AMAC exclusive – By Claire Brighn

After Joe Biden’s decades-long political career marred by plagiarism, dubious claims of being arrested during the Civil Rights Movement, dubbing himself a full-fledged college professor despite never teaching a college course, and a host of other misleading and outright false statements, Americans should perhaps be unsurprised that Biden’s presidency has been defined by one lie after another. But as the many crises plaguing the country continue to worsen and Democrats’ prospects in November grow ever direr, these lies and deceptions have only grown more egregious and dangerous. Here are just a few of Biden’s biggest whoppers.
1. “When President Biden took office, millions were unemployed and there was no vaccine available.” – Biden White House Twitter, May 12, 2022
The most preposterous aspect of this lie is that Biden himself received the vaccine before he took office – as did former President Trump, whose Operation Warp Speed delivered multiple COVID-19 vaccines in record time. Even Dr. Fauci told Jake Tapper of the claim, “I just can’t explain it.” The assertion is so blatantly false that even CNN fact-checked it, noting that by the time Biden came into office, roughly 19 million people had received at least one vaccine dose, according to CDC data.
2. “The first cause of inflation is a once-in-a-century pandemic…And this year we have a second cause — a second cause: Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine.” – May 10, 2022
Even a cursory glance at economic data over the past two years shows inflation was on the upward trend long before Putin invaded Ukraine. And COVID-19 is hardly to blame – even liberal economists cite the trillions in spending passed by Democrats in Congress and signed into law by Biden (most notably the $1.9 trillion ostensibly marked for “COVID relief”) as the primary cause of rising inflation. On December 1 of last year, with CPI surging, Treasury Secretary Yellen conceded in a hearing that the $1.9 trillion “did boost demand, and that is one of several factors that are involved in inflation.” Olivier Blanchard, former IMF chief, had also previously warned that the $1.9 trillion “could overheat the economy so badly as to be counterproductive.” A recent Morgan Stanley report confirms this widely held prediction, saying that despite an economy already recovering from the pandemic at the time, “the [$1.9 trillion stimulus package] was what turbocharged consumption and drove inflation to 40-year highs.”
3. “After their massive tax giveaway to the super-wealthy and giant corporations in 2017, Congressional Republicans now want to raise taxes on middle class families.” – April 18, 2022
Recently, Biden has repeatedly made the false claim that Congressional Republicans want to raise taxes. Specifically, he is referring to one sentence on page 34 of Senator Rick Scott’s 11-point plan, which reads that “all Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount.” But Scott’s plan is by no means the official Republican platform, and many Republicans have distanced themselves from that particular aspect of the plan. Moreover, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell specifically rejected this proposal. For Biden to consistently assert that the Republican Party agenda writ large is to raise taxes on all Americans is disingenuous and ignores decades of history of Republicans lowering taxes while Democrats raise them. Fittingly and in a moment of rare honesty from the legacy media, this lie has earned Biden “Three Pinocchio’s (Barely Missing Four)” from The Washington Post.
4. “The first year of my presidency, the first year, I reduced the deficit, literally, by $350 billion dollars. First year.” – May 11, 2022
In another variation of this lie, Biden also said, “Let me remind you, I reduced the federal deficit.” His claim to be a great deficit reducer immediately brought him a scathing fact-check from CNN’s typically partisan “fact checker” Daniel Dale.
While the deficit in 2021 was indeed reduced, it was still much higher than projected before Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus was passed. According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, “the main source of falling deficits is the expiration of most COVID relief.” And according to the Congressional Budget Office, had no new policy been enacted by Biden, the fiscal 2021 budget would have declined by $870 billion. Thus, Biden’s bogus claim of reducing the deficit hinges totally on artificial meaning and, according to Marc Goldwein of the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, “is almost bizarro world.”
On the other hand, Biden’s Build Back Better agenda would add $375 billion to the deficit, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
5. “And under my plan, nobody — let me say this again — nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes.” – March 1, 2022
Biden’s entire tax and spend plan is rooted in deception and the lie that it won’t actually raise taxes. Biden claimed on the campaign trail that he would put “truth over lies” and that “anyone making less than $400,000” would not see a “penny” more in taxes. But even according to the left-leaning Tax Policy Center, his Build Back Better plan would raise taxes on up to 30% of middle class families. Not to mention, the runaway inflation directly caused by Biden’s big-spending policies is a massive hidden tax that disproportionately affects the poorest Americans.
6. “I grew up in a family where the price at the pump was felt in the kitchen.” – February 15, 2022
Around the time rising gas and groceries prices began to converge, Biden began telling this lie. At first it was missed by many on the left and the right. However, a quick look at history soon revealed that Biden’s sob story about the “price at the pump” was simply untrue – gas prices were totally flat during his childhood. As American families today face stretched budgets and trade-offs between gas or groceries thanks to his disastrous policies, this lie becomes ever-more callous and tone deaf.
7. “No one” that Biden “can recall” advised him against his Afghanistan withdrawal plan – August 2021
Despite 13 U.S. service members killed and others horrifically injured, hundreds of Americans left behind, and billions worth of U.S. military equipment abandoned, Biden immediately called the Afghanistan withdrawal a “success.” In fact, his administration has maintained this ever since, with his National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan saying in December 2021 that the U.S. “safely and effectively drew down” from Afghanistan.
But after the botched withdrawal, both Secretary Lloyd Austin and General Mark Milley testified that they had, in fact, advised against Biden’s withdrawal timeline and recommended leaving residual forces. Moreover, though Biden claimed that the intelligence community in June and July did not indicate Afghanistan would collapse to the Taliban, intelligence reports did, in fact, warn of a possible “domino effect” should U.S. forces leave.
For decades, Joe Biden has been the poster child of a lying and insincere career politican. But now, with an inflationary downturn, the economy shrinking, and Americans feeling pessimistic and anxious about the direction of the country, a Rubicon seems to have been crossed, and Biden’s credibility has been totally destroyed.
Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.
Sounds Orwellian to me!!!! They are the truth police. And you better believe them, or else!
Biden’s credibility was destroyed many decades prior to his Presidency. He is more than just an embarrassment to the governance system this Nation has. To dig out of this present catastrophe the Nation needs at least: (1) A better system of voting that effectively stops rigging: (2) A term limits amendment applied to Congress persons and high-level appointees in the Exec branch of National gov’t (IRS, FBI, CIA heads for example); (3) A balanced budget amendment to curtail, at least, the penchant our politicos to tax and spend while disguising what they are actually doing.
Been lying since campaign to date
the poster child of a lying insincere politician is now the president of the USA crime sure does pay handsomly
Joe has been telling lies for so long he cannot distinguish the difference! To him anything he says is in his mind a fact, this is a clear indication of how far gone his mind has become.
Sorry Joe but you are no longer a cognizant individual capable of leading a parade less being President of the greatest country on the planet!
For decades I’ve been amazed as to how dishonest Biden was and is. In fact, those people who voted for Biden, usually were/are very ignorant, were/are left wing fanatics, and/or were/are both very ignorant and left wing fanatics. Every time I listen to Biden, I’m overwhelmed as to how destructive and dishonest his words are. There is no excusing Biden for his dishonesty. He’s been that way his entire political life. Tragically, since becoming president, Biden is now using his gift for lying to actively destroy our great country. It makes sense, that a person who is addicted to lying is also addicted to tearing things down, instead of building things up. Most Americans do not deserve the horrible way that Biden’s administration is totally annihilating the USA, a country of honor and fairness.
Just another tyrant liar lying about his lies. It amazes me that so few people are willing to understand that joeblow’s behaviors are no different than Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, etc. Like the 100s of millions who had to give up their lives to stroke these heinous humans egos…here we are doing a repeat performance. One thing stopped the above list of tyrants behaviors…death. Buckle up because until joeblow is dead this will continue. Que sera sera. Maybe the midterms will help, but then again learn from N. Korea, they get to vote every so many years, making them feel all warm and fuzzy, but look where they are…. Many Americans need to do some deep thinking.
He has made Jimmy Carter very happy because he’s no longer “the worst President in American History!”
Once a liar always a liar…He is a sick old man and his “keepers” are running this country…
What’s the news? Loopy Joe hasn’t told the truth in his entire 40+ years as a professional politician. Everything he says is a lie. It has now become automatic for him. He opens his mouth and a lie pops out. It’s the same with all demo/Marxists. the Clinton’s would lie even when the truth wouldn’t hurt them. That’s the native language of demo/Marxists, lying. Since they are Godless, Marxist globalists, in their mind they have no one to answer to.
Biden is so arrogant that he probably believes all that is required to make fiction true is that he says so.
No democrat will enter the kingdom of heaven. I know it’s not in the Bible but I believe that is what GOD is saying.I pray ever day for them.
I dreamed that I won $244 million at the track last, does that make me a professional gambler? I guess not. Much like Brandon Gump.
At one time I thought that Obama was our Liar in Chief. Sorry Barack, you’ll have to take a back seat to this guy.
Dem robots watching poison media believe every word. Its absurd to us but they never stop looking at mainstream media, so his lies do indeed find fertile ground where they grow into weeds.
This entire administration lies – from Mayorkas to the Secretary Granholm to AG Garland and in every other corner of this administration. And look at the WH Press briefs…no one there, but maybe one or two, will challenge anything that is said at the podium. They all lie and lie and twist and turn every bit of truth they can, and tell you that what you see with your own eyes isn’t real.
They are all lower than snake sh#t!!
President ‘Lying sack of crap” and his lying sack of crap administration . Anything and EVERYTHING blue!
The silly people who claim Trump was a liar haven’t been keeping track of their “hero”. A relative said he is my president and he will bring the country together. I haven’t yet asked for a ranking of Joe’s “success”.Political lies are far worse than any lies Trump may have made as a civilian which are some of the lies relatives bitched about.
Sleepy Joe is the biggest douche bag since oblameo.
The whole administration is a B.O.S. and the public front is promoted by the B.S.A. crew at the. direction of the Puppet Masters. Who said “You didn’t build that.”? The same fxxxing crew that is there now including Joe XiBiden. It is all smoke and mirrors with a heavy dose of denial and misdirection. Hillary’s Deplorables are not who she said they were. Congratulations to you 2000 mules that “ELECTED” this jackass. HOW DO YOU LIKE HIM AND HIS OBAMA LEFTOVERS NOW?????
Hard to soar like an American Eagle when surrounded by a flock of turkeys!
A vote for a Democrat is a vote against America!!
FACT: Local to federal, EVERY D vote is a vote against legal Americans and our Republic! They’re all traitors, as are RINOs (bribed, blackmailed or just greedy?) Vote all OUT.
The clown has been described as “delusional”.
Personally, I think that is being “kind”.
After all these YEARS, how anyone can still gives the clown the time of day is beyond me.
I could go on for days here, but alas, I seem to have other things to do.
Many other things. Any other things…
fjb etc etc
Y’all have a lovely day.
Go do something useful, hug the wife, hug the kids, hug the dog… anything…
Of course, Senile Joe also lied about the circumstances of his first wife’s accident (She was NOT killed by a drunk driver) and when and how his relationship with Dr. Jill started.
The “Big Guy” has ALWAYS been a legend in his own mind!
It fascinates and horrifies me that Biden has even one supporter left.
Who are those people that are believing this stuff and honoring the guy for…..what? :his dishonesty, his hypocrisy, his grifting, his cheating, his lying from childhood it seems, his stupidity, his incompetence his aligning himself with some of the worst Senators and segregationists, his total lack or morals and ethics although he touts his Catholicism as if he actually follows more than the ceremonious within it, his greed, his lusting for the presidency that he is too incompetent to handle, etc..
He may not recognize the truth are falseness of his claims. That is why he needs handlers watching him all of the time.
This is so very sad. Age and senility cause these kind of claims too. They do not remember what is true and what is false. And often they make up unbelievable stories. This kind of a person cannot be the President of the United States. How everyone surrounding him and the Democrat party can allow this is beyond me. This is a clear case of Senior Abuse! They should all be ashamed of themselves. But without him, the money does not roll in and deals with Ukraine and China do not happen.
This is so dangerous. It is no wonder that Putin is doing what he is doing. And it gives the other countries, China especially, the confidence to do what hey want to do in the world.
My 80 year old uncle told me once, that he watched them carrying his leg down the hall at the hospital. He was diabetic. I immediately thought they had amputated it. No. He said they put it back on! He also told my dad that this young guy was stealing from our garden. The young guy was me!!!
My wife’s grandma was the same way. We went to see her when she was very old. She told my wife that the other girl with us was a thief and stealing things from her. She was my wife’s sister. She did not recognize her.
His own fantasies are bad enough, but with his serious mental decline, I doubt he is aware of the even more serious things he is being given to read from the teleprompter. Make no mistake about it, Joe Biden is being used as a front by the people behind the curtain to push through the final stage of the end of our Constitutional Republic and immersion into the New World Order of global government. Fantasy? NO, it’s been in the works in the U.S. since the first steps emerged during the Wilson administration – The 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution. Based on the Fabian Society’s agenda to “destroy the old world and reforge it in the new vision of our own”, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists have used the blueprint in their agendas. Today, they have allied and are using every tool they can, to scare and control public thoughts and actions toward accepting total control over daily life. The environmental and health segments are the biggest weapons they now are using to gain control.
The U.S. public first heard: “There’s going to be a NEW WORLD ORDER” from George H.W. Bush shortly after he took office in 1989 and it caused a panic in the NWO organization that their cover had been exposed. Needless to say, Bush was replaced by Clinton, followed by Bush 2, and Obama, all of whom were NWO picks. Biden just recently reuttered the claim of “The New World Order is coming”. The end time we are now witnessing was supposed to take place after the 2016 election, but another Reagan style surprise upended the plans when Donald Trump won the election in spite of the election being fixed in favor of Hillary. They just didn’t want to appear to have gone overboard in ballot box stuffing and they came up short. Along comes election time 2020 and the machine doesn’t care how badly they openly commit fraud and they barely keep Trump from being reelected. Even now with all of the fraud being exposed, there has been no serious effort to decertify the election. Is it because of threats or bribes or both? ,
King?, No . . . Dictator, yes!
The Great Pinocchio King. How appropriate. His nose has grow all the way to China.
I have said forever that it is a shame that politicians noses don’t grow when they tell a lie. Of course if they did there would be a very limited amount of room in Washington D.C..
How can you tell Joe Biden is lying? His mouth is moving but only when his puppeteers hand is up his behind pulling the strings.
… felony elder abuse, Joe Biden’s not lying. It’s a charade. An infirm geriatric with dementia, President Biden’s being told what to say by whacked-out Washington DC democrats, hiding behind the curtain –
Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. I have said this from the beginning. He must believe his own lies.
Why a question mark? There are enough absolute proofs that Joe Biden has always been a serial liar to make the title a statement of fact. Worse than Biden’s lies is the way he allows Socialists and Communists to dictate his every move.
Biden tripped over his lying nose getting on Air Force One.
It is ironic that he and democrats, who lie as much if not more, want a disinformation board. They are the disinformation party.
The administration that is destroying AMERICA today,the misfit liberal democRATS should be deposited in the desert today with the other”SIDEWINDERS”.
Biden, to an intelligent person, has never had credibility. His entire career has been filled with lies and corruption.
Take every cent of his assets and return them to our debt payment.
I can’t wait for election season when all of his lies
He is a son of Satan, the father of lies.
The lies are just the tip… that diary (his daughter’s) records him showering with her! This is one of the many facts Veritas wouldn’t publish- to protect her. He’s a monster.
The slogan of the evil Socialist RADICAL Dem party is lie, cheat and steal !!!!!!!!!!!!