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Biden’s Mind – On the Moon

Posted on Monday, June 6, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Elon Musk, defender of free speech, says he has a “super bad feeling” about Biden’s economy. Who doesn’t? Accelerating inflation, decelerating growth, high interest rates. Biden blows him off, with “lots of luck on his trip to the moon.” 

Snarky? Yes. But worse – Joe Biden’s brain is on pause. He somehow forgot Musk is how he is getting to the moon. Biden’s NASA awarded Musk the $2.9 billion contractSpaceX’s “Starship” will take astronauts to the lunar surface.

Is Biden’s gratuitous slam of a newly minted Republican unseemly, unnecessary, and unpresidential? Of course. But it reveals more. That comment is a shaft of light into Biden’s brain.  

Yes, all things political are off-center, off-putting, and increasingly petty. But Biden’s comment is bizarre.  Not only is Musk, with other private sector visionaries, job creators, and entrepreneurs, helping get America back to the moon, but the contract was awarded just last year – by Biden’s NASA.

The point is not the moon, not even Musk’s incredible spirit, record, vision, will, and can-do. The point is not a president slamming the private sector and all Americans who dream, work, invest, and make our nation go.

The point is not a president so thin-skinned that he attacks a critic, or who is determined to deny the obvious – that his own anti-fossil fuel agenda and massive overspending has driven inflation to the moon.

The point is somewhat different. While venal anti-capitalist, anti-free market, and anti-Republican cheerleaders on Twitter somehow liked Biden’s snide smackdown of Musk and SpaceX, the reality is different. Something is deeply wrong.

Imagine: Reagan attacking companies behind his Strategic Defense Initiative, Bush 41 attacking creators of his stealth technology, Bill Clinton slamming those expanding Internet access, Bush 43 demeaning those rebuilding the Pentagon, Obama savaging SEALS who got Osama Bin Ladin, Trump deriding record growth, productivity, and unemployment. No, this is different.

The reveal in Biden’s comment is that his mind is not “in the trim,” as Henry V might say. His “little gray cells” are not coordinated, as Agatha Christy’s Poirot would say. His synapses are not firing properly.  How else could a president, overcome by political animus, ridicule the centerpiece of his own program?

Truth is, synaptic dysfunction is not a fiction, not hard to identify, and not harmless. The presence of retreating cognitive facility is visible, and if many Americans suspect the problem with Biden, those around him must see it daily.

The idea of Biden slapping down a vocal, successful, and thoughtful Republican job-creator may seem funny, a political win for those consumed by social media, just a game for congressional Democrats cowering under bad polls, but it is more.

For a president to so misunderstand core facts and programs, to demonstrate ignorance, indifference, and inability to connect dots, not to recall that Musk and SpaceX are central to his own moon program, glibly deride them – is significant.

Some things cannot be “walked back.” On this, and other Biden stumbles, the White House is trying to shade reality. That does not mean they do not see it. They will have to address it soon. Biden’s Mental acuity is receding.

The bigger problem is that China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran are watching. They saw the recurring fumbles, no recovery, as Americans see them. It may seem forgivable, politically entertaining, or riling.  But when a president begins to lose the grip, contingency planning begins.  Somewhere, that must be starting. If it has not yet, after his “moon” comment it should be.


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2 years ago


Most people with a real understanding of the economic and strategic national interest impact of Biden’s and the Democrat’s overall policies on the United States are already keenly aware of the long-term damage being done to the United States by this administration and its supporters. I don’t disagree with Musk’s assessment one bit. If anything, he is being far too polite and understating of the situation. Musk is just being singled out for someone of his stature actually saying it out loud.

Biden’s mental state was well known long before the 2020 election, but he served a useful purpose as a pliable puppet that could easily be manipulated by the real forces issuing orders from behind the throne. Harris was also selected as his V.P. for her pliability to be easily controlled. Neither is making any real decisions of consequemnce themselves. That we are still dancing around Biden’s obvious deteriorating mental state some 18 months after he was placed in office is ludicrous at this point. It’s an open secret, to anyone but Biden himself who can barely read off a teleprompter anymore and can’t be trusted to even answer questions afterwards, that neither he nor Harris will be on the 2024 Democrat ticket. The only open question will be when will Biden’s handlers decide to have him make the annoucement that he will not seek re-election in 2024.

The Democrats are already in the process of vetting a number of potential 2024 candidates. It’s a long list from what I’ve seen as far as names being considered. All of them will be running on the exact same ruinous policies that the Democrats ran on in 2020 and that they have been successfully implementing to date with predictable results. So any Democrat elected POTUS would be continuing the same ruinous policies going forward. Socialism is socialism after all. No matter which front man or woman is selling it to the general public.

2 years ago

Another great example of how the left sees things. They never think about what they’re saying and are EXTREMELY short sighted. All they see is their own Marxist, socialist agendas and self-seeking ambitions; they never see “beyond their noses” or the consequences and repercussions of what they say or the choices and decisions they make. “The end is drawing nigh”.

2 years ago

But Jackass Joe IS unifying the country, only he’s “unifying” it against him and his Communist agenda!

John Riley
John Riley
2 years ago

The man is notorious for taking dead aim and shooting himself.

2 years ago

Biden wasn’t very bright to begin with, but now he has dementia on top of that. None of which would matter if it wasn’t for the fact that THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN.

2 years ago

How about a thin-skinned, fake Catholic, with no knowledge of reality, cheater of wife #1, Liar in Chief, wanna-be cheater to wife #2, father to a druggie and sex fiend–NO JOKING! Period! Just like he states in just about every speech he gives off the teleprompter. Every time I hear him, I change the channel as I know he’s lying again.

2 years ago

I know Grandpa Joe is suffering with dementia but what is Kamala’s excuse? Anyway, someone probably fed Joe the wrong words for his speech. Or, maybe he came up with it on his own. Nah.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago


Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden’s administration doesn’t even pretend to make America number one. Biden’s administration is all about helping China become number one. I guess this would be OK if Biden was merely trying to make the US more aware of different nation state’s perspectives, but Biden is actively working for the good of the Communist Chinese at the expense of US political and economic security. China does not need two presidents.

2 years ago

We are in deep “do-do”. The Cuban missile crisis put us close to WW3. This administration has our country standing with it’s pants down around it’s ankles and fully exposed. We could be attacked today much easier than during the Cuban problem. Sorry to cut this short, but I have to get back out to work shoveling away on my bomb shelter.

Martin Plecki
Martin Plecki
2 years ago

Democrats have no real solutions to anything. Even when they create a crisis their solutions to it are pathetic, examples: the China virus, crime, vote fraud, inflation, Afganistan, Ukraine, etc. The only reason I can think of that people still vote for Democrats at all is they do not search for any alternative news sources, and just believe what the mainstream media tells them to believe

2 years ago

i I see all the comments about the nature of Biden’s “brain”! It is easy to apply any of several words and phrases to explain his brain function, all of which clearly are associated with incompetence and self/family greed to steal from the people. If all or nearly all Delunaware politicos are like Biden, that points to a state of Communistic control being the guiding and controlling policy of governance for that Delunaware.

2 years ago

So what do we expect from a president who is beholden to every dictatorship on the world right now? China funds his elaborate lifestyle, the Ukraine funds his kid’s druggy lifestyle, Venezuela will be our supply of petroleum, and it goes on and on. Jill and Joe are solely occupied with Jill and Joe and their fourth year cronies and to hell with America.

2 years ago

Congress must remove the not duly elected person (Joe Biden) from the Oval Office and inaugurate President Donald Trump to his rightful duly elected second term.

John E. Grill
John E. Grill
2 years ago

This is a well thought-analysis, which arrived at a logical collusion. The leader of the Free World is suffering from advanced cognative decline, which has placed the future of our nation

2 years ago

This horses back side of a so called president is just playing the role. Ruining everything people have worked hard for.He and foolish family never worked for anything.

2 years ago

He always does this garbage whenever someone gets under his thin skin. Makes Obama look tough.This is a hopelessly sad administration. Things may progress (for the better of the country) after the election. The Dems are getting crushed then.

Merida McKnight
Merida McKnight
2 years ago

Dumb a** biden is so out of everything! It’s a good thing he’ll be gone before we know it…and Harris also!

2 years ago

put him on the first try for mars. make it tomorrow.

2 years ago

I pray we make it to mid-terms and then “24” election. This rotting bag of oatmeal must be controlled and then booted in 2024. It vacant come soon enough for me and my family.

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