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Biden v. Trump War v. Peace

Posted on Sunday, October 8, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
President Trump waving next to car

We were told he was in league with the Kremlin. 

We were told he would take us out of NATO. 

We were warned he would start World War Three. 

Instead we had peace for 4 years. 

No new wars. No new invasions. In fact, on his orders the Caliphate of ISIS was destroyed and I had the honor to travel to Singapore to witness a peace summit between our President and the head of state of the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea. 

And then his son-in-law brokered a peace in the Middle East, the likes of which hasn’t been seen since the re-birth of the modern state of Israel in 1948. 

All this despite the President inheriting a world in which Russia had taken Crimea, North Korea was launching missiles over the Sea of Japan, China was intimidating her neighbors militarily, Iran was moving inexorably toward nuclear-weapons capability, and ISIS had established the largest Jihadi insurgency since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. 

How was all this possible? 

With no exaggeration because of one man, his love of America and his preternatural understanding of power and how to exercise it. That man was Donald J. Trump, and I was honored to serve in his White House. 

How could one man make a difference? How could one non-politician usher us from an era of forever wars, “managed decline,” and global instability to a new age of prosperity and safety for Americans and security for the World? 

Not because President Trump saw America as “globo-cop.” Quite the opposite. 

The fascinating thing about the 45th President of the United States was that he exists in a place outside of the ivory-tower-generated categories and cliches of the Starbucks latte-sipping grad-school grandees and political TV hacks. 

Donald Trump was never a neocon. Much to the chagrin of the oleaginous likes of creeps like Bill Kristol or Max Boot, who never saw a war they didn’t like and wouldn’t send someone’s else sons to fight and die in. 

And he most certainty wasn’t a mindless libertarian isolationist who sees the world outside our borders as irrelevant to the safety of Americans. 

Let me explain his sui generis approach to leadership and geopolitics with two examples. 

When we were informed that the murderous regime of Bashar al Assad was about to use chemical weapons again against civilian targets, including women and children, the President took decisive action. He ordered our forces to launch 50+ cruise missiles to obliterate the Syria base that was preparing the genocidal operation. And he did so as he was hosting a banquet for Xi JinPing at Mar a Lago, where he leant down to the Communist leader, over chocolate cake, and informed the despot via his interpreter, what he had just done.  

President Trump had no interest in invading Syria, or any other nation, but was making a clear statement to Assad, Xi and all tyrants, that America has real redlines that with be policed as necessary and use of illegal chemical weapons against civilians is one of them. 

Secondly, when our intelligence assets informed the Commander-in-Chief that several hundreds Russia mercenaries had been deployed to the Middle East to destabilize the region, President Trump acted decisively once more, knowing how Putin had invade Georgia under George W. Bush and invaded ands taken Crimea under Obama. 

President Trump immediately ordered the Pentagon to kill all the Russian special forces masked as Wagner Group “mercenaries.” (Note: No President had ever killed hundreds of Russia soldiers since the Moscow Revolution of 1917. Not even the Cold War warrior Ronald Reagan). 

And what was the Kremlin’s response? Nothing. 

Putin didn’t even hold a press conference to complain at Washington. Because he was afraid of President Trump. He’s not afraid of Joe Biden. 

Since the 2020 election, as a pro-American administration was replaced by one led and staffed by those who hate the United States and sympathize more with our sworn enemies like Iran, than our friends like Israel, those who saw weakness acted. 

The cartels reignited their billion-dollar business of human-, drug-, and arms- trafficking business across our open southern border. 

Kim in North Korea started his blackmail-brinkmanship with his missile launches and nuclear testing. 

Iran reheated her cordial relations with their Democrat cronies, to renegotiate Obama’s JCPOA Iran-Deal, and were rewarded with $6 billion recently. 

China began once more to run invasion drills to intimidate Taiwan, as her aircraft and naval vessels endangered US military planes and ships. 

And then of course we had Biden’s surrender in Afghanistan. $80 billion of equipment left for the Taleban, thousands of Americans and our partners left stranded, and 13 Marines, corpsmen, and a Green Beret murdered by ISIS during the disastrous rout of Kabul airport. 

All done so the “Commander-in-Chief” could have a photo-op for the anniversary of 9/11 and declare “an end to the war.” 

That disaster led to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. The former KGB colonel knew with Biden in the Oval Office instead of Trump, the time was right. 

Then, once Biden released $6 billion to the mullahs in Iran, their proxy Hamas was ready to launch today’s unprecedented attacks at sites all over Israel. 

What will Xi JinPing conclude about timing for his assault on Taiwan? I think you know the answer to that question. 

As a former Senator from Illinois once notoriously stated: “Elections have consequences.” The world is once again on fire because America is led by cowards who hate America who don’t understand that Evil exists and that Evil must not be placated. 

Can we last until January 20th 2025? 

No one can answer that. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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11 months ago

The best description of the Trump presidency I have ever read. Short and to the point. Should be part of the campaign.

11 months ago

This is not just a story, No matter how the left will spin it. We have all lived in this time and know that it is true. Everyone needs to resend this message so that all of the lies that we are getting from the media will be exposed and extinguished. When we can learn how to silence the media and accept the truth and spread it, only then we will become a Nation that will stand up and stand together for the AMERICAN DREAM that our people deserve, that our fore fathers envisioned. Time to lose the deep state, shrink the government, hold accountable all of officials who have worked to destroy our country. It’s time to take our country back and return it to a country that is by the people and for the people.

Ron Craft
Ron Craft
11 months ago

Great summary of the disastrous LACK OF leadership we have in America today. TRUMP IS COMING !

11 months ago

The sheep followed their corporate masters instructions, Orange Man bad, and turned the other way when legitimate questions were asked about election procedures only seen in Communist and third world countries! You expect me to believe a man who practically hid from the public and drew crickets at rallies got more votes than a sitting president that received an historical amount of votes? Crap like that belongs in a field being used as the manure it is!

Robert Harrison
Robert Harrison
11 months ago

Very concise overview of President Trumps pro America and positive actions in stark contrast to the America last Biden operation in place since Jan 20th 2021. Thank you.

Frederick Nelson
Frederick Nelson
11 months ago

Great article on this Sunday morning.
The writer has clearly identified the problem of today versus what we experienced from his predecessor. God help us return to the sensibility established by the previous President and to never again experience the likes of today.

11 months ago

Things NEED to turn around NOW!!! Impeach Biden and all of his cabinet members!

11 months ago

There is a whole lot of fertilizer in this article !!

11 months ago

Superb article by one of the best most intelligent people in the world. Thank you, Sebastian Gorka. Would you want to run for Speaker of the House?

11 months ago

At least someone is telling the truth for a change.

Brenda Dopp
Brenda Dopp
11 months ago

AM SO READY TO HAVE TRUMP BACK AS OUR PRESIDENT! We have in all actuality not had a president since he left office. WE ONLY HAVE THOSE WHO ARE “Pulling the strings” taking over our government!

Carol Beard
Carol Beard
11 months ago

Excellent article comparing Trump to Biden. Information the media refused to report on. God bless Israel!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

The world was quiet because they thought “Trump is crazy” now we see what gappens when the world thinks you’re INCOMPETENT. So we’re back to the simple question once again: “Is your life better now then four years ago?”. Only this time the question needs to be answered GLOBALLY. Is the world better now than four years ago?

11 months ago

This useless troll who calls himself ronald reagan should give up and go somewhere else where his childish antics might be appreciated. Here, he has no power, because no one gives a damn what he posts

11 months ago

VERY good article loaded with the truth, AMERICA is hanging on by a thread..

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

No, just weak VOTERS. Like you. How’s basement life treating you these days? Bet even video game prices have increased. That must hurt!

11 months ago

The Art of the Deal expands way beyond just business. The Master of working that deal is Donald Trump.

11 months ago

Love Trump, and he puts America 1st.

11 months ago

Don’t you just LOVE how some people refuse to address facts so they can pass on absurd anti-Trump, anti-truth propaganda? Would these supposed Americans actually be happier and more fulfilled in Russia or China?

11 months ago

Great summary of the Greatest American President’s Leadership, Donald John Trump. God bless him, America and you.

11 months ago

Anyone who is knowledgeable knows that anything a president does is not noticeable until about 4 years after and into the next president’s run. So after Obama was in taxes rose and businesses/wealthy did not like paying them.The four years Trump was in we lived the high life. Taxes were immediately cut and the economy was doing great. Why people had had eight good years up and running. Then Trump got kicked out, in my opinion, because he was rude, and encouraged racism and bigotry (Stand down and stand back) by encouraging supremacists to feel safe talking out loud and being very present in public. He also was a pandemic denier and now many have died. He locked down our southern border claiming, rapists, criminals, guns and drugs came through (they come through other ways no administration or tactic has stopped this) this way. We have a shortage of workers, our country is being split in half. Remember “United We Stand Divided We Fall”. Since he has divided our country it is the prime time for others to attack us and our allies. And it is he who is to blame. People are saying we need to leave other countries to deal themselves. They are our allies we made a commitment to them, but again he has our country divided about this. He never makes divisive remarks as to exactly what he is for or against. Same with abortion, Never said exactly how long a pregnancy could go before not allowed. He plays the game and mostly extremist and ignorant people vote for him. He lies and changes his mind. I am reading this article because he just said he could have prevented the Russian/Ukraine war and the Hamas attack on Israel. No details. But NO ONE was even aware of the Hamas attack. So how could he even had done that. He gave away top secret information to an Austrailan Mara largo visitor about our nuclear submarines and missiles. He might just be one of the reasons they ARE attacking because they have that info. Silly that anyone would think this man was or is fit to be a president.

Bob Beirne
Bob Beirne
11 months ago

Thousands coming over our border !

11 months ago

How are we going to get out of this mess ????

11 months ago

GOD appointed to save America

11 months ago

Hey after you sell the members of your cult RELIEF FACTOR and MY PILLOWS FOR that Idiot that is about to lose everything why dont you tell the your followers the truth. You know why he choose to let everyone know he was running for President was so when he got charged with everything they charged him with he could scream ELECTION INTERFERANCE the folks that worship him and the so called 3 million that listen to you are looking for something they know is not true but people like you tell them the same thing everyday they belive it all for 19.00 dollars a day what do they have to loose. How bout what you and the rest of the salem radio brainwashers are getting paid every time you tell those suckers to mention your name 50 times a day you are a con man and the people that listen to this B.S are a bunch of mice.

11 months ago

It’s simple, the differance between an America loving Leader ,President Trump and an anti american corrupt loser, joebama.
Not a surprise at at. The marxist democrat party hates America.

11 months ago

Congratulations on the best reminder of
the Trump Presidency. He is for PEACE and
loves our Nation ????????.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Aw. Did someone blaspheme your elderly Jesus? Sorry but who was POTUS for the last three years? Biden reverse everything Trump did but not the Afghan phasedown? The one truth of your BS : “PESKY FACTS”

11 months ago

Another Punkydoodle Jackass shows his HATE FOR TRUMP and AMERICA!

11 months ago

Another Punkydoodle AMERICA HATER and TRUMP HATER!

11 months ago

I don’t care whether you like President TRUMP or not. He is a businessman & a character; I respect how he handled foreign affairs. He was criticized constantly & got some bad advice. He is the ONLY man that will be able to get our country back; hopefully it won’t be too late. He loves our country!
GOD is on our side with him???? May GOD protect him.
May GOD bless America ???????? & keep us safe.

11 months ago

I would offer a brief history of Capitalism to Socialism to Communism in the United States:
Gus Hall (1910-2000), leader and chairman of the Communist Party USA for a great part of the 20th century, spelled out the path it would take to change the United States into a Socialist /Communist country. He was quoted as saying, “Just as feudalism was an advance over slavery, and capitalism was the next step after feudalism, socialism is the next step after capitalism.”
In the early 20th century “Liberals” began referring to themselves as “Progressives” because they wanted to progress away from the Constitution of the United States. They found the Constitution too restrictive and that it prevented them from enacting laws that weakened the assurances of freedom and liberty. The progressive/liberal movement threw open the door for Socialism.
Gus Hall was the presidential candidate for the Communist Party four different times-1972, ’76,’80,’84. After his last attempt he is quoted as saying, “There’s no longer a need for the Communist Party USA because the Democratic Party has adopted all our platforms.” In 1996 he proclaimed, “Socialism in America will come through the ballot box.” Socialism is one step away from Communism.
Thomas Jefferson said, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.” When the government can no longer cover its debt, it will confiscate your property. Goodbye Socialism, Hello Communism.

11 months ago

Didn’t Trump share classified intelligence from Israel with Russia?

11 months ago

Trump has said that he could end the war in Ukraine in 24-hours. And if so, then he should be elected again for this action as it will be worth it.

Deb Guigley
Deb Guigley
11 months ago

Own your eyes and turn off MSM!

11 months ago

Gorka is a fascist

11 months ago

I think part of the problem is that Jews are not always Jews. There are Judean Jews, and there are the globalist elite Khazarian Jews, I call them the Fake Jews. They took on a new religion a long time ago to cover up their Child Sacrificing religion they came with from Mongolia. They are NOT the same. Israel is the Khazarian/European Jews. The only real Judean Jews left were relegated to Palestine against their will and have had a horrible time ever since!
So, Sebastian it isn’t as easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys as you think. 🙂
Here, a video to help with the History, since the Cabal has covered up and censored decades of history to cover their butts.

Jon Keel
Jon Keel
11 months ago

This article is so right on, thorough

Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes
11 months ago

Ghosty Joe would you die already!

Oliver Holmes
Oliver Holmes
11 months ago

Only sure election results can be obtained are the direct executionsof the cowards whom have graciously exposed the targets needed for a positive outcome. Happy Hunting!

11 months ago

A non-negotiable qualification of all of our public servants should be that they show absolutely no evidence of hatred of our country, or any inclination to put other countries before ours. If there is any breach of this rule, the politicians in question should be immediately removed and exhaustingly investigated. Treason should always be cut off at the source.

Paul Davidson
Paul Davidson
11 months ago

Complete and utter bullsh*t!

11 months ago

Please read this long article!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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