A political demagogue – typically not bright – divides people by pushing the “prejudice” and “desire” buttons, advancing his divisive agenda by undermining or twisting established facts, logic, and institutions. This week Joe Biden, transparently deflecting, proved he is that guy.
Four examples of “Biden-the-Anti-Court Demagogue” jump off the page.
First, when the Supreme Court predictably ruled that a president is not allowed to initiate wild spending on his own – half a billion dollars in student loan forgiveness – without congressional action, pursuant to Article 1, Section 7 Clause 1 of the Constitution, Biden balked.
More than balked, he hammered the Supreme Courts’ majority for a non-controversial, textual reading and application of the law to facts. A man who barely got through law school, has not practiced in 60 years, and seems deft at violating federal law, declared to student borrowers the Court “got it wrong,” adding “this fight is not over.”
Like some federal sugar daddy, he declared he would find a way to give them all money – and then blamed Republicans, who have long argued constitutional language matters, for abiding the law.
Let’s get real. Tens of thousands of students, like my younger self, financed college and graduate school with loans. We borrowed, typically at a lower interest rate, to invest in ourselves, no expectation of being relieved of the obligation to repay what we borrowed. We knowingly assumed responsibility for debt.
Never mind this seminal fact. Biden-the-demagogue sees a chance to grab millions of votes in 2024, by promising he will battle “hypocritical” Republicans who subscribe to legal responsibility, loan repayment, and the Supreme Court. Accordingly, as if the High Court’s ruling matters little, he restarted his effort.
Second, earlier in the week, Biden addressed another anticipated High Court decision, one ending affirmative action, overt use of racial preferences to favor one race over another in college admissions.
Notably, the idea of racial quotas was knocked out decades ago, and persistence of racial bias in admissions through affirmative action, admissions not on merit but favoring one race over another, was always viewed as temporary, even by affirmative action’s founders.
Martin Luther King himself imagined a day when his progeny would no longer be treated differently from others based on skin color, but fairly measured on merit, or the “content of their character.”
Never mind, Biden ripped the High Court again, stirring prejudice and indulging racial-based desires for special treatment, this time seeking to curry favor with black voters against a “not … normal” court, presumably because the High Court applied the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause to education.
With textbook demagoguery, he slammed the High Court’s majority – which includes a brilliant black jurist – for their textual reading and overdue application of the 14th Amendment to racial preferences.
Ironically, universities directed to no longer discriminate against Asians and whites once used the same racial preferences or affirmative action to boost Protestants against Jews and Catholics, but never mind. Biden was all about trashing the Supreme Court for political advantage, and did so without hesitation.
Third, as if on cue, Biden then pushed the so-called Equality Act – one that would punish Christians for not complying with interests in the commercial and artistic space they oppose on religious grounds, specifically advancing sexual behaviors with which they disagree.
The High Court ruled owners of an artistic business cannot be compelled, against conscience or First Amendment “free exercise” rights, to advance what they oppose. Rather than assenting to middle ground, Biden bashed the Court.
So, after pandering to indebted students and minority populations interested in continuing preferential treatment on race (by definition, a zero sum game in college admissions), Biden then pandered to those who fall into sexual minorities, pitting them against those who, for religious reasons, disagree.
Finally, as if to underscore the surrealism of this divided moment in American history, the Biden administration had urged – in what seems an increasingly anti-religious era – that the Supreme Court offer only a limited review and minimal protection to employees whose religious convictions (i.e. not working on Sundays for Christians, or on religious holidays for all religions) conflicted with work.
The High Court took a different view, and unanimously protected a postal employee who was being required to work on Sundays, despite offering other accommodations. In effect, the First Amendment and Constitution trumped the non-religious or anti-religious interests of the government. Again, Biden lost – and on this one, just stayed silent. Notably, no defense of the employee’s rights got made.
Net-net, what does all this tell us – at a time when the Biden White House, political party, man and family are under intense scrutiny for anti-lawful acts, possibly federal bribery and RICO violations?
In short: Biden-the-demagogue knowingly panders, plays to “prejudices” and “desires” of his political base, shamelessly mischaracterizing and undermining the Court, and judicial review.
Good news? All this does not matter. The rulings are sound, thoughtful, enduring. Americans are increasingly sick of hearing Biden-the-demagogue. And soon enough, Mr. Biden may have other fish to fry…managing his own entanglements with the law, as demagogues often must.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
… to water down and dilute their transgressions, the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens corrupted the executive branch, most of our judiciary, half our legislature, the whole of America’s defense-intelligence agencies, our internal revenue service, the CDC, federal law enforcement, public education, and our mainstream media. Not one aspect of America’s federal government functions properly –
It’s nice to know after all these years of fighting the “ratio” system that, a white male will have the same opportunities of getting in college, getting a job, and getting promoted as everyone else. For years we have selected, promoted and placed applicates who “meet” requirements over the best qualified due to the ratio system. Regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, gender or religion we need to be selecting the best qualified person, pay our debts and stop the violence in our neighborhoods. It’s time to make America great again.
the entire biden family needs to be in prison with all of their assets confiscated.
Let’s get realistic. There is an ongoing coup to destroy our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law, our Sovereignty, and our Freedoms. This will be replaced with the “New World Order” whereby each of us will become slaves to the elite. As Patriots the following is our duty:
The Supreme Court (no matter how it is configured), is established by the Constitution of the United States in several separate Articles and Sections, the main one being Article 3. Therefore this (so called) President isn’t just an “Anti-Supreme Court Demagogue”: he, simply, is an Anti-Constitution Demagogue; along with all those who prop him up and carry out his dictates.
I suspect that Biden and the DEMOCRATs keep coming up with controversial inititives as a way of diverting attention away from his decades of influence pedling . Biden and the DEMOCRATs dropped the “trans” bomb on us . They droped the impeachment bombs on us . They dropped the Russia Rujssia Russia hoaxes on us . They INVENT new anti social groups as they go . So, as the Congress gets closer and closer to his apparent influence pedling , he and the DEMOCRATs will just continue INVENTING with one outrage after another . .
I’m tired of watching Biden trying to buy votes with our tax dollars on one side and the other he is influence peddling!!! It’s unacceptable!!! No accountability!!!
You have a gift of writing, Mr. Charles. Thank you for putting into words what so many of us know, but are perhaps unable to express as well as you do. Thank you and Happy, blessed Independence Day.
The Democrats are positivists. When the GOP figures out that is a fact, it will be better able to combat them. Positivists do not believe in ANY supreme power, which explains why they can freely ignore the Constitution and “Catholic” Democrats can promote abortion.
Biden is nothing more than an intestine expelling what it is fed. People like to blame this on dementia but he’s always been a tube thru which left wing ideas freely pass.
For JB to operate the way he wants to, he cannot have any checks and balances, you know, like the Constitution requires.
Joe Biden is obviously not in control of the presidency or his puppet administration. It is Progressives who are in control, highly influenced by Socialist billionaires and Communist Chinese who have invested heavily in Biden and his family. We must reduce the size of government by getting government out of our social lives and businesses.
It looks like the Supreme Court made right, reasonable, realistic decisions on the issues listed in the article. It is good to know that there are some people in Washington District of Columbia who are thinking right. It brings hope to those of us who believe in what the United States of America stands for and appreciate the need for good sense and ethics functioning at that level . Good article, Robert.
All this is very true of Biden, but the fact is that he’s not in control.
Why ALWAYS explains EVERYTHING when it comes to liberals.
The liberal reaction to an unfavorable ruing by the Court will always be the same. Since liberals always think they are right, anyone who disagrees with them is always going to be wrong. Liberals are undisciplined spoiled rotten children who think they should always always get their way.
Simple! Just Lyin’ Biden & Dems STEALING Taxpayer Dollars TO BUY VOTES! Corruption on steroids!
AMAC continues to speak through thoughtful writers who provide wisdom to a culture and an Administration characterized by foolish and perverse policies that violate the Constitution and human rights.
Demagogue fits Mr. Biden like a glove-thanks
Folks who vote for democrats should think long and hard at the next election. Right now the only firewall between US citizens freedoms and a totalitarian government (if you don’t know what that is then look it up) is the supreme court. When the democarts take over the supreme court then the democrats will have comnplete control over the country. There will be no other view points allowed. Period. The democrat in the white house will sign whatever he wishes into law. One man will decide everything that he thinks is best for the whole country. The people will have no voice to oppose him.
It is incredible to me that anyone would see the need or reason to try to explain the actions of the criminal, unethical, immoral antics of the leftists and certainly inexplicable how anyone could support them.
It’s sickening to hear people that didn’t get their way throw verbal tantrums like toddlers.
The short and long of it, the marxist democrat party and joebama ARE losers!
These anti America, anti citizen, anti Religion, anti freedom scum marxists need to go!
Throw them out and save Our Country!
If Senile Joe feels so bad about these “students,” how about passing out some of his millions in graft to them instead of hogging it all himself?
I still don’t comprehend why I had to pay my student loans and why anyone would think I would need to pay theirs too. Biden is way out of line there.
Helllo world:
This is the first time I have read the article and the first time i have read any comments to the fine article. Why am I not being allowed to vote? Carol
ALL for Control
I highly recommend ‘Biblical Citizenship in Modern America’, by Rick Green. This is an outstanding 8 week series. It is put out by Patriot Academy. Very educational and eye opening. Check it out!
That darn constitution of our Republic just keeps getting in the way of the socialists. Now we need to bring back election integrity so they cannot keep stuffing ballot boxes!
Asside from galloping senility, you have to admit Joey learned extremely well from his last boss. He knows it is better to govern by fiat and let yourself be taken to court than to obey the law in the first place. That way you at least stand a chance of winning some of the time. What scares me is when someone tells him how to pack the court with liberals. We’ve got several in there now who lied taking their oath of office when they swore to defend the constitution.
I LOVE Mr. Charles comments b/c he nails my beliefs thoroughly! The Damocrats are determined to send the USA right down the tubes and if we, the People, don’t stand up and fight we will be socialists soon.
May God continue to bless this country as He has done throughout our existence. Please PRAY for our country and that our politicians will turn from their wickedness.
Get out and VOTE when you have the opportunity to do so!
Biden uses old tried and true tactics: “Communism has something to sell to everybody. And, following this principle, it is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.” —J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit, The story of communism in America and how to fight it,1958
Biden,will you please just drop dead. Kyle L.
Great article……but one very important correction that must be made. The author states that the loan forgiveness that Biden was seeking was half a billion dollars. The actual amount that he was trying to forgive was half a trillion dollars ($500 billion!)
…and people keep voting for them. Pathetic.
At this stage he is nothing but a dead man, walking and talking…
Eventually he will meet with his Maker, briefly; before moving on to purgatory.
This may be correct. But what King said was beautiful and good and far more important than we are inches away from fundamentally changing our country. I never wanted that change nor did most Americans vote for that fundamental change.
Obama is worse than a worthless man and he and his cronies are the puppeteers for all Biden noise and action.
Truth will always win out. Their judgement day will come.
The progressive left wing liberals have always loved the court judges as long as it ruled in their favor and advanced their perverted ideology! Other wise they hate and destroy them.
“Martin Luther King himself imagined a day when his progeny would no longer be treated differently from others based on skin color, but fairly measured on merit, or the ‘content of their character.’” How many hundreds of millions of Americans has King deceived with his demagoguery and hypocrisy? Never did he practice judging people by character. Never did he judge each individual Southerner by his character. He just lumped them together as vile, evil, despicable, degraded degenerates. Never once did he make any effort to discover my parents’, grandparents’, aunts’, and uncles’ individual character. He just lumped them in with all other Southerners. Thus, he judged by ethnicity and not by character.
He should thank them for giving him something to bitch about on the campaign trail! God knows he can’t get votes on his ACCOMPLISHMENTS…
The SUPREME Court is the final decider. The major problem is that in this era at least the more times something is said the more it is accepted as truth. Biden often makes a statement and repeats it. Soon he may be saying the same thing 3 times. I hope that many people are so tired of what he says that they can’t even pay attention.
“Martin Luther King himself imagined a day when his progeny would no longer be treated differently from others based on skin color, but fairly measured on merit, or the ‘content of their character.’” This claim is one of history’s biggest hoaxes and lies. King favored all sorts of privileges for Blacks. He wanted quotas that favored Blacks and discriminated against Whites. He preferred Blacks being given advantages because of their race instead of merit. Whites should support Blacks via the welfare state and the War on Poverty. In short, King wanted to replace White supremacy with Black supremacy.
Never did King practice what he preached. Never did he judge each individual Southerner by the content of his character. He just lumped them together as vile, evil, despicable, degraded degenerates. Never once did he make any effort to discover my parents’, grandparents’, aunts’, and uncles’ individual character. He just lumped them in with all other Southerners. Thus, he judged by ethnicity and not by character.
More of the Biden “unity” and “support for law and order”.
lets go brandon
Lets go Brandon.
The studen loan cancellation scheme was a “win-win” for Biden . If he succeeded , he would have bought the kids’ votes . But since the scheme was found to be un-constitutional , Biden can say to the children . “See kids , I tried . But it was those bad Republicans who stopped me” and win their votes anyway .just for trying . The kids have no idea that they were ‘played’ ..
It would help immensely if you understood the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. You constantly quote from them confusing the two. How DID you ever make it through law school anyway?
If you’re going to function as a surrogate for someone, you might pick an individual whose IQ is measured in something other than decimals. Loser….
Demagogue describes Trump to a tee.