AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Throughout Joe Biden’s presidency, his greatest insurance policy has been his choice of Kamala Harris as his vice president. Given Kamala’s proneness to embarrassing gaffes, her abysmal public speaking abilities, and her infamous witch-like cackle, she has been rightly considered a much greater political liability than Joe Biden, who, despite his own numerous gaffes, is generally perceived as more likable.
But with some of his own recent blunders, Biden has blown this insurance policy and achieved the previously unthinkable: surpassing Kamala in the cringe quotient and endangering his future as the Democrat Party’s standard-bearer.
To most voters, Kamala’s head-scratching behavior on the campaign trail is far from a secret. Since she was sworn in as vice president nearly three years ago, she has had no shortage of cringeworthy moments and uncomfortable episodes.
In one such moment last year, Kamala spent several moments gushing about her supposed love for Venn diagrams. “I love Venn diagrams,” she said in a set of October remarks before belting out one of her signature cackles. “I really do. I love Venn diagrams. There’s just something about those three circles and the analysis about where there is the intersection. Right?”
Like her over-the-top praise of Venn diagrams, Kamala has also spoken in an unnecessarily elevated tone about her admiration of school buses. “So, here’s the thing. Who doesn’t love a yellow school bus? Right? Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Right? Just—there’s something about—and some of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right?” she said. This moment recalls her singing the children’s song “Wheels on the Bus” during her failed presidential campaign in 2020.
And earlier this year, Kamala again raised eyebrows when she insisted at an event in Baltimore that “more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water” when the U.S. strives to “reduce population”—likely mistakenly reading “population” instead of “pollution.”
Of course, this is just the beginning of Harris’s streak of gaffes. As a result, up until recently, Biden was able to rest assured that Kamala’s often humiliating public persona would be enough to guarantee that he would remain at the top of the ticket in 2024, given that his natural successor would be Harris. It was also helpful to Biden that Harris is even more unpopular than he is.
But now, that logic is being increasingly called into question. Over the past several weeks alone, Biden has accelerated his record of gaffes and cringeworthy campaign moments to unimaginable new heights.
On the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, for instance, Biden falsely claimed that he was “standing” at “Ground Zero in New York” the “next day,” “looking through the gates of hell”—even though he was in Washington, D.C. for a Senate session. To make matters worse, he spent this year’s anniversary at an Alaska air base—making Biden the first president since the attacks not to visit an attack site on the anniversary.
Moreover, at a press conference in Vietnam earlier this month, Biden embarrassingly fielded several scripted questions and later abruptly stated, “I tell you what, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed”—at which point his press secretary ended the press conference and Biden shuffled off the stage, inaudibly continuing to answer questions from the press pool. Biden also bizarrely made a joking reference to “Good Morning Vietnam,” a film about the horrors of the Vietnam War (incorrectly referring to it as a song instead of a movie, no less).
Among Biden’s other gaffes include the time he repeated aloud instructions loaded into his teleprompter. “It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so—end of quote. Repeat the line,” Biden said in a July 2022 speech, clearly not recognizing the instructions were simply meant to serve as unread cues. Many—including Elon Musk—were quick to compare the Biden gaffe to a scene in the classic 2004 comedy Anchorman, in which the film’s protagonist reads an obvious error that was loaded into a teleprompter.
In addition to his outright lies about his visit to Ground Zero the day of the September 11 attacks, Biden has also falsely claimed he watched a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh last year, and that his grandfather passed away “two weeks before” he was born, even though he died more than a year before Biden’s birth. Biden has also repeatedly claimed that he “got arrested” protesting for civil rights. “I did not walk in the shoes of generations of students who walked these grounds,” Biden said in an early 2022 speech in Atlanta. “But I walked other grounds. Because I’m so damn old, I was there as well. You think I’m kidding, man. It seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested. Anyway.”
Not only are these claims obviously false, but they have also been discredited by the same mainstream media operatives who generally rush to Biden’s defense. At a White House press conference in mid-September, a reporter asked, “What is going on with the president? Is he just believing things that didn’t happen did happen? Or is he just randomly making stuff up?”
Whether Joe Biden is a serial liar, mentally impaired, or both, the media’s growing realization that Biden is a walking gaffe machine even more egregious than Kamala does not bode well for his political future—particularly as the Democrat Party continues to actively seek alternatives to Biden in 2024.
Regardless of whose name ultimately makes it onto the 2024 ballot, however, one thing remains certain: the reality that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris currently hold the two highest offices in the land is deeply disconcerting.
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.
Blundering Biden, a liability? . . . If the WORST PRESIDENT EVER is a liability shows you the Communist wannabe Democrats aren’t even concerned. Why? Because they know that they will STEAL the NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TOO and GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN!
The schmoe and the hoe…the bottom of the barrel, personified.
Can’t blame it all on Old Joe, The Republican Party have been sitting on their hands as he destroys America. INVASION on our border ( Impeach ) our so called Commander in Chief who is supposed to Protect Us !!!
We were told that Biden was a liar and a tyrant when he was running from his basement and 80 million ignored. Once again we are being warned…so now what…?
Biden was chosen because he has no integrity. Hes a grifter who chose politics as his specialty. Harris was chosen because shes an imbecile who talks like she’s stoned. She would’ve been great with cheech and chong. Neither one have any principles that guide them other than stepping on people’s heads to move up.
Dictator Beijing biden and Communist harris are the two most corrupt and DUH administration in history.
Both of them combined couldn’t even form one brain cell.
Watch out..Michelle Obama may be running…DIABOLICAL!
One wonders how they ended up in the white house then the reality of it comes in….it’s called FRAUD…FIXED…whatever you want to call it except ‘legally elected’.
You are right Rik! NOTHING has been done to stop the stealing of the election. Republicans that I know of have done no planning on how to stop it.
Ole Joe not only makes mistakes he lies too boot. Nothing is ever his fault. He spends and spends and blames de reps if they don’t okay his budget. Why should anyone go along with his spending more money on the Ukraine than helping Americans from living in the streets. When he spends more on the people that are coming into this country every day illegally than the starving Americans. And blames his open border policy on the GOP. Or should I say Magas. We are his number one enemy which shows in everything he does. Doesn’t care about the disasters occurring in America but spends millions on the Ukraine which is a war he could have prevented but chose to go with the weapon manufacturers. The blood of all the people that have been killed in that war is on ole Joe. Nobody else. He goes to Ukraine but can’t be bothered to go to a 9/11 site or Ohio’s chemical spill disaster. Went to Maui when people brought pressure to bear for him to go. And he laughed and slept through the visit. Hell no Joe, You gotta go.
The LEFT, led by Bill Gates and George Soros, do want to “reduce the population.” People are “pollution” to their fantasy world of nature! Why else rampant abortion, castrating children who are aborted, no control over fentanyl and other killer drugs? The population needs to be cut by a couple of billion. Keep forcing them to take “vaccinations” which give them heart attacks, as well!
I fear we will soon find out which is worse……………..
I wish we could vote no confidence and replace them both immediately! How much more damage will they do while we wait for them to finish their term? What do we have to do to stop their madness?
obiden? WTF can any sensible person say? The whole Democratic Party is a joke. I’m embarrassed to be called an American only because the rest of our sane planet thinks we’re all democrats. obiden,and Harris must go and if they steal the election then it truly is time to take the streets in a civil war. My opinion but hell I could run 50 ft and then use my rescue inhaler. I’m afraid Americas future is bleak and our generation will watch our grand and great grandchildren suffer.
Are Joe Biden & Kamala Harris both unqualified to hold the 2 highest offices in the USA? Of course but it doesn’t matter to the country if other Dems were to take their places and continue the same poisonous policies we have now. As long as the Dems can rig elections and allow same day registration on election day like they are doing in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arizona and now Pennsylvania with no signature verification, it doesn’t matter. The fact that the majority of the country aren’t buying into their idiotic energy policies which have hurt most Americans and our economy in the form of inflation taxes and their adherence to the destructive environmental regulations that have killed good paying jobs, Americans are suffering. ANy other Dem who takes Biden’s place and adheres to these same policies will have the same result without the gaffes we see from a President suffering from dementia.
Biden is too going to join the Auto Worker’s picket Line today. He’ll probably tell the story of when he worked on the assembly line in an auto factory.
Biden is the worst president this country has ever had he is setting up an office of gun control to set up red flag laws and confiscate firearms. history repeats it self. the first conflict of the revolutionary war was fought at Lexington and concord Mass .The British were going to collect guns. in 1933 when Hitler came to power in Germany he enacted gun control among the civilian population
Joe Biden would seem to be the WORST president in history. The real problem is the people behind the curtain destroying this country! You can bet that Obama has a part in policies that are just plain counter to common sense. Biden is just the fool out front! SICK SICK SICK!!!
We are witnessing a real time sequel to the movie Dumb & Dumber with the Biden and Harris duet. Harris can’t figure out how to do anything she is assigned to do and we wish that Biden would just stop doing anything at all.
we did it joe we did it, we have become the two most hated politicians in america.
you dumos voted for him and now you bring good common sense people down with you. thanks – well no more! Trump will be taking over in 2024 thank you.
I belive blundering Biden is so out of it he doesn’t know if he is coming or going his age has taken a toll on him my mother is the same age and can’t take care of her self as well , I have to do everything for her. He shouldn’t even be in the running period , as for Harris with all do respect she acts like a child with no commen since and shouldn’t be in office period. I never thought I would see the day America would stoop this low with the mentality of these two in office this also includes Obama its like haven grade school kids running this country and doesn’t know wich way is up. What a embarrassment to the greatest country in the world , between this administration and Obamas administration you can’t compare because the country is being ran by him.
What was the last democratic president that did anything good in office?
A) Biden
B) Obama
C) Clinton
D) Carter
E) Before that (none of the 4 above did a single thing good during their entire terms)
a combination of Elder Abuse and Intellectual Irrelevance
What gets me is for fifty years this s-head constantly put his racist, rich, country club white elitist foot in his mouth and NOW they just noticed it? Youtube is full of Biden “gaffs”! Or is it too much trouble for them to watch? More like they didn’t care; few voted “for Biden” but more for “not Trump”. If Hitler came to life and ran against Trump, they’d vote for Hitler (D).
At first folks were laughing with him, now the whole world is laughing at him. Unfortunately the whole world is laughing at the U.S. in general. We the people deserve more. The socialist democrats are a disgrace and don’t seem to care. We the people DO care. The socialist democratic party will have to re-brand after 2024.
The moronic leftists voted this retard into office and now they are surprised he is a retard? does the left ever thing past yesterday?Voting for biden/harris was a stupid as not recognizing covid was a planned event and the mRNA shots were bad news.
If you did not understand the mRNA shots were bad in the first month ok but when the fda tells you they want 75 years to release the test data you shoudl be throwing so many red flags you can’t walk through them. Yet long after that we had the leftists screaming for vax passports and kicking people off transplant lists. We had pro vax nut jobs saying people that were not vaxxed should be put in concentration camps.
Leftist just plain do not think very well ever.
Still don believe me? ok example how voter ID is racist and how black people can not get voter id because it is just too hard for them. that has to be the most racist thing people have said recently and every leftist says it and honestly believes it is true.
Leftist just plain do not think very well ever.
Biden could not operate a shoeshine stand.
Obama made over 200 gaffes but it did not seem to hurt him politically.
I bet grusome newsom for president and big mike for vp. Your thoughts?
The more important point is not which of two incompetent people is worse. The point is can either do a good job as President? The answer is NO.
I want him to run again–the Republicans could win a race against him with a 3 legged Shetland pony….
Disconserting? I wish people would actually say what their thinking and quit trying to sugar coat the message. It’s down right horrendous that these two idiots are in the White House.
This what happens when ding dongs plan a heist and forgets what ????☠️they planned duh ????????
China is running our White House from the two bumbling idiots straight down the line
I am eighty years old. If I listened to the media, I would be scared of me.
Both are out in left-field and will only hold their office as long as they continue to meet the demands dictated from the Swamp and power hungry elitist.
“Men are so simple of mind, and so much dominated by their immediate needs, that a deceitful man will always find plenty who are ready to be deceived.”
– Niccolò Machiavelli
MAGAs are low information Cult zombies. Suckers of Fox propaganda.
Biden lets millions upon millions of freeloading illegals into this country and provides them with a place to live and sustanence. Yet a family from Germany that was granted asylum to this country years ago who provide their own way and even home school, definitely not a burden to this economy, he and his despicable AG are threatening to deport. Where is the logic? Oh, I get it, they probably found out the family supports the Republican agenda.
If it was so alarming Biden and Harris could tour the comedy clubs as a double act, or reenact Stooges scenes.
He should not even run
The Democratic Party should wake up and nominate Robert Kennedy Junior…oops, that wouldn’t work, he’s too real American for that woke mob…
Biden is the worst president ever right along side Obama because Obama is the one guiding Biden. AND NOW, Obama’s wife Michelle is being considered for 2024. Has this country lost all of its integrity?? We are a nation being laughed at across the world because of Obama and Biden, two of the most corrupt families ever to hold office. Whether a Democrat or Republican take a look at what’s happen. The Obamas left office richer many times over and we all know about the evil CORRUPT Biden family. And both left this country in a terrible mess. Democrats had someone run which they supported for office that they knew repeatedly lied and sat in their chambers for years, not doing anything but collecting money. And now another Obama??? SERIOUSLY? What the hell are we doing to our nation??
All the left did was gripe about “old white men/patriarchy”, then voted in, what they were mad about. They were duly warned. Guess you can’t fix stupid.
I refer to Harris as Kackles Harris. “If you think about a yellow school (everyone love the yellow school bus) and think about the passage of time. Time passes, yellow school buses pass and that significant. It makes you wonder why yellow school buses don’t have sleeves. They don’t have sleeves and that is significant when you think about it”.
On Newsmax tonight they pointed out the deadline for the Nevada primary is only a month or so away. THAT is how much time the Demonrats have to dump Biden and let new people in, besides RFK Jr. whom they are determined to destroy.
Watch it Fred, your IGNORANCE is showing!
Noooooooo…. Harris is an outspoken advocate of equality…..