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Biden’s Politicization Of The Department of Justice

Posted on Wednesday, June 9, 2021
by AMAC, Parker Bono

Despite only being president for less than five months, Joe Biden is already making major moves to politicize the U.S. Department of Justice. 

To start, just days into his presidency, Biden asked over 50 Trump-appointed U.S. attorneys to resign. Each of these attorneys had been previously approved by the Senate, oftentimes by bipartisan margins. Biden’s assumption that attorneys that were approved by the Senate should not be allowed to serve solely because they were appointed by Trump is dangerous and seeks to erode the independent status that U.S. attorneys should have.

In another early move as president, Biden signed an executive order that restarted the policy of third-party settlements at the Department of Justice. The policy allows the federal government to force those they settle litigation with to pay authorized outside organizations instead of the U.S. Treasury. The policy began under Obama but was ended back in 2017 by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The dangerous policy of third-party settlements at the Department of Justice has previously allowed for billions of dollars that should have been directed to the U.S. Treasury to instead be funneled to shadowy left-wing activist groups. This, however, does not bother Biden or the Democrats as they are direct beneficiaries of the policy.

Biden is also exploiting the Department of Justice to enact radical gun-control measures. At the directive of Biden, the Department of Justice recently proposed a new rule that would label “weapons parts kits” as “firearms.” This rule would subsequently require all Americans that wish to purchase part kits for their weapons to pass a National Instant Criminal Background Check System check. It would also mandate many parts of the weapons kits to possess traceable serial numbers. According to a statement from the National Rifle Association (NRA), the proposed rule could “destroy the American firearms industry.”

Perhaps most disturbingly, Biden’s Department of Justice utilizes its resources to wrongfully target former President Trump’s political allies. In April, the FBI conducted warranted raids at the houses of Rudy Giuliani and Victoria Toensing. Both Giuliani and Toensing are highly regarded lawyers that were instrumental in investigating the Biden family’s potentially illegal dealings in Ukraine. There is currently no evidence to suggest that either Giuliani or Toensing committed any crime. Despite this, the FBI seized multiple communications devices from the two individuals during their raids.

These aggressive tactics from the Department of Justice against key conservatives differ dramatically from their treatment of key liberals. For example, the FBI never raided Hunter Biden’s house, despite a magnitude of evidence suggesting that he is guilty of an array of crimes. The FBI never obtained warrants to search Hillary Clinton’s estate either, regardless of the fact that her private email server illegally contained a multitude of classified information. In fact, declassified emails show that the leaders at the FBI hindered efforts to perform surveillance on the Clinton campaign back in 2016, further sheltering the prominent Democrat from potential scrutiny or legal issues.

Biden’s substantial efforts to politicize the Department of Justice mimic efforts made by former President Obama.

Between 2009-2011, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) allowed almost 2,000 firearms to be illegally bought and sold for upwards of $1.5 million. The ATF was supposed to go after the purchasers and sellers of the illegal firearms but instead lost track of them. The botched program was referred to as “Operation Fast and Furious.” Many of the weapons that were sold during the operation were later discovered in cities across America and Mexico. In 2010, one of the guns was even used to murder Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona. Following these major revelations, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee began to investigate Operation Fast and Furious. However, former Attorney General Eric Holder did not comply with many aspects of the investigation and withheld key evidence from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. As a result, Holder was cited for Contempt of Congress. Instead of respecting this citation, Obama protected Holder by claiming executive privilege over the documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious, effectively hiding the documents from Congress and thwarting the completion of Congress’s investigation into the matter.

During investigations into potential corruption at the Clinton Foundation, Obama’s Justice Department denied the FBI access to critical emails and materials that highlighted widespread corruption. Obama’s Justice Department also protected Democrat allies by denying the FBI access to the physical devices and servers that the Democratic National Committee alleged were hacked back in 2016. Why did Obama’s Justice Department deny the FBI access to these Democrat organizations and allies if there is nothing to hide?

Obama allowed his Department of Justice to be blatantly politicized when former President Clinton secretly met with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac of the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in June of 2016. At the time of the meeting, Lynch was overseeing the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s improper handling of highly classified information. The meeting lasted approximately 30 minutes. Following the meeting, former FBI director James Comey testified to the Senate Intelligence Community that Lynch asked him to publicly refer to the Clinton email investigation as a “matter” instead of an “investigation” in an overt attempt to minimize its severity in the eyes of the public.

Lastly, like Biden, Obama weaponized his Department of Justice to inappropriately target Donald Trump, his campaign, and his associates. In 2016, Obama’s Department of Justice obtained multiple FISA warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign and its associates. However, unbeknownst to the FISA judges that granted the warrants, the basis for which these warrants were granted was Democrat-funded opposition research. In April of 2016, research firm Fusion GPS began working to produce a dossier that contained a plethora of baseless allegations that Trump and his campaign were in cahoots with the Russian government throughout the 2016 presidential election cycle. The debunked dossier is now known as the “Steele dossier.” As records prove, the dossier was funded by both Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee, with the two organizations providing up to $9.2 million to Fusion GPS in exchange for the production of the dossier. Obama’s Justice Department knew this, and they intentionally hid this critical information from the FISA court on at least four occasions in an orchestrated effort to conceal Democrat ties to the debunked dossier.

In June of 2017, former FBI Director James Comey admitted to the Senate Intelligence Committee that the dossier was “salacious and unverified.” This means that the basis for which the FBI obtained warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign and its associates was illegitimate, as were any subsequent investigations that were sparked by the illegitimately obtained FISA warrants. It should also be noted that the FISA court was established to subvert foreign terrorists, not for domestic spying operations. The fact that Obama’s Department of Justice abused America’s judicial system and withheld critical information from the FISA court with the sole intent of suppressing Democrat connections to the dossier so Obama’s officials could spy on Obama’s political enemies is abhorrent.

Biden is essentially serving Obama’s de facto third term, with half of Biden’s cabinet appointees previously serving under Obama. Obama is well aware of this fact and even went as far as publicly admitting it in a recent interview with The New York Times. To quote Obama: “I think that what we’re seeing now is Joe and the administration are essentially finishing the job…Ninety percent of the folks who were there in my administration, they are continuing and building on the policies we talked about.”

Since the integrity of the Department of Justice barely survived eight years of Obama, it is highly unlikely it will be able to survive another four years of Obama’s repugnant policies under the guise of Biden.

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Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
3 years ago

Oh how true. That is why, we the people, need to make sure those we elect in 2022 are true patriots of our country and not fools who will use their positions for the betterment of self. Vet vet vet those candidates running!!!

3 years ago

Nothing new here, just more incidents showing how the Dept of Justice and its subsidiaries continue to be groomed to become the next KGB organization against the people. The reigning political party always seem to have the upper hand to thwart FBI investigations against them.

3 years ago

Consider CA 19280 Enactment as your CA Atty Gen run basis.

If CA 19280 is CA LAW, how is it enforced?  
Why isn’t 19280 taught K – 12 grade?  

Ask former CA Atty Gen, VP Kamala Harris; Adam Schiff, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, 
CA Senator Dianne Feinstein (Who told me she WORKED ON 19280,) . 

What if it were?  

Does prison work?  What if CFTB helped criminals become employed, law – abiding, tax paying citizens?  
Criminals wages garnished to pay back their 19280 Enacted / Enforced 19280 victims.  
Criminal – owned property CFTB liened, confiscated, sold to GUESS WHAT:

Don’t forget CA Penal Code 1203(e) 10% annual compounded interest!

CFTB financial burden on doing all this collection, tracking, etc  BILLED TO CRIMINAL, not a taxpayer burden, nor the victim.

Were 19280 K – 12 grade taught, parents 19280 FINANCIAL liability aware:  
     WHY would PARENTS allow JUVENILES to become criminals, or gang members?  

19280 criminal tracking, wage garnishment (Employment assistance,) property confiscation, CFTB financial burden ADDED ONTO THAT OWED BY CRIMINAL;  


There’s a couple of other 19280 related CA Penal Codes that interact:
Delinquent criminal restitution is grounds for parole denial;
CA Court conviction for multiple heinous crimes is grounds for PERMANENT parole denial;
Exiting CA while on parole is a felony.

If CA 19280 is CA LAW, how is it enforced?  
Ventura School of Law had to have 19280 explained.  
19280 not on the CA State Bar Exam?  

Is ANY CA Licensed Attorney fit for duty?  
What about CA Judges, District Attorneys, staff …

CA weather, beach, sun …
Make CA Great!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Senile Joe’s handlers are just like the leaders of the Brown Shirts of Germany and Black Shirts of Italy in the 1930’s. Their aim is to intimidate into silence all opposition to their totalitarian goals.
We must RESIST as much as possible!

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

Let’s face it Obama did it and that’s where many deep swamp judges will start taking over and doing the hard work of dismantling our constitutional guarantee’s. The Supreme court has four solid swamp judges now embodied by Roberts who has made the last few decisions giving Democrats

3 years ago

The Resident in the White House, aka JoeBama, is a puppet for the CCP and domestic terrorists. The demon rats need to be defeated and destroyed.

3 years ago

This is nothing more than obamas third destructive term period everyone that was in obama’s administration has been moved to obidens resulting in a complete anti America agenda! obama is the worst president in our lifetime he lied cheated and stole from We the People sadly mitchell is even worse if that’s possible…..

3 years ago

Sow the seeds of corruption, reap despotism. Liberty and freedom become an ancient memory. BIDEN IS NOT MY PRESIDENT! He stole the election of 2020. Let’s not forget that.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

When you can’t trust your own government including FBI, ATF, IRS, and the Justice dept. you have the makings of a civil war coming. Read these forums from different sites, and you will see a lot of comments where people will not answer a knock at their door from any of these departments without being prepared to die at the encounter. The REAL majority in this country will not let this country turn into a socialist country without a fight to the death. And politicizing the so called law enforcement in this country by the Democrats to go after anyone that doesn’t agree with them is Socialism!!!

Pissed Off Vet
Pissed Off Vet
3 years ago

Having put the uniform on and fought for this country I got news for Biden and all his thugs there’s more of us than them and if they’re willing to die we’re willing to help him. It looks like Civil War is coming, NO bloodshed is coming STARTING WITH THE COMMUNISTS IN THE COUNTRY.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Biden has turned into a tyrant bullying dictator!! He has turned traitor!! Firing squad!!

3 years ago

Biteme, a walking, talking, brain dead POS. should be in a nut house.

Irv C
Irv C
3 years ago

If AMERICANS don’t stand up to these democrat nut jobs we will lose America to a Fascist regime with no rights.

3 years ago

Patriots, We must band together to oppose this tyranny . Get organized ! We need mass marches and protests. We lose Democracy now we will lose forever.

3 years ago

Biden, does not do any thing on his own except make a mess of a speech. He belongs in an old folks home. There are some in the background pulling the strings for which he somewhat follows when he is thinking. I wouldn’t trust Biden to operate a ‘Bubble Gum Machine’ alone. and get it right. Anything the media says Biden did, is a lie.

Fredrick Cole
Fredrick Cole
3 years ago

This would mean the END of Civil rights, and put the U.S. on a path to Communism !

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

Believe me, neither of them are anywhere near the top of the food chain when it comes to the shadows who put them where they are. When they are finished with them they will take care of getting them out of America’s hair and that of the rest of the world.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Dems laid the seeds years ago & ramped during Trump admin

3 years ago

The “usefull idiots” continue to strike.

3 years ago

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. THE LIEING, CORRUPT MAIN STREAM MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA GIANTS – FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND GOOGLE – ARE THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM THAT NEEDS TO BE PULLED OUT. I’m tired of hearing conservative commentators and politician saying “The American people are too smart.” If they where smart they would see through the nonsense the MSM propagates, they only see all the “free stuff” the communist democrats throw at them, some day the money will run out, and then it will be too late. Also, I’m tired of hearing conservatives commenting the Joe Biden is really a nice guy., he, and his family put the mafia to shame!

3 years ago

Adelle, I also believe it’s the people who vote for Obama put him in office as don’t forget, he serve two terms, the first is from 2009 to 2012 and then from 2013 to 2016 so these stupid people voted for him twice.

3 years ago

I have a question here that if Joe Biden signs all the Executive Orders on his own, isn’t Congress supposed to approve the E.O. or if they did, does that means that most Democrats voted for it?

3 years ago

Plain and simple this anti American scumball joeblama needs to be removed from office with his communist cohort harris and EVERY useless corrupt democrat or rino who is violating their oath and not representing We the People.
These liars,crooks and thieves MUST go in 2022!!!
Wake up America there stealing your history, Constitution and God given rights!!
We need them all out!

3 years ago

If we are ever lucky enough to get a Republican back in the White house, the first thing that needs to be done is fire everyone in the FBI, CIA, and replace them with Vets who love our country. Then the DOJ needs to be wiped clean and started over with non- partisan people who can be objective. Then they need to go after the media and start fining them every time they blatantly lie to the public. Social media needs to be made responsible for their actions as well. Then Critical Race Theory and all the Marxist teaching need to be purged from our schools. It has created way too many liberal idiots who hate our country. 1776 commission should be reinstated.

3 years ago

Hidin’ Joe Biden will be maneuverd by his handlers to do all things possible to maintain and increase the power hold of the Democrat Party (smells and feels like disguised Communistic goals). Let’s face it … Joe Biden is a puppet with strings to Socialist/Communist goals and policies because that is the most effective and way to fool many people in to not realizing they are being manipulated to be tricked in to not realizing they are not being ruled, not governed. To the DemocRats its all about maintaining the power tp RULE rather than GOVERN within the constraints of a Constitutional Democracy.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

While it is definitely wrong to do so, to the left (and that includes every Democrat these days) every single thing is political. The lust they have for complete and permanent domination over us all has made them the anti-American Party. It will get worse until the people wake up, decide they do not wish to sacrifice our liberty to dishonorable politicians, and throw them out. If that does not happen, we are seeing the destruction of our nation. And it’s all for political power for a few.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Gee whiz! Why doesn’t our Special Needs President just issue an Executive Order reorganizing all the politicized government agencies (FBI, Justice Department, et al.) into a new unified umbrella organization labeled the Demshevik Gestapo! Doing so would probably be the only thing this Snowflake on a Desert would do that would increase government “efficiency” toward totalitarian control of America and all Americans.

3 years ago

The “voted” for the Communist Obama because the CORRUPT MEDIA refused to honestly vet him. It was there, you only had to read his OWN words, and look into the Rev. Wrights “church” teaching hate for America and Black Liberation Theology. Amongst other, more incriminating info, similar to the Clinton body count!

Larry Mace
Larry Mace
3 years ago

Bill Clinton fired ALL US Attorneys when he was inaugurated, and George W. Bush was criticized and endured a Democrap Senate investigation when he acted similarly. It is common for a new President to replace US Attorneys who have been appointed by a predecessor of the opposite party. Biden is undoubtedly the WORST President in history (a major achievement, when one considers how Barrack Obama jobbed us over eight years), but this action is nowhere near the worst thing he has yet done, or will do..

3 years ago

If there was a real department of Justice, Counterfeit Joe would not be in the White House!!

Marilynn Cholowsky
Marilynn Cholowsky
3 years ago

Joe Biden is definitely working overtime to destroy our country as are the Democrats – Clinton gets in with no problems but they have been working overtime to destroy Trump- What happened to Congress and the laws of the Constitution – seems it doesn’t matter to the Democrats.
The Department of Justice has become a big worthless farce.

3 years ago


Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Another factually written homerun article by AMAC’s Parker Bono…We are now experiencing Obama’s 3rd term on steroids…Obama is/was the most unfit, i.e. CORRUPT person as a US president in US history, period…
The weaponization of the DOJ & for all intense & purposes all ( 3 ) branches of US gov’t rest squarely on Barack Hussein Obama’s shoulders…The current ” Imbecile in Chief ” is using the same Obama cohorts to finally finish us off…
Once again the exact same tactics are playing out. The Democrats are now weaponizing the NY attorneys & the FBI under Wray to go after Trump & Giuliani yet again in hopes of finding anything that sticks before the AZ audits are complete. Same exact game here, NO crime has been committed until they can find something, anything out of desperation…We as a nation endured ( 8 ) long years of the CIA’s John Brennan & the FBI’s James Comey spying on civilians under Hussein’s direct orders. We as a nation just endured ( 4 ) years of non-stop relentless attacks on our duly elected president, Donald J. Trump & his family whilst as VP & thereafter Joe Biden was on the payroll of Russia, Ukraine & the CCP of China…The illicit monies coming in for Biden continues, it NEVER stopped…The FOX has been let into the henhouse & look at the destruction in just over ( 4 ) months time ( 1 ) mostly senile old man, i.e. gangster has wreaked upon this nation…
On a more positive note, currently there is a groundswell of things happening around the nation in addition to the current Maricopa County audit in AZ with numerous other states now getting on board for audits. Every state in the Union experienced unexplained irregularities in there elections so this isn’t over by a long shot…100’s of military people are now reporting on the WOKE narrative training be forced upon them. Parents all around the country are confronting their schoolboards & DEMANDING all the WOKE indoctrination nonsense to STOP immediately on their children!
I can tell you 1st hand, there be a whole lot of pissed off mothers & fathers at the schoolboard meetings happening everywhere now… The point I’m trying to make here, things are reaching a BOILING POINT now as We The People are in the MAJORITY, the socialist/communists in DC that think they are running the show are in fact, in the MINORITY.. It has come down to this folks: We The People will need to be cheering our military on when they make their move, makes no difference what your political affiliation is or what color your skin is, we are all ONE freedom loving people…
God bless America…
Bill on the Hill…:~)

3 years ago

The very fact that Hidin’ Joe Biden is trying to eliminate Federal Justices because they were Trump appointees is highly alarming. But it highlights the DemocRat effort to establish their hidden and disguised control of the Justice system which is dedicated to exercise its honest interpretations of the Constitution and the laws based on the Constitution without prejudice as partisan considerations. This move by Hidin’ Biden tends to obviously widen the sidin’ of Biden to favor DemocRat domination of the people by skirting Constitutional law. This move is scary!!!!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Now we can no longer trust the Justice Department. Everything Biden touches is destroyed. If we have him for 4 years, we will not have a country.

3 years ago

When will these criminals see justice

3 years ago

He is Satan in disguise

3 years ago

Biden is doing what the left expected Hillary to do if she won in 2016. The left will never quit destroying America until they control everything and make those who disagree with them criminals so the rest of us will either be arrested, killed or made to suffer! It’s all coming if the left gets everything it wants.

Steven Huskey
Steven Huskey
3 years ago

And now the DOJ is targeting state election laws.

Jana Gable
Jana Gable
3 years ago

Should I continue to send Justice dept $$ or stop?

True patriot
True patriot
1 year ago

looks to me it is the far right and the the far left that is the problem no politician will ever please everyone. We just need to know who are real enemies are and it is usually not your neighbor!

True patriot
True patriot
1 year ago

looks to me it is the far right and the the far left that is the problem no politician will ever please everyone. We just need to know who are real enemies are and it is usually not your neighbor!

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