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BREAKING: House Probe Concludes Joe Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses by Helping Enrich His Family

Posted on Monday, August 19, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Republican-led House committees leading the impeachment probe into Joe Biden concluded Monday the president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family with millions of dollars in business schemes that traded on his name and then defrauded voters by lying to cover up the scandal.

The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News

“First and foremost, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that President Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family,” the committee’s concluded in the the report released the day Biden was to be honored at the opening of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. 

“Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associates received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interests by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden,” the executive summary added.

The report puts a finishing touch on a scandal that began in 2019 during the advent of the last presidential election, but it is unlikely to result in a formal impeachment since Biden has stepped down and handed over the reins of the Democratic Party to his vice president, Kamala Harris.

The committee cited evidence that Biden “actively participated” in an influence-peddling conspiracy by attending dinners with his family’s foreign associates and speaking to them over the phone. These interactions were documented by email evidence and testimony from several of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners, including Devon Archer and Jason Galanis.

The committees also said evidence shows Hunter Biden used his father’s official position as vice president to “garner favorable outcomes in foreign business dealings and legal proceedings.”

Beyond Biden’s conduct as vice president, the report argued the Justice Department during his presidency deviated from normal practices in order to provide favorable treatment to Hunter Biden, throwing up roadblocks in the investigation and preventing attorneys from pursuing certain avenues of inquiry, as two IRS whistleblowers testified to the House Ways and Means Committee. 

The president also engaged in a coverup himself by lying about his and his family’s conduct, the report alleged.

“President Joe Biden conspired to commit influence peddling and grift,” the committees wrote. “In doing so, he abused his office and, by repeatedly lying about his abuse of office, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

Here are the most important findings of the impeachment investigation: 

Biden family received more than $27 million from foreign sources

The committee’s investigation found Hunter Biden and other family members received over $27 million from foreign sources. These funds were often obscured in “shell companies” to hide their true origins, the committee says. Some of the funds sent from China, for example, ended up directly in Joe Biden’s bank account. 

As part of the $27 million, Hunter Biden received significant compensation from several foreign ventures and positions. 

For example, his role on the board of directors of the embattled Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, whose owner Mykola Zlochevksy was facing corruption allegations in Ukraine. Biden received a $1 million a year salary for his role on the board.

After receiving that position he would use his influence in Washington, D.C. to help organize a public relations campaign for the company and work to shut down the corruption investigation into Zlochevsky, even meeting personally with State Department officials. 

In another instance, Hunter Biden received a $5 million loan in 2017 from entities connected to the energy firm CEFC China Energy. Just the News reported in 2022 that Hunter Biden had received this $5 million “interest free,” forgivable loan. Emails from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop showed that the loan was intended to benefit the Biden family, referred to as the “BD family.”

Biden’s status as vice president a selling point

The committees also found evidence that Joe Biden used his role as vice president to “garner favorable outcomes for his son’s and his business partners’ foreign business dealings.”

Witnesses interviewed as part of the inquiry confirmed Biden was involved, whether through meetings or phone calls, with his son’s foreign business partners. 

“Then-Vice President Biden met or spoke with nearly every one of the Biden family’s foreign business associates, including those from Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan. As a result, the Biden family has received millions of dollars from these foreign entities,” the report reads. 

Just the News previously reported that major payments or business developments for Hunter Biden often followed key meetings or phone calls between his partners and his father, according to emails, testimony, and other evidence uncovered by the impeachment probe. 

For example, in 2014 Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina deposited $3.5 into a bank account tied to Hunter Biden’s businesses and also committed to invest in a New York City real estate project with Biden’s partner just weeks before she reportedly met Joe Biden at a dinner in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. 

In another example, one former business partner testified, in early 2017, Hunter Biden and his business associates met with a CEFC delegation, including its Chairman Ye Jianming, at a lunch in Washington, D.C. A private citizen at the time, Joe Biden joined his son and the delegation of CEFC officials at the lunch and even spoke to the assembled group, Just the News reported.

Shortly after that lunch where Ye Jianming met the former vice president, a CEFC affiliate wired $3 million to Walker’s company, Robinson Walker LLC, the first transfer in the deal between the Chinese energy company and Hunter Biden’s group, the witness told the committee.

Biden name used to obtain $8 million in loans from Democratic donors

The committees also identified significant financial assistance to Biden family members from Democratic donors. The committees argue the Biden family used Joe Biden’s “positions of public trust” to obtain the “over $8 million in loans” from those donors. 

For example, Just the News first uncovered in November 2023 that Hollywood entertainment lawyer and Democratic donor Kevin Morris provided Hunter Biden nearly $6 million in financial assistance at the height of his father’s 2020 presidential campaign. This came after the younger Biden’s foreign business deals began drying up amid his recovery from addiction and as scrutiny increased because of the campaign. 

Federal and congressional investigators identified promissory notes between Morris and Biden exceeding $5 million, many covering payments that Morris sent directly to vendors and debtors of Hunter Biden totaling at least $4.4 million, Just the News previously reported.

The assistance covered many aspects of Hunter Biden’s lifestyle, including five-figure monthly rents at California homes, child support payments, some travel, legal bills, and federal and local tax debts totaling over $2 million.

In his testimony before the Oversight Committee, presidential brother James Biden told investigators that he too received loans from Democratic donors. The first loan uncovered by the impeachment investigators was an $800,000 loan from Joey Langston, a friend of President Biden and donor to his campaigns. Langston was convicted and spent time in prison for attempting to illegally influence a judge for his client during the same time period he was loaning James Biden money.

The second loan, which the committee alleges was for $900,000, came from a wealthy Delaware car dealer, John Hynansky. James Biden confirmed that Joe Biden has met with the car dealer in the past, who also donated to Biden’s campaigns. FEC records show that Hynansky is a major donor to Democratic candidates and their PAC’s, having donated tens of thousands of dollars in only the last several years.

The Justice Department granted favorable treatment to Hunter Biden

The IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who worked together on the Hunter Biden investigation, approached Congress last year with complaints that the Justice Department was improperly giving Biden “preferential treatment” to avoid filing charges against him. In his first letter to Congress, Shapley also asserted that DOJ officials were limiting prosecutor David Weiss’ ability to pursue charges against the first son.

In a public hearing before the House Oversight Committee in July 2023, Shapley testified that Justice Department officials concealed evidence from the IRS investigative team, delayed key investigative steps for political reasons, and blocked them from pursuing any lines of investigation that involved Joe Biden. 

In one episode that illustrates the whistleblowers’ frustrations, Assistant U.S. Attorney Leslie Wolf—a deputy to Weiss—intervened to stop a search warrant at Joe Biden’s Delaware home over “optics” concerns despite admitting there would be evidence at that location, Shapley testified.

“AUSA Wolf also told investigators they should not ask about President Biden during witness interviews even when the business communications of his son clearly referenced him,” Shapley said in his opening statement.

In another instance, the IRS Whistleblowers said they were prevented from pursuing evidence that indicated additional crimes were committed by Hunter Biden. Federal prosecutors recently confirmed in a California tax case against Biden what Shapley has told Congress since last year, that they possessed evidence of potential Foreign Agents Registration Act violations, but that the IRS investigators were “precluded” from pursuing it further, Just the News reported. 

Steven Richards joined Just the News in August 2023 after previously working as a Research Analyst for the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) in Tallahassee, Florida.

John Solomon is an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News. 

Reprinted with Permission from Just the News – By John Solomon & Steven Richards

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Now that we have our noses rubbed into the facts again, what is the next step. Prison? I don’t think so. They still run, campaign and people are still taken in. Only if your name is Trump the arm of the law will extend and stretch beyond capacity and more, twist the facts if need be.

7 months ago

Let me see Democrat prosecutors can take what was a misdemeanor and out of statute of limitations, change it to a felony bypass the statute of limitations convict the presidential candidate of 34 counts and probably sends him to jail before the election. I call that blatant election interference. Democrats can do whatever they want to and not be charged with anything. We’re going to have to improve to be a third world Banana Republic. Democrats will burn this nation to the ground just to rule over the ashes. The Democrat Party is the epitome of evil

7 months ago

Confirming what we knew all along. However, we also know that nothing’s going to be done about it. Impeach? Not at this point. Prison? What for? He’s going to die soon. The best resolution is to vote Trump/Vance in November.

7 months ago

The Constitution needs to be upheld. He needs to be impeached now, not at some future time. Lawlessness is killing our Republic. If the crime has been proven, please! Put forth the punishment.

Bonnie Kemper
Bonnie Kemper
7 months ago

I don’t know if I’m happy or sad. Happy it’s finally public but sad that nothing will come from this. He is still sitting in the White House signing away American values, tax dollars, buying votes. He’ll be remembered by his supporters as Lunchbox Joe; Just a regular guy with a heart for the people. The rest of us will remember the truth about this phony old man

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier
7 months ago

Surprised? Of course not. He is a professional political criminal. We knew that. He is to be scorned to his dying day. That’s all we can do.

7 months ago

Yeah, so what? The deal the Dems struck with Biden to step down so Harris could be the new puppet in the Oval Office has to include the Dems in Congress refusing to go along with either impeachment or a referral to the DOJ / FBI on any and all criminal matters. So sure, we know there is ample evidence that Biden was part of the family’s business of and that he personally benefitted from millions upon millions taken in over the years. The fact is neither Congress nor the DOJ will hold anyone in the Biden family accountable. Democrats are above the law.

Robert Lansford
Robert Lansford
7 months ago

Forget about Joe Biden. Concentrate on getting Trump elected president. If only Donald Trump could stick to the talking points, Inflation, illegal immigration, and energy independence. Stop the rambling speeches about stolen elections and crowd size and above all stop bashing Republicans that hold office.

7 months ago

About time, right?? The Justice Department granted favorable treatment to Hunter Biden? All that money and no one knew about it?? I don’t believe a word of that. While they are checking illegal deals for money don’t forget bin-obama, hillary, all the fbi, and all the obama administration. Oh yea, better look under all the rocks in the democrat swamp too, OK?

7 months ago

At least it’s on record that he is guilty even if nothing is done about it. His health is imploding on him, so there will be that for him to deal with.

7 months ago

Well, DUH!!!! How much taxpayer money went into this probe that would eventually expose Biden for the corrupt scumsucker that he is, but NOTHING will be done to hold him accountable? Under a Comrade Kamala administration, Biden would be rewarded with a high cabinet position for his failures and corruption.

7 months ago

OK, here is part of the truth. That $27 million is a drop in the bucket if you could find all the off shore accounts. But, the major question remains: Where to next? Are the republicans going to actually do something? My guess is No. So we spent lots of time to show the truth and then ignore it.

Lyn Welch
Lyn Welch
7 months ago

I’m sad to say this, but that investigation was a waste of time. Joe Biden will NEVER be tried, convicted, or i.peached for his crimes, because he’s an elderly gentleman with a memory problem. PERIOD.

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
7 months ago

It is time, to begin prosecution of all those involved. whether or not they are Government officials.
No accountability means this type of corruption will continue and we will pay the price of criminal anarchy, just like we did when we watched America burn on TV.
Ask yourself, Is that what we want as Americans for our children?
If we do then we have no right to speak up in the future, for what purpose would we want to? We will have lost one of our most important core values.

Carrol Palmer
Carrol Palmer
7 months ago

The Democrats and their big money backers fought for 4 years to keep Trump in the news and believing that he was the only bad person in the world. All to give more time to Biden to keep up his life of crime. The only bad part of getting rid of him sooner is that Kamala Harris was the alternative. I am sure he and his partners in crime know that to be true. Now hopefully he will leave his job as President more scarred than they ever thought they could do to President Trump.

7 months ago

I’m in Full Agreement.
There is only one way out of this mess!!!!
TRUMP/VANCE 2024!!!!!

Harry L Guzaliak Jr
Harry L Guzaliak Jr
7 months ago

We knew all along. Now, Prosecute!

Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
7 months ago

As with most of the comments below, is anybody really surprised by this? Let’s sic the IRS ON THE FAMILY to verify accuracy, have the house/senate withhold his presidential salary for life and watch him ride off into the sunset a disgraced old man.

7 months ago

So the AUSA was concerned about ‘optics’ for Brandon? Call me crazy but there didn’t seem to be much concern by the DOJ for the optics of a KGB-style raid on DJT’s home. Until we start seeing people indicted & sentenced this crap will continue endlessly.

7 months ago


7 months ago

The republicans should do something about it instead of just talking about it.

7 months ago

The Dimms impeached Trump after he left office. We should return the favor.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
7 months ago

Impeachable offenses? Any time a taxpayer dollar is extorted or purloined, and then inexplicably finds its way into a politicians hands, a crime has occurred. The Biden family should face criminal charges after January 20th 2025. The chances of that occurring? You could fly to the Moon by flapping your arms really fast before that would happen.

7 months ago

If his last name was Trump there would be another criminal case filed on him and everyone in his family…………….but it isn’t and nothing will be done.

7 months ago

This is just common sense. It’s something that anyone with impartial views, or with a brain already knew. It is only being confirmed now that Biden is out of the race for POTUS. The liberals will eat their own once they are not of use to them. They are throwing Joe to the wolves, knowing that his dementia will save him from any prosecution, which they never would have had to worry about if they didn’t treat Trump the way that they have by using the law as a weapon. The dems have taken some shine off of the office of POTUS. Everyone knew that no one was perfect and that there were dirty deeds done by some Presidents but we never tarnished the office. Now, a POTUS in the US has lost a lot of his luster and the way that modern politicians speak will soon remove whatever shine is left. Nothing will happen to Joe Biden, he will be found “not fit” to be held accountable for anything. Perhaps, Hunter will finally see some jail/prison time, which he more than deserves. The real question is have the statutes of limitations run out on Hillary or are they just going to let her and Obama walk too? Lol, we know the answer to that question. Hopefully, enough voters have enough common sense and Obama won’t get his 4th. term in 2024.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
7 months ago

Yeah … So? This is merely evidence, or politicians, busy in committees, doing busy work, and essentially not doing anything at all. Biden will never be impeached, never spend a dime out of his pocket to reimburse taxpayers for his and his family thefts. On some obscure record, on a page in some obscure file, will state … Bad Biden … and that folks is one part of why this country is in 34 trillion dollars in debt. We are paying these politicians, to bicker, and do virtually nothing. When they could be using their time and efforts on actually solving a problem. Same S**T, Different Day!

Karl Dougherty
Karl Dougherty
7 months ago

Can anyone say Treason! And should be held accountable for selling out America and the American people! Long over due for accountability in Washington!

7 months ago

When you steal you should steal big. Because nothing happens to you. Ole Joe will beat this rap because MSM will start propaganda that it is all Trump’s fault. Ole Joe has been at it for the past 50 years. If he wasn’t buying votes he was taking bribes and if it wasn’t bribes he and Hunter made business deals in the Ukraine Russia and China. Romania is mentioned and Khazikstan. Who knows how many more countries and billionaires bribed him. We are talking millions of dollars. What did ole Joe say when they asked him about all the bribes “where is the money”. “They won’t be able to find it”. Well now that ole Joe is toast, together with the whistleblowers the truth is coming out. The congressional committee has enough evidence to impeach him. Only we need to hold the RINOS accountable and vote with the reps. The dems impeached Trump twice on much less. Phony charges they created. We shouldn’t care if ole Joe has been ousted via a “coup”. He holds Trump responsible for everything ole Joe has done. For the 20 million invaders he has allowed into this country alone he should be impeached. The support for the Ukraine at the detriment of the citizens is another. The BLM and Antifa burning down of our cities and now the Hamas demonstrations is another impeachable offense. They are trying to portray him as a lovable grandpa, only he has no heart for America and its citizens because we won’t obey him. Not as long as we still have a mind. The constitution gives the right to express our opinion and nobody but nobody has the right to silence us. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE in 2024. If you love America and cherish the freedoms given to every citizen under the constitution.

Richard hollingshead
Richard hollingshead
7 months ago

i am waiting for CNN and MSNBC to report on this, yea sure.

7 months ago

We already knew all of this. Now they need to get busy and do something so that this comes out on all news outlets, even the crazy MSM, and then impeach him. This taking forever nonsense has to stop, as the Dems are well on their way to destroying the country.

7 months ago

Too bad it is meaningless. Really a sad testament to America.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
7 months ago

It’s a little bit late to be thinking about impeachment. Don’t you think?

Neil Gipson
Neil Gipson
7 months ago

Who cares, too little too late!

7 months ago

Everybody already knew a long time about all of this, but Democrats don’t care about doing the right think for AMERICA! Only themselves. Don’t forget about the Huge Car dealership in Delaware owned by John Hynansky. At least 60 years of CRIMINAL, FAMILY, activity.
This is TREASON to the COUNTRY.

7 months ago

Just in time to do NOTHING! Biden is no longer running for reelection. Nothing to tie Kama-la Harris to the grifting; other than Harris seeing what can be undburdened by winning the Oval Office; or has Mr. Emhoff been selling ‘access’ already!
But can the entire Biden crime cabal be charged with teason once we get a legitimate DOJ? Highly unlikely Trump will turn the DOJ loose on Joe himself but the rest of the family might be in legal jeopardy. I predict a total pardon for the Biden’s once Joe steps down as POTUS and Harris issues a blanket pardon if that is even legal!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Can we prosecute

Michael Dosie
Michael Dosie
7 months ago

So, big deal. What is going to become of it? Even if congress would be controlled by the Republicans in the House AND Senate, nothing would become of it. What is going to become of all the investigations into the coverups by the FBI and Secret Service, with the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life? Nothing, absolutely nothing. What became of all those congressional hearing on Fauci and in his coverup? Nothing, absolutely nothing. It is all a big waste of time. Symbolism over substance.

7 months ago

Not only should Biden be prosecuted for flat out treason but his “mentor” and previous “president” must be as well. Both have deliberately violated the security of this nation with their despicable erasure of the border, degrading our police and sheriff’s, allowing known enemies and terrorists to waltz across our non-existent border, playing footsie with enemies. Don’t forget O’vomit sending $6 Billion, in cash,, to Iran a terrorist country! Add Joe sending another exact amount to another enemy of this country. Both have profited enormously from occupying our White House. Does anyone really believe Biden has been running the White House? Obama has been photographed numerous times “visiting” Biden,
O’vomit vowed to “fundamentally change America” and the sheep applauded…anyone who bothered to read his first two books should have a clue to his anti-American agenda…now no doubt funded by George Soros one of the most despicable “human” beings in the world. If cackling Kamala now pretending to be a “good ole girl” attains the House prepare for a very difficult time ahead. Trump must not lose.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
7 months ago

This whole thing is remenicent of the old saying “If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears or sees it did it realy fall?”
Another way to look at it, in Hillary Clinton’s words, “What difference does it make at this point???” A lot of talk, a lot of money spent, a lot of paper wasted on reports that will simply be put on the shelf and nothing will ever come of it.

7 months ago

Guilty of Treason!

7 months ago

i am tired of hearing all the crap that Biden supposely did, if he did it, then PROVE IT AND IMPEACH HIM. americans are tired of the stupid word games. congress was sent to do a job, so do it, quit acting like a bunch of old women gossiping back on the street.

7 months ago

I usually like John Solomon’s articles, but his fifth para doesn’t make sense. His wrongdoing was not as head of the Democrat party, but rather his roles as VP, past VP, candidate for president and then as President. His handing over the reins of the Democrat party does not have a bearing on the need for justice for his crimes.

7 months ago

The Bidens’ have to be either the USA’s No.! current crime family or a classic parody of the Godfather. No wonder the younger generation is cynical about our country

7 months ago

biden has broken many rules but what good is saying it, nothing happens to the idiot

7 months ago

It’s a good thing he’s a Democrat. If he were a Republican they would have already raided his home, siezed his assets, and splashed it all over the morning news the second the results were in. Nothing to see here folks, oh look! Covid!

7 months ago

Yep, looks like the Bidens are as crooked as a barrel of snakes.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
7 months ago

We can’t just push for Trump/Vance. we need to clean all the dumbacraps out. Control both the House and Senate . Then maybe we can get good things done. USA all the way.

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
7 months ago

Great! We can expect nothing less from demoncratic administration. Where is the impeachment??!!!

Stephen V.
Stephen V.
7 months ago

I’m shocked!
I’ll be even more shocked if he’s actually impeached.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

And? What? Let me predict…. NOTHING. If it’s not a Republican doihg it, NOTHING. The press won’t say NOTHING. Democrats will say NOTHING. Just bend over… this is our government!

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