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Biden-Harris “Green Revolution” Stealing Greenbacks From American Families

Posted on Saturday, August 3, 2024
by Ben Solis

Along with facing public backlash over her failures as President Joe Biden’s “border czar,” Vice President Kamala Harris will now also have to answer for her role in advancing the administration’s radical climate agenda that has left American families paying higher prices for everything from gas to groceries.

While Harris continues to enjoy a honeymoon with the corporate media following her ascension to the top of the Democrat ticket, millions of American families are not feeling the love as “Bidenomics” – which Harris has been an enthusiastic cheerleader for – continues to ravage household budgets. Although the administration was quick to tout a slight drop in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in June, that tiny decrease was the first time since Biden took office that CPI had eased.

However, CPI is still up three percent year-over-year for the past 12 months, and is up a staggering 22 percent since January 2021.

Energy prices in particular have driven increases in CPI – a reflection of both the administration’s spending priorities and regulatory assault on the American energy sector. Energy costs have soared a staggering 30 percent under Biden, a rate 13 times faster than the previous seven years. Over the past year alone, electricity prices have increased 4.4 percent, while natural gas has risen by 3.7 percent.

Increased fuel costs, meanwhile, have had a cascading effect throughout the rest of the economy. The price for a gallon of gasoline is currently hovering above $3.40, nearly a dollar higher than when Biden took office. Diesel fuel, meanwhile, has seen an increase of just over a dollar per gallon.

As a result, everything from eggs to furniture has increased in cost as companies fork over more to transport their products.

Most infuriatingly for everyday families, these cost increases are not simply part of “global economic trends” as the Biden-Harris administration has insisted for the past four years. Instead, the president and vice president have actively implemented policies that led to these increases.

A recent report from the American Energy Alliance (AEA) has identified 225 specific policy decisions the Biden-Harris administration has taken that were “deliberately designed to make it harder to produce energy in America.”

Those decisions started with a spate of executive orders from Biden on day one of his presidency, including canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, implementing a moratorium on new drilling permits on federal lands, and using EPA regulatory powers to artificially increase the cost of oil and gas production.

AEA’s timeline shows that hardly a month has passed during Biden’s presidency without new rules or regulations on the fossil fuels industry, even amid ballooning energy costs. In November 2021, for instance, Biden enacted 15 new restrictions on oil and gas production. In March 2022, that number was 18.

Most recently, in May, Biden Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm signed an agreement with Turkey “to discourage investment in oil & gas projects through influencing international financial institutions to combat climate change,” while Biden-Harris officials at the G7 also signed an agreement to “phase out” coal as an energy source – even as the U.S. grid struggles to meet existing demand.

Meanwhile, the administration has also continued to funnel American taxpayer resources to addressing the supposed “climate crisis,” including by distributing billions to foreign countries. Last December, Kamala Harris touted the administration’s goal to invest $11 billion by 2024 in the “Green Climate Fund” – essentially the U.N.’s slush fund for expensive and unreliable green energy projects.

Every measure outlined by AEA has been harmful to American families in its own way. August Fritz de Riehl, a Retired Austrian Economics Professor, told me that the transformation led by Biden has “turned a once investment-friendly business environment for all forms of energy under Trump into a punishing, costly, and unfeasible system.”

“This shift caused numerous entrepreneurs to bypass the United States,” he added.

Retired economist Professor Joachim Buchholz, who previously advised Chancellor Helmut Kohl on industrial policies, also told me that “it is clear” that the White House “caused energy price shocks” over the past four years. “It behaved as if the U.S. economy could be centrally commanded,” he continued. “It punished affordable energy producers.”

But for American companies and families, the last four years under Biden are likely only a small sample of what could come under a potential Kamala Harris administration. As a Senator in 2019, Harris cosponsored the Green New Deal, the far more extreme version of the climate agenda that made it into the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act – which Harris also cast the tiebreaking vote on.

Harris has also repeatedly said that she would ban fracking if she were president, a move that would dramatically slash U.S. production capacity and threaten tens of thousands of jobs.

By all available evidence, Harris has embraced the most extreme elements of the left’s climate agenda. If she manages to replace her boss in the Oval Office this November, Americans may be longing for the days when their electricity bill was up by only 30 percent.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
5 months ago

Anyone that thinks little ol man can change the environment[ global warming] is so naive to our creation. GOD created the heavens and the earth and it’s been here 4.5 billion years [any climate change is natural progression of climate throughout that time.
These environmental nuts just want more ways to control us while they continue doing whatever they want to whenever they want to. They have betrayed all of us.

5 months ago

To the “climate change” alarmists out there: I collectively contrast my pre-liberal-indoctrination schooling, professional engineering career, and life experiences with any assertions made under “settled science”, or by touted “experts”, or through declared “consensus”, or by a dubious “study”, or by a biased “poll”. As a result, I do not believe any declarations of “climate change”, or that mankind’s mere existence is causing “climate peril”. Oh, the horror!

Over the past 60 years, I have either heard about (ad nauseam), or experienced, and (miraculously!) survived: Pre-EPA herbicide and pesticide exposure; sunlight, without sunscreen; “The Population Bomb”; acid rain; air and water pollution levels far greater than today (predating the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts); exhaust emissions from leaded gasoline and non-biodiesel fuel; exposure to lead-pigmented paint; ozone depletion; sunspot activity; fluctuating ocean and Great Lakes levels; the Scarcity Mindset: “We’re running out of ______” (fill in the blank); numerous El Niño’s and La Nina’s; seasonal (named!) storms, each breathlessly proclaimed by Weather Channel wannabes as more apocalyptic than their predecessors; tornadoes; hurricanes; earthquakes; floods (including those wrought by “bomb cyclones”, “atmospheric rivers”, “zombie storms”, the “Pineapple Express”, and the latest, “derechos”); droughts and “flash droughts”; heat waves (including “global warming”); cold snaps (including “The Little Ice Age”, “global cooling”, and “polar vortexes”); changes in polar and glacial ice levels; species extinctions and amazing rediscoveries (including “the plight of the polar bears”); and the latest, NATURAL gas usage (furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers, power plants)! Get the picture? I’m still here, so is the “planet”; and it shall remain, long after we are all dead and forgotten!

5 months ago

Just received my natural gas billing for the upcoming year where the INCREASE was 44% over my last 2 years. Thank you Biden-Harris economics – :(.

5 months ago

Climate change is a scam. Carbon dioxide is not causing the warming. Black soot is melting the Arctic ice and snow. Where is black soot coming from? Not from USA.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

It is good and appropriate that Ben Solis used the word. ” Stealing ” as part of the title for this article since that is what the distortion of facts about environmental matters , particularly climate related matters amounts to. I wrote a comment earlier about the basic facts that pertain to the earth energy budget and the climate and how there is no place for politics when observing the amount of heat coming from the sun and the amount of heat going back into the atmosphere ( the Earth Energy Budget ) . However , even though one of the Ten Commandments says. ” Thou shall not steal “. That has not stopped . some people from stealing . Intelligent people who respect the Truth and respect Freedom, should see the corruption involved in the left Democrat , communist sympathizer strategy when it comes to using environmental issues in order to get control . I. do believe it would be great if a group, or groups, of Conservatives started to make observations of the Earth Energy Budget and the Climate measurements as a way of advancing knowledge and truth. The climate fluctuates , always has , always will, what could influence certain changes at different times should be regarded as a matter of true interest in helping to develop a better understanding of this planet. . The knowledge, truth, freedom connection — something worthwhile giving attention to. Basic mathematics. basic physics , respect for Truth and straight talk — that is what Climatology should be about. Food , clothing and shelter all depend on the climate ,the plants and trees that provide food, clothing and shelter should not be controlled by corrupt government policy . Taking a stand for Freedom and Truth and understanding of climate are in the interest of the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
5 months ago

It’s all about power and control.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
5 months ago

Their so-called “green revolution” is a RIP-OFF of the American middle class.

5 months ago

Climate change seems to be an easy way to funnel funds to other places like Planned Parenthood and Harris campaign etc, etc

5 months ago

“Stealng greenbacks from Americain families” is correct… and a tactic the “Democrats” have hung their hat on for all of my life, and then some.

5 months ago

Billions set aside to build electric car recharge stations and not one built. Lets see Hum…If I want to take a 500 drive will I be able to charge the car. Answer: No unless you spend an additional day on your trip and spend the night in a hotel while your vehicle is charged.

Ronni Redmond
Ronni Redmond
5 months ago

Good article. Thinking I need to switch over from AARP as your ideas and policies appear to be more in line with mine, which is more conservative. Thank you for sharing this!

5 months ago

Kamala Harris regardless who she picks is lying about her past major media is covering it up because if the truth be known nobody wants her as president . they want to change Supreme Court tell us as individuals what kind of gas stove we can have or not have what kind of car we can drive a truck drive what kind of medical we will or will not get and destroying our Social Security for seniors!

5 months ago

To all of the voters out there who are even CONSIDERING voting for Harris, please read this article and get your heads out of the sand and vote for Trump. Our country cannot survive another 4 years of a democratic president. This election is not a popularity contest. It is a matter of survival for our future.

5 months ago

Just a word to Cackling Kamala and the communist democrats. If you can save the world, start working on saving the sun. It’s supposed to burn out in several billion years. Ha ha ha ha. You guys are a riot. (Unfortunately most people aren’t laughing).

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
5 months ago

The whole matter. of climate can be understood with one word — balance . The earth is warmed by the sun and the amount of heat that is reflected back into the atmosphere needs to be in proportion to the amount of heat that came to earth from the. sun. . It is a simple matter of addition really. It is a case of balance — if something is preventing a certain amount of heat to go back into the atmosphere , then that would add to the heat ,the warmth here on Earth and cause things to be out of balance. So there should not be anything political about the situation — it is something that deserves attention, deserves observation. by people who respect Truth and understand some very basic science, very basic mathematics and physics . If there is some discussion on the topic of Climate. I will only listen to it if the matter of balance of heat coming to earth and heat leaving the earth is the matter that is under consideration. . Climate is a very important issue ,effecting food , tree growth , for lumber to build homes with, for plants such as cotton for clothes. Sensible thought should be given to the topic of climate — and that means there is no place for politics in determining the reason for anything that is out of balance. Political matters will enter the climate topic in some ways but only in a relatively minor way . Climatology needs to be based on facts, on Truth and intelligent observation of nature ,and the natural reactions to differences in the. atmosphere.

5 months ago

Obiden put America into bankruptcy by stopping all oil production in our country. And buying the tar oil from Venezuela and polluting the world with the transport of said tar oil and refining what can only be done by one refinery. Plus he sold off our Petroleum Reserve to China. Which was bought cheaply under Trump. And now we are so low we won’t be able to provide our troops in case of war. Nor the citizens and industry. And prices will be so high people won’t be able to get to their jobs. One there is not enough supply and two few can afford to fuel their cars. The dems have reached their plan. Power and more power over the people and America is no more. Freedom is free if you can keep it. Only right now we have ceded it to Obiden and the Queen Kameltoe. Time to dump the tea in the Boston Harbor again.

5 months ago

the green new deal is going to cost over 78 trillion dollars and it will not do anything for the climate all of these people are only interested in making all of us slaves to them wake up before we are all gone

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
5 months ago

everyone who votes for any democrat for any position is a fool.

N T Qwerty
N T Qwerty
5 months ago

harris is another corrupt dishonest democrook who will steal the American people’s money like these crooked democrooks have been stealing for the last 70 years…These arenot honest people…They could careless about the American people and America…When they have the gall to allow 15 millions illegals into the unitedstates through open borders PROVES they could careless about the American people or America…We were safer and we were all richer with President Trump in the whitehouse…biden/harris are crooks..President Trump ISNOT a crook or corrupt..We must make sure President Trump is in the whitehouse 2024…Even the world stated that we all were safer with President Trump in the whitehouse…Make sure you all vote President Trump 2024 so he can clean out the massive cesspool of these corrupt crooked democrooks…GodBless President Trump…GodBless the Legal American People…GodBless America..

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
5 months ago

This is on top of 8 years of the Obama-Biden Green Revolution scam. They always have a way to scam the taxpayers in order to pad their bank accounts.

5 months ago

Praise the LORD! God is in charge, no matter what the government thinks or says! God does not lie and he takes care of our needs.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

So when’s the next “end of the world” so I can mark it on my calender? Its income redistribution, that’s all. Wealthy countries paying lesser ones for climate “damage” that hasn’t even occurred.

5 months ago

Billions set aside for their revered electric car revolution while building no recharge stations. Hum… Let me see. If I buy an EV and want to take a 500 mile trip how do I charge it ? answer: you can’t unless you agree to take an extra day and spend a night in a hotel waiting for the recharge.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Where does OPEC and the rest of the Arabs stand on climate change and the fact that the Earth is overpopulated and can not possibly survive human activity much longer. How does China feel about the gathering of the elites in Davos, not Lagos, to discuss the peril we are in. We all know it is a huge money grab else they would not bother .They certainly do not do as they preach.

5 months ago

Kamala Harris is a truly disgusting person. Joe and Kamala Chameleon have ruined America with their failed policies. BTW the Habitual Liar and the Cackling Chameleon should be tried for treason after letting more than 100 people in the terrorist watch list into our country. It’s time for voters to show them the door.

5 months ago

The libtards have declared war on fossil fuels and ultimately all Americans. Heating/cooling rates have increased. Gasoline prices have increased. Grocery prices have increased. And, as a “We did it, Joe!” bonus for all those turds who hate America and capitalism, the financial markets have tanked for a third day in a row. Retirement is becoming a pipe dream and I’ll die at my desk.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Wake up AMERICANS,we are very close to losing the battle for a free great again AMERICA.The marxists are upon us.

5 months ago

Every time Democrats are in control of our government we go thru this destruction of America. They call it New Deal, or whatever other foolish name they imagine, to distract the people. When are we going to wake up? I’ve seen them do this numerous times, yet foolishly people keep putting them in power. Then again, considering the 2020 election, maybe NOT? How long have we been deceived by stolen elections?

Tom Snyder
Tom Snyder
5 months ago

Gas prices recently went down. Gas prices for Costco Gas in Ventura County, California were recently clocked at $4.36, which is more than 47% more than the Pre Biden-Harris price of $2.96.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
5 months ago

If Biden & Harris think they are going to change the climate they should go to India or China or other countries that do not care about the climate nothing will change this is just a scam to get tax payer money. I would like Biden and Harris call every country and tell them to watch there climate that would be a joke. I have been to China if you think it is bad here go to China.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

It’s as if they’re engaged in a contest to outridiculous one another. One insane scam after another. The global warming scam is so ridiculous it stands as exemplary of how foolish humanity can be. From the ground up, it’s absurd. If the carbon levels were actually going up, even much faster that they claim, it would be good for the planet! Not all that long ago I remember them warning us of the coming ice age! None of it will hinder the demonic rats in their efforts to destroy. I wonder if they even know what it is they are hoping to accomplish! Oh yeah, that’s right. A huge portion of it is about globalism. The takeover of the American economy.

5 months ago

Funny how the more taxpayer money they blow on this scam the worst the enviroment gets, huh? Vote them away.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
5 months ago

Every program and policy pushed through and implemented by this corrupt, treasonous administration has been intended not to help this nation and its citizens, but to harm and damage them. At the same time, a substantial part of the funds budgeted to those programs seems to have disappeared, almost certainly into the pockets of the Biden Crime Clan and their friends and cronies.

5 months ago

Anyone think they care…

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
5 months ago

All I have for you today is #FKH, #MAGA & #Trump2024

5 months ago

Pee Wee and Shree Wree are a man and a woman who have no idea what anything is, Joe and Kamala.

Brenda G
Brenda G
5 months ago


Trump being sworn in
Biden and his pardon, hiding behind door
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