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Biden Continues Assault on American History, Cancels Trump’s “National Garden of American Heroes”

Posted on Tuesday, May 25, 2021
by AMAC Newsline
Biden speaking at podium

Joe Biden’s blind crusade to undo and destroy every part of President Trump’s legacy seemingly knows no bounds. Last week, Biden set his sights on Trump’s National Garden of American Heroes, a planned sculpture park honoring our country’s greatest historical figures, which was announced last year. Biden’s decision to cancel the Garden is the latest salvo in an escalating culture war that has seen the Biden administration fully submit to far-left liberal ideologues who want to radically remake the country’s identity.

President Trump first announced the National Garden of American Heroes during his landmark speech at Mount Rushmore on July 3, 2020, in response to what he called “a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children.” As AMAC has reported, activist groups like Black Lives Matter along with the intellectual left, exemplified by the New York Times’ 1619 Project, are actively seeking to reframe American history as a story of racism and oppression rather than hope and progress. As the President noted in his speech, this dangerous and divisive ideology is infecting everything from corporate board rooms to elementary school classrooms. At the time Trump gave his Mount Rushmore address, the country was experiencing a wave of attacks on statues and monuments of historical figures like George Washington, Christopher Columbus, and Abraham Lincoln.

At the conclusion of his remarks, he revealed that he had just signed an executive order to create the new national monument. The Order stated that “on [the Garden’s] grounds, the devastation and discord of the moment will be overcome with abiding love of country and lasting patriotism. This is the American way. When the forces of anti-Americanism have sought to burn, tear down, and destroy, patriots have built, rebuilt, and lifted up. That is our history.”

The park would have boasted hundreds of statues, ranging from founding fathers like George Washington and Samuel Adams to warriors for justice like Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King, Jr., to sports icons like Cy Young and Kobe Bryant. Shortly before leaving office, President Trump issued another Executive Order that included nearly 250 additional names for inclusion in the Garden and further paved the way to begin work on the project. The Department of the Interior was well underway in making preparations to begin construction and had narrowed the location down to a few finalists. All in all, it appears that the initiative was nearly fully baked as Trump departed the White House and only needed the green light from the new Secretary of Interior.

Instead, Biden unceremoniously dropped his own Executive Order canceling the project late on a Friday afternoon earlier this month—presumably hoping to avoid much media coverage heading into the weekend. The Biden administration likely understands that its radical interpretation of American history is out of step with most Americans – Democrats and Republicans alike – who love their country. There was no attempt at an explanation from the White House as to why Biden opposed the patriotic, pro-American project designed to honor our country’s heroes.

The grim irony of Biden’s move to revoke Trump’s Executive Order was not lost on conservatives, who pointed out that the cancellation of the Garden of Heroes is effectively confirmation of Trump’s claims about Democrats’ attempts to “dismantle our country’s history, institutions, and very identity.”

The Garden was slated to include monuments to Americans from all races, religions, and creeds, reflecting the great diversity of America that Democrats constantly claim to revere. Yet the Biden administration canceled the project anyway. In doing so, Biden has now employed the full power of the federal government in service of liberal cancel culture, bending the knee to the left-wing activists that now control the Democratic Party.

While the corporate media largely ignored Biden’s latest attempt to erase or cancel American history, some conservatives took to social media to express their outrage. In a tweet, freshman Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) called the decision “incredibly discouraging,” going on to say that “our exceptional history and heroes should be celebrated, not denigrated.” Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (R-CO) was more direct, tweeting that “Biden canceled the National Garden of American Heroes because he hates America, hates our history and is ok with the cancel culture tearing down America’s statues.”

Since taking office, Biden has gone about rescinding nearly all of President Trump’s Executive Orders to promote patriotism and the teaching of American history, replacing them with policies that instead support a “woke” version of history that views America as inherently racist and sexist. The same day Biden killed Trump’s orders creating the Garden, Biden also rescinded a Trump executive order that directed the Department of Justice to prioritize prosecuting people who desecrated federal monuments, which Trump signed in response to widespread riots last summer.

While the National Garden of American Heroes may be just the latest casualty in the left’s war on American history, it could prove to be a rallying point for conservatives and all Americans tired of seeing their founders and greatest icons torn down, both literally and figuratively.

There could still be an opportunity for the project to be built, however. If enterprising Republicans in the House and Senate insist on including it as part of future legislation, it is hard to imagine Congressional Democrats would die on the hill of stopping a statuary garden—and equally unlikely that Biden would veto legislation for that reason alone. Perhaps patriotic Americans across the nation will come together and let their members of Congress know they want to see the National Garden of American Heroes built before the goal originally envisioned, the 250th anniversary of American independence in 2026.  

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3 years ago

Seems like a really important thing to be spending money on right now. REBUILD OUR ROADS!

Pumpkin 743
Pumpkin 743
3 years ago

It’s real clear Joe o’biden hates the America we grew up in and wants to destroy president Trumps patriotic and religious achievements.
Funny he has become rich on the very country he is trying to destroy

3 years ago

Does anyone else here recognise Trump was the troll-in-chief? He’s been pretty democratic for most of his life, occasionally saying he’d make a good Republican candidate, yet still voting democrat.

He’s a gifted self publicist, and realised he could far most easily manipulate the masses of idiots who became his base, rather than convince the general population he had what it takes to be POTUS.

He’s a lithesome man, and as much as he did for the conservative movement we need to move past him and choose a leader with at least an ounce of integrity.

3 years ago

Virtually every socialist / communist regime in the past century has made it a priority to wipe away the history of the country before it came to power and instead substitute monuments honoring the regime and its leaders in its place. Anyone with a basic understanding of world history knows this to be the case. The view of such regimes is that their people should look only forward from the point in time that the regime came to power. Everything beforehand is worthless and subversive and must be wiped from the minds of its citizens. Statues, books, paintings anything depicting a time before the glorious socialist / communist revolution and its current leaders must be completely purged from existence. That is all the so-called Democrats are currently doing.

Biden is just doing what he is told to do and when he is replaced with Harris, she will do the same. Then when she is replaced with whomever the powers that be decide should be the next figurehead leader, the cycle will continue. Look at how the old Soviet Union, modern day China and other authoritarian regimes routinely replace statues, re-write or destroy books and replace images of past leaders when a new leader takes over. It is as if history is reset to begin anew from the moment of the new leader’s reign. That is all the left is doing here.

As for the notion that most Congressional Republicans, especially those in the Senate, will stand together and demand this project be revived, lets get real here for a moment. McConnell, McCarthy and most of the other RINOs in Congress don’t do much of anything without poll testing an issue to death for weeks or even months before issuing a half-hearted speech or two. Much less doing anything like a coordinated, ongoing fight to insert this project into virtually every piece of legislation the Democrats are drafting. Without President Trump constantly poking and prodding Congressional Republicans to do things, most of the career politicians on Capitol Hill are perfectly content to simply collect a check for doing very little.

Reagan had the same problem by the way. Most Republicans on Capitol Hill at the time were very content to simply “go along to get along” and not rock the boat. Only through constant pressure, via the bully pulpit, was Reagan able to push most Republicans in Congress to do the job they were originally sent to Washington to do on behalf of their constituents.

3 years ago

Unbelievable! There was no mention of this in the fake news. This is just another example of the steps the Biden administration will take to completely destroy anything and everything that our 45thPresident did that made America great.

3 years ago

Why can’t we impeach this socialist, anti-American so-called President? Destroying and/or canceling our history (as difficult as it is to accept parts of it) can never erase what happened… good or bad. If we do not learn from the past, surely we are destined to repeat it. To do all Biden is doing (or shall I say undoing) to reverse Trump’s policies, etc. just because he hates the man so much, is not only petty, egotistical and disgusting… it is wholly dishonoring to those the former President has helped or honored, including ALL Americans who love this country. Wake up “Woke America”… soon you will be next. And when you finally do wake up, you’ll most assuredly be crying, but no one will be listening.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

The steal could have been and should have been stopped in real time. It is a shame that it was not, and this is where we are.

3 years ago

Biden the Marxist commie little twat.

3 years ago

build the garden and honor our true heroes, not the common criminals of the street

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

There’s a perfect explanation for all that the left is doing ——— THEY HAVE LOST THIER MINDS———– They have a profound hatred of America and will do anything that brings America to its Knee’s, without America the world will go into darkness, with Biden Satin has control of our Government .
Daily the left gives us the middle Finger and we set by and do nothing but give lip service !

The Rebel
The Rebel
3 years ago

Jobama is sitting in the WH raping the American taxpayer out of $400K+ per year. The undocumented racist muslim b@$t@rd and his socialist minions are calling the shots. WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!!!

3 years ago

Joe Biden is continuing to proof he is a Human Piece of Crap! What kind of clown destroys good things just because he is a mean son of a bit..? He is what he is!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

I say Revive under Pvt sector project

3 years ago

“History REPEATS Itself” … Jackass Joe IS the NEW STALIN only Americanized!!! … Prepare Citizens, the time to bear arms is close upon us!

3 years ago

biteme biden and the useless anti American democrat party are scum!

ALL these traitors need to be removed!
How could ANYONE support losers like these??

Barbara Ervin
Barbara Ervin
3 years ago

The Biden administration is a disgrace. They are Trump haters and will continue wasting their time and our money in their desire to obliterate President Trump. President Trump cannot be obliterated and neither can our country’s history!!! We should be looking toward to the future rather than dwelling in the past!

3 years ago

Clown show joe and the failed democrat party, bye bye , America wants you REMOVED!

3 years ago

I am sick of Obiden and whoever is pulling the strings. History will show what Trump did for America.

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Mr. potato head could screw up a soup sandwich, he has gone all in with the communist left.

3 years ago

This is not what Biden was elected for. Shame on former DOJ William Barr for the executive orders he did for Biden while working under President Trump. Biden and the Democrats must have had some bad stuff on Barr for him to be such a traitor.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

The premise of the ‘Democratic/Communist Campaign’; was to quietly sit by, and watch the destruction of President Washington’s statue in Oregon; and elsewhere. By not denouncing the destruction of ‘Our Founding Father’s Statues’; the ‘Democrats/Communists’ are culpable for this abominable activity. One would think, that once the ‘New Administration’ occupied the White House; they could stop this malarkey. However, they continue on the same ‘Communistic Vein’. Why? Maybe, it is because; the activists were a ‘ticket’ to the White House?

3 years ago

First thing Trump 47 should do on January 21st, 2025 is sit at the Resolute desk with stacks of executive orders, each one rescinding what the current has done, and putting back in place the ones he did.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

I think that Joe O’Biden can’t spell “American Heroes”, so the easiest thing to do was just cancel the project. Perhaps he thinks that Alfred P. Newman was not on the list of heroes. But thinking is not his strong suit. He has others decision everything he does, so a worthwhile Trump project or idea is not in-line with the Marxist Democrat thinking. They want to give Mr. Trump absolutely no credit for anything that helps the American people succeed socially, militarily, economically, or historically. The Marxist Democrats are hell-bent on dividing this country, and they use the Marxist media to help them publicize their goals.

3 years ago

Biden, Enough, you are destroying the USA. We also shouldn’t have to pay with taxpayers money for lawyers, to help illegals to become citizens. You have been a disappointment.

3 years ago

This so called President of ours is a disaster! Everyday this country goes deeper and deeper down into disaster. He needs to be impeached along with the Vice President. They are both do nothing good for the people of the country they should be serving. What a waste they are!

frank michael Gerger
frank michael Gerger
3 years ago

I would like to make a toast to worse president that this country has ever had–Jimmy Carter should be proud that now he’s in second place.

3 years ago

Of course this COMMUNIST “president” cancels this . He wants communist russian & chinese & n. korea hero statues instead ! And throw in Iranian / muslim terrorist ones to make obama happy !

3 years ago

He’s replacing it with Antifa and BLM activist statues, ZIG HIAL!

Julie b
Julie b
3 years ago

THATS IT! THATS IT!! Where do I sign up to help get this guy (in the White House he’s not my President!) He needs to be impeached along with everyone who is in Congress and the Senate. If this guy can’t even honor American hero’s, which are probably any party that fought the wars for our country, then why the heck are all of these socialist people running my Country, HOME OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!!

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

Diabolical sickness consuming him along with his handlers.

3 years ago

Biden is definitely a communist.

All days are saturdays
All days are saturdays
3 years ago

The Dems want to obliterate anything Trump. They are scared to death of him and the patriotism he promotes. How can a group of people be so blind??? ????

3 years ago

How can this vile disgusting anti American be allowed in our White House hes a fraudulent unelected president everyone knows it! He is literally getting away with murder while destroying our country this guy is insane and has to be stopped!

3 years ago

When, oh when are the American people going to take a stand against the commies who are destroying our country? Can you say revolution? I say WHEN!!!??

3 years ago

Yet whats worse is all these morons helping Totalitarian obiden will pay a severe price too they will be forced to sacrifice everything like the rest of us china is entering our front door with those disgusting democrats welcoming them with open arms…burn in Hell with your leader satan!

With hope
With hope
3 years ago

“Walter” (Dunham’s puppet look-alike) will destroy anything that even has a hint of Trump. This is the most ludicrously inept, ignorant and destructive administration I remember in my lifetime. How can we even call him a citizen when everything he does is against what America is and stands for? Too bad we can’t strip him of citizenship. 2022 and 2024 can not come soon enough with the hope of a better governing and functioning White House. Pray everyone, pray a lot, that we will return to better times of an America as it should be.

3 years ago

This idiot for lack of a better word named Biden is a complete slime ball/Hope he gets everything that he deserves in the worst sense and KARMA has already embedded his useless brain with dimentia..Hope all the dummies who voted for this moron get their gut full of this loser// Go Republicans in 2022 and begin the garbage dump of liberal loonies//

Lee Belanger
Lee Belanger
3 years ago

Biden and Harris are out to destroy this country, they do not deserve to be here. The Dems elected a couple of real Beauties this time.

3 years ago

I wonder if the MSM reported this? I’m sorry, I had a senior moment, to think that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the NEW YORK TIMES, Washington Post, or any other “news media” would report what this traitor in the White House feels about our country’s history. God help us!. ,

3 years ago

This National Garden should be built at a time when the United States has money to pay for it & not borrow more debt money. Plus, if a good investigation is done, then I would think this could be tied in with one of your existing visitor site.

3 years ago

Bitme should be classed as public enemy number one.

3 years ago

Biden,harris and every useless democrat are indeed enemies of Our Republic.
Look at their actions not the BS in the media.
Collectively they are ALL traitors to America and must be removed!

Jane A Sindelar
Jane A Sindelar
3 years ago

Just another item on the list to wipe out this nations history!!! It is like Republicans and the White man never existed to the left!!! How shameful!!

3 years ago

Just another slap in the face to the heroes that framed this nation. Biden is a puppet for the Chinese Communist Party and for the left. What a disgrace!! I can only pray that the Republicans wake up!!!

3 years ago

Biden is proving to everyone what an insipid un-American horses ass he really is . Nobody has ever been ,nor will be , the idiotic mindless , feckless pretender this common half-wit truly is . Never has this country been forced to endure such lowbrow stupidity. Everyday he occupies the office he sullies both the office and the country like a pig does his pigsty . This stink will never be washed away , our enemies are watching us destroy ourselves and gleefully so , to the real patriots shame .

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Is it possible to cancel out the Biden administration?

3 years ago

Biden will certainly destroy the United States of America as we know it. President Biden is a silly foolish man and should be at home getting medical help. God help us.

3 years ago

Obiden is a racist anti American hater!

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

This is terrible news from Biden’s Administration. President Trump may have been ‘Tweet-Happy’ but, he was always looking out for America.

3 years ago

Anti American traitors biden,harris and the democrat party have an agenda, and it’s past time for Citizens and Patriots to purge this hatred for Our Country.
This type of regime is exactly what America has stood against ,Patriots and veterans died for, since Our Country began.
Once again, and from within, the assault on Freedom is here.
Look at history where Marxist, communist, socialist,greedy,power hungry leaders sought to rewrite history, remove religion , poison minds with propaganda and control peoples lives??
All failures, all destructive, all lies, all intended to end freedom of any kind.
This group who cheated their way to power is exactly intent on destroying America, freedom and anyone who stands against them.
Every American at every level must speak and stand against this takeover.
I say HELL NO, not Our Country,not ever.
We the people must fight and reject them at every level, hold EVERY member of Congress Accountable, they work for US.
Watch every bill, how they vote,and make them explain every action.
MOST will ignore or not answer ,just follow the party propaganda.
These ones must go away!

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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