sell their mother’s before breaking with their Party’s established line. There are always one to two dozen Republicans who vote lethargically for or against a Democratic Action, in direct contradiction to the Republican public stance. We lose every time because of these self-pleasuring Republican Fools.
Whatever the perversion, dems are for it. There must be concern that rank and file dem robots arent yet ready for legalizing sex with children. No worries, give them a few more years and they’ll clamor for this as the next big liberation movement.
Why would DIMMs refuse to stop child trafficking? Ask Epstein, Weinstein, and Ed Buck among others! Or Senile Joe, who showered with his own daughter! WHO is getting RICH from selling these children and which politicians are being bought off?
OOPS, MY MISTAKE, I JUST WASN’T THINKING!!! . . . When do Democrats EVER think?
They really don’t know their butts from a hole in the ground, do they?
This a sad! And we have to live with THIS~~~
Could it be the dirty Dems are worried that voters will turn against theIr endorsement of child trafficking ! and or the human trafficking ACROSS OPEN BORDERS THAT IS EVER PRESENT ??? ALL THX TO DUMBOCRATS, AND GEORGE SOROS $$$$!
Demonrats they are only happy when they are murdering babies. They say it is their right to do what they want with their bodies. Amazing ! I do not think it is your body that you are killing Fool..
Project 2023 anyone?
Politicians should start by closing the borders!
Biden’s open border: Luke 17:2 KJV – “It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin.”
It takes money to buy or rent a kid. Who has big money? Politicians, Hollywood types, movers and shakers in industry, professional athletes, plus many more of the wealthy and powerful as well as drug dealers and coyotes. All are ready to mock and oppose any attempt to shut down their playground.
Why are you so afraid to mention The Jews may have more than a little to do with the mass media’s reaction, since they control Hollywweird and the majority mass media? Didn’t Messiah Joshuah (English transliteration) condemn them and their sect , the Phatisee Judaic Talmudic sect, and their converts, such as Ivanka Trump-Kushner?
There are those that vote democrat, and those that are Americans – they are polar opposites.
Isn’t ironic that the democrats only pretend to want to do the right thing when they are justly called on the carpet? It proves to me they do know the difference between right and wrong and only concede to what is right when embarrassed by the wrong choice. Come on Dems, tell the truth and shame the devil!
For once, voting to allow slavery was unmasked. Yes, selling humans is evil.
This should never have made so called legislators worry about those caught and prosecuted for it.
Coming from California, nothing is too shocking anymore. Just to watch the blinded evil that has taken hold of the liberal socialist/Marxist left’s party and those who support it is sickening and frightening. These people have lost all touch with reality and moral objectivity. We must stop voting for an individual just because they belong to a certain party and look at what they and their party stand for. If the hypocrisy and corruption continue down this path, our great country is lost. Pray people, only God can save us now.
“No demographic is wasted” when it comes to votes if you’re a Democrat. Even the pedophile vote. Why else would they want to sexualize children’s literature? The Party of Pedophilia.
Yeah, because theres TOO MANY PEDOPHILE DEMOCRATS in office and now their WORRIED that they WON’T GET there FLAVOR OF THE MONTH!!
Not certain what a Qnon is. But, I understand
sacrifice of individuals to save little children sold as chattel for personal sex toys and revenue. They are tricked from poor families with a promise of a modeling of acting job.
this is is South America. But the big customer is USA, more than Fentanyl. Democrats are afraid of truth. They don’t want to think so hard. They are tolerant of everything twisted
life except the old fashioned Church conservatives. That sends them paranoid.
their news is a white out. Nothing to see. Very trusting. Odd not to ask.
I am wondering why Ortega and the other demon-communist-cRATS chose to abstain from voting at all, thus blocking the bill. What was their motivation? Are they addicted to adrenochrome?
Why do the dems seem to love criminals more than justice? Voting against punishment for child abusers is EVIL. Dems just can’t help themselves to do the right thing except when its SO obvious that they are wrong.
It really is not conspiracy theory mania. The only ones who would vote against child trafficking are those who want children to be groomed for their sexually deviant ways. In Kalifornia, that is the socialist democrats and the liberals.
California reminds me of the movie the Stand. Evil lives there guiding the stupid people, AKA Sheep, who seemingly don’t give a sh*t about anything but their own personnel well being. They already passed a bill making it legal to have sex with a 14 year old if it’s consensual. Now you tell me what rapist isn’t going to say it was legal sex and the liberal courts will go right along with it. I can’t wait for the big quake to float them out to sea.