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Biden Energy Policy: Leave No Oil Dictator Behind

Posted on Friday, October 22, 2021
by Outside Contributor

Are you enjoying this historic surge in consumer product shortages and inflation, which the White House in its best Marie Antoinette impression labels a “high-class problem?”  

Well, get ready, because it’s about to get even worse.  

The federal government warned just last week that Americans should expect significantly higher heating bills this winter. Specifically, the Energy Information Administration projects that approximately half of U.S. households that heat with natural gas will pay an average of 30% more this year than last year, which will increase to 50% higher if winter is merely 10% colder this year than last:  

Compared with last winter, we forecast propane expenditures will rise by 54%, heating oil by 43%, natural gas by 30%, and electricity by 6%.  We expect space heating demand to generally be higher this winter based on forecasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that U.S. average heating degree days will be 3% higher than last winter (Winter Fuels Outlook).  Altering our assumptions for a 10% colder-than-expected winter significantly increases forecast expenditures, while a 10% warmer-than-expected winter still results in increased expenditures, because of price increases.  

If that sounds like bad news, well, The Washington Post has a message for you:  Get over it, you spoiled brats.  “Time for some new, more realistic expectations,” Post columnist Micheline Maynard lectures, concluding that, “we’d do ourselves a favor by consciously lowering expectations.”  

Just three months ago, Joe Biden snapped that “no serious economist” suggested that runaway inflation was any threat.  Then, his administration frantically pivoted to assuring us that the problem was merely “transitory.”  Now that higher gas prices and overall inflation remain stubbornly and alarmingly persistent, they’re switching to mocking Americans’ “high-class” expectations and Jen Psaki’s “tragedy of the treadmill delayed” snark.  

Next thing you know, they’ll be lecturing us that Soviet-style shortages and gas lines are actually a good thing.  Oh, wait – they already have.  

Although the Biden Administration rationalizes that this is all a problem of surging demand rather than any sort of Biden Administration blunder, the International Energy Agency reports that global oil demand won’t reach pre-pandemic levels until next year.  

Meanwhile, the production side is under assault.  Between 2010 and 2015, according to Rystad Energy, global oil and gas exploration investment averaged approximately $100 billion per year.  Since 2015, however, that investment average had fallen 50% to $50 billion per year.  This year alone, aggregate investment will be down approximately 26% from pre-pandemic levels.  

And why would that be otherwise?  European regimes continue to shut down exploration and production, while the Biden Administration has made domestic U.S. energy production Public Enemy Number One.  On his very first day as president, Biden halted the Keystone XL pipeline and subsequently imposed a moratorium on oil and gas leases on federal lands.  Since that time, the administration has slashed drilling permits by 75%.  These and other innumerable Biden Administration actions have sent an unmistakable signal to our energy sector that their days are numbered.  

In addition to punishing American consumers, the Biden Administration’s actions only serve to empower oil-rich dictatorships like Russia and Iran.  

By artificially limiting domestic energy investment and production, while Europe does the same, Biden proportionately empowers nations like Russia and Iran to fill that gap.  If consumer demand remains steady but domestic production falls, we collectively place ourselves back at the mercies of those authoritarian regimes.  

Keep in mind that Trump Administration sanctions had Iran’s economy on the ropes, and American energy production increases had relegated Russia’s Vladimir Putin to increasing irrelevancy.  But then Biden arrived, and canceled the Keystone XL pipeline while inexplicably lifting sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Europe.  Wasn’t Trump supposed to be the one engaging in Russian “collusion?”  

Now, in “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” news, Politico reports that Biden is begging oil industry leaders to help bring down rapidly rising gas prices while broader consumer inflation threatens to cripple what had been a surging economy that he inherited from Trump. This comes on the heels of Biden approaching OPEC hat-in-hand for help in boosting global oil production.  

Had Biden simply done nothing upon entering office and maintained President Trump’s more market-based energy policies, this rolling catastrophe might’ve been avoided.  Under Trump we became energy independent and prices plummeted, which finally made good on what for decades was considered a laughable pipe dream to which presidents since Nixon had rhetorically aspired, but maintained no serious hope of accomplishing.  

But then we actually did it.  

To relieve American consumers from escalating energy prices while increasing pressure on oil autocracies like Russia and Iran, the solution is obvious.  We must return to an “all of the above” energy policy that relies upon market forces, not “Green New Deal” dictates.  The choice is a simple one.  

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Leave No Energy behind BUT wants EVs by 2030?
Powered by what?
No Thorium reactors.
Or liquid coal plants

2 years ago

As long as the Democrats control Washington, the author can forget about a return to the more sane and rational energy policies we had under President Trump. Rising energy and inflation costs are perfectly fine for the Democrats and their supporters. It helps them impoverish the masses and make more people dependent on the government. Both are considered win-wins for America’s Socialist Party the Democrats.

Donald L Schmidt
Donald L Schmidt
2 years ago

This guy is a fool, I won’t call him President.

2 years ago

The Biden Administration IS INSANITY IN SPADES! . . . and the American People DO NOTHING but shake their heads hoping the NIGHTMARE will just disappear. . . . THAT’S INSANE ALSO.

2 years ago

“Well there you go again….” to quote Reagan…..again with the shortages, bad news about fuel prices and the ensuing crisis on the horizon. And we all know why…….the sudden shift from energy independence to near total dependence on outside sources and supplies. All the benefits of the current administration and its horrible management and decision making. Carter used the same logic in his speeches about energy woes and the like, that we all need to just suck it up and wear a sweater and set the heat at 65 and drive less and save the planet and eat more peanuts and less beef and on and on and on…….this is the way the dems. operate and today we have the full potential of a perfect storm that can only be solved by “green energy”, vegan lifestyles and just stop being so needy after all that stuff out there, like milk and eggs, and bacon and a car and warm homes ……do like the third world does…..suck it up people….we’ll get you through these hard times.

2 years ago

What I would like to see is some leadership from all the anti-CO2 crowd. The least they could do is all agree to immediately stop personally emitting CO2 and methane. That should go a long way to help solve these problems.

2 years ago

But there won’t be any mean tweets.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Hit us with high fuel bills somwe will think solar energy. If you think solar is cheap, go to search box and thourghly check out what it would cost to do this. Change batteries maby 5 or 6 years down the road at a cost of 5 or 6 thousand dollars. Give it a good looksee folks. Kyle L.

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

Why is Biden and his team are not charged with TREASON I don’t know.

2 years ago

Exactly what happens when corrupt joebama and the democrats are owned by foriegn countries!
They were out smarted by the enemies of America, and they sold out the Citizens of Our Country.
Power, greed,and the absence of morals by these failures have brought nothing but problems to America!
Throw them out!

J Davis
J Davis
2 years ago

We saw on the news an area where gas prices has elevated to$8 a gallon Biden is shrugging his shoulders saying we need to figure a way to fix the problem.
Who started this problem is there someone else who is doing all of this. I can’t wait to vote.

2 years ago

Let’s go Brandon!

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

JoKe Biden doesn’t know much, but, after 5 decades of dis-service to America in his own interest(s) he knows there is NO SHORTAGE of Natural Gas. It all comes from the US Congress gasbags!
Vote ALL incumbents O-U-T.

2 years ago

We are going into a dark winter ; and cold for many ;
Thanks again ; joe –

Lynn Levanda
Lynn Levanda
2 years ago

I suggest public flogging and stockades where we can throw eggs and rotten garbage at these corrupt, immoral creeps. They need humiliation and defeat. Yankee stadium or any public square will do. I’d pay to participate.

2 years ago

Gotta get that commie outta here. What cruelty this bas—d is causing. It’s very hot down there, Joey.

2 years ago

We all know there is a coup in the White House. As a retired computer network tech, I’ve seen that it was a stolen election. I’m not familiar with the mail in ballots, but that was part of it too.
Evil, baby killing devils.
This administration is completely incompetent.
When you have a administration that believes in killing the unborn child like they do, it’s a curse upon them.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

Paul Mayercak
Paul Mayercak
2 years ago

We (USA) false President Biden, who stole the election away from President Trump; so therefore isn’t really our President, a puppet socialist false President needs to start back up the Keystone XL pipeline and USA must be drilling for their own oil so we(the good ole USA) need to become independent again for energy usage. Not dependent on other countries for oil especially Russia and Iran enemies of the good ole USA! Heavenly Father please help us out of this mess that Biden, the puppet false President of the good ole USA caused in this energy crisis again caused by our false President Biden. In Jesus Precious Name, amen

2 years ago

It doesn’t matter to the white house and congress commies,they will never worry about gas food insurance , taxpayers will pay for it all ,selfserving

Dan H
Dan H
2 years ago

Let’s put aside the comments about the “stolen election” and just focus on the ineptness of the current administration. I don’t know if Biden really believes in socialism but he is a corrupt politician. He will be replaced by January or February of 2023, unfortunately his replacement will be as bad. We MUST replace most of the members of Congress next year.

2 years ago

We can keep other countries rich from buying their energy until we cannot afford to buy anymore. Then we can burn the horse and cow patties for heat that we will have an abundance of because our cars will be gone and old “horsey” will be our only source of transportation. What American in their right mind can continue to support these socialist/communists in the Democrat party? Amazing! It’s time to make America great again, ….again!

2 years ago

Well we’ll what a surprise from Bite me

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