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Biden’s Coming Potemkin State of the Union Speech

Posted on Thursday, February 10, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


After an unusually long delay, President Joe Biden is scheduled to give his first State of the Union Address on March 1. The White House is desperate to use the speech as the fulcrum of a last-ditch effort to overturn the hardening narrative of the Biden administration as failed presidency leading a Democrat Party that is doomed to lose its Congressional majorities in November’s midterm elections. But succeeding in the biggest political speech of the year will be no easy task for the beleaguered president. Having fallen short on his major campaign promises and with a slew of crises now gripping the nation, Biden has little choice but to try and convince the American people that things are actually going quite well – in spite of the abundant evidence that they are not. Just as he did last August when he declared the disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan an “extraordinary success,” President Biden will be asking Americans to believe the unbelievable.

In the Soviet Union, government minders used to dupe foreigners with tours of seemingly thriving communities, when in fact the ordinary citizens living there were struggling. In much the same way, it looks as if Joe Biden is gearing up to take the American people on a rhetorical tour of a country that does not really exist. Get ready. You can see Joe Biden’s Potemkin State of the Union coming a mile away.

Over the past several weeks, Biden’s team, along with Congressional Democrats and the mainstream media, have slowly started laying the groundwork for Biden to try and flip the script on his catastrophic record of failure.

Recognizing that Biden has utterly failed to “shut down the virus,” the White House and other elected Democrats are now setting Biden up to try and claim a phony “victory” over COVID-19. Democratic governors and other elected officials have started this effort, slowly easing restrictions just in time for Biden to take the stage next month. The White House then signaled last week that it intends to sharply “pivot” on its own pandemic messaging, an apparent attempt to create the illusion that the administration is making progress on the virus.

Even the late date of the State of the Union, March 1, (when the speech normally occurs in January or early February), appears chosen with the expectation that by then, the latest COVID wave will be well past its peak, giving the false appearance that the sharp decline is a result of Biden’s pandemic policies. 

Unfortunately for Biden, any claim of success in handling the virus has already been dramatically hampered by Speaker Pelosi’s recent announcement that attendance will be capped at 25 members from each party due to COVID-19. That would mean even fewer members will be in the chamber this year than during Biden’s Address to a Joint Session of Congress last year – a visual reminder that President Biden’s pandemic response has set the country back, not forward, during his time in office.  

Biden will also likely claim that he has achieved success on the economy, a hard sell given that soaring inflation is devouring the paychecks of ordinary Americans and grocery store shelves have gone bare in many parts of the country. Biden did receive one major boost to his economic argument last week, as job growth rose far more than expected in January. However, one solid jobs report won’t erase the fact that job growth fell well beneath expectations in all of 2021.

Moreover, Americans understand that Biden came into office with the country still struggling under pandemic-induced economic shutdowns. So, while his claim that the country created “more jobs under me than under any first-term administration in history” may be technically true, that fact comes with the huge caveat that the country also had far more jobs to fill than at any other time in history after the government forcibly shut them down.

In another effort to distract from the reality of his failed tenure, the Biden foreign policy team appears to have been busy building up the threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, which many independent experts have suggested has always been unlikely. Late last month, as Biden called a Russian incursion “imminent,” even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky scolded him for inciting “panic,” making clear that the White House was exaggerating the threat. Last week, the State Department was also unable to back up dramatic claims that Russia had planned a “false flag” operation as a pretext for invading Ukraine.

So don’t be surprised if Biden spends part of his State of the Union touting some supposed diplomatic achievement in avoiding a war that many have suggested may never come. As Americans will remember from last summer, candor about foreign policy threats is not this president’s strong suit. It was just last August when the Biden administration ordered a missile strike believing it had reliable intelligence about a target that was part of an imminent terror attack on the Kabul airport. General Milley said at the time that it was a “righteous strike,” but the intelligence later turned out to have been tragically wrong. The strike killed an innocent Afghan aid worker and his 7 children. Given this history, Americans would be forgiven if they were skeptical of Biden’s claims about Ukraine.

At the same time, even as Biden appears poised to boast about his commitment to protecting Ukraine’s border, he will not likely say a word about how he has utterly failed to protect the Southern border of his own country. More than two million people crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally last year (a figure that only reflects those who were caught) more than quadruple the number of illegal crossers in 2020.

Americans will also not look kindly on Biden touting supposed foreign policy achievements as he fails to even protect them in their own neighborhoods. Many once-safe streets in our cities have now been turned into virtual warzones as the country faces a record surge in crime. More police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2021 than any other year since 1995, and homicides in America’s major cities last year increased 44% over 2019, the most recent pre-pandemic year. Instead of talking about what the federal government can do to assist local police and prosecutors to enforce the law against criminals, expect Biden to advocate for more gun control laws and other measures to make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves. 

Aside from the lack of any real achievements, Biden may also find himself unable to inspire anyone when he takes the podium in a few weeks. Biden often struggles to make it through even shorter remarks, and has yet to deliver a truly solid performance in a major address. As Politico’s John Harris – normally a friend of the Biden administration – recently wrote: “Do you recall Biden’s address a few months ago to the United Nations? No, you don’t, because it was a compound of gassy banalities, organized around a string of rhetorical questions that recalled a high school valedictorian’s speech.” Ouch.

Even if Biden can manage to turn in a passable performance, it will likely do nothing to save the sinking ship of his political fortunes. Particularly in an election year, Congress sets the legislative agenda in January and February – when Presidents normally give the State of the Union – as most members will be checked out by midsummer to focus on their reelection campaigns. In perhaps the most damming sign yet of Democrats’ lack of confidence in Biden, Congress appears to have already moved on, and Biden may likely have missed his chance to salvage some semblance of his domestic agenda – and perhaps his legacy.

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2 years ago

The SOTU will simply be the kick-off for the Democrat / MSM propaganda campaign to try and fool enough low IQ Americans to think Democrats will do better, if given another chance in the midterms.

The reason the SOTU is being held so late this year is the Democrats expected they would have already rammed through the federalization of the elections, which was buried in their BBB bill that failed to get through in its current form. That would have rendered the midterms and all future elections moot, so the SOTU could have just been Biden’s lousy press conference last month. As for what Biden will say, it will be a repeat of all the lies about how wonderful everything is since he took over and he will ignore all the multiple failures his administration and the Democrats have presided over. If it lasts more than 30 minutes, I will be surprised because it will be well past his normal bedtime and I don’t pumping him full of stimulants on top of his daily anti-dementia cocktail is a good thing. He might go w-a-y off script and provide the world with yet another example of how unfit he is to hold the office of POTUS.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

His speech will be the following:

Hate filled
silence seconds
misread teleprompter
like GA speech

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The “speech” will either be on a telePrompter or fed over a mic into Senile Joe’s earpiece because he CANNOT speak in a cogent manner for any period of time. It will be a fantasy speech, full of smoke and mirrors. Senile Joe lives in a fantasy world and has ZERO comprehension of what is actually happening in this nation!!

2 years ago

Hopefully the majority of the country knows Biden is not in control of anything, and all of this is a waste of time.

2 years ago

Sorry, Joe and Co. We will need way better drugs to believe everything is rosy in the USA. You are a miserable failure in every single aspect of your stolen presidency. Just so you know, at least 2 States are preparing to decertify the 2020 Election. Indictments are being prepared for those who blatantly committed election fraud on your behalf and were caught on surveillance cameras. Wow! Who knew there would be cameras filming everything? Who knew the programmed-to-cheat Dominion Voting Machines would be examined forensically? And your “Legacy”? Good news! You will be remembered as a weak, senile little-girl-hair sniffing old fool who was the worst, most damaging President in USA history! Congratulations!

tom gilligan
tom gilligan
2 years ago

if you look at how the jobs report was “adjusted” (over 4,000,000 were removed) you will se the jobs report would have actually been negative if not for the changes.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

I would not be shocked if he tried to pin the whole fiasco on D Trump saying he inherited a mess which he is trying to fix but the enemies of the people and the state Trump’s agents are preventing him from doing so but all is well not to worry he has our back

Leo 1001
Leo 1001
2 years ago

The bigger the lies the more Will believe them. And there will be plenty of them too!

2 years ago

I wouldn’t listen to his lies with a gun to my head. I’d rather go have a root canal than listen to any lying demo/globalist. It would be a waste of time. However, it might be fun to watch him dislocate his shoulder trying to pat himself on the back for all the great things he’s done for (or is it to) America.

2 years ago

This “State of the Union” monologue will be delivered a full month after the average date of such an address, probably the latest in history. The reason? Because Bidet has delayed it as long as possible hoping that something in his administration will go right. It probably has been delayed also in order so that “they” can get him to parrot whatever tripe has been written without his mind wandering off into fanciful stories of things that happened to other people but which he claim as his.

2 years ago

Getting better? Can’t wait to hear him explain the inflation crisis. It hasn’t been this high in three decades!

Steven H
Steven H
2 years ago

I’m so fed up with the Wizard of Oz production in Washington with Joe Biden playing the roles of the brainless Scarecrow who can’t scare a crow and the Cowardly Lion who just wrings his tail when confronted with something. Then there’s the Wicked Witch of the West played by Nancy Pelosi who is assisted by her Democrat Monkey Army. Of course, there are the “men” behind the curtain manipulating the whole thing.

2 years ago

He could not operate a hot dog stand for profit after making the comment that if he spent more money we would not have inflation. Spending more money that we do not have, and adding monoploy money to the economy is his solution to inflation. Energy prices soaring with over 6,000 products made from a derivative of oil that are increasing in price. Open up the spigots and it would have a major reduction in our inflationary spiral.Only one profiting from the green agenda are those who wish us harm starting with China.

2 years ago

If anyone listens to this idiot loser again after the year we have just experienced needs to get a brain scan// also Pelosi/Schumer/the Squad/ and the entire regime needs to be thrown out of office in the Senate/and the House this year//Biden needs to be examined for rocks between his ears and getting payola from Russia and China and Kamala has no one that would give her the time of day// O what a wicked web we weave/////////////////////////

2 years ago

Nothing more than a career, crooked-scum, loser! And 80 million voted for this dimwit.

2 years ago

What more can one say? He is a liar, thief, puppet, traitor who needs to be put in prison along with his conspirators..and that means finally draining the swamp!

Darius Medina
Darius Medina
2 years ago

Abject, total incompetence is hard to gloss over and Biden has never done well in that area. Considering all his “successes”? one would have to be completely gullible to believe even one word he says.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Lots of luck! This may be the time he really babbles.

Richard Miller
Richard Miller
2 years ago

The poisoned cool aid liberal drinkers will be believe anything he says

2 years ago

Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the Republican Response was:
“I’ve been given a list of people to call on….”

2 years ago

We the people need joebama and marxist democrats to continue failing on every anti American, anti Citizen initiative.
Hopefully they will be defeated SO OVERWHELMING that we can save Our Country!
The cancerous democrats are hell bent on destroying everything good in America and turning freedom into socialism to benefit themselves.
Wake up America – throw them ALL out!

Owen Shrock
Owen Shrock
2 years ago

This is one speech that I can’t wait to watch. It should be aired on comedy central because I’m sure it will be a hoot!

Regardless of how it comes off, I’m sure there won’t be a single dry eye in all of America.

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

We have 2 years of data now. The coronavirus variants has waves that peak every 3,4,or 5 months, and always seem to have the highest peak in the middle of January. In other words, it is seasonal with 3 peaks/year with the biggest one in January. Therefore we should expect the next one in April, May, or June, and another one in September or October – right before the election. You can be sure that the louder Dementia Joe crows about how “he ended the pandemic” the worst the next variant wave will be.

taek kenn
taek kenn
2 years ago

Maybe Joe could claim he has Omicron and the State of Union speech is unavoidably postponed until further notice.

2 years ago

Joe is a chronic liar. Always has been. Personally I have no interest in listening to a lying idiot!

2 years ago

Anti-White liberals and respectable conservatives that support massive third-world immigration and FORCED assimilation for EVERY White country and ONLY White countries say that they are anti-racist, but their policies will lead to a world with no White people i.e White Genocide.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Smili'in Jack
Smili'in Jack
2 years ago

Should be great fun to watch him stumble and mumble his way though it while saying stupid things that are all unrelated and, in the end, watch the news media try desperately trying to cover for him. Still though, a monkey in a suit is still a monkey.

2 years ago

those speech rehearsal really take it out of b-b-b-bid-d-d-en.

2 years ago

$50.00 we’re all rounded up by March 1 and he gives a victory over America speech!

don heer
don heer
2 years ago

king joe and all the B.S. you can eat

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

I wonder if Nancy will tear up her copy of Comisar Joe’s speech while he describes the sinking of our Ship of State due Covid 19, 20, 21, 22. 2000 and Variants Delta, Omicron, Lambda, Mu & Nu and appoints CornPop as Ambassador to China and hires Chris Cuomo to replace Liar in Chief Psaki.

2 years ago

He will probably be “under the weather” that night so that he won’t have to show his ignorance.

2 years ago

no one will listen to this POS anyways and those who do will not understand a thing he says

2 years ago

Who even listens to this village idiot.

2 years ago

The Award Winning Comedy Show of the Decade..

introducing the comedy of

Joe and the Hoe Gots to Go…

ExGOP Texas
ExGOP Texas
2 years ago

/s/ YES! President Biden will look terrible in comparison to trump! We will see that President Biden’s infrastructure bill is not as good as the one that trump bragged about for years! What, trump never even submitted a bill, we have not had one since President Obama’s??

And the stock market is way down!! What, the stock market is up and lots of jobs are getting filled?

And the COVID virus is still a problem mostly because trump ignored the pandemic plan that President Bush left us? Almost all of the people that are seriously affected are right wing lunatics like Phil Valentine, Marcus Lamb, and Jimmy DeYoung? I would call them and ask their opinions but they all died of COVID.

Jim J Siv
Jim J Siv
2 years ago

It will be a miracle if President Biden can properly enunciate the teleprompter’s words for a full hour. It’s worth noting one remarkable difference between President Biden and say, President Reagan: voters twice elected Reagan BEFORE he had Alzheimer’s.

Perhaps the single most effective political ad to run this Fall, is Larry Summers’ warnings to Democrats in February 2021, that spending a profligate $1.9T in additional “covid relief”, risked generating an inflationary spiral – while noting Summers’ positions in the Clinton and Obama administrations, aka, a Democrat economist of reasonable repute.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

I believe they’ve had this planned out for three months if not more. The Commudems are backing off the mandates, except for children in Californication, just in time for the address for Biden to claim success for edging off COVID-19. Then after, making up some other catastrophic disease or virus that will probably come from the lab Monkeys dumped from the truck carrying them which crashed a while back. Someone informed the news outlet that reported it, to tell people not to touch the Monkeys that ran away from the crash. Haven’t heard word one about it since. I feel something brewing! The Progressive demons will do anything to keep us from being able to vote. They are too predictable now. It’s just so terrible we don’t have enough in our government to fight against all the corruption in our government. If we did, these evil people would not be getting away with what they’re doing. It all started with our Supreme Court and ended with Pense certifying the 2020 election for Sniffy Joe Biden. As I have said before, only God can fix this if He so chooses! I hope He hears our desperate cries and will help us out of this mess we helped create.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

By now I’m sure we all are well aware of what’s actually happening, this is definitely Barack Obama’s third term in office and he basically admitted it in an interview a while back. Only this time all the pieces are in place to allow them to absolutely destroy our lives and our country. Believe me there wasting no time and if we can somehow even survive this until the midterm elections it will be a miracle. These are frightening times right now and the survival of our republic and our freedoms are teetering on a thin line. It’s all to obvious right now that Biden lied about everything and has one objective, destroy our constitutional freedoms and our opportunities as American citizens and bring in a government run basically communist system as soon as possible. That’s there objective and really what only matters right now to these leftist progressives socialist democrats. Wake up and open your eyes before we’re completely destroyed.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

There is absolutely nothing that any democRAT would say that would make me decide to vote for them,never,ever.Our economy was very good under President Trump,then the ungreat destroyers”shoed”joey in and now look at the third world country that we may become.Soon it will only be the wealthy that can afford to travel,to take vacations.With food,utilities,fuel,autos and trucks and everything else so expensive,there is nothing that”sloppy joey”will say that will make me and most AMERICANS feel better and not feel betrayed.

2 years ago

Sleepy Joe is under a lot of pressure from Obama to foment racial hatred. Expect to hear him insult the intelligence and dignity of every black American by pandering to the sexual insecurity and racism of his pasty white, college-confused woke base. Expect many, many worthless virtue signals regarding matters over which he has absolutely no control. Don’t expect him to explain or justify in any way his campaign to undermine and destroy the American oil industry. Don’t expect him to explain the “climate catastrophe” about which he and the other duped chicken littles endlessly virtue signal. It would be very interesting to know what in the heck is in Sleepy Joe’s mind when he envisions the future. Does he buy into Al Gore’s nightmare scenarios? even though actual planetary history has proven all the Goreist predictions to be really nothing more than bogus, insane lies designed to torment the minds of sensitive young children? In other words, the American people would like to know if Sleepy Joe is the neutered slave of the woke cult that he appears to be.

Derek Parker
Derek Parker
2 years ago

The critical aspect of this SOTU is who the Republicans will nominate for the reply. Four good possibilities: Tim Scott, Dan Crenshaw, Mike Garcia or Winsome Sears.

2 years ago

The last good Democrat President was JFK, they have successively gotten worse since his untimely demise!

2 years ago

Biden is a waste of oxygen and so are all of his appointees.

2 years ago

Never Forget — KIDS IN COFFINS

2 years ago

battleship whose crew mutinied during the Russian Revolution of 1905 when in the Black Sea, bombarding Odessa before seeking asylum in Romania. The incident persuaded the tsar to agree to a measure of reform. bully!

Terry Witt
Terry Witt
2 years ago

Biden’s slogan “Build it back better” might best be morphed to “Stack the BS higher!” By the time the election rolls around in 2024, there’s a good chance Biden may need a teleprompter to remember his own name.

2 years ago

Phaq this co*k sucker.

Richard Minetti
Richard Minetti
2 years ago

Who cares – total Bullschiff!

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
2 years ago

This entire fecalfest administration is not only an embarrassment to America but a clear and present danger to our sovereignty and the freedom & safety of every American! Every person in every position is the most incompetent and unqualified person they could find without exception!

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