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Biden Smears Dead War Heroes While Ignoring His Own Military Fiascos

Posted on Friday, August 23, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

This month marks the third anniversary of the United States’s disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan – just the first of many foreign policy disasters under the watch of Joe Biden and his top military leaders. But rather than addressing these failures – for which there has yet to be any accountability – or the historic military recruiting shortfall, the Biden Department of Defense is instead spending its time and energy targeting Medal of Honor recipients from a battle that occurred 134 years ago as the next victims for a left-wing “reckoning.”

Late last month, Biden Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that he was directing the agency to review the 20 Medals of Honor awarded to U.S. service members for their actions during the Battle of Wounded Knee, which took place in South Dakota in 1890. According to a memorandum issued by Austin, a panel of “five experts” will “conduct a review of each Medal of Honor awarded to an Army Soldier” which may “consider the context of the overall engagement as appropriate.”

The Battle of Wounded Knee, or what some revisionist historians refer to as the Wounded Knee Massacre, was an engagement between The U.S. 7th Cavalry regiment and a group of the Lakota people on December 29, 1890. The night before, a Lakota-Sioux leader named Spotted Elk convened a meeting of Lakota chiefs on Wounded Knee Creek. He was a disciple of the Ghost Dance movement, a growing Native American prophecy that foretold of a savior who would lead them to victory against American settlers.

The following day, American troops were ordered to disarm all Native Americans present at the meeting. In doing so, one Native American discharged his weapon. Some scholars believe he was deaf and unsure of what was happening; others maintain he refused to give up his rifle and opened fire on the Americans. The specifics remain opaque.

Regardless, following the shot, chaos ensued, with federal troops and Native Americans firing on one another. When the smoke cleared, 31 Americans lay dead and 33 were wounded. In addition, 90 Native American warriors were killed. Tragically, because the engagement occurred in the midst of a Native American encampment, between 150 and 300 noncombatant women and children were killed as well.

The staggering civilian casualties have led to the labeling of the engagement as a “massacre.” This, in turn, has led many liberal historians and progressives to castigate the U.S. soldiers involved as bloodthirsty and dishonorable.

However, based on the first-hand accounts of the battle, we know that the majority of the civilian casualties were likely caused by the presence of four M1875 Mountain Guns. These light cannons were fired into the mele due to poor senior leadership, resulting in significant friendly fire.

As horrifying and unnecessary as this tragedy was, there were nonetheless moments of bravery and gallantry that shine through in the Medal of Honor citations from the battle.

1st Lieutenant John Chowning Gresham, for instance, was cited for “searching among the dead and wounded, [bringing] out 19 women and children” to safety even as the battle was still raging and he faced “the constant danger of suddenly running into those who were still unhurt and who had been firing on the Troops at every opportunity.”

24-year-old Joshua Herzog received the Medal of Honor for going “to the rescue of the commanding officer who had fallen severely wounded, [picking] him up, and [carrying] him out of range of the hostile guns.”

Sergeant Bernhard Jetter, age 28, was cited for “distinguished bravery” for “killing an Indian who was in the act of killing a wounded man.”

Sergeant James Ward received his medal for continuing to fight after being thrown to the ground and stabbed multiple times.

Private Hermann Ziegner, age 26, distinguished himself “by exposing himself to the fire of the Indians and volunteering to go to the support of Captain Varnum, and there again attracting attention by his coolness and gallantry.” Ziegner later went on to lead men up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War.

Up and down the list of Medal of Honor recipients from the battle are actions of uncommon bravery, where soldiers risked life and limb to protect their brothers-in-arms.

Yet now the Biden administration at the behest of liberal activists eager to capitalize on their next opportunity for performative outrage is setting up to smear the legacy of these heroes.

At the same time, not a single person has been fired for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 American service members dead. In fact, Biden and Harris both declared the operation a “success.” In the years that followed that moment of national shame, Russia seized the opportunity of weak American leadership and invaded Ukraine, Iran has unleashed its proxies in the Middle East, and Hamas fighters launched a brutal assault on Israel.

Still, Biden’s military leadership has faced no accountability and is instead focused on stripping dead soldiers of their medals to appease left-wing activists.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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6 months ago

Ridiculous!! I agree that some Medal of Honors that have been awarded to some are not deserved, some members awards were degraded to lesser awards when the MOH was deserved. Going back 134 years to check for validity of MOH awardees now with a panel of Left activist who will certainly take away the MOHs from many will accomplish what? Too many treasonous acts are going on with this administration that will go unpunished. WHAT A TRAVESTY!!

Paul William Rand
Paul William Rand
6 months ago

Don’t forget Biden checking his watch while 13 dead Heroes were being taken off the plane !

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

I am against relitigation of history. Kamala talked last night about going “backwards”? 1984 anyone? Next we’ll be told Democrats were the Union Army fighting Republican slave owners in the Civil War! [BTW I’m with the Sioux onnthis one: if Jan 6 was an “armed insurrection” as Kamala says, Wounded Knee was a massacre… it would be called nothing less if it were Sioux killing white civilians through “poor leadership”. But strip medals from the dead? Why bother… they’re long dead!]

6 months ago

No one speaks of the $80 BILLION in American military hardware that was handed to the Taliban by Cadaver Joe.
One day some of those Military Bayonets will end up in the backs of American Soldiers.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
6 months ago

Keeping in mind the 13 dead in Afghanistan 3 years ago, the celebrations of every single abortion aka baby murders, and the coziness with the Hamas terrorists; you must NOT be surprised by this abominable revision of U. S. history. Historically speaking the 7th Cav had very few military victories, and to make this assertion denigrates the sacrifices made by every veteran’s family. I especially resent being called a Nazi by a “man” that never served because my dad spent the bulk of WW-2 getting U. S. Navy ships out of mothballs and into action. There is no way on earth to find how many Nazis were sent to watery graves, thanks to my Pop’s work 16 hours a day for over 3 years with only ONE THREE DAY PASS, during which he traveled 2500 miles, met his daughter, and conceived his first son. Who does Traitor Joe think he is?

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

I think the disaster we are seeing every day ,the disgraceful deceit , lying and the state we are in should atone for every massacre and sin ever committed. This is Purgatory that could teach Dante a thing or two You don’t need devil poking at you. A few Bidens and Kamalas would do .

6 months ago

This administration is disgraceful and feckless. Except for the bozo accusing the author of being racist, the other posts up to this writing are right on point. If we want to restore common sense in this country, VOTE TRUMP AND VOTE EARLY!

6 months ago

Biden is just angry because nobody is going to give him ANY awards, alive or dead. No Medal of Honor for him, because he has no honor!!

6 months ago

Why do these democrats focus on what happened over a hundred years ago? A lot of things went on in history that may or may not occur again. No one can change the past, although they try. They should focus on their jobs now.

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
6 months ago

Good to see obiden and hyenna Harris have their priorities straight.

6 months ago

The level of absurdity here is epic. I always put quotation marks are on the word “Democrat”, because their actions defy any belief in Democracy… despite their verbal claim of working to “save” it. This article shows they’re continuing to lose the “Battle of Wounded Brain” by engaging in this hypocritical stunt, because they obviously don’t weigh THEIR OWN conduct by any ethical or moral standard NOW…, and haven’t for DECADES… so their revisiting of yesteryear’s wars rings pretty hollow.

6 months ago

Just disgusting! Leave HISTORY alone! These a*holes have no clue that what they are doing is going to haunt them and their descendents! They aren’t God focused but Worldly focused which is totally backwards!

6 months ago

Why does it need a review…there will be only assumptions cast by party of evil.

Kurt E. Larson, USAF (Ret.)
Kurt E. Larson, USAF (Ret.)
6 months ago

This disgrace of an administration in its quest to distract from its own atrocities, now wishes to tarnish the names and reputations of soldiers who fought gallantly and courageously. And assisted those in need at great peril. This administration is a shameful example of what occurs when one becomes morally bankrupt!

6 months ago

If these Libturds want to tarnish the reputations of these heroes from the Wounded Knee Massacre, then the idiots behind the botched Afghanistan withdrawal should have their reputations besmirched! What is good for the goose is good for the gander!

6 months ago

Why not make statues of each of these brave men and place them in public places or on college campuses or government buildings, or historic places?

Jay H.
Jay H.
6 months ago

Just what you would expect from a WWPOS, brain dead, liberal puke like bidung!!!

6 months ago

I can’t wait until sleepy joe, and his clowns are out of office! I just PRAY that Trump is elected!

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
6 months ago

Weird priorities or just stupid folks at the helm but maybe both. How sad!

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