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Biden Continues Assault on Supreme Court

Posted on Wednesday, August 23, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

President Biden stands with Supreme Court for photo-op

The Biden administration is doubling down once again in its assault on the legitimacy and integrity of the Supreme Court.

Last Monday, the Biden Department of Education issued new “guidance” for colleges and universities that is effectively advice for how schools can ignore the Court’s recent ruling against racial preferences in admissions practices.

The document specifically tells admissions offices that while they can’t consider an applicant’s race in choosing whether or not to accept them, they can consider how an applicant’s race has affected their life. According to the examples provided in the guidance, universities could use “an applicant’s explanation about what it means to him to be the first Black violinist in his city’s youth orchestra or an applicant’s account of overcoming prejudice when she transferred to a rural high school where she was the only student of South Asian descent” as a factor in admitting them over another candidate.

In other words, the administration is giving schools the green light to continue pursuing the same discriminatory admissions schemes the Court just outlawed. Instead of schools using an applicant’s race to determine whether or not they are admitted, the guidance says, schools should use an applicant’s experience being that race. It is a distinction without a difference.

Although this case is one of the most obvious examples of the Biden administration telling the public to ignore a legitimate Court decision, it is hardly the only one.

In June, the Court struck down Biden’s student loan forgiveness scheme, which legal scholars on both sides of the aisle had admitted was likely unconstitutional. Yet immediately after the ruling, Biden announced another plan to circumvent it, continuing to defy the Court. While making no attempt to defend his plan on the merits, Biden accused the Court’s originalist justices of being in league with “Republican elected officials and special interests.”

Additionally, after the Court struck down Roe v. Wade last year, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services issued guidance advising doctors to defy state abortion laws, promising legal cover for doing so.

Along with encouraging people to ignore Supreme Court decisions that Biden and his lieutenants don’t like, the administration has also attempted to use the Court as a scapegoat for not being able to implement a slate of far-left policies, undermining the legitimacy of the Court in the process.

In June 2021, for instance, the Court allowed the CDC’s pandemic eviction moratorium to remain in place, but said that any further extensions would require an explicit act of Congress. When the Democrat-controlled Congress failed to act, Biden signed an executive order extending the moratorium anyway.

When questioned, Biden admitted the executive order was likely illegal, saying that “the bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it’s not likely to pass constitutional muster.” Yet when the Court overturned Biden’s executive order just a few months later, then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki accused the Court of endangering families through greater risk of exposure to COVID-19.

Put another way, Biden, under pressure from his progressive base to keep the illegal eviction moratorium in place, shifted blame for it ending from himself to the Supreme Court by signing an executive order that he knew the Court would strike down.

Biden’s Supreme Court blame game is having a disastrous effect on the public’s perception of the Court as the justices are dragged into political battles. Just 40 percent of Americans now approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing, a record low. Just 25 percent of Americans say they have “a great deal” of confidence in the Court as an institution.

Tellingly, these negative views of the Supreme Court are particularly pronounced among Democrats. A poll from the Heartland Institute published last year found that a majority of self-identified Democrats are in favor of scrapping the Court entirely. 56 percent of Democrats also agreed with the statement that the Court is “a fundamentally racist institution,” while 67 percent said it was a “fundamentally sexist institution that favors men over women.”

Clearly, Biden’s efforts to de-legitimize the Court are having their intended effect. The question now is what Republican lawmakers are willing to do about it – and if they’ll be able to convince voters of the severity of the crisis. Ultimately, the most effective way to save the Court as an institution will be democratically removing Biden and other officials who are trying to undermine it.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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1 year ago

If the idea is to wait to see what the GOP in Congress does to push back hard against Biden, then I think everyone knows what leaders like McConnell and McCarthy will do. Which is maybe give a brief statement and that is about it. That is not being pessimistic, but rather realistic based on past behavior of both men.

Most voters in this country, who are not brain dead or drooling leftist ideologues, already fully understand the game the Democrats and Team Biden are playing to end run around the Supreme Court until they have an opportunity to either pack the Court or replace the constitutional conservatives on the Court with like-minded leftists. Just remember, its a long time between now and the 2024 elections and a LOT of damage can be inflicted on this country between now and then by Team Biden and the Democrat Party.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

2 year old Dictator Beijing biden has broken the law in so many ways for the past 50 YEARS that he wants his own private Kangaroo Court (False Indictments against President Trump) to protect Dictator Beijing biden and his FASCIST Party from ALL the crimes committed by him, Hunter, Obama, H. Clinton, Holder, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, Newsom, Whitmer, CDC, FBI, IRS, DOJ, Wuhan Health Organization, and rest of the FASCIST Party.
It is also the only way he can DESTROY the U.S. CONSTITUTION which is their main goal. Example: Attacking the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and the rest of OUR U.S. Constitutional Rights.

1 year ago

This is based on Alinsky’s eight steps from democracy to socialist society.
Obama quotes him often in his book and Hillary did her thesis on Alinsky.
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist/communist State. The first is the most important
1. Healthcare: “Control Healthcare and you control the People”             DONE !!
2 Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible.” Poor People are easier to control and will not fight back if the government is providing everything for them to live.                           DONE!!!
3. Debt: Increase the National Debt to an unsustainable level.” That way you are able to increase Taxes, and this will produce more Poverty.                                                                                        DONE!!!
4. Gun Control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a Police State – total local control.                                                                   ALMOST THERE!!!
5. Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Livestock, Housing, and Income).         DONE!!!
6. Education: Take control of what People read & listen to; take control of what Children learn in School.
7. Religion: Remove faith in God from the Government and Schools.
8. Class Warfare: Divide the People into the Wealthy against the Poor. Racially divide. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to Tax the Wealthy with full support of
the voting Poor.
DONE!!!  The bases are all covered! We are ripe!    Esther Goodday  believe the Democrats President will nail the coffin shut on the United States of America.

1 year ago

I’m so disgusted with this Biden administration!! They are trying really hard to complete Obama’s transformation of America into some third world country!! Can’t wait for them to be gone!!

1 year ago


1 year ago

An administration that knowingly, and willingly violates our constitution, violates the document from which it derives its legitimacy, and is then therefore no longer legit, it needs to be impeached in its entirety, removed from office, which then removes its immunity to prosecution, and indicted under the corresponding articles of law. The Biden administration it seems has long crossed the boundary in its flirtation will illegitimacy.

1 year ago

Ole Joe is playing the blame game. If it wasn’t for Trump and the Supreme Court to blame. He would have been out of office a long time ago. Plus the MSM perpetuates his lies, de border crisis the criminals stealing at will as a good thing. Many seniors do not even know what a woke person is or what it means.
He does not want anyone above him telling what he can and cannot do. He does not believe in free speech, a free press or the right to bear arms. He does, however, day in day out give orders to his staff and the deep state to find ways around the constitution and the courts.
He lets criminals out of jail, allows drugs into this country all to have total control over the people to retain power forever for the dems.
Mutilation of our kids, letting seniors die and controlling the up and coming generation from procreating. So the elites can control the population in the future. And make America into a communist country.
This only can be reached to get rid of the Supreme Court and above all Trump.

1 year ago

Please America…Democrats and Repulicans..let’s please put this anti american president out of work in November. It would be the most worthwhile thing we can do. His policies are destroying this country.

1 year ago

This is why our Constitution was written!

1 year ago

Biden must go. No respect for America, Americans, life and common sense.

Al F.
Al F.
1 year ago

I guess it’s time for all Asians, Indians and whites to “identify as black”. If they don’t accept you, they’re racist.

1 year ago

IF it is Biden telling colleges and universities how to circumvent the Supreme Court’s ruling he is no longer acting President of the United States, he is an enemy of the USA! He just stepped over into dictatorship and is a traitor to his oath of office and the Constitution.
Why are the Republicans, conservative Democrats, Independents and other legislators sitting on their hands and not keeping true to honor their oath of office to SERVE AND PROTECT the Constitution of the United States?
Are they wanting to lose their freedom and country also?

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

The Left, regardless of country, has long had a motto: Power and control, at any price, at any cost, by any means necessary. Thet includes lying, cheating, stealing, ignoring the laws, ignoring the Courts, and killing anyone who gets in their way. We had best believe the worst is yet to come…

1 year ago

Word on the street and places where people gather.

“Biden does not know. It is those who use him, hiding from the light, users at the behest of (????) for their covert purposes. He is lost, reads the script, loses his place, and rambles on. So, who is recording who these people are? Is there a list, background, Facts, and truth about them, for they are the actual directors of all that is bad for American citizens?”
“Taken almost a year’s vacation out of three? And who is paying for that entire charade?” “YOU!”
“We must use words like = Biden’s Staff Continue Assault on the Supreme Court.”
“Asked the other day, the question was, are those using Biden for all the harmful outcomes to the Country? That is supposed to be his duty. Are they (and their bosses) not engaged in state treason?”
“Scared of Robert Kennedy, you bet they are; STOP being fooled!” A vote for Kennedy stops this crap and allows an intelligent approach

1 year ago

oh no.
those liberals are ignoring the laws the ignored.

1 year ago

Obummer is pulling Joe’s strings. Joe has not the mind to run the office.

Susan Stock
Susan Stock
1 year ago

Biden is destroying the rule of law and/or respect with socialist tactics.

1 year ago

The founding fathers might seem old fashioned to some, but their wisdom is timeless. They were much better educated than most people today (with notable exceptions). They knew what they were doing.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Isn’t it typical how Democrats always go after the “black guy”? Thomas doesn’t tote their proverbial “bale” so the Democrat “field boss” must crack that whip….

1 year ago

If the Supreme Court cared they would do something about it. Am I flawed in this thought?

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
1 year ago

So these now need to go back to the courts taking time and our Tax Dollars. In the meantime unfair admission policies and unconstitutional spending of our tax dollars for loan forgiveness will continue. There needs to be consequences for these blatant misuse of our court systems. The courts should be there to deliver justice to criminals not as a tool to try and circumvent our laws.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

If he doesn’t get his way with the current courts he does what he wants, anyway.

1 year ago

This administration in one word: work around….. or lawless, but that may get guys in Raybans and guns visiting you early in the mornings

1 year ago

This is a simple comparison: If my children didn’t like the “rules” my husband and I set down for them and they concocted another way to do what they were warned not to do, they would have faced some form of punishment. But this administration’s actions would have given them the green light to do that work-around and made me appear as the Bad Guy. Rules serve a purpose and are generally for the benefit of those on whom they are imposed. If this attitude towards those who interpret our laws is any indication of the nouveau parenting style, it is no wonder we see problems – beginning with Hunter’s creative dealings through minor BLM peaceful protests and … I need not point out more.

1 year ago

Then you arrest them and put them in jail. It’s that simple.

1 year ago

A Constitutional crisis is in full view of Congressional members and the socialist in Congress are giddy that they can do this with Impunity! This is not acceptable, period! When Congress comes back from recess, they better make this a point of Oder to address this blatant behavior on the part of this corrupt Administration! Articles like this make my blood boil! ???? Did we as Country, not fight a World War to end such tyranny ?? Were the sacrifices of millions of Americans in this war in vain??
I myself fought in Vietnam and was wounded while in that theater. I love America and proudly served her, when so many did not answer the call!
Our freedoms as Americans are at stake and every Patriotic American better start screaming to their Congressional leaders to demand accountability from the corrupt Biden Administration!

1 year ago

We all know Joe Biden is not the president running the country.

Mary Dickens
Mary Dickens
1 year ago

Biden is for the One World Government that wants to get rid of what makes America great! Which is our God Given rights

1 year ago

We are very close. Very close!

1 year ago

The Biden group is trying to do what Senator Schumer announced: “change America.”
There seems to be no limit to the stupid destruction. I hope the contrast between what America was and can become is so stark, that voters will wake up who might have let it go on and on.
The announcement that BlackRock will no longer force environmental investment is the canary in the coal mine.

1 year ago

The department of education in Washington needs to be abolished and Parents should control THEIR Children’s education at the local level!!
The federal government needs to be massively reduced in size. One third of federal employees can be cut without any affect on services.
The IRS should be shuttered as well with a simple flat tax.
To large a federal government is a major problem that must be addressed.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

The man is an embarassment. He needs to be impeached!

1 year ago

As far as I’m concerned, it is past time for Joe Biden to be impeached and charged with treason. He deserves a long term in a small jail cell.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden has already ruined our country. The Democrats are helping any way they can. They only want a one party country and the commies will take over.

Keep on Trumpin
Keep on Trumpin
1 year ago

How much more of this Treasonous Bulls**t are we willing to tolerate before impeachment and removal?

1 year ago

Our Founding Fathers were on top of this & made the DOJ the third branch of Government so that POTUS could not rule over them. Someone needs to explain this to Biden & as I recall Trump bashed SCOTUS decisions also during his term. It has worked for 200-years , so leave Supreme Court to follow the Constitution as they were founded to do & I assume that all Justices are supposed to be neutral in their decisions & not controlled by any political party.

1 year ago

Tell your Senators and Congressmen to Impeach Joe Biden Now. They need to hear this over and over from their constituents. Some of them say that the American people are not ready for Biden to be Impeached because they have not heard this from their voting base.

1 year ago

When our president is the criminal-in-chief, you can only expect all other departments to do the same, right down to the university level where they’ll push blacks through to then join all the rest of the criminals in government.
Blacks are only about 12.6% of our American population, so no college or university should admit more than that into their student body. EVEN THEY ARE A “BLACK COLLEGE”. When the skids are put upon them they will stop their whining about their supposed victimhood. If colleges or universities cannot fill that 12.6%, it is because either blacks do not want to attan a higher education, or their scholastic achievements are not high enough to gain them entrance, AND THAT SHOULD BE THE END OF IT !
Considering the rate that black youth are killing each other I’d say that their education is the least of our worries. If education won’t stop them from killing each other, then you must find another way to get them to stop, with prison or jail not being the answer when they could care less if they are apprehended. Apparently, bullets are the only thing Blacks respect.
If you think education of any sort will stop their aggressions and killings then you are delusional. If they don’t respect incarceration maybe they’ll respect DEATH !

Jay H.
Jay H.
1 year ago

In regards to the illegal student loan pay off vote grab, the demoncraps had control of both houses, so if it was of vital importance to pay off student loans, then WHY DIDN”T the demoncraps in congress pass a law to wipe out the loans??? Why can’t someone ask the idiot meat puppet buydung why this wasn’t done!!!!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

well the democrat dictator doesn’t like it when he gets told he is being illegal like that supreme court had told him 68 times now.

Tim p
Tim p
1 year ago

We’re one bullet away from Justice folks.

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