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Biden’s Foreign Policy “Grown-Ups” Are AWOL

Posted on Sunday, October 8, 2023
by David P. Deavel

AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel

President Biden looking at papers at his desk

As missiles rain down on Israel and war breaks out yet again because the Biden Administration has empowered a criminal regime—this time it’s Iran with $6 billion in ransom money paid by Uncle Sam—it is clear for all to see how the Biden Administration’s action has given the green light to aggression around the world.

Ah, those heady early days of the Biden Administration! “The grown-ups are back in charge in Washington,” crowed the Financial Times editorial board. No more of the Notorious OMB (Orange Man Bad) and the foreign policy “dangers” he posed to the United States during his tenure as president. Of course, neither side of this equation was ever true. Trump’s presidency had many flaws, to be sure, but what we saw on the foreign policy front was a stability that is now lacking. If there were ever any grown-ups in the Biden Administration, they haven’t ever taken charge.

As former deputy secretary of the U. S. Interior and current Claremont Institute scholar Jeremy Carl observed, “Given that this is what things look like in Washington with the adults back in charge, I think I’d prefer to see the kids in charge.” And indeed, whether it’s Trump, DeSantis, or some other Republican candidate, it is safe to say that a vote against the Democrats is a vote for peace.

Elite opinion, shouted endlessly into the megaphone of the regime media, had been that Trump was doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin and putting us all in mortal danger. Yet even at the height of the Russia Hoax, this was absurd. Walter Russell Mead’s 2017 article “Trump Isn’t Sounding Like a Russian Mole” laid it out in about as clean a fashion as one could have. If Trump were the “Manchurian Candidate” that the Democrats and their media adjuncts were claiming him to be, Mead wrote, he would be “doing the following:

* Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
* Blocking oil and gas pipelines
* Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
* Cutting U.S. military spending
* Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran.”

This list of things actually chronicled what one recent U. S. President had done—that was Barack Obama. Mead added, “That Trump is planning to do precisely the opposite of these things may or may not be good policy for the United States, but anybody who thinks this is a Russia appeasement policy has been drinking way too much joy juice.”

While the supposed Russian connection was the main stupidity propounded about the Trump era, there were many more. Here are a few. Trump was going to cause North Korea to go to war with us! (I recall sitting in an academic conference and being told this by one overcaffeinated CNN-watching academic.) Trump’s strike on Syria—or perhaps it was changing the U. S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? Or was it quashing Obama’s Iran deal?—was going to cause a Middle East war!

The list kept going on and on. It’s just that nothing on the list ever happened. All those Chicken Little journalists and politicians cried that the sky was falling. But instead what happened? Putin didn’t invade anybody. North Korea settled down and kept to repressing its own people. China continued to be a problem, but our economy was pretty good up until the COVID 19 episode (in which, to be fair, the Trump Administration made a number of mistakes). And the Middle East? In the Middle East, the Trump Administration helped negotiate the Abraham Accords between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. This led to Morocco and Sudan normalizing relations with Israel. And for those counting: no Middle East War. In fact, there were no wars at all under Donald Trump.   

Those rascally kids! They broke many a supposed foreign policy norm, but somehow managed to keep the commandment to show strength and keep peace.

What about Joe Biden and his “grown-ups”? Well, even the Financial Times in its giddy exuberance was forced to admit that there might be dangers in this group, among whom were a number involved with an “Obama-era foreign policy that had its share of failures — from its prevarication over the Syria civil war to its inability to constrain North Korea, and its abortive ‘reset’ with Russia.”

Reset with Russia? Oh, right, that’s all the things Mead said a “Russian mole” would have promoted.

Well, for all the bluster, it was under Joe Biden that Russia did invade Ukraine, which has now been fighting Russia for nearly 600 days. There seems no end in sight to the fighting that the New York Times claimed last month had already cost nearly a half million lives. Credible reports have indicated that the U. S. and the U. K. pressured Ukraine not to accept a deal in April 2022.

Establishment Republicans have joined Democrats in outrage that many House Republicans want to stop funding Ukraine. But not only does there seem no end to the fighting, there also seems no plan for an end to this war. And countries closer to the action are signaling that they want an end. Poland  and Slovakia have stopped arming Ukraine while Hungary is blocking military aid to the country. We ought to be trying to bring this war to a close, but we seem to be aimless.

What about North Korea? Well, reports of rail traffic between the country and Russia indicate that they are likely supplying arms to Vladimir Putin. And a recent pause in the operation of their nuclear reactor suggests they are seeking out weapons grade plutonium.

As if this weren’t bad enough, as of this weekend, Israel is now at war with Hamas. Strangely enough, Hamas’s attack comes shortly after the U. S. released $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran in exchange for a release of hostages. While the Biden Administration vows that the money they gave is only available for “humanitarian aid,” the difficulty is that money is fungible. If Iran has $6 billion more money, they can use other money to fund a proxy war against Israel. Given that they already fund Palestinian groups such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad to the tune of $100 million a year, this seems pretty likely. In fact, they have already praised the attacks on Israel by Hamas and even thanked Iran for the money for it.

But there’s another angle to it. Remember all that military hardware we left in Afghanistan during the disastrous pull-out? The Taliban is now using it to supply Hamas. The Biden foreign policy disasters are stacking up like dominoes in this latest crisis.

That Democrats are trying to blame this new war on the fact that Senator Tommy Tuberville is holding up military appointments due to a Department of Defense policy of paying for abortions shows what their real priorities are. It’s not our defense: it’s abortion.  

To add insult to injury, the U. S. Office for Palestinian affairs posted (and then deleted) on X: “We unequivocally condemn the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

So, Hamas missiles and terrorists killing Israelis is bad, but fighting back is just as bad. Even if they deleted it, this shows that the people in the Biden Administration are dangerously out of touch. If they’re the grown-ups, they’re drunk in the back room while the front room is getting destroyed.

Republicans need to keep fighting against the insanity of this administration’s feckless foreign policy. Checking the Ukraine money spigot is a good start. They also need to be communicating to the American people how dangerous the Democrats are and what a sane policy looks like. They need to convey to the public what a dangerous world Democratic leadership has brought us—and brought the world. I haven’t even brought up the Biden Administration’s disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan, which left billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban. It is bad. The supposed grown-ups are AWOL intellectually.

If Americans are concerned about America and if Americans are concerned about the world, the first thing we need to do is get the Democrats out of control. Perhaps it’s best to craft a catchy slogan. I propose: “Think globally, vote locally—for Republicans.”

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and serves as a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X (Twitter) @davidpdeavel.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Very important article Mr.Deavel and your proposed slogan — “Think globally, vote locally — for Republicans .” — is very appropriate , very sensible . It could be said that many Americans probably do not attach a great deal of importance to foreign policy matters , and that is unfortunate , but to some extent understandable. However , when the foreign policy issue involves the country that is the next door neighbor on the southern border , and a criminal element from that country is invading this country — perpetrating an act of war on the United States of America — that is a different story all together. It should be a priority concern for American citizens , regardless what part of the country they live in , when it is realized that this criminal gang invasion involves putting the defense of America in jeopardy, and tactics being used by these despicable , dishonorable enemies of freedom include illegal drug trafficking and human trafficking. There it is — it is something that there is no excuse by any American citizen who has any claim on being responsible can ignore. So, there is hope that enough efforts by enough American citizens with courage , with a sense of loyalty , with love of country and good sense will be able to save the day and defend this Nation as it should be defended. This situation is an example of how valuable AMAC is in providing this forum , it should be appreciated by all right thinking, responsible American citizens . It helps to keep things in Balance in life — ways to do that can involve having a sense of purpose in life , living by a code of conduct , remembering the elements that make for good character , maintaining a respectful , uplifting sense of humor, respecting the will of God , and respecting Liberty. In the spirit of Faith, Family and Freedom, You wrote a very important message in this article David , Well Done !

1 year ago

It’s time for the President’s Cabinet to meet to discuss the Administrations’ actions. They must discuss invoking the 25th Amendment . And they must do this before Biden/Harris get us into more trouble and/or jeopardy . Bob Gates gave us all fair warning that Joe Biden NEVER got foreign policy right . The Administration of Mumbles & Giggles must be fired . We must hold the Members of the Cabinet responsible for the damage and jeopardy Biden is putting America in .
And, BTW, what are the Republicans waiting for ? ? ? Impeach Biden/Harris NOW ! ! !

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

The most important thing (which Biden and all his cronies lack) is respect for and love of the United States! That is what both Reagan and Trump did have! Barry O was another hater of our country even though it was his AFRICAN daddy who abandoned him.

1 year ago

The Biden administration has no good foreign policy people at all. Biden was described as the one in the Obama Biden administration with foreign policy qualifications. He and H Clinton used those years for personal gain. Yes we need to get them out.

1 year ago

The grownups they crowed about turned out to be suffering dementia.
The cabinet and the underlings in the White House are all installed due to being gay, trans, black, brown, handicapped or a gay man transitioned to a woman. Merit did not matter as long as they shattered. See what you voted for when you voted against Trump. We had peace everywhere when he was president. We all were prospering.
China attacks Taiwan what is ole Joe then going to do? Third world war or should we start learning Chinese?
one question to ole Joe WHY???

1 year ago

Donald Trump told us 6 weeks ago when the Biden Administration was ready to release $6 Billion of frozen assets to Iran that Israel would be attacked and many people would die and many more would be taken hostage including US citizens in Israel. When Biden paid the Iranians $6 Billion for the release of 5 Americans held in Iran he paid for this attack on Israel. Israel has stated that they are now at war with the Hamas terrorists and will retaliate as it always does to these attacks. Meanwhile we are seeing the Hamas terrorists acting like ISIS and executing hostages. This is what happens when you allow Democrats to run our foreign relations, chaos.

Cynical American
Cynical American
1 year ago

The Financial Times is published in the UK. The BBC is UK government media outlet. I subscribe to The London Review of Books, another UK based media outlet. What I have learned is that, unfortunately, most people in the UK, particularly the elites, have a very distorted and unkind view of the USA – maybe because they watch CNN – Europe. They dislike Americans for various reason, including envy and jealousy. The only time they like is when theUSA funds NATO and goes along with the elites globalist agenda. They particulary dislike Trump because he called the UK and the rest of those rich European NATO members out for failing to adhere to their NATO commitments; for insisting that US trade deals were fair; for putting America first instead of adhering to the globalist agendas.

1 year ago

There isn’t an adult in any part of this administration!

1 year ago

The only foreign policy Biden and his bunch have ever had is ——Surrender and Appease with a little payola!

1 year ago

I don’t believe there is a member of Biden’s cabinet or staff nor a member of the current military leadership that have garnered enough respect from any foreign element to cause anyone to want to meet with or strategize with them to bring peace, stability or civility to any part of the world.

1 year ago

You covered with reasonable brevity a great deal.
Didn’t we know though, via our experience especially with Clinton, Bush II then “Obama” (the boy wonder), that the fomenting of academia’s leftist embrace (starting in the early sixties) and subsequently American politics, media and eventually business elites with the hubris of American largess, fall into the Marxist trap of victimhood and those on high “feeling sorry” for the chosen “underlings”?
In D.C. what has been popularized as “uniparty” politics, by simply its name actually no longer serves any devoted American citizens. Oh, that’s right Hillary has her tarnished hand in the air for “devoted American citizens” with all her criminal brethren.
Prudently you point to local politics.

1 year ago

We have a major problem with the war in Israel. But in this country we should be concentrating on the Biden and family criminal association (BAFCA). It is important to support Israel but think about the reduction in protection for our soil. Is our military prepared to defend our soil if this boils over into a world war?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Giving Iran $6B: BAD. However, I am not ready to jump on the Blame Game as of yet. Granted, the attack was a major intelligence disaster, both on US and the Israelis. What I will blame right now is the ennui similar to pre-911 that allowed it to occur. “Never Forget”? Somebody did. Meanwhile, if Israelis leveled Gaza, I would not shed a tear for “innocents”. They are raised on hatred of Israel; I read a children’s book at Toys R Us in Bahrain about the “occupation” and the “occupiers”! Their fed it like our kids are fed leftist dogma.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been AWOL day 1

1 year ago

Punkydoodle, the 15 year old AMERICAN HATER shows his lack of intellect by his HATE AMERICA COMMENTS! He REALLY NEEDS A SPANKING and sent to bed early without having his SNOOKYDOODLE DESSERT!

1 year ago

If for one minute people believe what is happening in our world, Israel, our borders, censorship, police state tactics, and on and on is just bad policy, well then those people are fools. All this is intentional and a direct attack on our freedoms. Face it, there is a global cabal, some within our govt, that has waged war on multiple countries and if they win we’re SOL, think Germany WW2 if you want to know your future. Better wake up

1 year ago

Biden’s poor choices are affecting everyone except the moron making them!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The Democrat “intellect” is well represented with your in-depth, thought provoking rebukes.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

America is expected to settle the baby which is not interested in being settled It wants to scream and fight The fact that there is not a capable adult to do so does not help

1 year ago

I never been more embarrassed by the leadership we have in this country. They are all a bunch of pansies and cowards especially the airhead who calls himself President…

1 year ago

Did I hear Joe Biden make an oath to protect the United States? If we did, then why are terrorist allowed entry into this country? Some are thinking, “that’s not true” because the Biden social media has not confirmed this information and we must believe social media before we believe a southern border agent. America has bowed it’s knee to corruption. Democrats and Republicans alike are responsible for the decline of the greatest nation on earth. Since we can not depend on government, I ask all believers to bow a knee to God. You know, the one we said has no place in our government, schools or businesses.

1 year ago

The marxist democrat party and biden have the same group of failures that obama promoted and supported.
Same bunch of anti american,anti Israeli self serving politics first traitors.

Charles Pont
Charles Pont
1 year ago

Part of the problem with our US Foreign Policy establishment is that they may have attended top flight Universities such as Harvard, Yale Princeton and Georgetown. They are extremely book smart but they lack common sense. That is why they (the grown-ups in both parties) screw up everything they touch. The two most successful foreign policy Presidents we have had since World War II were Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. President Truman, a High School Graduate, instituted the Containment Policy which stopped Soviet expansion after FDR, an IVY Leaguer, gave away the store to the Soviets at Yalta. President Reagan, who graduated from lowly Eureka College, won the Cold War by ignoring our expert class’ fixation with detente and concentrated on actually challenging the Soviet Empire’s weakness in occupied Eastern European States. Thus, causing the collaspe of the Soviet Union.

Martra Alvarez
Martra Alvarez
1 year ago

I love ‘a vote aginst Democrats is a vote for peace’. How true!

1 year ago

Future Requirement for all Government employees.
A History test, a test on the Constitution. Military Service, A signed Commitment to America and its people. IQ test. Add wha you think is needed.

1 year ago

Obama is leading the current administration. He always wanted a third term. The WOKE Democrats wantMrs Obama to run for president. She wants nothing to do with the election. Besides she wants out of her linkage to her husband who is busy playing with some guy. Do we have a mess here or what!!

1 year ago

Beijing wanna be dictator joe should be tried along with his secretary of state, heads of the doj and fbi and token lloyd should be tried for treason. But then the whole democratic regime in washington along with the rinos should also be tried. It is time for serious changes in washinton. I am not sure that anything short of Someone dropping a nuke on the city will solve the problems.

1 year ago

The above discussion hit the nail on the head. God forbid that any Democratic’s are re-elected again. Only Minnesota can be stupid enough to do so.

1 year ago

Again, it’s amateur hour in the Biden administration. How many innocent men woman and children people need to die because of his inept policies and lack of foresight.

Jerry M.
Jerry M.
1 year ago

Yet another disaster brought to you by Creepy Joe and his left wing woke regime.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, Another serious disaster created and caused by JoBama and comrades. They will not be held accountable by the crippled Congress which they CONTROL!

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
1 year ago

Spoken like a true Neophyte ronny. Your intelligence is an insult to your name sake, IMHO

1 year ago

Punkydoodle is displaying his lack of intelligence again! HE HATES AMERICA & TRUMP and SHOWS IT by his COMMENTS!

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Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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