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Biden vs. Nature

Posted on Wednesday, July 13, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Barry Casselman


Nothing seems to be lifting Joe Biden from declining poll numbers, even as his Democratic Party and its funders try every tactic they can think of to reverse the growing red wave approaching them only three-plus months from now on election day in November.

The wave is not an abstraction — it’s a force of nature taking up more and more voters into its expanding volume.

In most instances, a president cannot be blamed for an economic downturn or recession. But Biden has adopted policies and made executive decisions which crushed the post-pandemic economic recovery which he inherited, provoking energy shortages, supply chain crises, and inflation. Mr. Biden routinely attempts to blame former President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin for these circumstances, but the public intuitively isn’t buying any alibis.

The various stock and bond markets, which provide most Americans with much of their net worth through IRAs, pension funds, and personal investments are now in bear market territory, which foreshadows many months of recession beginning in late summer/early autumn. Some observers assert a recession has indeed already begun.

With a natural economic upturn gathering speed after the pandemic period waned, and tremendous amounts of cash being held because of low interest rates, it was not easy to reverse the economic recovery. But Mr. Biden managed to do so anyhow by relentlessly pursuing restrictive energy policies in oil, gas and coal production; excess government social spending; imposing roadblocks to entrepreneurs and small businesses through executive orders; arbitrary regulations; higher taxes; and impulsive massive foreign aid — the sheer volume of which put a brake on the natural economic recovery. Resulting inflation has led the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates that will dampen real estate activity, and begin to draw away cash reserves that had been fueling rising stock markets.

No one is seriously buying the Biden argument that the earlier actions of his predecessor and current actions of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine are the causes of the economic downturn now in progress. 

President Biden’s sinking standing with the public is complicated by a factor he cannot control — his age. In 2024 he will be 82, and unlike others at his age, he is obviously undergoing noticeable physical decline. This has even led the New York Times, the Democrats’ media flagship, recently to begin publishing negative articles about Biden, including a poll with all-time low favorables at 33%, and quotes from Democratic voters asserting he is too old. The Times is no longer a serious newspaper, but it is a bellwether of partisan liberal left-wing opinion, and it is now clearly pushing for Mr. Biden to stand down in 2024.

As recent times have proven, politics can often change directions, but no matter how hard Biden tries, he will never grow any younger.

With Republicans overwhelmingly now opposed to Biden’s presidency, a majority of independents now opposed, and a notable percentage of Democrats saying they want a new nominee in 2024, it would seem close to a certainty that Joe Biden is destined to be a one-term president. It would seem very likely that, at some interval following the 2022 mid-term elections, probably in early 2023, Joe Biden will announce he is not running for a second term.

Then the question becomes: Who will the Democrats nominate for president in 2024?

Unlike their Republican Party opponents, Democrats have a very small and limited “bench” to run for president. That is why, although the 2022 midterm elections appear problematic for Democrats, and likely will see the loss of their control of the U.S. House and Senate, there is the possibility that a new figure who wins a governorship or a Senate seat against an otherwise GOP tide could provide them with a 2024 nominee. Lest that seems improbable, it need only be remembered that in 2008, Barack Obama did just that.

Meanwhile, the spectacle of the remainder of Joe Biden’s first term is still to be played out. There are elements of comedy and tragedy to be staged, and no doubt, a few surprises.

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2 years ago

With liberals filling the ballot boxes with illegal, unprosecuted ballots, the Dems could win with a Harris/AOC ticket.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Biden v Nature, an interesting name for the story… ”  There are elements of comedy and tragedy to be staged, and no doubt, a few surprises. ” That final sentence from this article I find troubling, primarily because of the unknown factor in dealing with a close to a 80 year old man quite obviously in cognitive decline long before he ever got himself installed as a potus…
We are in the (18th) month of going from one crisis to the next crisis in never ending fashion from this so-called administration…
There is no telling with any absolute certainty just how much more damage can be inflicted on the American people with these people running the communist program out of the WH along with all the RINO’s crossing the aisle on so many issues…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Yet another inevitable “Red Wave” article. Lets quantify the so-called Red Wave for a minute for most people to understand. Based on several fairly accurate polls that are floating around out there that receive little coverage by anyone, the Republicans, at best, are projected to end up with a 7 seat majority in the House after the midterms. So yes, the Republicans are projected to re-take the House, but the majority will be razor thin. Just as Pelosi’s grasp on control in the current House is razor thin at the moment. In the Senate, the Republicans are projected, at best, to end up with a 2 seat majority after the midterms. A 52 to 48 Senate.

This will give the Republicans the ability to do endless congressional investigations of whatever they desire. Topics like Hunter Biden, a parade of various federal agency department heads to create photo ops on an array of topics and the usual dog and pony show theatrics used by both parties to kill time between doing serious business. Since the DOJ and the FBI won’t act on any criminal referrals that may be sent to them by a Republican led Congress, these various congressional investigations will amount to nothing.

On the positive side, the Republicans should be able to effectively end, if they actually stop “walking across the aisle” to support Democrats and act to serve the people for once, any future Democrat inspired legislation to further damage the country from reaching Biden’s desk for him to sign into law. This alone would be a huge positive for the country if the Republicans could grow a spine. Given what we have seen over the last 18 months, 18 or 19 Senate Republicans and a handful of House Republicans have a nasty habit of showing who they really are and caving to support incredibly bad Democrat legislation. Thus expecting a unified Republican Senate or House is somewhat like believing in unicorns.

However, lets suspend reality for a minute and dare to embrace the fantasy. Lets even extend the fantasy a bit and say 8 Democrats in the Senate, for some unbelievable reason, will join with Republicans (remember the 60 vote filibuster threshold) for any Republican legislation passed in the House to get approved in the Senate, so it can be sent to Biden. Biden will of course immediately veto it. Since we won’t have the necessary 2/3 votes in both chambers of Congress to over-ride a Presidential veto, that is were we will be until after the 2024 Presidential election. Political stalemate with Biden doing exactly what Obama did and rule almost exclusively by Executive Orders. A definite improvement from where we are now, but not the nirvana so many of these Red Wave articles are constantly painting for the public.

Congress has one major power: The power of the purse. They can defund any department, agency or even the entire federal government via the budgetary appropriations process, if necessary, to stop Executive Branch over-reach or abuse of constitutional authority. However, current Congressional leadership doesn’t have the will to use and have taken that option off the table. So stalement is the best we can hope for until we can hopefully get a real Republican President back in the White House.

2 years ago

The Demented Old Buffoon has started his Middle East “fist bump – no hand shaking” tour. He’s afraid of covid; but stand close to fist bump with no face covering.

2 years ago

We need all America First supporters to vote in November Mid-Term for the new aggressive candidates running to help us turn this country around….time to retire those long holding politicians…hopefully new members will keep their word and vote for us.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

“A Nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which GOD has given them cannot be
enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”


2 years ago

“No one is seriously buying the Biden argument that the earlier actions of his predecessor and current actions of Vladimir Putin in Ukraine are the causes of the economic downturn now in progress.”

Unfortunately, the myopic who voted for him and still gather their news from CNN and MSNBC would beg to differ.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Biden has a long history of being an empty shirt and compulsively lying. His 50 year pattern of being a political hack and persistently blaming others for his errors has been well documented. He has served his purpose as a fake president, and even the Democrats are starting to use Biden as a fall guy for the dysfunction that is the Democrat Party. Biden deserves to be sacrificed at the altar of Democrat Ideology. He has been a career politician who has abused his power to help himself and his family at the expense of our nation and the American people. Hopefully, most Americans are informed enough to know that the Democrat Party of 2022 is not even remotely similar to the Democrat Party of 2002. The Marxists have ruined what was once a much more patriotic, political organization.

2 years ago

The harm Biden and his administration has done to this country won’t begin to go away until we drain the swamp this coming November and then kick his ass out of our WH in November 3034.

2 years ago

I see NO elements of comedy, only tragedy under the idiotic Biden administration. he promised, even guaranteed, he would end fossil fuels & force the green new deal on us, all so he can get to some arbitrary WEF ESG number- which signals the end of our civilization as it has done in Ghana, Sri Lanka, South Africa. God help us.

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln
2 years ago

What a national embarrassment in all aspects of his presidency. Integrity, fiscal policies, energy. Never trust a Marxist Democrat.

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln
2 years ago

He makes Jimmy Carter look competent! The worst Administration of Marxist fools in the history of our country

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 years ago

With the media and the Department of Justice ignoring election cheating, it makes no difference who they run they will win. If you have any doubts about that see the movie 2000 mules hasn’t even attracted an iota of attention from doj or the media. This is a Banana Republic I don’t see it’s going to get any better. When all the federal agencies from the Department of Justice to the FBI and on down the list are corrupt what can we do ? Check out the rights abuse of people that were arrested for the ” insurrection” some defendants are upwards of 500 Days in solitary confinement oh, don’t you dare cross the government. Democrats are bound to destroy this country. Now they’re trying to legislate CRT in our schools by federal law and that you might be a girl even if you have a penis. Trust the party of science they don’t even know what a woman is. This election is going to be a sham just like the last one was. My question is who’s pulling the strings Barack Obama or George Soros? And why do they want to destroy the country? In the words of Rahm Emanuel never let a crisis go to waste oh, and if there isn’t one make one

2 years ago

Just ready that the total sent to Ukraine at this point in time is $54 billion…OMG….I don’t even know what to say.

2 years ago

if the Republicans want to win in 2022 and again in 2024, they need a positive message about how they plan to turn around this nasty sea our country is riding! Need another Contract with America that all members will buy into and campaign on! I want something positive to vote for instead of just not the other guy! Then when that plan works, Republicans can keep on running on the platform of success, hopefully keeping Democrats from regaining power any time soon!

2 years ago

Joe Biden really has an easy way of turning things around. Whatever he thinks is the right decision, do the exact opposite. He has been 100% wrong on every decision he has made, so this is a no brainer. The republicans can’t help but win if we have an honest election, that will be the challenge. All those illegal aliens they are letting across the border aren’t really expected to vote, but when the democrats end up with more votes than republicans they will insist they won because of the border crossings.

2 years ago

Somehow…it seems from past experience, the dems seem to be able to pull the “rabbit” out of the hat when it comes a candidate for office, and not just for president. Who knows what individual out there will be their “sudden, out of the blue” pick. Obama was such…..and he ran with fervor and “class” but was not what I would deem a reasonably good president. Biden was a special pick…for all the wrong reasons that defy logic, and he has been an abject failure on every front. But he fit the bill the leftists needed to bring about the current set of disasters now drawing down the Republic. The dems will most certainly pick a younger person, perhaps even a woman, and could still pull it off by their standard set of rules about getting votes through nefarious means. Will have to wait, and see….and pray

2 years ago

Nothing that has happened or is going to happen is by accident or “twist of nature”. This destruction of America has been in the planning for at least 50 years by the Globalists. Klaus Schwab’s WEF has been designing the one-world government along with the billionaires who are members of his group for a long time. They are not stupid. Everything is going according to plan. Destroy America economically, militarily, and educationally then build back socialist under the one-world government. Biden just happens to be a useful idiot since he under their control. Of course, when a useful idiot is not longer useful, he is just an plain idiot. The demo/marxist party is full of those people.

2 years ago

What can anyone, not a Democrat, truly say. The Democrats have been running our country so long they know they can do and say whatever they want and it will be believed or has been believed for a long time. Even when Republicans have been elected, the Democrats still ran the show. I don’t know what direction our country will be taking in these next elections, states and National. Only God can help us.

2 years ago

The marxist democrat party and joebama are a JOKE!
What an anti american,immoral,corrupt group of USELESS democrat politicians.
NOBODY with a brain is buying into any of their lame bs and lies!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
2 years ago

The democrat party have committed so many crimes i do not knwo why it is not outlawed.

2 years ago

‘barack’ did that because half of our voting citizens are absolute idiots who believe they have the ‘right’ to vote despite being completely ignorant of History and issues important to the survival of our Republic.
A small percentage of the idiots are finally understanding there is actually more to voting than pulling that little lever or inking in a spot on a ballot. Will that new knowledge carry over?
I refuse to hold my breath.

Idaho Spud
Idaho Spud
2 years ago

Joe Manchin is a centrist, he would make the Dems a candidate who could reach across the aisle. But it is highly unlikely that they would choose someone with center politics.

2 years ago

God save this nation if by some chance Biden finagles a second term legally or otherwise. The wrath he and his cronies have imparted on this once great nation is continually making a laughing stock of this country. The unfortunate part of this is that one of the people the Dems may consider is Gavin Newsom. The one person that is Eviler than Biden. As I said in the beginning God Save this Country from the Far-Left Progressive Liberals and their quest to ruin this country and remove the Freedoms that the law-abiding Citizens of this country have enjoyed since 1776.

2 years ago

We have the worse president ever; and everybody sees it, and if they don’t, they need to see a good doctor.

2 years ago

It’s interesting to note that the media people & consultants ignore JB’s extremely obvious cognitive loss in suggesting that he should not run again. Instead, the claim is just that he’s “too old.” Why focus on THAT part of his inability to be in the highest office in the land? Because it’s the very reason they will attack Donald Trump if he decides to run in 2024! Ageism concerns will inevitably be connected to the senility of the current President, even though there is no evidence that Donald Trump is experiencing that debilitating handicap. It’s a campaign ploy.

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