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Biden Exit, New Nominee?

Posted on Tuesday, May 21, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

As a teen, I did magic shows at birthday parties. Overriding principle – misdirection. To perform magic, you create an expectation and then upend it. You win confidence because people are surprised, and excited when they are. Are Democrats planning “magic” – Biden’s exit, new nominee? Beware, the hare.

In short, Democrat primaries finish June 8. Biden has won them all, nine left, Kentucky and Oregon on May 21, Idaho on May 23, then DC, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota on June 4, and Guam and Virgin Islands on June 8. Then, it’s all done!

Or is it? Right now, Biden and Harris seem foregone, convention three months off, August 19-20. But the world is upside down. Biden is ailing, and the polls plunging. He would be 86 at the close of his second term if he made it. Harris is a total loss, even in her own party, with no confidence.

Moreover, unlike years when a candidate – say Harry Truman in 1948, Jimmy Carter in 1980, or George HB Bush in 1992 – was lagging but hopeful, hope is nowhere to be found. Biden is missing steps, cues, words, phrases, dates, and places, only half present on his good days. Harris is disdained, cringe her constant companion, horror muttered by Democrats at her replacing Biden.

So, what could happen? As the press oohs, boos, moans, groans, cheers, and fears Donald Trump, something may be happening behind the curtain, Democrats planning a Disappearing Act pre-convention, Biden stepping aside for “the younger generation,” a trap door.

Do Democrat rules allow it? Yes. Has a candidate ever captured all delegates and lost? No. What would have to happen for this to occur?  Five things. 

First, the Biden-Harris tailspin would have to accelerate, making pledged delegates and superdelegates more uneasy, almost panicked. That may be happening.

Second, backroom DC would have to be quietly vetting replacements, from Governors Newsom (CA), Murphy (NJ), Whitmer (MI), and Pritzker (IL) to members of Congress, wannabes like Sen. Booker (NJ), Warren (MA), Sherrod Brown (OH), Bernie Sanders (VT), mayors, such Mitch Landrieu (New Orleans), Pete Buttigieg (IN, Transportation Secretary), and progressives like Rep. Ro Khanna (CA), Stacey Abrams (GA), AOC (NY), Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton.

For those who think these names are crazy, recall Barack Obama, chief credentials “activist,” undistinguished lawyer, minority, not Hillary Clinton – who grabbed a Senate seat, then White House, and brazenly set the course for “fundamental transformation” of America.

Third, media and social media, the great Democrat enablers, would have to be ready to go along, jump ship on Biden, let him fall through the trapdoor. They are hinting at it, with “in the know” outlets suggesting it could happen. Shadowboxing with what those outlets are others, loudly dismissing the idea, “Lady doth protest too much.”

Fourth, Big Money Democrats –“dark money” and open mega-donors – would have to push Biden, and Harris to step through the trap door. So far, high tech, high left, high labor unions, and the just plain high support Biden, but will that last?

Fifth, Biden, Harris, and those around them – starting with Dr. Jill – would have to weigh possible outcomes, and conclude getting humiliated, in the end, was a worse outcome – legally, politically, and personally – than bowing out and spending all that Chinese money.

This last requirement is the toughest. Biden is resolved he is “just fine,” convinced Afghanistan, Ukraine, Iran, China, and Gaza are victories, economy, border, drugs, housing, all the rest fine.  

As long as Biden thinks the border is secure, inflation and interest down, parents the problem, abortion Catholic, Afghanistan free, Iran legitimate, China a friend, Egypt led by Mexico’s president, his own lineage “proudly” Jewish, Irish, Cuban, Greek, Turkish, Armenian, Arab, Polish, Black, and his uncle “eaten by cannibals,” getting him to drop out …may be tough.

But as weeks click by, watch closely. Do NOT put the possibility of a Biden vanishing act out of mind. The way magic works is, that you think the coin is in the right hand, the card is in the middle of the deck, and rabbits are nowhere until the coin shows up in the left, the card is on top of the deck, and the rabbit from the hat. Beware, the hare.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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4 months ago

It does not matter if they replace the puppet, the puppeteers will remain the same.

4 months ago

RBC, I made a post yesterday on an article, so here it is again — What is at stake? This nation has probably seen its last Republican President in Trump. The Left has him tied up in court where he can’t get on the campaign trail to influence the Millennials and Gen Z voters since they now are majority voters. Nobody wants the Biden/Harris combo. Expect the Democrats to come up with a new candidate at the upcoming convention — Governor Newsom of California fame. He is running a shadow campaign that people have not picked up on. He is out to get those votes of the Millennials and Gen Z. Never mind that he has ruined the California economy but look what will happen to the USA if he is elected to office — Californication of the USA. He will continue to move forward Obama’s plan of ruining the country. The Mills and Gen Z are only looking for free things from the government and will vote for the candidate that will give them these items. The Millennials and Gen Z need to be presented the real facts before it is too late.

4 months ago

It’s a Done Deal. He will be out and God Forbid newsome/obama will replace him at the convention. Our country is already in the toilet. This will be the Big Flush. What a Shame. I Pray that this does Not come to be.

4 months ago

“President” Biden is in the pockets of those who have sponsored him, both foreign and domestic, and they want him to remain in office to fulfill his promises.
On the other hand, that list of “would-be candidates” in the article, in large part, reads like a list of underworld characters… just like the NY miscreants who angled to put President Trump on trial with insufficient evidence. Of course, they were very little help when all the phony ballots were being counted in 2020.
So many filthy, “democrat” merry-go-rounds in play, and so few opportunities for the rest of us to have the sound governance we have always voted for…

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
4 months ago

The due date for registering to be a candidate has passed in many states. In Washington state is supposedly passed last week. So if the dmeocrats were goign to replace biden the replacement woudl not be on the ballot and biden would be.

4 months ago

Mind boggling that this is what the Greatest Republic to ever exist has come to in terms of leadership.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
4 months ago

Nature will take it’s course, run it’s course and nature has what sometimes at least has the appearance of something similar to magic. The unknown ,the unexpected , meteorology is well developed and I have been interested in weather forecasting since the 1970’s . Not a critic of it , but the unknown can lead to the unexpected ( as with magic ) so that is part of life . Good analogy Robert , the political situation and magic.
The difference in the mindset of those above about 60 years of age and those less than 60 is something that has significance these days, especially due to the internet influence. Those of us who believe in the importance of principles , we are strong in spirit , intelligent, have courage, and are resourceful and our values have been shaped by learning about life without the internet influence.. Those are very positive attributes, for a fact. You listed many of the negatives that define the Democrats these days in the article Robert, so it is a case of being as prepared as possible to deal with things as they develop and that strength will be a great strategic advantage with the matters concerning the next election of a President . May God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave . Well done with this article Robert. Courage , Truth , Honor, respect for the values of Faith, Family and Freedom. We Conservatives cannot make all of the Democrat caused trouble disappear, but having hope, and practicing integrity will be in favor of a better life ahead.

4 months ago

The question ‘ Can the Communists do it?’, I.e. replace Brandon & Dome, is almost irrelevant. Rather, the point is that the Communists WILL do it if need be, in order to hold on to power. Look for the Communists to draft Mooch-Elle Obama and for the media & mouthpieces to make her out to be a savior, in what would be a propaganda op so huge that it would make Goebbels’ head spin. Mooch-Elle would keep minority voters in the fold (or at least would keep them pacified over replacing Dome) and would give them someone who doesn’t have the baggage of Newsome or some of the others listed in this article.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
4 months ago

Interesting thought, but is it feasible? Would they go further left or further down the tubes. Would such a change just alienate the rest of the party faithful? Do they think that the youth of our country would fall for a “Bait and Switch”? I think that it would only pull back the curtain and expose who the Wizard really is? We know that it’s George Soros and “The New World Order”. It would kill the chances of each and every Democrat running except for those in New York and California, the only states where the Democrat voters make up close to 100% of the registered voters left in those states, Republicans have all moved to Florida, Texas and the rest of the RED states. The longer these shams called Trump trials go on the stronger his support gets. The only thing that can kill his re-election is choosing a running mate who is not a true verifiable Conservative, a Ron DeSantis.

4 months ago

Democrats have zero morality and no problem getting rid of those in their way. Bid3n would be gone the very day the DNC or their CCP owners wanted him gone.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Short of a medical event forcing Biden out of the race, the DNC simply replacing Biden is tantamount to Arthur Fonzarelli admitting he was wr-wr-wr-wrong. And Biden’s PRIDE means he wouldn’t go quietly.

Barb Zack
Barb Zack
4 months ago

I’ve been saying for months Biden will not be the ultimate nominee. I actually had a theory that Liz Cheney would switch parties to become a Demorat (hell, she’s been one for years). And in gratitude for all her work on the J6 committee, would crown her the nominee. She hates trump and would gladly run for that reason alone. I still think it is possible, but more likely gov.nuisance or and hang on here, Hakim Jefferies. Nothing Marxist dems do surprises me. Bottom line, biden /Harris are not the nominees.

4 months ago


Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
4 months ago

Here is one of this Nations problems. Ole folks like me who vote with commen sense have died ,or is dieing out. The good news. Sometimes we can vot ,even after dieing. LOL. Kyle L.

David Coe
David Coe
4 months ago

Biden disappearing act?
No doubt it is already underway. Can you say –NO JOE?
They, the Democrats especially the far left side of the party know Joe is a sinking ship, and now they are ready to collapse any bridge he has to the final nomination, and yes the pun is intended.

Phil Sartori
Phil Sartori
4 months ago

Yep, Black Magic ✨

4 months ago

If the GOP does not realize how important it is to have RINOs in their camp for the 2024 election, then they will lose. GOP also needs to stop calling people RINO if they do not vote/agree with the entire Republican agenda. Trump is already feeding the conspiracy that he will accept the results of 2024 election if it is fair. He needs to quit attacking people with his mean insults as that is costing him votes.

4 months ago

Why does the reply button not work?

Joann Ozburn
Joann Ozburn
4 months ago

I believe Biden will step down and another will be installed and he will be far worse for our country if he is elected. Right now he is the governor of CA.

4 months ago

Agree it won’t be Biden Harris ticket. the DMC will let the debates take place using Biden’s dismal responses at the debates to force him to refuse the nomination at the convention this allowing for an interim president Camela Harris with the new Presidential nominee of Kennedy. They desperately want him back because they know he will pull votes away from Biden. Kennedy will be able to pick his running mate for VP and it won’t be Harris.I like some of what Kennedy says but you have to remember he is as far eft as any Communist Markest dictator ever.

Dave G
Dave G
4 months ago

The switcheroo I see coming is Gavin Gruesome and Michelle O’bummer. What a disaster…

4 months ago

If the Democrats keep Biden as their nominee, it will mean they have all their cheating plans in place. It would be the only possible explanation.

4 months ago

They’ll get Joe a new silicone mask, and he’ll keep rolling. Author Roberts who plays his part, is getting old to, they’ll have to replace him to.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden Authorized the fbi to use DEADLY FORCE against President Trump when they RAIDED his home in Florida. NO BS.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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