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Biden’s Kamala Problem: A Weak, Paranoid Vice President Breeds Further Dysfunction in Washington

Posted on Wednesday, June 23, 2021
by AMAC Newsline


What on earth is going on between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? Lost amidst the discussion of what each of them is not doing, or at least not doing particularly well—Harris responding to the crisis on the southern border and touring Central America, Biden botching his European tour—is the story of the relationship between the two centers of dysfunction.

That both the Presidency and Vice Presidency are dysfunctional is obvious five months into the Biden Administration. The lack of cooperation, and even signs of passive aggressive tension, make this worse. Their apparently troubled relationship is not just exacerbating problems like the border, but also serving as a kind of proxy battle between the major factions of the Democratic Party.The Vice Presidency is an interesting role in the US system. For all the office’s lack of effective governmental power, the Vice Presidency has grown into the second most important political position in America. Ever since Richard Nixon ran to succeed Dwight Eisenhower in 1960, the Vice President has been the heir apparent of the President to their party’s nomination. The perch of the Vice Presidency was enough to ensure that Hubert Humphrey was the Democratic nominee in 1968, Walter Mondale in 1984, and Al Gore in 2000. And of course, there is Joe Biden himself.

It is worth noting that none of these Vice Presidents succeeded in succeeding their boss as President. The first four lost, and Biden did not become president until four years later. George H. W. Bush in 1988 is the only sitting Vice President since 1836 to win a presidential election.

All of this brings us to Kamala Harris, because while the Vice Presidency is a very strong base for a politician of mediocre talents and limited appeal to secure their party’s nomination, it is not enough to turn them into a credible President. If the Vice Presidency is occupied by someone who is not perceived as a viable President it can actually be a serious problem for the party, as openly opposing the ambitions of that individual can be perceived as disloyalty to the President, but loyalty will lead the party to long-term disaster. This is one of the problems Democrats face with Harris. In this case, however, the situation is made worse by the fact that apparently neither Joe Biden nor the party’s voters wanted her in the first place.

While there has been an effort to spin a tale of close friendship between Harris and Joe Biden’s late son Beau when both were Attorneys General of their respective states, that was a professional relationship at best separated by thousands of miles. Harris is a California politician, not just in terms of origins, but in terms of her path to the top. She was a local district attorney, then Attorney General and only entered federal office because of her profile in state politics. Neither Joe Biden, nor Barack Obama had anything to do with it. Harris was not Biden’s protégé, nor was she a protégé of any of his proteges, nor is their any commonality among their allies at almost any point going back decades. She is the product of an entirely different political ecosystem.

For an old-school, local Delaware pol like Biden, this would be a source of suspicion. The entire lack of any overlapping alliances, personal obligations, or issues combined with the total absence of a Washington profile would be suspect. But to make matters worse, Harris openly targeted Biden during the primary campaign, most dramatically with her grandstanding assault on his position on school bussing during the debates. Reports say that this event alone held up Harris’ selection as VP for weeks as Biden himself had to be persuaded to overlook it.

Overlook it he eventually did. Events in South Carolina and Minneapolis forced his hand. Biden’s presidential campaign was resurrected by strong support from Jim Clyburn and the old guard of the Congressional Black Caucus in the South Carolina primary. This placed Biden deeply in their debt. Ironically, Harris was never particularly close to Clyburn or the CBC, which is primarily a House entity, and Harris of course lacked links to the House, Washington, or the South. Yet Biden had also trapped himself with a commitment to a female Vice President. He was committed to a female candidate, he needed to win over the African American community, and after the events following George Floyd’s death, he had few choices left.

By process of elimination, Biden was left with Stacey Abrams, Susan Rice, and Harris. Of the three, Harris, a U.S. Senator, was the only truly plausible contender for the role of Vice President to the oldest president in American history.

Harris knew she was not selected because Biden loved and admired her, but because she was his only viable option.  This knowledge of her own perceived isolation and weakness seems to have driven much of her behavior. More importantly, it means she seems to have treated Biden as a hostile force, interpreting his suggestions and assignments as traps.

This was evident early in the year when Harris made clear she did not want to be the one involved in overruling the Senate parliamentarian to push through a $15 minimum wage increase in the Stimulus. She clearly saw this as an effort to make “her” into a “bad guy.” She has similarly treated the assignment of “Border Czar” as a trap, not just not doing the job, but going out of her way to make clear that she did not want it and is not doing it. It is one thing not to do a job. Plenty of politicians do that. But to shout from the rooftops effectively that you are not doing the job and have no responsibility for anything relating to it is a sign of paranoia. And perhaps in her case, that paranoia is justified.

Biden’s camp clearly has treated Harris with a degree of suspicion and has taken steps to indicate that yes, Biden is running or planning to in 2024. Yet that signaling in itself may have been triggered by Harris’ behavior. Her suspiciousness and tendency to see plots everywhere is a self-fulfilling prophecy which leads her to intrigue in turn.

Biden may have another concern. Harris’ insecurity and paranoia is threatening to cause chaos within the Democratic Party. Not only is it causing worry about Harris, but also resentment. If Harris believes Biden is not going to run, and that he is opposed to her nomination, it makes her all the more determined to secure early commitments from Democratic elected officials to back her, all while Biden is nominally running. This places every single elected DC Democrat in a position of potentially either having to offend Harris or offend Biden.

It would be one thing if Harris was in fact the natural heir apparent. But in DC, she does not look that way. She lacks allies, having only served for part of a term. She was not part of the Congressional Black Caucus, and ideologically she was too California for the moderates, but too much of an establishment figure for the left.

This is something which is missed by many conservatives. By the standards of 2004, Harris is far-left, one of the most left-wing members of the Senate. But politics in 2021 is not policy-based, it is tribal. And Harris is tribally unacceptable to the progressive left.

First and foremost, she is a “cop.” Yes, she was a “liberal” prosecutor, but the 2000s “liberal prosecutor” is still a “racist tool of the power structure” in 2021. By definition that places her in the “establishment” wing of the party. Furthermore, there is the issue of her close links to California elites. In the 2000s, the influence of Hollywood, San Francisco money, etc. became buzzwords for “liberal” influence and Bush campaigned aggressively on it in 2004. But today, money is money, and Harris’ money comes from very rich people, many of whom have employees who are not unionized, and quite a few of whom, especially in Hollywood, have #metoo problems. That Harris’ husband is a Hollywood entertainment lawyer is a reinforcement that she is part of the California monied establishment which is still “monied” and still an “establishment.”

Finally, Harris’ husband is an object of suspicion to the radical left. By 2004 standards, he is a “liberal” secular American Jew who has a cultural affinity for Israel, but hates Netanyahu. The Left, however, is no longer “liberal” and there is not a place for “liberal” Jews who believe in the concept of a Jewish state at all. Once again, politics is tribal. The Left does not want Israel to be good. The Left views the existence of Israel as bad and wants it gone because it views its formation as a colonialist crime.

Harris then, for all her left-wing policy credentials, has a massive left-flank problem. Her behavior has to be viewed in this context. She did not want to overrule the Senate Parliamentarian on the minimum wage increase because it would offend Washington opinion which values tradition and a parliamentarian appointed by Democrats, but she also felt that being sent out to kill it was an effort by Biden to make her an enemy of the left. Making her “border czar” seemed like a way of associating “Cop Kamala” with the internment of young migrants.

All of this is compounded by the truth about why she was chosen. Harris is not foolish enough not to realize that she has problems with the new left, that Biden doesn’t trust her, or that the issues she is tasked with handling present dangers. But she lacks the political instincts or creativity to do anything about these problems other than react defensively and passively aggressively towards Biden.

Biden is saddled with a weak Vice President, who absent the role would be a non-factor in DC. But with the office, she is officially heir apparent to the Democratic Party, without the power base or support to actually control it. Nor does she have the skills to remedy the situation. The result is a source of instability for the Administration, the party, and the country.

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3 years ago

You are being kind to her incompetency. She is a liar and deceptive. Milking the African American community with her claims. She is over 50% Asian (Indian) and under 50% Caribbean. As with me, people from the Latin countries and Caribbean are classified as Brown, not black.

3 years ago

The entire premise of this article is wrong and borderline delusional in much of its expectations of Biden, Harris and the Biden administration in general. It assumes that 1) Biden is competent and working in the best interests of the country 2) He is actually in charge and running things 3) Is not suffering from dementia and thus is in full possession of his mental faculties and 4) Was ever up to the job of POTUS in the first place.

As for Harris, she was not selected to be Biden’s VP, by those running and controlling the Biden administration, for her qualifications to any part of the job of being VP. She is merely who Obama wanted as POTUS, but couldn’t get her there via the Democrat primaries. Even the Democrat voters didn’t want her, which is saying something. So he installed her as Biden’s VP to take over and complete the balance of our transformation to a socialist government, once Biden’s dementia advances to the point where he can no longer be used as a useful puppet, and he needs to be replaced. Her role is in essence to be the backup puppet, nothing more. Even when she is elevated to POTUS, she won’t be a running a single thing. She will still be taking orders from those that are running this administration.

This entire article is making assumptions and expectations of Biden, Harris and the entire Biden administration based on a reality that does not and has never existed with respect to the goals of the administration. The sole purpose of all the players involved is to re-enact the policies and structures that were in place under Obama that were designed to fast track this country’s decline, so that China could assume the role of undisputed world superpower and economy. That’s it. Period. Arguing over Harris’ weaknesses or Biden’s incompetence may pass as daily amusement for some, but it completely misses the larger, more important points and wastes a lot of time and effort that should be channeled into forming a cohesive push-back against those looking to trash our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Kamala hide too much NOT out on issues or doing jobs assigned.TOO secretive.
Is she being “run” too

3 years ago

lol THE Democrats are sorry they are stuck with VP Harris. lol lol lol lol lol

3 years ago

She is the perfect display of dysfunction ANYWHERE!

3 years ago

Harris’ ONLY proven ability is to prepare the casting couch for its next victim!

3 years ago

How entertaining to read the various and sundry speculations about Biden and Harris, all of which are at best educated guesses, as they parade around pretending to look significant. IMO we should just conclude that both of these players are incompetent, in over their heads, and at least one is probably senile to boot. Having said that, it is disturbing that these poor souls are some of the most powerful people in the world at this time. We are fortunate not to be involved in some major world altercation—at least for the moment. I shudder to think what could happen if we were in fact in a world event of major proportions.

3 years ago


Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Can vice presidents be replaced? If this were a viable administration, they would consider replacing Harris. But it isn’t. I am reading Killing the Mob. We have some powers who are visibly running candidates, but the ones who hide but have plenty of power over the elected (such as blackmail material) probably have even more sway than George Soros. There has to be fear making democrats vote for that For the People Act that just went down. They can’t be proud of voting for it.

There is hope. The parents who go to school boards and fight against critical race instruction and the destruction of American joy in holidays are an example good citizenship. The holding of political prisoners in Washington DC is frightening, but we have come to a time (again) when I hope America will set an example just as Poland did in holding out against domination.

3 years ago

“D” is for Democraps and dysfunction.

3 years ago

I remember in business classes in college the term “the Peter principle” which applies that a person is promoted to a point of their inability to carry out their duties….hence Ms. Harris….from her stints in California (failures at best) to now being the V.P. An office beyond her capacity as a representative of this republic, and a servant of the people. Biden is the same, only sadder in that he is somewhat non-funtional as president with his most recent out of country forays. Worse yet, is the real possability that Harris may ascend to the presidency by default. One has to wonder when Biden will be ousted under the 25th amendment and Harris assumes the position for which she is less than capable ….all according to the “peter principle” of promotion beyond capacity. I have seen this happen in the business world where an incompetent worker is advanced to get them out of the mix….and allow the organization to operate aside from the influence of an executive who cannot be fired or is there by reason of nepotism. Give them a title, and a job of no real consequence, high pay, and then ignore their influence. In the government realm, the problem is that Harris can be quite damaging to the management of the government. It’s a matte of “hide and watch” for most of us peons.

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

Our resilience is certainly being tested, Patriot Will.
A glimmer on the horizon?
November 2024.
I hope I’m here to witness it.

3 years ago

Pray without ceasing.

Brian Eargle
Brian Eargle
3 years ago

As a retired person, I have nothing more important to do than to read all that I can about the “status quo.” Without quoting every incident, which would take longer to read than the attention span of all but 1%, and even longer to write, this is the abbreviated précis of the aggregated incident reports (conclusions only).

In my never so humble opinion, not objective but ©©©©©©©©©©©©®®®®©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®®®based upon facts never mentioned in the MSM, although©©©©©©©©®®©©©©©©©©©©©®®©©©© explained by Geo. Orwell in _1984_.

1. The United States has been overwhelmed by enemies, foreign and domestic, of the United States, the Constitution of the United States, and the Rock upon which they stand, who is the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. The takeover of control by the Chinese Communist Party, U. S. Democratic Socialists, and the Eurocentric globalist elites, has occurred through subterfuge, fraud, and deceit, without the intervention of military force or terrorist attack, but by pressure of insuperable, unpayable debt and intimidation by Iran and by Communists in the Pacific.

3 years ago

They are the masters of disfunction. She is worse than paranoid.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Another reason they should NOT have been elected.

3 years ago

Why does it seem like Biden has been president for 5 years instead of 5 months?

3 years ago

This is what a coup produces in every country that has endured one: paranoid leaders with no talent and unmitigated power. If I were among the CCP inner circle of military advisors, I’d advice Xi Xiping to take Taiwan right NOW. CCP will never see another opportunity like this: TWO predictable, feckless American leaders with no spine – one with dementia. It’s a perfect storm for the American taxpayer and members of military.

Voter fraud becomes more and more apparent each passing day: these two idiots were not duly-elected. Somebody or group of people paid for the machines to be manipulated: just like those goofy slot machines at any casino. The American taxpayer has no voice.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Biden’s, Kamala problem is she is a stupid moron, tone deaf Commie, that hates America and our freedoms, but she fits in with 75% of the people from Californicate. She wants to see America the Beautiful, America the Commie controlled. God Save America !!!!!!

Joyce Gibson
Joyce Gibson
3 years ago

Kamala Harris is a leftwing politician who has no idea of what is right or wrong as far as politics goes. She and Biden are exactly alike and they are battling each other. I hope they continue to bicker and further destroy the Democratic Party. The Democrats are certainly heading down a path of destruction which will be to the good of the country. Hopefully the Republicans will retake the House and Senate next year and the Presidency in 2024. This is America’s only hope.

3 years ago

Good article & unfortunately it covers what we see on media. These two people act like they do not even work together on important issues. Why won’t Kamala go to the Border to see what is happening in real time & her trip to Guatemala was a waste with no strong words from WH. Strange but look at Pence under Trump: Pence did not have much power & did not do anything that might make Donald mad. Look at what happened with Corona task force, and little by little Trump took over as people were not saying same thing as him. Then , what happened to Mike Pence during the Jan 6th Capitol riots should be a clear message on how important VP is to administration.

3 years ago

Lots of issues facing America today & Kamala Harris was on TV yesterday talking the Child Tax Credits for the coming year. Nice, but this credit is being paid by more Fed Debt and not new taxes. Biden is way out of touch with reality if they think $149,000 gross earnings per year is poverty level & this could encourage more people to stay home instead of working. My opinion, majority of people in America want to work & earn a living for their family & not depend on Government handouts that increase our Federal Debt. There are some retired people with no children at home that are living on $1,000/month Social Security checks. Do Kamala & Joe even know these retired people exist in America?

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

After reading this article on the Biden Vice Presidency, I’m left scratching my head & looking for more answers on this very strange woman from California…On the other hand, I don’t know where to begin! I’ll attempt to begin with the most common characteristic I believe is shared by both of these individuals, i.e. Biden/Harris…The primary word that comes to mind is DISFUNCTIONAL where running a nation is concerned in both domestic & International affairs…In both of these arenas, we as Americans as well as that of the entire world are witnessing potentially the collapse of the US as a once Super Power to a nation of complacent, apathetic sheep…In all honesty I have not scrolled down to read other’s comments & I will say because of AMAC News, I have found a source of like minded highly intelligent everyday people that really do get what is happening before our very eyes…
Since Brian Eargle’s comment is just below my comment, I have read it & he is spot on especially with the George Orwell ” 1984 ” dystopian story which I have read & in addition to that I have read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley with it’s two ©’s dated at 1932,1946…On his item #2 I will add, ” without firing a bullet…”
Back to the storyline, I can’t think of any ( 2 ) people more incompatible to each other than these ( 2 ) characters…I’ve come to the conclusion, neither of them have the ability to really get beyond themselves, let alone run a nation…
The New Socialists Democratic Party of America picked a pair of genuine ” dimwits ” to begin their direct assault on American freedoms & I firmly believe they have already failed, the cat is out of the bag…
God bless America,
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Could Caligula or Nero be any worse?

3 years ago

Kamala Harris is perfect example of the book “The Peter Principle” , when she went one step higher than her competence level.

3 years ago

Kamala put on a dinner party for all the women in the Senate. It is obvious she is trying to get their support because she is afraid of losing her job. She was NEVER good at her job and she did not get promoted because she was good at it. She scmooged with the men who could help her like her ex lover Brown. She is a nasty good for nothing.

3 years ago

Who is providing road map for Kamala Harris to follow??? I would like to know why Biden put her in charge of Southern Border crisis months ago & today she has never visited the Border. I guess if you do not see it in person then it is fake news that it is happening.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Regarding Harris’s notable and extreme weakness, insecurity and paranoia among her other negative traits, what was everyone’s first clue? And did it really take anyone that long to figure this out?
As the tongue-in-cheek saying goes, “It should be intuitively obvious to even the most casual observer that Harris lacks the core competencies to be Vice President!” And that could be extended to apply to holding any elective office beyond dog catcher.
Harris can be characterized as the epitome of dysfunction. Single-handedly, she has earned many well-deserved monikers (take your pick, or picks, or all of them):  the Great Perfidious One, a Great Pretender, a Great Opportunistic Phony, the CaliMexico Loser, the Snarky One, the Great Whiner, Madame Fakeness, Socialism Distancing Practitioner Harris, the Neo-Wicked Witch of the West, mAlice in Wonderland, Madame Mao, Madame Marx, Laughing Hyena Harris, Madame Inadequacy, Kamala Embarrass, Co-Leader of the “Here Come the Clowns” Show, the Great “Shallow” One, Madame Ineptitude, the “0 for 1” On All Counts Vice President, and Madame Kackle, Kackle, Kackle (et al., ad nauseum)!
P.S. Please feel free to add your own moniker for Harris to the list. After all, I would not want the above list to be deemed incomplete!

Peter Dawson
Peter Dawson
3 years ago

Biden was stuck with Harris as the only alternative that met the one requirement to serve as his VP: she is a woman. Stacy Abrams is a racist joke. It would soon become obvious that Susan Rice is far more qualified than Biden and would out shine him. Kamala Harris had the support of George Soros and his son was on the selection committee. Thus we have a system where Susan Rice (with the approval of Barack Obama) can be used to relay policy decisions from Obama to Rice to Biden.
Our first puppet President!

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
3 years ago

Kamella, Willie asks that u call him…soon.????

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

I thought everyone knew that BEFORE the election!

3 years ago

Oh to be a fly on the wall in meetings with serious intelligent cunning heads of state and these two embarrassing bumbling idiots! Would not be a bit surprised if they were made jokes of as soon as they walked out the door…..

3 years ago

Harris only got the Vice President job because she has all kinds of dirt on the Biden’s. Biden only got the President job because they rigged the election.

3 years ago

Dysfunction! That’s the credo of the Democratic Party!

3 years ago

It’s dysfunctional by design. Biden is as close to a real world Manchurian Candidate we are likely to see. Harris, although still mentally functional, is in way over her head. Even so, I predict Biden will be removed by 25th amendment and Harris installed as president. She will then likely appoint Stacy Abrams as VP. As it is a person or persons behind the scenes that are pulling the strings (or at least the strings are behind the scenes), it is necessary to have incompetent puppets holding the leadership positions, otherwise the puppets might decide to cut the strings.

3 years ago

If it happened quickly enough, yes, that is what would happen. If the president leaves office by whatever means, the VP then becomes president. However, one of their first acts would be to appoint a new VP, so things would need to move very fast for that scenario to happen.

3 years ago

Piglosi is AWFUL, drunk or senile, I’m hard pressed to think of any Commicrat I’d want to see president… they all s**k!

3 years ago

While I am totally disgusted and angry with the Bimbo Biden/Harris administration, I am equally disgusted with the Republicans who, unlike such courageous warriors as Gov. DeSantis, are just sitting on their wumps and not calling Biden and Harris to account for their treason and unconstitutional actions. There was a political party in the early 1800’s called the “Do Nothing” party, and their members were called “Mugwumps” because they sat on a fence with their mugs on one side and wumps on the other. Reminds me of a lot of Republicans today.

3 years ago

Correction. Actually, this party was called the “Know Nothing” party. Same result though.

3 years ago

Excellent article.

3 years ago

I too thought the article was excellent, to the point, and thoroughly informative.

3 years ago

I see the playbook is finally beginning to open up. We are in deep trouble people!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Notice all the Obama syncophants in key positions. Harris, who couldn’t get any support even in the CA primary, was hand-chosen by the Obamas because they knew The Senile One wouldn’t last a full term and they’d get their choice in as POTUS!

3 years ago

Ho Hum Article, maybe factual,Way More Fun to read all the Comments, those were Awesome. The Cabal stuffs their pockets and Rome Burns, discussing dysfunctional Fake prez & vice prez, does whom any good? Biden’s been a piece of for 50 years owned by the CCP and everyone should know Harris is there not for her head knowledge. Harris Biden are yet a distraction of the real goings on in USA & Worldwide. Months ago I did read way more of the Amac Articles, last Article I commented on I was Threatened Censorship and my comment held up, because they (Amac) claimed it needed Approval, I never ever use profane speech, yet I do direct those that read toward other Sources of Truth and Facts, seems that upsets Amac, even Amac at times, seems to ? the 1st Amendment. I find most of Amac News not focused on the real goings on behind the curtain. The News needs to give people Facts and Truth they can use to then move foreward to make changes in their local Schools, and Communites and States, #1 Problem in America, people sitting on their behinds doing Zero and waiting for someone else to come and save them. There is no Someone Else, You are the Army, get off your behind. I find these platforms have looked behind the curtain and report that news. Frankspeech also (Lindelltv) with Brannon Howse brings to the forefront current and very helpful Christian News 7-9pmCT, rerun’s daily, soon the platform will allow comments. Also Brannon Howse has his own platform WorldViewWeekend & radio Live, Also thenewAmerican, frontpagemag(.com) theAmericanReport(.org), theRevolver(.news), 100%fedup, Dr Sherri Tenpenny (drtenpenny(.com)). The America’s Frontline Doctor’s Dr. Simone Gold. I’d say we are someplace in the first few books of Revelation’s as a time stamp, among other prophetic books in the Scriptures. Those who think they are saved and have allowed this Bio-Weapon into their bodies may want re-examine why they have bowed to Big Pharma, and the Elites. True Wisdom is Fear of the Lord, not fear of a Lab Made Virus, used as a Bio-Weapon to gain Fear & Control over the weak. I’m sure this comment, will also face Amac Censorship and possible Approval, “Sad”, since none of these platforms are a threat to Amac, nor have I posted any direct URL links to them.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Very well explained Patriot Will & I believe we will get through this dystopian nightmare thrust upon us… I also noticed how I misspelled dysfunctional on my above rather long comment, lol!
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

First they will dump kamel. Put a new vice president like nixon did. The president retires the new vice takes over. Then the new vice will be a billionaire bezo or gates the new king of America

lyin biden
lyin biden
3 years ago

Well liberals, democrats you have proven how completely stupid you are. whether you committed voter fraud or truly voted for these morons you have put the most incompetent people in power ever. We thought obama was stupid and corrupt, we knew clinton was completely corrupt, we knew carter was stupid, we knew johnson was corrupt. we knew kennedy was a bs artist, we knew truman was sleazy and started the cold war along with dropping atomic bombs he did not need to drop. but biden is all of them put together he is stupid, sleazy corrupt and is causing wars and hatred all over the war.

After this I just can not imagine a single reason to ever voter for a democrat ever again. can any one else come up with one reason?

3 years ago

No. 1…’s very obvious that Harris wants Joey to kick off. However, this would take the cake. She has absolutely no freaking brains to take over. No. 2… she went to the border. NOT the place that is absolutely a mess and she blamed Donald for all problems. Don’t stop being stupid Kamela….you will definitely make it possible for the Reps to win in 2022!

Kim Weeks
Kim Weeks
3 years ago

This woman is absolutely and disgustingly beyond belief and words! I wish I had something nice to say about this person, but my nice comment locker is empty.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

I keep saying. “She is a bad Apple” and needs to be culled from the Bushel.

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