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Biden Repudiates Breyer’s Legacy and Confirms Breyer’s Worst Fears

Posted on Tuesday, February 1, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Roman


The scale of the fiasco is astounding. From the leaked process by which a new vacancy on the Supreme Court was announced – in which Justice Breyer was denied the chance to retire on his own terms – to the way in which a campaign promise Biden made to nominate an African American woman to the Court has transformed into a rigid and fixed quota, nothing has gone right for Biden and the Democrats when it comes to the upcoming vacancy on the Supreme Court.

To be sure, the Biden administration has not built a reputation for competence over the course of its 12 months in office. Nor has the Democratic Party fared much better when it comes to the politics of Supreme Court nominations in recent years. Arguably, the Garland, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett nominations all went badly for Democrats, and even the one rough patch the GOP ran into when it came to nominees, that of Harriet Miers in 2006, probably ended as a net loss for Democrats. They politically embarrassed George W. Bush, but humiliation was a daily occurrence for the 43rd President by that point in his administration, and conservatives ended up with the lifetime appointment of Justice Samuel Alito. Hence, there was no reason to think that the process of replacing Justice Breyer would be well-managed or easy, as the media assumed. Or, for that matter, that the Biden administration would not do everything in its power to screw it up.

But nobody could have imagined such a disaster as we are already seeing. The only person associated with this process who looks in any way dignified is Justice Breyer himself. Breyer’s concern that his departure would appear political if it took place under pressure has been borne out by events. Breyer clearly wished to retire on his own terms. He wanted to set the public narrative before retiring from the stage and allowing a free for all to take over.

A hint of why lies in the speech he gave Thursday, whose themes, while liberal, represented a version of liberalism far removed from the progressive worldview that now predominates among left-wing circles.

Breyer talked of teaching his grandchildren the timeless words of the Gettysburg Address: “four score and seven years ago our fathers created here a new country, a country that was dedicated to liberty and the proposition that all men are created equal.” He invoked George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the first now denounced by many progressives as a slaveholder, the latter as a racist.

It was a good look for Breyer. It was also clear that no one, especially on the Left, for whose causes Breyer did so much, was listening. For them, Breyer’s retirement was entirely a political event. At best, his continued presence was an obstacle to getting “another vote” on the bench, reducing Breyer to nothing more than a placeholder until a younger, more liberal justice could take his place. At worst, he was seen as a “selfish old white male” standing in the way of a black female who would function as the instrument and judicial arm of the progressive left.

It is hard to think of anything less compatible with Breyer’s version of liberalism than the spectacle of a Georgetown faculty member being forced to apologize in a desperate effort to keep his job after suggesting that excluding 95% of the population and candidate pool on account of race and gender might be unfair or a poor way to select a nominee.

But that is precisely what happened to Ilya Shapiro after he posted a tweet saying that “objectively best pick for Biden is Sri Srinivasan, who is solid [progressive] and [very] smart. Shapiro went on to say that Srinivasan “even has identity politics benefit of being first Asian (Indian) American. But alas doesn’t fit into last intersectionality hierarchy so we’ll get lesser black woman. Thank heaven for small favors?”

Shapiro tweeted a sentiment that an astounding 76% of Americans share. It’s hard for 76% of Americans to agree on anything, even that puppies are cute. Yet 76% believe that “all candidates regardless of background” should be considered to succeed Justice Breyer. Somehow, Biden and Democrats are on the wrong side of such a straightforward belief, and are now embroiled in a controversy over efforts to “cancel” an academic for expressing what three quarters of Americans think.

Biden shares much of the blame. Having had almost two years to consider how to follow through on his promise without de-legitimizing the serious process of selecting a Supreme Court nominee, Biden seems to have given little thought to an actual person. It was only thanks to Donald Trump’s extensive foresight and preparation that he was able to nominate and confirm Amy Coney Barrett with such short notice in 2020. By contrast, Biden, despite having artificially restricted the candidate pool to the single-digits, appears not to have settled on a single candidate. Had he done so, he could have rushed the announcement and thereby presented the pick as so distinguished by her qualifications that there was no need for a search confined by gender or race. Biden could have claimed that he always had in mind a particular individual, and because that individual just so happens to be black and female, he was able to fulfill his promise.

But Biden missed his chance. Given where America is in 2022, with fights over COVID-induced school closings having shifted the battle lines in American politics from race to class and education, a decision to fight on identity politics in its pre-COVID form was always likely to fail. America is not the same country it was in February 2020 when Biden made his promise. No better evidence exists of that than Donald Trump’s success with nonwhite voters the following November. A failure to heed that lesson and recognize how the world changed is responsible for many of Biden’s difficulties, not just this one.

The crudeness on display, both in promoting whatever Biden is doing with the process of selecting a Supreme Court nominee, and in assaulting dissenters like Shapiro, is proof that even after Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia and Build Back Better’s loss in the Senate (with the filibuster intact), today’s Democrats — like the French Bourbons – have both learned nothing and forgotten nothing. Democrats would be wise to recall that the French Bourbons were brought back to power in 1815, not by their own efforts but by external events. COVID did for Biden what the Duke of Wellington’s armies did for Louis XVIII. Rather than understanding that they had not triumphed, but rather that opponents had been swept away, the Bourbons proceeded to behave as if they had a mandate only to find themselves chased out by another Revolution in 1830.

Democrats seem determined to repeat the Bourbon experiment today. By ascribing their victory in 2020 not to COVID or other external events, but rather to decisions and issues which in fact would have ensured their defeat again had it not been for external factors – BLM, identity politics, vicious attacks on social dissenters in the name of “cancel culture” – Democrats are inviting their own downfall.

Breyer saw all of this coming. And so far the process to replace him has vindicated all of his fears. Breyer, as noted, was attacked for his concerns that his retirement would be seen as political and his fears about the dignity of the process. But Justice Breyer was always the most observant of the court’s liberals. While Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke to and for “Blue America,” Justice Breyer spoke to America at large on behalf of “Blue America.” Sadly, Breyer is one of the last liberals who understand the difference.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. 

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2 years ago

Breyer should throw a curve ball and refuse to retire.

2 years ago

The orders come handed down, and Biden is at the bottom, he is a sock puppet, so the elite super rich evil corporate families are at the top, so where is our battle?,not with the sock puppet, he is just the fall guy.

2 years ago

What has been promised by the left for Justice Breyer to step down? Big book deal, cash, appointment to a government or private position with big salary…. Remember he said that along as his health was good he was staying. What changed his mind. Something smells rotten to the core.

Old Silk
Old Silk
2 years ago

What an evil, corrupt, nasty individual. So filthy, dirty. Justice Breyer is liberal philosophically, it is true, but he is a good and honorable and decent man.

Linda Contois
Linda Contois
2 years ago

I don’t think the Justice would like the misspelling…
The rest of the article rings so true, the dems are in a large bucket of VERY HOT WATER!

2 years ago

Breyer should change his mind ! April fool !

2 years ago

“Biden repudiating … logic.”
If that’s not the oxymoron of the century then, …holy crap. The clown sitting in the Oval Office isn’t even the president. The US has been a rudderless ship since that idiot stole the office, which, by the way, negates his entire “administration.”
Our Constitution is one step closer to its end every time one of those felons opens the gaping hole under their collective noses.
The GOP will, pray, come November, have a real opportunity to do something right for their true American constituency instead of global elitists, and it better be proactive action that they are sent to do vs a bunch of the usual lip service and excuses. Feels pretty dim these days.

PattyRN MA
PattyRN MA
2 years ago

Exactly what you would expect Biden to do, he has done. He has screwed up another government process. He has pulled the rug out from under Justice Breyers. His actions have belittled the years that this justice has served. He is now looking from the outside in. He has stolen Justice Breyers dignity. He has moved him aside as if he is not a Chief Justice. He has been denied the right to managing his last moment in history. Now that Biden has proven he is not a racist, he becomes a racist right in front of your eyes. Obama was SO right Everything Joe touches he f***s up.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago


It does not matter if it is covid, the economy, covid death shots, racism, uniting the country, dealing with Russia, supply chain, inflation, gas exploration and production, electric cars (who’s prices have skyrocketed, infrastructure that is not infrastructure, Afghanistan, election fraud that is not well known and states are creating laws like crazy to stop it, Critical race theory, their bigoted transgender emphasis, the democrat racist anti voter id law, or the democrats racist supreme court nominee process. Democrats screw up everything they touch.

The reason the democrats screw up everything is because they have no morals. with no morals you have no basis for building off of. democrats, liberals, progressives simply go with whatever they think conservatives will not like.

The logical problem for the democrats is that conservatives have a moral basis to build from. If you simply oppose anything conservatives like your are taking the things that do not fit a moral baseline and trying to build with them. it is like building a wall without a foundation. you can do it but it will fall over.

hence democrats screw up everything they touch.

2 years ago

“He wanted to set the pubic narrative before retiring…”. As Joey would say, Come on Man! to Daniel Roman. Daniel: please do a spell check and/or re-read the article word for word before it is posted to AMAC site.

America Rocks
America Rocks
2 years ago

Breyer should un-retire because of what the dems did to him. Heads would explode if he did that. Would make great theater.

Broccoli Free Zone
Broccoli Free Zone
2 years ago

I am going to miss Breyer. Good ice cream.

2 years ago

It’s just completely wrong to put a race or gender provision on such an important job in this country. If there was not away to misuse an appointment Biden seems completely incapable of making or executing the right from wrong thought process. Always wrong never right should be Joe’s moto.

2 years ago

Biden has the reverse Midas touch, everything he touches turns into the substance in his Depends diapers

2 years ago

The only hope we have, is that leftist politics are self undermining.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

Anyone who may still doubt that the goal of the Left is the complete destruction of this nation as we know in favor of the creation of a hard-core Leftist dictatorship is just not paying attention.

2 years ago

Well whatever Breyer’s concerns are, I can guarantee you that neither Biden nor anyone else in his administration gives a sh**. The people running this administration need a distraction to get the people from focusing on all the other screw ups this administration has done so far and are planning to do in 2022. Plus putting a reliable Democrat ideologue on the Court, with the guarantee of a 100 percent progressive voting stance for the next 20 to 30 years is too good to pass up. So Breyer should know what happens when a useful idiot is of no further use to the Party. He or she gets tossed aside with yesterday’s junk.

With the Democrats in Congress already working behind the scenes to put together another, yes another, trillion dollar plus Covid relief bill forward (yes more inflationary federal spending people), as well as trying to get as much of the BBB bill passed in a series of smaller, more targeted bills enacted by whatever Senators Manchin and Sinema will agree to, using the distraction of a Supreme Court replacement is the necessary theater this administration needs right now.

2 years ago

Surely no one expected anything that would be good for America to come from a lying, Godless, evil, satanic president like Biden and his globalist party.

2 years ago

hey biden you sick pathetic fool. still snorting parmesan cheese with the smartest person you know. pusherman hunter .. fjb

Leon Brown
Leon Brown
2 years ago

Justice Breyer needs to announce that he has changed his mind and remain on the court until such time that it is his decision given not due to pressure from extremists but he is ready.

2 years ago

Of course it’s a political event and Breyer’s timing evidences that. Why else retire now? He wants to go out while the Democrats still have a majority so the Republicans can’t block Biden from choosing his replacement by not having a vote until Trump gets to choose in 2025. That being said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.”

Katja Kirsch
Katja Kirsch
2 years ago

Justice Breyer is retiring before he drops dead on the bench. I admire that. As for Biden promising a black woman, well that sure smacks of racism.

2 years ago

give the a**hole Biden a chance to screw up and he will take it to the end zone of liberal losers//

2 years ago

So what’s “liberal” about Marxism or Fascism (which describes the “Biden” regime)? Both are oppressive and enslaving and anything but liberal. These are RADICAL LEFTISTS, NOT ” liberals.

2 years ago

Justice Breyer will not change his mind and stay in office; he is too afraid of Corn Pop Biden. lol

2 years ago

I nominate Judge Adele Riley from Ohio!

2 years ago

Even if/when a Democrat is confirmed, it will not change anything, as there will still be only three liberals on the bench, a 3-6 minority.

2 years ago

Dumbass democrats always whining about “a litmus test” reveal their hypocrisy.

2 years ago

I get nervous when all you see is how Democrats are gonna be crushed come November. I hope the conservative powers are able to prevail, but overconfidence could mean disaster!

2 years ago

He should nominate the best, most qualified person for the opening – PERIOD! Please sign my petition demanding that at //

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

The administration is so far from normal that nobody seems to notice when discrimination takes priority.

Rush Glick
Rush Glick
2 years ago

The reason Biden didn’t have any nominees ready is simple: he is not the one – or ones – making the decisions. He’s always been nothing but an empty sock puppet, ready for a controlling hand to be inserted.

W Nokes
W Nokes
2 years ago

Before we get too far out onthe right, I am a lifelong conservative, remember that there are a lot of very well qualified Black Women that would do this country great credit onthe bench. If he picks one of those, we will all be winners. Truth is, he will not pick someone because they are Black, but because they are extreme leftist conformist. It will benefit no one.

2 years ago

The selection of replacement Justice Breyer is only for his replacement would be for the purpose to vote on Roe vs Wade?

2 years ago

Phaq the clown Joe Biden

2 years ago

I hope Breyer gets ticked off enough to withdraw his retirement!

2 years ago

But if Biden doesn’t promote black women, how could someone like Kamala Harris ever get a job?

2 years ago

The democrats are morally depraved animals and even the dumbest democrat party lemmings are figuring it out.

Joseph kaplan
Joseph kaplan
2 years ago

Why does everyone keep referring to what is going on as Biden does this, Biden does that? Biden is a sock puppet being led around by his nose. This is all being by anonymous players behind the scenes which is the scariest part.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

An attempt at impeachment of Biden was made by Marjorie Taylor Green. I believe I’ve got the name of the woman who tried right.

Frank Natoli
Frank Natoli
2 years ago

“Srinivasan even has identity politics benefit of being first Asian (Indian) American”.
And by “identity politics” Shapiro means suspending EEOC regulations, prohibiting choosing or denying a candidate on race or sex, for this candidate.
So when does the law apply, and when is the law suspended?

Too Loose Low Trek
Too Loose Low Trek
2 years ago

Perhaps Justice Breyer will reconsider his decision and stay on.

Gary W
Gary W
2 years ago

We are seeing the democrats continued soft bigotry of low expectations. Biden is like most democrats that think that a black woman is just too stupid and unreliable to be able to compete with other genders and/or races. Democrats think black people are not good enough to stand up on their own merit. Yes, it’s racist. All affirmative action is racist and harmful to the minorities it is supposed to help. She will always be questioned if she was the best pick or just the best black woman available.

Gary W
Gary W
2 years ago

Biden could have saved himself all this grief. The only real qualification the democrats have is that the new justice is an extreme radical liberal and will vote in lockstep with the other extreme radical justices. Biden the puppet will nominate a puppet. Race and gender don’t matter. A puppet is a puppet.

2 years ago

Worst of all, to me is the typical DC “do as we say not as we do”. If any of commentators went to their boss or HR and said “I only want XXX who are XXX”, would they have a job the next day?

2 years ago

Breyer adjudicated just as Biden’s black woman would.
No difference between the two.

Jo Ran
Jo Ran
2 years ago

I need to hire somebody – is it OK for me to run an ad saying only white men will be considered?

Fred Wild
Fred Wild
2 years ago

Beyer shares much of the blame for the fiasco. Outspoken against political judging, he retires under political pressure, a coward surrendering to the mob, an embarrassment to the judiciary.

2 years ago

The first question for the Negress: “Do you feel you have been nominated because of the COLOR OF YOUR SKIN, or because of the CONTENT OF YOUR CHARACTER???

Robert Allen
Robert Allen
2 years ago

Justice Breyer’s actual ideology rooted in the uniquely American philosophy “Pragmatism” (see Dewey, Hull House, etc) .. which is centered on sharing experiences to arrive at useful truth and “what works” .. it is generally associated with the left but only because it’s aims are generally those of making ‘progress’ in the plight of the human conditions, but it’s actual results and real-world feedback driven direction often takes it off the approved leftist trails. Breyer was more nuanced than could be understood by mass media pundits. (re: Jane Addams “Hull House” and Dewey)

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