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Biden-Harris Admin’s HHS Lavishing Hundreds of Millions on DEI Personnel, Programs

Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—The Department of Health and Human Services spends tens of millions of dollars annually on diversity-related expenses, according to a new report from the watchdog group Open the Books.

American taxpayers foot a bill of roughly $38.7 million every year to employ 297 staffers conducting diversity, equity, and inclusion work at HHS, with 247 of those federal employees making over $100,000 a year, according to government records analyzed by Open the Books.

On top of that, HHS spends $29.4 million per year to keep 209 workers on the payroll for its Office of Minority Health, which exists to “improve the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will help eliminate health disparities.”

One of the programs funded by the Office of Minority Health included a “vaccine equity” program in Atlanta aimed at getting monkeypox vaccine doses to gay black men to help “celebrate diversity and the impact of distinctly black gay and queer culture on the community,” according to Open the Books.

“The private sector is learning the hard—and costly—way that much of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion model is discriminatory and subject to expensive litigation,” the report reads, referencing reporting that many corporations are shuttering their DEI operations. “While federal agencies have also faced a mountain of legal challenges, the Biden administration has nevertheless pressed on with the president’s commitment to a ‘whole of government’ DEI effort.”

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the federal government placed an increased emphasis on embedding DEI in the bureaucracy. President Joe Biden signed Executive Order 14035 in June 2021, which ordered agencies to make “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” a “priority” in their staffing decisions. In response to the order, HHS promised to hire 313 employees across eight different DEI departments in 2023, according to the agency’s 2022 strategic plan.

Beyond staffing, HHS has earmarked hundreds of millions more in spending for DEI initiatives across the agency, according to Open the Books. The agency, for instance, set aside $608 million for “General Departmental Management,” with the top three goals for the program being “racial equity, environmental justice, climate change.”

Other expensive line items include $241 million for universities to hire minority scientists, $24.3 million to make nursing more diverse, and $5 million to fund an Office of Climate Change and Health Equity and an Office of Environmental Justice.

HHS did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation

Robert Schmad is a reporter at the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal – By Robert Schmad

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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3 months ago

Elon Musk, This sounds like a good place to begin your bureaucracy overhaul.

3 months ago

DEI=Didn’t Earn It.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

No wonder they buried us into an unsustainable $38,TRILLION DEBT and growing. These politicians only know how to tax, borrow and spend & don’t care how they burry us in trillions of debt. That’s why I always vote for a businessman, or a retired military with discipline in accounting and economics.

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

Hopefully, all this will end. Spending and printing money is why we’re in this mess.

3 months ago

This looks like a good starting point for elon musk and vivek rama swami.

3 months ago

No surprise here folks! Useless administration creating useless ideologies costing us real people millions of our hard earned money! They deserve to all be fired and imprisoned!

3 months ago

That will be the FIRST on the chopping block for Elon Musk and Vivek! Get rid of that waste to the American taxpayer.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
3 months ago

As Mark Levin point out in his must read book “The Democrat Party Hates America.” The Demonicrat party does indeed hate America and is doing everything in its power to bring America to her knees for the globalists! DEI is another of the most ridiculous scams humanity has ever seen. Peddo-Joe also delivered taxation of Social Security and then fought to increase that tax! DEI is pure prejudice against, of all insanities, the capable!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Praise for Robert Schmad. for this important article . It provides information about why some things are out of balance in the health care/ medical profession. There sure is plenty to do in order to get matters straight in the government health agencies . The terminology says a great deal – it identifies these programs that are as twisted as a corkscrew . And the whole matter of what is described in the last paragraph of the article — the millions of dollars going to politically connected programs. — it just isn’t right .In fact it’s wrong. The United States of America can do much better than this so – called diversity, equity , inclusion stuff. And do better it will . Corruption will be on it’s way out. And the health care / medical profession will be doing things sensibly when people with good sense are in policy making positions. Conservative ideology will help to cure the corruption with applications of Honor,Honesty, Integrity,Courage and Loyalty. Principles that are healthy and intelligent. The majority of citizens of this Country favor doing things that are in the interest of those values just listed above and in the principles of Faith, Family and Freedom.

3 months ago

Stop all of this spending. Totally unnecessary and wasteful. In fact their diversity videos are offensive and employees should sue for harassment. They are very in comfortable and disgusting.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Elon and Vivek will come up with plenty of wasteful spending to eliminate! The question is “Will wobbly Republicans have the cojones to do it?” One of MY first cuts would be the communists running NPR and PBS. Any topic even tangentially touching politics is presented from the socialist point of view! Let Soros and his billionaire friends pay for them!

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
3 months ago

Great, this program is on the chopping block already! Thank you, Elon!

3 months ago

Get rid of not only the spending, but the people doing it. Obviously they don’t need a job…

3 months ago

Trump and the republican congress need to get this information out there where everybody can see it.

Cheryl Campbell
Cheryl Campbell
3 months ago

This is very wastefull spending. We don’t need to print any more money, let those pay for it out of their pockets.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

J6 isn’t the threat to democracy, April 15th is because that’s TAX DAY when the government gets another “blank check” for spending. We need another TEA Party holding these ppl accountable.

3 months ago

if there is one thing dems do its spend other people’s money.

3 months ago

it’s not their money!

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

Been wondering for many months where all the money the Democrats spent had gone. They have never been held responsible for accounting for it. I would not be at all surprised to find that they had personally been funneling it into their own accounts. Especially knowing that the Bidens took over $10 million from Ukraine alone! This administration has been nothing but a bunch of crooks!

3 months ago

All of this needs to daylighted directly to the American people! In simple English and easy to understand. Then there will be many fewer democrats in office and might even be some resignations from some Senate House members!! Wasting taxpayer money on this stuff is absolutely unforgiveable. Tell the people so it will NEVER happen again.

3 months ago

Unbelievable!!! I can’t wait till Trump and co put a stop to all of DC’s reckless spending with OUR money. I hope the bad actors in DC are shaking in their boots.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

OK DOGE take this down

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

How would they howl squirm and holler should they be asked to cut their unearned salaries by 10% to contribute to those insanities. It is easy to be generous with the tax payer money as long as they are untouched. Not one of them should be entitled to a lavish retirement package after ripping taxpayer off for so long. Any other crook embezzling the money the way they do would be in prison

3 months ago

Seeing some cuts much needed for our dept of efficiency leadership. Go get em Elon and Vivek!!!!

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

I can imagine the new Trump cabinet, conservative Senators and Representatives will be tasked with “cleaning house” of all of these superfluous programs.

Did you know that there is not a day, week or a month where we are asked to celebrate heterosexuality? I think that is totally unfair (sarcasm.) Don’t you?

3 months ago

More government waste.

3 months ago

And you wonder why there’s a deficit. Thieves of a feather stick together. Jail them all.

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

For governments, money does actually grow on trees. Those trees are known as working humans.

3 months ago

Sounds like a place Elon Musk can start to cut useless spending of our tax payers dollars.

jim conch
jim conch
3 months ago

This is just one of the many three letter agencies that needs to be put to rust. Disband it, defund it and let the people who run it, find gainful employment somewhere.

Philp Simon
Philp Simon
3 months ago

To Pres. Re-Ele ct Trump, undue all the BidenHarris spending programs and fire everybody so people will know who is in charge.

3 months ago

The Dept of Government Efficiency, run by Elon and Vivek will take care of this waste. The Biden Harris administration policies were all ridiculous and made those workers rich and who knows how much of those millions were kicked back to the deep state that created this monstrosity. It had no purpose did not help the people. And was no help to anyone. DEI like CRT or gender pronouns are all ridiculous to enforce let stand put fines on it for those who didn’t follow the mandates. Burning down cities was okay however. Someone explain this to me. Trump just named Matt Gaetz attorney general. He must be a good pick because the dems are all upset about it. Anyone would be better than Merritt Garland.

Stewart Love
Stewart Love
3 months ago

I think the new department of government efficiency has a good place to start.

3 months ago

Vivek and Elon are going to have their work cut out for them with this crap, and I dare say they’re going to love every minute of dropping the ax on these shills. I KNOW America will!

3 months ago

D I E! Get it!

3 months ago

It’s going to be a tough job trying to root out these corrupt Government employees. They will fight tooth and nail for their jobs. They will go into survival mode. I hope this new administration realizes that They really need to lawfully amend the CIVIL SERVICE REFORM ACT of 1978 to get back control after Obama strengthened the “deep state”.

3 months ago

DEI is a lie and it will NEVER succeed as long as there are people that are alive and can think.

3 months ago

I’m sure this is only the tip of the iceberg.

3 months ago

Guess that where all the ” Jobs Created ” came from…

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 months ago

Tax, Spend, Waste. Like all of their same programs are funded by countless Bills they have passed when in control of Congress. That would be a good place to start. That’s what democrats do. How many $Trillions were Added to the National Debt this year??? Multiple that by 4 years straight.
biden/harris have Added Over $35 Trillion in National Debt in less than 4 years. A Record and has kept us in a Recession since January 2022 with Record Inflation. Talk about robbing the American people of their Hard Earned Money.
But that’s what democrats do.

3 months ago

Looks like a good place to start firing. Seems as good as any. Trump, Elon, Vivak(sp), there you go, get started. I added up 919 jobs that can be eliminated in this one short article. No notice, and if possible, call them at home and tell them not to come in again and mail the final paperwork to them, because the law will make us pay them for the time they were there getting fired. No more DEI!

3 months ago

I’d like them to tell me exactly what “rights” and/or “privileges” I have that they don’t have. Not once have they ever enlightened us to that. I’ve worked all my life at average jobs, nothing rich. I’ve paid for everything I’ve ever had, including any benefits my employer didn’t pay. I’ve watched plenty of Blacks & Hispanics working right along with me, many in much higher positions. I only had a high school education. WHO among us IS NOT perfectly entitled to an education? WHO among us IS NOT perfectly entitled to apply for and obtain jobs? Unless someone is physically or mentally challenged (for which there are programs/help), what makes them actually MUCH MORE “PRIVILEGED” than me?
NOTHING. And THAT’S what they can/will never say.

3 months ago

I’ve heard some people say that Kamala Harris is WORSE than Biden as a candidate and that Biden had a better chance of winning. HE certainly thinks so (and of course doesn’t hafta prove it now, fortunately for him).
Well I ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE. They are both THE SAME. Same insane ‘policies’ shoved down our throats & taxes; same law breaking & Constitution trashing; same White discrimination; same America LAST. They BOTH follow Obama’s instructions, who is ruled by the NWO/Globalist. There’s absolutely no difference between their ‘policies’ and traitorous intentions.

3 months ago

I don’t mind the debt as much as the interest (over 10% of annual operating cost) we are burying ourselves with.

3 months ago

Still wasting our money on their personal deviate behavioral agendas!!! This is one of the many reasons that Kamala and Democrats lost so big!!! You stopped listening to ‘we, the people’!!! DEI doesn’t work any more than any other mandate especially with businesses!! Businesses need to hire the best possible person for the job not the most deviated person for no reason at all!!! That’s like Hunter Biden being hired to the board of some natural gas company in Ukraine with no experience at all except that he is Joe’s son!!

3 months ago

I love President TRUMP. But he needs to considrate on his new office and not say anything about the biden/ harris. If you remember obama sent out millions and millions of $$$ a lot of money when he left. Ignore the trash that they have brought to the USA

3 months ago

I pray TRUMP fires everyone of them – immediately!!

Margaret White
Margaret White
3 months ago

I’m so glad all this is on the chopping block! What a colossal waste of our taxpayer dollars!!

3 months ago

Throw Biden and Harris in prison…in fact, throw ALL the Democrats in prison!
Ya gotta love The Donald!

Girard Brewer
Girard Brewer
3 months ago

Can you imagine if we did not make a change, I think Elon is right he can cut $2 Trillion out of the budget and start paying down the debt.

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